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Okay, Thursday Night, I watched the movie "The Hoax".

George Clooney, and a few other people you may or may not know. George Clooney and another guy, get together to write a book about howard Hues life. (He's the guy the movie, The Avataitor was about, spruce goose) Well, basically he makes up 95% of everything in the book, becomes a hit, only to have this go sour when people find out its a hoax. It also has a hint of 'A Beutiful Mind' to it. ;)


Saturday Night, I saw the movie, Dead Silence.

When I first saw the previews for this, and even read the description, I thought 'man this movie is going to BLOW HARD.

But you know? I think they did a 10000% better job at this movie, then the guys who did the Puppet Master movies. (No, not the alien ones, the ones with the puppets that crap in your mouth. :P )


The movie is basically about a guy and his wife, who recieve a mysterious package on at there front door. They bring it in, and low and behold its a 'dummy'. He goes out, gets some flowers, when he comes home, he finds his Wife, dead, with her tongue ripped out, looking like a jak-o-latern. So after the ussual police 'suspect' thing goes by, he checks the case, and finds underneath the 'red carpet stuff' a picture, with the names 'Mary Shaw and little boy at the something fair.'  Which just happened to be where he used to live, so he goes there to find out exactly what it is that killed his wife, while trying to clear his name.


I would HIGHLY recommened this for a horror movie, It wasn't 'scary' no 'horror movie' is scary, but it has all the right parts, not all blood and gore like 'saw'. But its got enough to keep ya interested. But it does pander to the 'screamer/shocker' type of 'fright', something that might make those of you who are easilly 'scared' from 'screamers' or 'jump out and booo' movies. But if you just want to see a horror movie, Its got some very great horror movie concepts going through it. IT is easilly the best horror movie I have seen all year! (Thats not saying much, because I haven't seen a good horror movie for years!) ;)

Though, I will say this much. The sound track... It felt... well, I got this Silent Hill vibe from it. :P

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i dont know what this movie's tital is but ive seen about 3/4 of it twice on sci fi, thought maby someone (empy) whould know what it was.  has keno reeves in it, he is a data smuggler (plugs into a computer and uploads data into a implant in his brain.)  he is getting chased by some chinees guys. i think the movie was either a late 70's movie or early 80's.  oh year i think it had snoop dog in a bit roll.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got all seasons of Deadwood on DVD. Apparently it's the ultimate collection, and it came with a deck of cards and some poker chips. So I've been watching Deadwood again and really really enjoying it. The first time I watched it I had problems following the dialogue, English being my second language and the characters speaking so awfully fancy. Now that I have it on DVD I can just put on English subtitles, so it's a much better experience watching it this time around. This show is so bad ass. "Swegen!"

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Were you channeling Chen there?  Loved the series myself as well... but hard to beat the first season.


I watched Perfect Stranger on Starz today.  Ummm... how did Halle Berry get an Oscar again?  The movie wasn't... terrible.... but it wasn't good either.  I would not suggest it unless you come across it on TV on accident... and you have been drinking...


Away from Her.  If you are aware of the Oscar nominations, you will recognize this title from the Best Actress nominees.  The movie was VERY well done and well acted.  It deals with Alzheimer so it may be a little depressing.  May?  It was depressing... but again it was very good. 


Kindred: The Embraced:  Yeah I only watched one episode of this before sending it back.  Why?  Netflix doesn't have the first disk.  I think Mendorah kept it or something.  So trying to dive into the middle of this series did not really work out for me. 

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Okay, so finally got the movies I've been wanting to watch for the past 2 months from netflix's insanely long Blu-Ray queue...

Well, 2 of the 5. ;)


I finally saw

Simpsons the Movie.

Definately a funny movie!

As far as funny movies go, it had alot more 'Laugh Out Loud' moments then most of the 'funny' movies I've seen recently.



Sci-Fi movie, if you haven't heard of it, start looking at renting it.

I really, really liked this movie, as far as purely sci-fi movies go, I rank this in the top 10.

The plot?

Earths star, 'the sun' has escentially died, it's dimmed to the point, that earth has escentially turned into a frozen waste land.

The mission?

Take this space ship, fly it really really close to the sun, deviliver a 'payload' that is escentially a 'tiny big bang' to create a 'new' star within our dieing star. (by-the-by, they use enough 'dark matter' squashed down to the size of a foot ball field, that it has its own gravitational pull)

The Problem?

Obviously, there are going to be problems along the way, and that is what the story is about! Hence, I can't reveal it.  :P

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What was up with the "I love the sun... let me look at it all the time"  Sheesh.  And what was up with the fuzziness at the end. 


Agree Sunshine was pretty good though. 


The 'loving the sun' was probably some kinda 'star fetish'. ;) + he totally had a good tan. :P

By the fuzziness, do you mean the wierd ass camera shifting when that one guy from that one place, was doing all that stuff?

