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Does Mashadar still exist?


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That sucks, I always wanted to see a battle between Mashadar and Machin Shin. Although, it begs the question, now that Saidin is clean, is Machin Schin dead as well? Will the Ways clear up?



i believe RJ stated that the damage the taint has already done doesnt go away after the cleansing.


Yeah i started a thread along those lines and the awnser is No stated by RJ himself. I don't know how to link the thread or i would.


The taint of Sadin is completely different from the taint of the city and thus Mashadar. I was under the impression that the city is now destroyed, but that still doesn't explain if Mashadar has found a new "home" or if it is gone completely.


Maj is correct, though i would point out that there is a seeming difference in Machin Shin, as in KoD we witness that over a hundred thousand trollocs passed through the Ways simultaniously unscathed (where as before more than a hundred drew Machin Shin's attention almost immediately).


In truth i believe this alteration is a result of the ongoing shift in Machin Shin that was first catalysed in the encounter with Fain/Mordeth in tGH. But I thought it bore comment.


Interestingly enough, if Mashadar truly is destroyed, that may mean that Sammael's soul is free to be popped back into a body again.

I know that RJ said he's toast and not coming back and I accept that. I'm just thinking theory-wise it's possible, even though it won't ever actually happen.

Actually maybe Mashadar destroyed his soul by 'eating' it, thus making it impossible for the DO to reclaim it...RJ also said Sammael could be reborn in another age.


Personally hope it does, I always liked the sections of the story that passed through shadar logoth. Kinda  felt to me like it just fell out of the story line in a quick decision to put mashadar out of  WoT with the taint.


That and it destroys my crack arse theory that marshadar and fain where the begining of a new growth of evil that in time would replace our current DO in a few ages time when its power had grown. Thought it'd allow for rand to claim a true victory, destroying the current shadow while a new one started its growth, setting up for the birth of a new DO that would continue to harass the world in the ages follow only be destroy when the wheel turns in full back to the current age, and thus another takes up the mantle... etc etc etc


Pure rubbish, but interesting to dwell on for a while when bored :P


It's weird, I remember when I was reading the books for the 1st time I always assumed that Sammael was Rand's true antagonist for the series. With Sammael's deep hatred of LTT, I always assumed it would be him  and Rand in a last man standing kinda thing.

Imagine my surprise when he was killed in book 7 and definitely not coming back.... :(

I assumed Ishy was finished, done and dusted in Book 3, never expected him to be set up as Nae'blis. Good story telling I guess.


Well, I must confess I made a mistake when I posted that quote. I was thinking of the mechanism RJ describes, that Machin Shin should be viewed as bacteria breed, perfectly capable of surviving without whatever created it, and apply the same mechanism to Mashadar. My mistake was that I had Fain in mind as the physical evidence of this, but he is separated from Mashadar, so that kinda falls apart. Oops.


I was gonna say that about Fain, that Mordeth came to Aridhol and it created Mashadar.  He had an idea about trying the same thing in Seanchan.  I think as long as Fain is still alive the potential for Mashadar is there.


But to do the same thing to Seanchan that was done to Aridhol would require gaining the ear of the current ruler. Lets see.....almost the entier royal family is dead; the new Emperess would be on her gaurd tword anyone from randland; not to mention that her Prince of Ravens would recognise him as a DF off the bat. I compleatly agree that Fain can relese Mashadar on the world again, I just don't see it happening to the Seanchan.


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