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[TV] Tin Man


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First off... who is going to watch this on Sci Fi (starts this Sunday night)?


Tin Man is an upcoming three-part television miniseries set to air on Sci Fi Channel on December 2-December 4, 2007 at 9pm. The series is an epic science fiction re-imagining of L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.


The once-beautiful "Outer Zone" (O.Z.) has been zapped into a frigid and decaying wasteland. One of O.Z.'s inhabitants, known only as Lavender Eyes, has been imprisoned. Her stunningly evil captor in black leather is the sorceress Azkadellia. The Woman is just part of the sorceress's nefarious plot—to suck the souls out of her minions and harness the energy to jump the gap between her world and the "other side"—a place called Earth. But Azkadellia's prescient wolverine servant, Lylo, warns his mistress of a vile presence that embodies goodness, an alarming glimmer of light and hope that could be her undoing. She is DG, a rebellious young waitress from Omaha, imbued with wanderlust and visited upon in her dreams by none other than Lavender Eyes and the fellow slaves whose pleas of "save us" urge DG to follow her destiny.


DG does just that, right over a cliff into a swirling storm, face first in a debris-strewn land of double suns. Enlisting the help of three new friends—Glitch, a man missing half his brain, Raw, a quiet yet powerful creature looking for courage, and Cain, a former policeman with a scarred heart, DG embarks on a journey of deliverance along a crumbling old road. Where it leads is into the decadence of the Twister Cabaret, the flamboyant shocks of the Realm of the Unwanted, the fetid horrors of the Black Swamp, and deep into the darkening heart of O.Z. and the mind of the Mystic Man who knows all. Here, DG will discover her role in the fate of a city, her startling connection to Lavender Eyes and to Azkadellia herself.




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Guest Stefania Sedai

Well, I did indedd watch it but more for the fun of looking for the parallels with it and the original movie than for the plot. It was......interesting. The heroine's name is DG but there was no Toto that I could see. The wizard, in this version the Mystic Man, was stoned on something called "vapors". The flying monkey's were aptly creepy but the munchkins were like tiny painted warriors! Now I am looking for the rub slippers equivalent.

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My husband noted that the "munchkins" were apparently ewoks.


I think I liked it. It was definitely odd. I kind of felt like they thought "let's see how far out there we can make the story and still have it recognizable." Some of the things that seemed like they would have been parallels went way into left field.


I at least liked it enough that I will catch the next part.... :)

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If you watched the preview for the next episode, I believe they showed a dog aka Toto...


On an aside...

Is it just me or are the only compotent actors in this show, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion, Wizard, and Dorthy's mother?

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Guest Stefania Sedai

Hmmm, well apparently I didn't like it well enough to actually sit through the second half, cause I skipped it. The hubby had it on while he dosed on the couch, but I found myself distracted by chores and kids. I might try to catch it in rerun, but I won't cry mtself to sleep if I don't.


Yeah, I noticed the dog in a scene as I passed by the TV. And is DG that chick from Elf?

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Looking at it from a costumers perspective....OMG Eye Candy!  I pretty much want ALL of the evil sister's outfits!!!


I like what they've done with location and ambiance and such.  The story?  Well, it's soooooo far off the story that I wish they had not played up the original Wizard of Oz story so much.  Inspired by, ok, but based on is stretching it.  A Lot.


The acting is kind of what I expect from most mini series.  Not Terrible, but not that great either.  Except Glitch.  Alan Cummings as Glitch is Awesome!


yeah, Empy, it is a lot like Merlin.  Kinda hokey, and trying Really hard to pull of something crazy cool, but just not quite making it.  I kinda liked Merlin.  But I do kinda like hokey, so that makes sense.

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hey dont knock merlin, maby im corny but thats probly my favorite movie telling of the aruther story.  i know theres a lot of them out there but i just never liked any of them.  i liked it so much i bought it when they had it on sale at hollywood. 

  as to tin man, i like it, maby beter then oz, but thats just cause i dident like oz that much. gitch is awsome though. 

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Conclusion starts in about 5 minutes. There were a few inconsistencies that kind of bothered me. Like their advanced weapons, but they are still driving around in vehicles from the '30's....


And I'm sorry, but when the evil sister whipped out her bosoms and started gently shaking them so the flying monkeys could come forth from her cleavage tat's....I laughed...in derision. :(


Otherwise, I agree with whomever said it was neat to see the parallels. I was disappointed with Deschanel's acting, I liked her in Elf and Bridge to Terebithia. I expected nothing less than the best from both Alan Cummings and Richard Dreyfuss.


Toto appears in Part 2.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

She was in Beverly Hills, 90210 back in the day...that is the only thing I can really recall her in. I can't remember her name irl at the moment.

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