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one of three most powerful sa'angreal?


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And theres the fact that many of the First Amongst Servants were women. The cross-gender nature of the role makes an angreal/sa'angreal pointles.


I've no Idea where I read it, and I may be totally wrong. But I was under the impressiong that (sa')angreal existed that worked for both men and women, we just havent seen any yet.


(also, hi! first post)



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Ive just done a little bit of research on the net and have come up with nothing conclusive... but:


1) Angreal and sa’angreal are attuned to either saidin or saidar and thus useless to those who channel the opposite half of the Source. There are rumours that there are angreal usable by both men and women but none have been confirmed.


That is written in, A Crown of Swords Glossary and Lord of Chaos, i dont know about others i havent checked. Check it yourselfs, its worded slightly differently but the point is the same.


2) Ring of Tamyrlin (TAHM-ehr-lin): a legendary ring, believed mythical by most people, worn by the leader of the Aes Sedai during the Age of Legends. Stories about the Ring of Tamyrlin include that it was an angreal or sa'angreal or ter'angreal of immense power. It supposedly was named after the first person to learn how to tap into the Source and channel the One Power, and in some tales, was actually made by that man or woman. Despite what many Aes Sedai say, no one knows whether it was a man or a woman who first learned to channel. Some believe that the present title of Amyrlin is a corruption of Tamyrlin.


This is apparently from the glossary in "To The Blight". Now i dont personally own this book, but if anyone does then if they could check out this statement and let us know on here i would apreciate it


If you combine both of those statements then there IS a very real possibility that the ring could indeed be a sa'angreal that could work for both men and women(although personally im still dubious about whether that could work)


(Edited to include the aparent statement in "To The Blight")


Hey Tyrell, welcome to the board.


No, sa'angreal are attuned to one sex only. People became confused after Siuan's dire comments to Nynaeve about what Nynaeve could do if she held Callandor, but this has since been clarified. Definately one gender per sa'angreal.

At this stage in the books? This was mentioned at the beginning of book four. Since then we've heard numerous quite detailed references to unknown artifacts and places that will never be brought into the stroy. Standing weaves' date=' the Towers of Midnight, Shara... it's how RJ goes about making his story three dimensional.[/quote']


Good point! In my haste I forgot it was in book four.  :-[ Maybe it doesn't make as much sense as I initially thought, but I'm still holding out hope. :)




the ring could be a male sa'angreal but lost to the ages or just the knowledge is lost. once the males became mad and died out and time passed the ring was just a ring to the females but if a male channeller  got hold of it. he could find out it was a sa'angreal so the women are kinda dumb.




Besides, If LTT wore a ring that was stronger then callandor, Why would he use Callandor?




Callandor was made after LTT died. From the flashback chapter, I'm getting a feeling it was made in the middle/at the end of the breaking.


Besides, If LTT wore a ring that was stronger then callandor, Why would he use Callandor?




Callandor was made after LTT died. From the flashback chapter, I'm getting a feeling it was made in the middle/at the end of the breaking.


Sadly, I got most of my books borrowed out, and can´t go through em (prolly wouldent bother for this anyway),

Flashback chapters only show that its there early breaking.


This is kinda interesting too

From the world of robert jordan´s the wheel of time


"One of the most powerful male sa´angreal ever made, Callandor is believed to have been contructed during the war of power...(goes on witha  description of how it looks here)"


There is also Bel´al, who at the end of TDR, says to Rand "One of the strongest sa´angreal we ever made". Soo, thats a pertty strong hint it was made while Bel´al still served the light and LTT was his commander.


Know iv read more elsewhere, but can´t recall where now, and won´t bother trying tbh. Think there was something about LTT using callandor while placing the seals? Doesent matter thou´. I can´t think of anything to even hint that it wasent used by LTT. Thought that was commonly accepted tbh. Has this been discussed before?







Indeed, Callandor was made somewhere between the third and fifth years of the War of the Power (RJ made a comment about the lack of a buffer and declining standards in production around that time).


srry... but isnt the ring just destroyed now? If LTT was the Tamyrlin, then he wore it at when i ''made'' dragonmount, or he put it off somewhere? But i think it was destroyed along with LTT's body, cause things like that are strong, but not that strong lol


Indeed, Callandor was made somewhere between the third and fifth years of the War of the Power (RJ made a comment about the lack of a buffer and declining standards in production around that time).


Ooops, I messed up again. Going to re-read passages more carefully before posting absolutes from now on.  :-[


Thats a good point about it being destroyed with LTT, im quite inclined to believe that thought. Either that or it survived and is buried somewhere underneath dragonmount, lost either way.


