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Hello! I'm here! Finally.


I started reading WoT between the second and third books, which is now over half my lifetime ago. I've read the series many times, to the point that I have replaced EotW, and want to replace at least four others. And I've always been very careful with books!


I've been lurking here at Dragonmount for a little over two years, and finally joined about six weeks ago. All things considered, I figure taking six weeks to poke my head out from under my rock and post something isn't too bad!

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G'day mate, I'm not Australian. I just wanted to talk that way.


Anyways, glad to see that you made it, you'll find that you fit in very well here. Myself, I'm very quite, reserved and shy in real life, but around here? You'd never know.

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muwhahaha come to fiddlesticks!!! after that you'll never want to stop posting ;D and we'll have to tie your gibbering wreck of a body down just so you can get some sleep muwhhhaaha SPAM! *


...er you know or not heh :-\


oh and here is the shiney invisible stick of welcoming







so welcome and enjoy Dragonmount what ever you decide to do here :D


(im not really that crazy, the straight jacket is a fashion accessory ... honest )

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Welcome to DM!^^


I'd like to invite you to come check out the White Tower Org! We have everything for competitions to discussions to spam^^. We also have such a large member population that whatever orgs you join afterwards your sure to have friends in them!


Hope to see you there^^

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Hello and welcome on DM!


After two years of lurking you've got the idea of what is going on here. So now is the time to choose an Org or Orgs to join in. I personally invite you to The Band Of The Red Hand Org. If you like music and travels, brew and brawls, dices and competitions that's the place for you. Just come and sit by the fire and tell us our story. We are always happy to have new recruits! If you have any questions - just ask!

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Welcome to DM!


Take up Arrandion's kind and generous offer and join the Band of the Red Hand ORG! We are DM's very own music and travel ORG, so hold regular discussions and reviews on these topics. We also give you the chance of becoming a Blademaster, a Knight (or Lady) or and Assassian, depending on which Regiment you join after your Recruit training. We have lots of fun, from brawls to drinking Brew, from posting to gambling, as well as our very own dice-based RPG ORG Game where you can challenge fellow Banders in the Arena!


But whatever you do, make sure you JOIN THE BAND OF THE RED HAND ORG!! 8)

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Welcome to Dragonmount Esperanza! We are glad to have you join us.


I want to add my invitation to the Wolfkin Org. We are the nature group here at DM and love visitors. Glad to have you posting finally.

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