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Last book coming up and lot of ends to tie up!


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  Ok I have to put this out if it hasnt been touched on yet.  The next book is said to be the last in WoT series. Now their is a lot of loose ends too tie up in one book with out getting into the last battle here is a just a few:


  -Rand has too unify all the people

  -Mat needs too rescue Moiraine, plus obligation as prince.

  -The tower needs to be whole..(does Mat play a part I wounder.)

  -Elayne still needs too get the sun throne, and birth of her kids. Oh and doing some wedding with rand I would think.


Plus the little things like Rand finally catching on too who is mother is. If im right that means meeting his half brother Galad. What part this right hand of the Dark One (the special myrddraal cant remeber name off top of head) will play sense he uses the "true" power.


Well thats my thoughts, pluse the rest of the forsaken and such. I would expect two books to finish it all off, unless this last one will be massive. As in close too 2000 pages at least. Let me know what you all think!


Didnt RJ say this would be the last book even if we had to  cart it off in a wheelbarrow  im thinking he was serious !  now where to  put a book that big in my house Lol

  -Rand has too unify all the people


I doubt Rand will truly unify all the people ... at best he will get a loose kind of cooperation that will last exactly two seconds after the end of Tarmon Gaidon ...


-Mat needs too rescue Moiraine, plus obligation as prince


The rescue of Moiraine will certainly be part of AMoL, but I doubt it will get into Mat's obligations, at length.  Most of that, as well, will be in a post-Tarmon Gaidon context.


Plus the little things like Rand finally catching on too who is mother is.


Um ... Rand knows exactly who his mother is ...


I guess what I'm saying is, this can definitely be wrapped up in one book ... as much as it is going to be wrapped up.  RJ made it clear (and I've no doubt that Brandon will follow his wishes) that everything was not going to be tied up in a neat little Eddings-esque bow at the end.  There will be storylines that remain unresolved.  The major ones we can expect to be wrapped up, of course, but plenty of the side-lines should be left out there.


Just going on the things mentioned...


Rand has too unify all the people

He is getting pretty gosh darn close. His meeting with Tuon that will reel in the Seanchan should happen quite early in AMOL. After that he only has to meet the Borderlanders, and negotiate a cooperation with Egwene once she is done kicking Elaidas butt.


Mat needs too rescue Moiraine, plus obligation as prince.

The rescue should be one ofg the bigger threads in the pre-TG part of the book. But his eventual obligations as prince should mostly be something post-TG, so we will not see much of it.


The tower needs to be whole..(does Mat play a part I wounder.)

Egwene did quite the groundwork in KOD. Just toss in ther Seanchan attack, and it could roll out quite quickly.


Elayne still needs too get the sun throne, and birth of her kids. Oh and doing some wedding with rand I would think.


I don't think we will see any of this in AMOL, except possibly the two first in the epilogue. Not the last, because I refuse to believe Rand will survive.


Plus the little things like Rand finally catching on too who is mother is. If im right that means meeting his half brother Galad


He knows who his mother is, he knows Galad is his brother. None of that is important.


Brandon Sanderson seems convinced that, having read everything RJ left behind, he will be able to finish it neatly in one single book. A big one, but still only one.


Yea I can see what you guys are saying im esp when it comes to rand knowing who is mother is. He hasnt told anyone yet he is a prince of andor as far as im aware of. But as for him surviving Im thinking he will. We have lewis inside of him that seems too be a splitting from him in a weird way and (im guessing) an alternet reality version of him as well. The one guy that he keeps having visions of. 

  So with that my guess for final battle will be the right hand of the Dark One, guy who calls him self death in old tongue, and the Dark One as well. Against Lewis, person in visions, and Rand.


Yea I can see what you guys are saying im esp when it comes to rand knowing who is mother is. He hasnt told anyone yet he is a prince of andor as far as im aware of. But as for him surviving Im thinking he will. We have lewis inside of him that seems too be a splitting from him in a weird way and (im guessing) an alternet reality version of him as well. The one guy that he keeps having visions of. 

