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Favorite Actress Finals (Battle 2, Page 4)


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I'm voting for [glow=blue,2,300]Kate[/glow] again...just because she seems to show her lovelies in almost every movie she's in. All in the name of art, of course.


And, speaking of lovelies, where is Maggie Gyllenhall in this competition?!?

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Kate looks to have won this, 6-3.  We are down to our final three.  Instead of doing a threeway *thoughts drift*... umm... we are going to do a battle royal.  This means that the winner of the first match up must go up against the last lady.  Let's get it started....


Audrey Hepburn




Kate Winslett

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Winslet...mmmm.... she is funny too.  Did you guys see her in Extras?  She can act much better than most people give her credit for.  I may hate Titanic now, but when it came out I was impressed how Kate got me so involved in the movie.  Finding Neverland and Eternal Sunshine are two of my favorite films as well.

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I'm sticking with [glow=green,2,300]Kate[/glow] on this one. Cuz it's really all about the lovelies I've seen at this point in the game. Kate Winslet's lovelies, not yours Caddy. Although, from what I saw in that video you sent me, Winslet's got nuthin on you...  ;D

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