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If this is Blood Rayne we are talking about here, that movie did suck, not even in the 'it sucks so much its funny'.

+ it didn't help that there are about 4million other vampire movies with a worse budget, that had better graphics, acting, plot. :P

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Tristan & Isolde (2006)

I think a lot of watchers, unaware of it, left thinking the movie was a rip-off of Romeo and Juliet and The Arthurian tales... I know my wife did.


I reviewed this a couple pages back, and that's pretty much what I thought. ^_^



I watched Rocky Horror this weekend, for the first time, really. It was totally campy (as is well known), but definitely fun. I was surprised how many of the songs I already knew, without knowing that this was their source. If I knew any guys who would dress up as FrankNFurter, I'd suggest this as a group costume theme for Halloween this year amongst my friends, but I don't think it'd go over well.  ;D

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being in the hospitl this week i have been limmited in what i had to watch. i had the singular joy "loaded with sarcasim" to watch last of the mohicans at least 5 times. yay!!!  lol. 


did get to watch csi miami... H seems to be getting a little bit of a dark side to him.  i know a lot of people hate him but i like him a lot. i think a dark side would make him even better.  ok now you can throw things at me.  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished watching a few netflix movies.


Poolhall Junkies


Wow, this movie took Rounders and applied everything from that movie to this movie.  Except the acting was not as good and you get kind of bored watching people play pool all the time.  It was fun watching my double (Michael Rosenbaum) have hair and act in something other than Smallville though.  I would recommend this to people that either love gambling or pool.  Otherwise stay away.


Lucky You


See a trend here?  This was a movie about poker.  It may have been billed as a romance but Drew Barrymore was awful in the movie and poker is played for about 2/3rds of the movie.  The other 1/3 was made up of bad dialogue and other gambling.  I enjoyed this movie because I like gambling and poker.  Seeing the pros show up in this movie was fun.  The end was a bit anti-climatic.  If you dislike watching Poker on tv, avoid this film as you will be very bored. 


Knocked Up


I expected much from this movie so it is easy to see why I was disappointed.  The main guy proved he could not pull off a leading role and is much more suited for a backup comedic role.  I found myself not really liking the guy and wondering why the girl was staying with him. Otherwise the movie is ok and I would suggest it for guys that like toilet humor.  If you are looking to get laid afterwards, I would suggest staying away from this film as it could be a constant reminder to the ladies why abstaining is a good idea. 

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I bought Transformers for the kids and watched it after the Tribe beat the Sox last night.  Great, mindless fun.  It's fortunate that though I was a child of the 80's, I was never that into Transformers so I did not suffer from the ire and angst my fellow fans did and was therefore able to enjoy the film for what it was, pure, almost silly action filled fun with some great special effects.  I even liked Shia Lebouf and thought he did a great job.  This the first Michael Bay movie I've ever really liked.



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I recieved the wal mart limited edition set with Trasnformers: The Beginning (narrated by Peter Cullen) as a late birthday present yesterday.  Won't have time to watch either for awhile though probably.


I was a huge fan in the 80's and have the Chinese complete series box set (including the original cartoon movie) at home.  However, I am level headed enough to come into it without expectations, so if I do hate it, it won't be because it wasn't true to the cartoons.

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Rise of the Silver Surfer - I had a little trouble sleeping Saturday morning (I was up at 7am) and stuck this in the DVD player.  Let me preface this by saying I really disliked the first movie.  The acting was awful and the plot was weak.  Hence why I am seeing this on DVD and not in the theatre.  I thought this movie was actually better than the first.  The silver surfer was cool and Doom was a little better as a villian.  The acting was still campy and you can tell it was geared toward families and a younger audience.  All in all, it was ok but nothing spectacular.

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I've been netflixing season 3 of Desperate Housewives, while watching season 4 on tv.  It gets me kinda confused :)  But it's a'ight.  Still hate Susan with the hate of a thousand casseroles.