Cause, I have no idea. The only possible explanation, would be the guy was slightly out of phase?

Btw, did you watch the 'deleted scene'? Cause, I think that the deleted scene that happened about '8 minutes' before the ending was alot better then with out it.

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Crap.  Can you introtext that for me so I know what I missed in that deleted scene.  Tan is the best color.


so uhh, whast intro text?


I'll just do it in realy tiny text.




There were numerous deleted scenes.

Some of the important ones were.

A) The two men (the physicist, and the psychologist) playing Chess.

B) a scene, just before that, or after, not sure. Where the physcist, describes into detail, exactly what the bomb does, and how doesn't 'care' if he dies, because he wants to 'see' the 'bomb'.

C) Just before he went to the room where the 'bomb' or 'payload' was, and after they ripped the skin from the guy from the previous ship off his arms, the crazy guy (who was basically dieing) had a discussion with the physicist, going on about a rant about 'god', and how they interupted it, and the crazy guy, looked at him, asking him something about god, the phsycist, said he doesn't believe in god. (Mind you, the crazy guy basically believes the Sun = God.) Then the phsycist goes into the room, finds that some things are 'bad' hence why he had that wierd set up that they cut out 'how' he got to that point. There-in, where he saw the payload in action, and for a moment time 'stopped' around the 'mini big bang' and the 'new star' was born within the old, and he litterally 'touched' the star, the 'big bang'. It has a lot of philisophical meaning behind it. If you look at it through the crazy mans idea, he was talking or listening to 'god' and the physcist, 'touched' god. ;)

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Well I justed watched Resident Evil: Extinction.  I just want to say this movie has come a long way from the first one... and not neccessarily in a good way.  Why does she need powers again? And why haven't they learned by now that if one of your friends is jumped by a zombie... check their bodies for bite marks.... sheesh.  The movie wasn't really that good and I am glad I took a pass on this in the theatre.

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Don't deny its in the top 10 best zombie movie made this decade. ;)



I saw, Vantage Point last night in the theaters.

It was an Good Movie, Not 'omfg awesome go watch or i'll kill you with a spoon' good. But its definately watchable.


If you've seen the previews, you know the plot. Its rather cliche? Or in some ways, Predictable. But the story telling method was definately interesting 'expiriment'.

Though, they did over do the rewind effect a bit..

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I''m kind of with Empy on the Extinction bit.  The psionic powers bit seemed a bit deus ex machina.  It was watchable, and had a jump moment or two, but over all it was kinda 'meh'.


The bit about the settlement in alaska seemed to me to be a reference to WWZ.


You guys did realize, that RE:Extinction, was influenced alot by Maddmax/Road Warrior right? Right?

And that the 'psychonic' powers, were a continuation from the previous movie right? :P

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Of course, and Mad Max was oone of the best post- apocalyptic series EVAR!!!


What did she do with the psyonics in the last movie?  All I remember is her fighting the giant cyborg-zombie with a gatling gun for an arm.


Well if you stopped walking out of movies half way through, it was when she escaped the hospital (again) at the end of the 2nd movie. She killed the guys in the security room with her psychic powers.

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Is that from the game?  I don't remember there being any powers, I thought that was a parasite eve thing.



When will you guys learn?

A video game movie will NEVER = the vidoe game, its impossible, unless you want to watch 8 horus of a guy trying to find a key to open a rickidy old wooden door when he could just bust it down with his foot!


The phsycic powers, was basically them taking some liberties with the resident evil 'idea'.

However, if you play RE4, you'll notice that there are some 'super humans' like whats her face in Extinction,  super fast/strong ect. Just haven't seen any 'phsycic powers' in the games... Yet...


The movies, if you will, are a different universe, similar names, and concepts, but the places change, they don't look alike. Some events are very similar, (racoon city) where as the 'mansion' was increadibly different. 

At least you have to admit, that for a 'video game movie' its one of the 'best' video game to movie adapation in existance atm.

Except for..

FF7: Advent Children,


Mario Brothers.


I mean, comparing RE:Extinction to Blood Reign just makes RE:Extinction look like gold.

(Plus as the creators of RE movie series, will tell you, they 'revived' the zombie format, as nothing zombie was made in a decade before they got in, and RE:Extinction is the first zombie movie, shot during the day. )

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I've been watching Season 1 of Prison Break, and I like it. Wentworth Miller, while cute, is not a particularly good actor, but the storyline is interesting, so I keep watching. ^_^


I also recently saw Volver (enjoyable, but not as impressive as has been reported), The Departed (very good), The Libertine (kind of icky, with nothing particularly good to balance that out), and Running With Scissors (just plain bad... and I fell asleep).

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