  So with that my guess for final battle will be the right hand of the Dark One, guy who calls him self death in old tongue, and the Dark One as well. Against Lewis, person in visions, and Rand.


The bloke in the visions is Moridin.


RJ had planned an outrigger novel dealing with Tuon and Mat Retaking the Seanchen homeland (based 10 years after TG). Thus Mat's obligations as Prince of the Raven were never meant to be dealt with in AMOL.


As its probably going to be 1500 to 2200 pages, it might take even a bit longer to read then 3 days. Say 50 pages an hour, thats a minimum 30 to 44 hours reading time.  Figure no more then 5 hours of reading at one sitting and two sittings a day thats a minimum of three to 5 days of reading. And thats assuming 50 pages an hour (which is my max) if you presume referring to previous pages (either in AMOL itself or the other books) during the reading, inability to read for 5 hours straight, or taking breaks to eat, go to the bathroom, sleep, work, go to school, etc. it will likely take longer.


RJ had planned an outrigger novel dealing with Tuon and Mat Retaking the Seanchen homeland (based 10 years after TG). Thus Mat's obligations as Prince of the Raven were never meant to be dealt with in AMOL.



That was one of the things I was most looking forward to. Mat and Tuon are my favorite couple and it's very disappointing to see an end to that story arc.


Brandon Sanderson has stated that RJ left a good amount of prep for the outriggers as well asn the prequils that have yet to be writen. He also said that depending on what AMOL dose when published he might write those as well based on what RJ left conserning them. At least thats the impression I got from the statments given in the interviews and press releases.







Could you quote that? I remember him talking about concidering it, but nothing about RJ having done any prep work for the outriggers. Indeed that directly contradicts RJ's own comment that it was only a hazy idea, and that he would see if it fleshed out at all.


Its part of the reason i would not abide Sanderson writing the outriggers. Based only on RJ's hazy idea, it becomes Sandersons piece, and thats plagarism irrespective of legal permission.


Could you quote that? I remember him talking about concidering it, but nothing about RJ having done any prep work for the outriggers. Indeed that directly contradicts RJ's own comment that it was only a hazy idea, and that he would see if it fleshed out at all.


Its part of the reason i would not abide Sanderson writing the outriggers. Based only on RJ's hazy idea, it becomes Sandersons piece, and thats plagarism irrespective of legal permission.



I have looked over all the articles I can find that have been posted and don't see him mentioning the outriggers and the prequil in them, and I can't find his blog to see if the quote came from there. But I'm sure I saw him say something to the effect of what I posted. If I am wrong I'll admit it if proven so if someone else can find the quote and post it that would be great. But from the satement that I remember he at least intimated there was some kind of outline or at least a rough plot though I can't remember his exact words.









Quote from Brandon Sanderson Website:


Okay, let's see if this phone will let me post here. I'm in the airport having just spent two days at Harriet's house. She, and mr. Jordan's staff, are awesome. It was wonderful. I will yet to do a longer description on my blog.


Two questions to answer. First, will I do more WoT books?  I don't know, honestly. On one hand, I would hate to see writings of me Jordan go unfinished, and I now know what the prequels and outriggers would have contained.


On the other hand, I don't think any of us want to simply exploit the master's legacy.  We don't need dozens of books being released in Mr. Jordan's name.


Let's see where we are in two years. There are too many factors involved to give a good guess now. It will depend on the state of the notes, the fan reception to book 12, and how Harriet feels.


As for the contract, I can't say much. Nda again. Know that my contract was with the Jordan estate, and that they were very generous. I do have a stake in seeing the book do well. It is very similar to a regular contract.



So there seems to be some notes, enough for BS to at least contemplate the possibility of "finishing" the books. The extent of the notes is however, unclear.


Yeah thats the one i remember too. I dunno, I never took that to mean there were any form of details, though now i look at it once more i can see that it could mean that.


It just does seem at odds with what RJ himself spoke of.