Actually Ishamael seems to imply that Lews Therin was not wearing the ring of Tamyrlin when he killed himself. In his litany he directly states that Lews Therin 'once wore the ring of Tamyrlin, and summoned the Nine Rods of Dominion'. Once, as in no longer.


One a semi-related topic do we know how many male sa'angreal, angreal are left?

Callandor, the male Choadon Kal, the fat little man angreal, and the "statue that if you held long enough would feel warm" that bale domen had(obviously an angreal but nop clue what happened to it aftet falme)

i would expect that 1 or 2 more MIGHT be in the stone. 1 or 2 MIGHT be in the cache that had the bowl of the winds. i would think that 1 of the forsaken would have found 1 somewhere. i have always had the feeling that mazrem time has one. and there must be many more that are just sitting in various places cause no one knew what they were


Bayle Domon's statue is most probably still in Falme, barring the possibility that Moiraine claimed it, which seems unlikely.


Bayle Domon's statue is most probably still in Falme, barring the possibility that Moiraine claimed it, which seems unlikely.



Actually I think he still has it (though I have only gotten through Fires of heaven) But in Falme the only thing taken from him was the seal. I just finished The Great Hunt a couple of days ago for the 5th time. So it's possiable it may come to Rand in the last book...maybe.




Indeed, good catch... though i doubt he still has it with him--they packed lightly when they left Ebou Dar.


Who's to say there isn't a sa'angreal that isn't attuned to both halves?  Twist this weave like so...voila!


The books and RJ himself both say it.


I always wondered when that little porcupine statue was going to come into play....the tiny one that Bayle Doman had. Maybe it'll pop up in AMOL. Bayle always finds a way to "save the day" in his own little way, so maybe somehow he'll pop up with it some time.....


It seems like there's alot of discussin about the ring of tamyrlin being one of the 3 strongest sa'angreal, but i really don't think that thats possible...or at least if it is, LTT never once even channelled through it, nor has anyone else that wore it.


If you recall, Siuan clearly states that of the 3 most powerful male sa'angreal ever made, only one was ever used- Collandar. Which means, the CK was never used and this other sa'angreal was never used. (She mentions this in The Dragon Reborn when Nynaeve was cleaning pots in the kitchen and tells the amyriln that she things the Black Ajah is going to try and take Cal from the stone of Tear).


Anyway, to assume that it was common knowledge that LTT wore this ring and that it was also the SA in question and to also assume that he never once used it, nor did anyone else that ever wore it, doesn't sound at all possible or believable to me....there's no way he wouldn't have used it when the taint struck and he started going mad.


I actually think that unlike Lanfear, Siuan was speaking of the male and female Choedan Kal when she made that comment. That whole comment from her reeks of misinformation (on her part) and RJ himself has commented that Siuan was misguided in some of her beliefs about Callandor.


I actually think that unlike Lanfear, Siuan was speaking of the male and female Choedan Kal when she made that comment. That whole comment from her reeks of misinformation (on her part) and RJ himself has commented that Siuan was misguided in some of her beliefs about Callandor.


can you pull some of those quotes for us, the exact wording might tell us something


Totally off the wall with no evidence to support it, but I've always thought that Taim might have the fat little man angrael that Rand lost when he was captured.  It would be ironic that he recovered it and pocketed it instead of giving it back to Rand.  Its a longshot but it would make it interesting if and when Taim is ever confronted.


I actually think that unlike Lanfear, Siuan was speaking of the male and female Choedan Kal when she made that comment. That whole comment from her reeks of misinformation (on her part) and RJ himself has commented that Siuan was misguided in some of her beliefs about Callandor.


can you pull some of those quotes for us, the exact wording might tell us something


Here was the quote that I was referring to, The Dragon Reborn, A Trap to Spring, P. 275 (HC version):


"...The Sword That Cannot be Touched is a sa'angreal, girl. Only two more powerful were ever made, and thank the Light, neither of those was ever used."


Since they were talking about Male Channelers at this point, i'm assuming that she is not referring to the two Choden Kal (which technically were Ter'Angreal, not sa'angreal)....anyway, if you believe that she was talking about individual SA that can be used by Male Channelers then the 3rd most powerful SA ever created was never used. At least as far as she believes anyway....


If she was talking about SA in general...well, then my theory flies right out the window :)

If she was talking about SA in general


I always thought she was just talking about SA in general but I have nothing to back it up...just my initial impressions while reading.


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