I dozed through most of silver surfer, glad I did, the moments I watched looked seriously lame.  Lucky you was crap, I was more excited about the poker and that I could recognize a bunch of the pros than I was about the *cough* "love" story.  Which was lame, lame, LAME.  Empy did not get laid after Knocked Up.

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The scary thing is that laughter wasn't canned.  It really is taped in front of a live audience.  I thought it was fake too, until my wife went and checked it out.  I didn't believe her, until she offered to get tickets.



Your kidding me?!

I would have bet your first born that it was canned. :P

Well, mayhap they are getting stage directions to 'laugh'?

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I've started season 1 of Eureka, and I'm really enjoying it. It's refreshing, I like the serious sci-fi mixed in with lighthearted humor and characters.


I also spent most of this weekend watching Season 2 of So You Think You Can Dance? and it was GREAT. I was dogsitting for my parents, who have cable, and MTV ran it as a marathon all day Sat and Sun. I don't get reception for FOX, or I'd watch the new season at home. The dancers are really great, the pieces they do are incredibly entertaining. I know a lot of dance seems inaccessible for your average person, but I think this show does a great job of combining popular dancing (hip hop, pop, breaking) with some of the less widely popular styles (ballet, contemporary, ballroom). It's along a similar line as American Idol, but much much much better.



Oh, I also watched Jaws last weekend, as I said I would. It was surprisingly good, despite the older fx.

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I just finished watching the Adam Sandler movie, Reign Over Me.

All in all not a bad flick, Its not a 'chick flick' as its to serious for that, but it is definately a 'serious emotional type of movie'.

Suprisingly, Adam Sandler was pretty good at his role, though acting 'crazy' isn't that far of a leap for him.


The Premise of the movie is basically this.

Adam Sandler was friends with Don Cheadle, as they were college room mates for 2 years. Fast forward to 2001, Adam Sandler had 3 children and a wife, they were in los angelas for some reason or another, his wife/kids went home (new york), and there flight, was the one that was hijacked in 911. Adam sandler found out about this on the radio on the way to the airport, and as he went in the air port, he saw the plane, his wife and children & dog, were on crash into the towers. Fast forward 4 years, Adam Sandler basically had a nervous break down, they call it 'post tramatic stress disorder', and the way he tries to deal with his grief is by 'forgetting' anything ever happened, and trying to live in ignorant bliss. That is until his friend "who had only heard about it on the news" saw him on the street. He was wondering how things were going with him, when Adam Sandler spazzed on him. When he caught up to him again, Adam Sandler asked "who are you?" Which Don replied,

"I was your college room mate for 2 years! You mostly slepted naked, and had a tendancy to sleep walk, those were the two worst years of my life." Adam Sandler 'still' didn't recognize him. After some more talking, he invited Don up to his 'pad' and played some Shadow of the Colossus...


The movie is basically about Don, trying to help Adam Sandler, deal with his grief that he has effectively burried away. IT does have a 'little' bit of humor in it, but its mostly centered around Adam SAndler and his loss.

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I most recently saw "Blades of Glory" and "Norbit".  Both were very good comedies.  Neither had me laughing constantly, but when the funny parts happened I couldn't breathe.


On another note: Some not new movies I always recommend to people

Pitch Black & The Chronicles of Riddick

American Pie movies


MontyPython Anything

Back to the Future

Cheech and Chong

Saw movies

Friday 13


Better stop there or I'll be at it all night.


I don't watch much in TV shows outside of Family Guy and Avatar. 

Occasionally I'll catch episodes of King of Queens, Grounded for Life, or Still Standing.  All pretty god IMO


Asfor movie reviews try "The Cube"

  Imagine waking up with 5-6 other strangers in a alien looking room about 10 feet cubed.  Each wall, ceiling and floor has a door leading into another room identical to the one you are in.  Now imagine you lose a member of your party to a booby trap.  How long can you search for the way out without going insane.  Pretty much sums up the movie.  Simple plot, displays a study in human intellectual behavior under pressure.  Definitely worth a rental.  I am not as sure about the sequel "Hypercubed" haven't seen it.

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