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What makes this chick tick?

Nelal Hurcran

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...with the word "chick" very loosely defined.


It takes absolutely no time to find some post, or even an entire thread, that speaks extreme hate for Faile. But no where can I find anything that talks about what’s going on in that crazy little head of hers. So....


This is a thread to [glow=red,2,300]DISCUSS[/glow] Faile. Please refrain from just saying "she is so annoying..."I can't stand her...", and other hate-bashing (I think I just made that phrase up!). I realize that there will be some hate come out talking about her, but let's try and keep it minimal. Please? 



Hmm, well I don't hate Faile, I just think she acts very... young I guess?  Not that I can say much about that, I'm only 16, but really.


Her intense love towards Perrin leads her to be completely over protective of him, especially concerning his friendship towards Rand.  This also brings about her jealousy, which is also probably fueled by some degree of mistrust.  Being noble born and Saldean makes her slightly "crazy" to most people.  But give her a break, she's not even out of her teens yet I don't think, she's like 5 years younger than Perrin I think.  Morgase said as much when she met Faile.


I have to admit, when I saw the title of this thread, the first thought in my mind was, "What makes ANY chick tick?"




But Faile is actually rather simple.  She wants to both actually be, and to be percieved by others as, a person of indomitable will.  Thats why she wants Perrin to stand up to her, because when he doesn't, she feels like he's treating her as if she's weak.  Thats why she gets mad when he openly fusses at Berelain, because to her it implies that he thinks that she isn't strong enough to deal with Berelain herself.  Thats why she is ambitious for him ... because the more powerful he is, the more powerful she becomes.


Her feelings for Perrin do go deeper than simply looking for a challenge to rise to, but seeking out challenges to defeat is a huge part of what Faile has been ...


While I would find Faile annoying if she were real, I would also respect her, because she is not hypocritical.  She acknowledges who and what she is, and is honest with herself, even about her flaws.  I was impressed with how she conducted herself while captured ... she took genuine responsibility for the safety of others.  She is, ultimately, more concerned with actual strength than the appearance of strength.


I wouldn't want to hang out with her, myself, but I think people do go a little overboard on the Faile-hating, moaning on and on about how she "ruined" Perrin.


I think Perrin was ruined when rand became Ta'veren.  Perrin wanted, and still wants. nothing more than to be a blacksmith.  I think Faile and Rand being Ta'veren are the only things keeping him going


Has anyone noticed that, besides giving Perrin something to do for the last three books, this whole tedious storyline of Faile being kidnapped has also pretty much knocked all that "I'm not a lord, I'm just a blacksmith" crap out of him? I mean, before that the only way he'd be threatening Tylee Khirgan with war should the Seanchan poke their noses into Ghealdan would be by ta'veren accident. Now he acts instead of reacts, to put it quite simply.


Actually, Faile is a pretty realistic character.


She left her home for a little adventure, fell in love, but is a bit overprotective over Perrin.  She is mature and worldly enough to know that jusy because Perrin grew up with Rand it does not mean that Thr Dragon Reborn will not use Perrin even to putting him in danger.


Just an aside, there will be no knew nation centered on the Two Rivers.  Perrin has so pledged to the Seanchen and any attempt to do so would also cause war with Andor.  More inportantly, Perrin will be Prince Consort when Faile takes the crown of Saldea.


Her behaviour is a mix of things really... Like Elyas said, Saldaean women want to be treated like they're strong. You notice she calms down when Perrin (almost) loses his temper at her. And she gets hurt because he'll shout at Berelain (indicating he finds her formidable) but not at her. It's really something of a miscommunication. Culturally, I find they're incompatible.


As for the rest of her quirks, I'll say it comes down to being a noblewoman. The nobility are spoilt, to some degree or another, even if they're kind or whatever, they experience privileges that 85-90% of the populace never do. Like Min said about her "She wants what she wants, when she wants it". Is that strong-willed? Somewhat. Spoilt? Definitely a possibility. And Perrin's a little slow in that aspect of giving her 'what she wants' at the drop of the hat because she never says outright what she wants. She assumes he should know, even if he did, it's not in his personality to be that way.


To be honest, one of the things I liked about the whole Gaishain episode was the contrast between Rolan and Perrin. Even though Faile loves Perrin, I couldn't help but think that Rolan was actually more compatible, personality wise.


I thought that Rolan got what he desereved. But I rather Like Faile. She is strong willed and I love her whole "spying is a wifes work." Behind everygood man is a good woman. Perrin is not a dummy. He wouldn't just marry someone who he thought was mean or was always trying to change him. As far as the cultural incompatablilty. I think that that is one of the things that Spices they're marrage up not drags it down. I just wonder how she'll react to the whole Seanchan deal thing.


Rolan was kind of a dick, but I wouldn't necessarily say he deserved to get Perrin's hammer in one ear and out the other. Although "Behind every great man is a great woman" is pretty much Faile's mantra, yeah.


Faile does her job well, she just sometimes "forgets" to tell Perrin everything she has found out. :P  I definitely don't think she ruined Perrin though.  She actually makes him stonger in many ways. 


As for Rolan, I felt bad for him, because he didn't really do anything wrong by Aiel ways, but Faile could have given him a little warning about Perrin's lovely hammer...


Erm, the Mera'din like Rolan may not have been as far gone as the Shaido, but they weren't exactly toeing the line as far as Aiel creed. He didn't have much issue with taking gai'shain from people who didn't follow ji'e'toh, for instance, essentially going on slaving runs, and his primary motivation in helping out Faile was to get laid. Not a villain really, but not much of a noble hero.




Just an aside, there will be no knew nation centered on the Two Rivers.  Perrin has so pledged to the Seanchen and any attempt to do so would also cause war with Andor.  More inportantly, Perrin will be Prince Consort when Faile takes the crown of Saldea.


That is correct. I forgot about that from the books, oh well, I guess I was just romanticizing about the Two Rivers area, and Manatheren. :)




Just an aside, there will be no knew nation centered on the Two Rivers.  Perrin has so pledged to the Seanchen and any attempt to do so would also cause war with Andor.  More inportantly, Perrin will be Prince Consort when Faile takes the crown of Saldea.


That is correct. I forgot about that from the books, oh well, I guess I was just romanticizing about the Two Rivers area, and Manatheren. :)


Hah, how awkward would that be for Rand?  Married to the Queen, and best friend of the would-be Rebel King. :D


Erm, the Mera'din like Rolan may not have been as far gone as the Shaido, but they weren't exactly toeing the line as far as Aiel creed. He didn't have much issue with taking gai'shain from people who didn't follow ji'e'toh, for instance, essentially going on slaving runs, and his primary motivation in helping out Faile was to get laid. Not a villain really, but not much of a noble hero.


To me, Rolan is villain, whom was basically looking out for himself, while following orders he should have known were against Aiel culture and Aiel laws. To me, Rolan was one of those suave villains who was also trying to persuade a married wetlander woman to be his gaishan, and to have sex with him, hoping that Faile would grow to love him in her heart.


Hah, how awkward would that be for Rand?  Married to the Queen, and best friend of the would-be Rebel King.


*chuckles* That would be amusing to me if such a scene came about, however, now I do agree and understand that Perrin & Faile are better suited in the future to be noble rulers in Saldea, rather then over the people of the Two Rivers area.


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