And BS comments where in reply to my querry as to the possibility of books after AMOL. God, when I first saw BS's reply I felt like the high school student who got a scoop that the New York Times should have gotte. ;D ;D ;D


BS's quote is a bit ironic.


Jordan wrote several Conan novels. I don't think Jordan would have a problem with competent authors fleshing out his own world. If Jordan did, would it not be a bit hypocritical of him? After he himself made several novels based on Howard's world of Conan?



Personally, if BS does a good job on AMOL, I would hope the series would continue to complete all of Jordan's plans for the series.


TwoRivers Born.




Yeah thats the one i remember too. I dunno, I never took that to mean there were any form of details, though now i look at it once more i can see that it could mean that.


It just does seem at odds with what RJ himself spoke of.


I think the relevant part of the quote is this: "and I now know what the prequels and outriggers would have contained."


This seems to imply that there's at least something he knows more about the prequels/outriggers than what we know, that he presumably read in the notes.


yeah, I do get that, yet it seems at odds with what RJ himself said. And to be fair that comment could cover BS learning  that RJ intended the outriggers to cover 'Mat and Tuon recovering Seanchan', and nothing more.


Frankly i think that he shouldn't move past aMoL. Its not his story, and he doesn't have the depth of knowledge to continue those stories.




And to be fair that comment could cover BS learning  that RJ intended the outriggers to cover 'Mat and Tuon recovering Seanchan', and nothing more.


Except that that fact was already generally known. It seems to me that BS was made aware that notes concerning the prequals and outriggers existed but that since they do not directly relate to AMOL there was no reason for him (at this time) to inquire as to their extent.


Except that that fact was already generally known. It seems to me that BS was made aware that notes concerning the prequals and outriggers existed but that since they do not directly relate to AMOL there was no reason for him (at this time) to inquire as to their extent.


Luckers might have a point.  Sanderson could have just found out what little information we have about the possible outriggers/prequels, or something as minor as a one sentence description of them.  Remember, I think he said in an interview that he didn't know for sure if Moiraine was alive or dead, which implies he hadn't read Knife of Dreams yet.


I did infer from his statements that there are some notes that at least sketch out the prequels and outriggers, but, really...we just don't know :p


Wild speculation from my part here: Did RJ perhaps want to finish it all in one last book, because he feared the end was near?  If so, would it not be better for BS to split it into at least 2 books, rather than maybe losing some interesting stories just in order to squash it all in?


My feelings on prequels and outriggers: If there are enough basic notes, and the Estate is willing, I would LOVE to read them!  Quite frankly, if BS (or anyone else, for that matter) has enough understanding of RJ's ideas, my opinion would be: the more books, the merrier.  But then, I'm a total WoT addict.


I understand that some people feel no-one other than RJ could ever write the story as he did, but just look at how much fun people have Role Playing WoT, and reading the RP's others have written. Yes, it's not written by RJ - but it's quite often still a danged good read!


I think how Brandon feel after finishing AMOL should be taken into account as well. he is placing his own works aside for at least a year to work on this. I'm sure he would like to pick those back up and finish those before he looks again at perhaps taking up the WoT world again. Though Myself I would love for if nothing else the Mat and Tuon book(s) to be released but thats just me.


PS: Elgee thats one Sexy Siggy graphic....Really made my day :)




You raise a very valid point, Darth_Andrea - one I totally overlooked in my eagerness to read more of WoT  ::)  Poor Brandon - I was quite willing to sacrifice him on the altar of my addiction  :D


And thank you for the compliment about my siggy ... all in the Christmas spirit(s)  ;)

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Wild speculation from my part here: Did RJ perhaps want to finish it all in one last book, because he feared the end was near?  If so, would it not be better for BS to split it into at least 2 books, rather than maybe losing some interesting stories just in order to squash it all in?




Jordan planned to finish it all in one book, as he didn't feel there were anymore good places to stop.  As far as I know, he did all his pre-planning for AMOL just prior to his diagnosis, so his health wouldn't have been an issue for him yet.


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