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Guest Arie Ronshor

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I don't know if this is still active, but I was a former member of the old dmpsw boards, and I was wondering if there is anything like that still. If so could someone direct me to where I need to send my bio, and such as well as where the actual role play takes place now?


Also and if this is wrong I apologize, I run a little site myself  http://elrum2.legendsofelrum.info/index.php please remove this link if its not ok for it to be here. I don't mean anything by it, but the sits pretty much a free form fiction site where everyone is welcome.


I really would like the info I asked about though.

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Well, there's a couple of threads i can recommend then.


Everything you need to know about the WT


That sticky pretty much explains everything you need to do. The mainplot is currently at the point where Sammael is in Shienar warring Arafel, and Kandor has just been liberated from the Shadow.


Most of the threads take place 'in Retro' though, which means that as far as the timeline is concerned it's all taking place at an undescribed point in the past. Given that Aes Sedai take some 50-odd years to reach the shawl, making your Bio in Retro is highly recommended.


You simply play your Novice until she makes Accepted, then play an Accepted until you 'unlock' Aes Sedai, after which you can potentially join the main plot thread once there's another major event coming. For the purposes of playing Retro, it doesn't really matter when stuff happens, your Novice that was born, say, 250 years ago can have a chat with a Novice born 50 years ago, it all stands outside of time, in a way.


Hope this helps, and if there's anything else feel free to ask ^_^

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Well it does in a lot of ways, but I am hoping to play a warder again, as this is a role I have done in the past, and am most comfortable with. If someone would kindly direct me as too how to post my profile, and where to post it I would be very grateful. I am sorry to bother anyone, if im posting in the wrong place.

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I think I remember you.. brain is still in sleepy mode, though!


If you're interested in bringing back a Warder, or making a new one - go up a board to the Warder's Yard.  Eqwina is the DL there, and she'll take good care of you.

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Hi hun,


The Warders (DR Div).. above this WT board... is their out of character forum. Eqwina is currently the Division Leader of the Warders. If you look HERE you'll see their general info thread which has their email address. Bios should be submitted by email (I think to Eqwina at the moment) for approval and she'll then post it on the Bio board for Cross Checking.  :) All other details you need including the Warders sign up thread are on that board too.


The Role Playing takes place in the boards at the bottom of the main page. :) You'll see them labelled East, West, South etc.

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  • 1 month later...

thanks :D


*considers bouncing on Jade's lap till her bio is aproved/rejected but looks at the size of the tummy and decides against it, instead twirling hairlocks thinking of what to do with trollops*

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Actually, there is. I haven't got a Sea Folk charrie, but i'm not going to make one since Mara's already too close to being one. Their Windfinders are also an open invitation to making yet another female channeler :P


But yeah... At most another Warder, and another channeler to put me on eight each. Though technically a channeler, i placed Amyante in the non/channeler list for being a sul´dam, who would sooner toss themselves off of a building rather than channel. Though Mara has a block the size of Texas that cuts her off from doing anything but use her Talent (Listening to the Wind), she does it knowingly, which places her in the channeler list.


Channelers: Jerinia Zaralyn, Tavon Zaralyn, Masura Zaralyn, Kizuna Morinagare, Mara Novares, Rebecca Célentin, Jehaine.


Non/Channelers: Saira Fujimura, Arienna de Orasaigh, Sharina Val´Danath, Calaun Ontrix Seyr, Jelana, Melenis Stormgate, Amyante Tojimaru (sul´dam).


So yeah... With all that in mind, i´d say i´m pretty well represented in the RP ;D

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