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Nearly 1000 members ... who are you?? PLEASE tell me :-)

Guest Egwene

Dewiswch eich dydd!  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Dewiswch eich dydd!

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Guest Egwene

Just noticed that the member count for the new boards is coming up for a thousand soon.


My question is ... where are you all?? It seems that most boards have their core of regulars and odd people passing by. I am sure I have not even met half of you.


So here is a poll to locate everyone!!


Some of the boards had to be grouped together as the poll has a limit on how many lines you can enter. I tried to have what I think are likely the most popular choices in seperate lines. Apologies to those that would have wanted their own line.


Neither does the poll allow for multiple answers as I am sure like me you will have more than one favourite. So vote for the one you could not do without, the one that makes you come back to this forum again and again. Please include visits to the private boards as part of the main boards in your considerations. And write a post about the ones you had to leave out.


I have voted for General Discussions and Debates and Discussions. My second (nearly joined first) are the WoT discussions which brought me here in the first place and which I always check for the latest rvelations! Fiddlesticks had to be third... because meaningless spam with a smile at the end is ideal for unwinding after a stressful day (or a heated debate :wink: )


(... and on a side note... I have been pondering this 'where are you' question for a while, as only about 140+ of you have sofar voted in the Asmodean poll on the book discussion board. Which leads me to believe you either have not yet read tFoH (spoilers otherwise) or never visit that part of the world?!)


i hang out mostly in the general discussion and debates, though i've been over at fiddlesticks a lot lately. that's just good clean fun, there.


funnily enough, like you egwene, i joined mostly for the book discussion. i almost never check those anymore, for now anyway. i'm not reading the books at the moment, and, well, when you're posting in those threads, you really need to have your stuff together. those discussions easily get as heated as anything in the debate board, in my opinion.


edit: yes, i have voted on the asmodean thread 8)


I'm all over the place. 8)

Like others, I joined for the book discussions, but with such interesting posts in general discussions and debates and discussions, it's impossible not to hang there too. :lol:

Fiddlesticks is of course the best OT forum ever...


I started out as a lurker just reading everything then I decided to join but I still dont post a huge amount. I would love to join in the book discusions but its been a LONG time since I have read the books and don't remember half of what is being talked about.


yeah, and it's easy to get shot down hard if you don't know your stuff on those boards. trust me, i know. it's not something i feel i can effectively do from work...


I think pretty much everyone knows that I stay in Wheel of Time Disscussions, General Discussions, and A Memory of Light.


And I voted for Lanfear in the Asmodean thread. It appears I'm losing, as I expected. I didn't join that thread because at over 1010 posts, I don't feel like reading that.


Isn't this poll rather inherently flawed? Presumably the only people who will respond visit General Discussion. ;) I hang out primarily at the roleplay, but I also drop by Fiddlesticks and I read the General Discussion and Debate boards.


i love fiddlesticks, oh the beatuiful insanity and ramdomness, but i read almost everything in the wot disscsions and the general debates and disscusions and they're great to.


Inherently flawed- aye.. but anomalies, such as myself will always exist.


I move around Silly Stories, Fiddle Sticks, Memory of Light, General Discussion, Debates and Discussions, as well as the Wolfkin Boards.


*Vader mask* Join me Egwene.. CAHHHH CUUUUh... CAAAHHH CUUUUh.. You cannot fight it...



Guest Egwene

Sirayn, totally agree with your point that it's flawed because of location.... but where else to put it? I was hoping that maybe the grape vine would send people accross... I would love to have every single vote from the RP side :wink:


...peoples comments about the book discussions are quite true in that the old timers will shoot down a lot of stuff with ammo amassed over years, lol. However there is nothing to stop you from putting up a topic and put some restrictions on it. For example if you not yet have read all the books, a spoiler warning in the topic line giving the book up to which you want to discuss seems to work pretty well.


It is great when people post as well as vote, but when I put up a poll (like this one or Asmo) the Poll is a topic in itself and it's great when people take the time to pop by just to vote 8)


All the Fiddlesticks guys... isn't the new 'the person above' thread fun??!!!


you wil lalways find me in the Band,but i'm also in the White Tower. i try to read some of the Memory of Light posts as well, but i'm not always bothered. hehe.. and i drop by general discussion on occation.. and new members, but not so much lately.. and i have voted on the asmodean poll :wink:

Guest Majsju

Hmmm, let's see...Obviously I can always be found in Debates and Discussions, and usually in the book discussions as well. Occasionally on the general and the spam board, and of course on the Seanchan and COL Org. Oh, and the Brown Ajah of course. that sums it up, I think.


The roleplay side loves you too. :D I catch your point about the skewing everywhere - no way to get an unbiased result without reinstating the all-site sidebar polls again.


WOW!!! :shock: The Band has 16% of the votes currently!!! Go the Band of the Red Hand!!!! Whoooohoooo!!!




I feel so happy that we had our own individual option!!! *grins* Thanks Eggy! :D


I voted Kin because it looked lonely, but I started in the WT, then joined the Ogier, BT, SG, and Band before Community and RP split. Now I'm WT and Kin on Comm side, and BT on RP side.


I like to visit the General Discussion board about once a day.

Guest Egwene

lol, Corki... with your recruiting at full steam, I could do nothing else!!


But what has happened to the Kin of late, Jhaenara? Are they the most close knit lot here? Keeping themselves to themselves??? :shock:


The Kin are pretty close, but they're very welcoming to any newcomers too. And they have been pretty quiet the last few days or so... lol. *shrugs* I dunno... :P

Guest Estel

[does the go RPers and Band Org dance]

Guest Egwene

Estel... just what does that dance look like??? I mean is it something like hip hop or more of a belly dance?? (any reference to the Band there purely accidental :lol: )


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