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Yesterday I watched No Country for Old Men.  I know, I know, I'm late.  :P


Anyways, I'll just say wow.  Javier Bardem, Tommy Lee Jones, and all the actors did ridiculously well.  In the gas station scene, for example, I could literally feel the tension in the air during the conversation (that's all I'm going to say, because I don't want to spoil anything for the very very few who have not seen this movie).  This movie is definitely one of the best I've ever seen, and I've seen a bunch of really great movies in my admittedly short life.

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Yeah, I went on IMDB and checked out the reviews.  A lot of people gave unsatisfactory ones, mostly because they felt the film was an excuse for 2+ hours of Chigurh killing fest.  I don't claim to understand the movie, but just the fact that I could feel the mood and empathize with (most of) the characters.  Bardem was amazing just because he was so human and so alien at the same time.

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Chobits is the current anime coming in on my Netflix queue. It's a well written, animated, and voiced show exploring relationships between humans and human-like androids. Of note, however, is that despite the "Not Rated" listing on the site, and the nice, clean description, which was apparently quite skillfully sanitized, this anime series is rife with adult situations revolving around the girl robot main character, from buying panties to getting a job at a peep show to the location of her "on" switch. This one's not a show to leave lying around for friends or family to pick up accidentally. *laugh*

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Chobits is the current anime coming in on my Netflix queue. It's a well written, animated, and voiced show exploring relationships between humans and human-like androids. Of note, however, is that despite the "Not Rated" listing on the site, and the nice, clean description, which was apparently quite skillfully sanitized, this anime series is rife with adult situations revolving around the girl robot main character, from buying panties to getting a job at a peep show to the location of her "on" switch. This one's not a show to leave lying around for friends or family to pick up accidentally. *laugh*


I've Chobits, it does have 'adult situations' if you want to call it that, I'd rather call it something like 'situations that can be easilly miscieved as an adult situation by those who don't know the context' but thats a mouth full.


Its not so much an anime that you don't leave around the house, its more like, you don't watch it in the living room, because if family members walk in, they might go 'wtf are you watching? HENTAI?' when its obviously not, then you have to ask 'how do you know what hentai is?' with which then the reply is 'how do YOU know what hentai is?!' so yea...


Now if you can get everyone who could possibly walk in while your watching it, to watch it with you at the beginning, so they get the whole picture within the context they might find it to be as funny as any other show.

Unless they are totally uptight prudes, cause lets face it, the show has no nudity! It just... comes close sometimes. :P

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Have I mentioned yet how much I love Life? Crews is my favorite Detective \o/


QFT... very QFT, anyone care for a Clementine?


As far as hentai goes, unless it has tentacles it doesn't count.  At least not really.  Chobits has no tentacles, regardless of where her power switch it.

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Really? becaues I stopped being interested in this thread back on page one.  The only reason I'm here at all was because I'm stalking you.


"Hmmm, I wonder what Cads is watching right now?"


Oh, and I've had my TV on all night now.  I watched the Canadian election on C-span for a good portion of time, though I did catch a House re-run on USA (isn't House on tuesday's on Fox?  If not, when is it on? because that's a show truly worth watching) watched Enterage (wait, how do you spell that again) because it is a good show (not because Cads likes it) then watched Californication (kind of, I was also out looking for PJ during this) and then turned it on ESPN and ignored it for a good deal of time.  Though peripherally I picked up Baseball news and heard a bit about Pac-man Jones and Roy Williams. 


Finally just a moment ago I decided to check out HBO again and I think Real Sex...erm, some really high number is on.  Because there was this in depth report on foot fetishes.  I really enjoy rubbing a woman's feet, mostly because they seem to like it.


And hell yeah I lick toes.  :)



I really am that damn cool

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Entourage. Like, the people you'd bring with you if you were going on "tour."  I think it's French (don't much care for the French, though I took three years of the language in high school). That's how I remember it. *nod*  I have more trouble with restaurant. I always want to put the u in at the end and make it "aunt," but I think that's wrong. Actually, I don't know for sure which way it goes, now that I think about it... Is there spell check for posts here??  :P


Anyway, you can stop stalking me for the night, as I'm going to bed (and if I wake up to you licking my toes... well, I'm actually not entirely sure how I'd react to that).  :-*

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Indiana Jones 4.


What can I say about this debacle of a film?  It was pretty awful.  My netflix rating will be a 2 out of 5 and it only gets a 2 because I caught a glimpes or two of what made the other Indy films great.  But 2 is pretty bad in my book. 


Life... I love the actor.  Maybe I keep imagining him in a WW2 uniform.  Anyway, the show is beginning to get dull for me.  I guess I am getting tired of the strong cop show.

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Started watching the Eli Stone series....very amusing  :D Also have started to watch Sanctuary..a sci-fi series starring Amanda Tapping of SG-1 fame....seems ok..not exactly rocking my socks but then i've only seen the first episode (2-parter) 

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Last night, I watched Iron Man in BD format.

I have to say, it was just as good now, as it was when it released.

Though I do have to say, I could have swore some scenes were 'longer' than in the dvd... They 'may' have done more cutting then you take for granted. >_>


Oh, and I actually liked the 'extended ending' more than the orginal theatrical ending. ;)

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I watched a couple of Hong Kong action movies (not all recently, but just thought I'd share them).

The Killer - A John Woo film starring Chow Yun Fat as an assassin with a conscience.  As far as balletic gunfight movies go, this one's well done.  You just have to be able to believe in the size of Chow Yun Fat's clip.  You know the crappy pistol with the unlimited ammo that you get at the start of some shooters?  Yep, it's that gun.  I don't know about availability in the US, though.  I borrowed it from a friend from China.


Infernal Affairs - The Hong Kong movie upon which the Departed was based.  I actually liked this film a lot better than the Departed, especially the development of the moral struggle that confronts the characters.  In my opinion, the Departed is much more polar in nature.  Of the three films I'm mentioning, this is the one I strongly recommend.


SPL (Saat po long) (US title: Kill Zone) - A martial arts movie starring Donnie Yen and Sammo Hung.  It's good for a martial arts movie.  It doesn't only focus on the fight scenes, but develops the characters more than your usual martial arts flick.  All of the characters save one have both good and ruthless sides depicted.  The one really good thing about the fight scenes is that they are very realistic and grounded, especially a rather famous alley scene which was choreographed to look like the two fighters were actually sparring (most of it is quick and not as fluid as Hollywood fights).  I saw the Chinese version, so the ending was slightly edited from the darker ending of the original.    Again, I don't know about this one's availability in the US, since I got it from a Chinese friend (different one this time).


As far as acting, plot, etc. goes, Infernal Affairs is easily the best.  SPL and The Killer are very good quality movies for action movies, but they're still action movies.  Also, all three of them have the Hong Kong/Chinese movie feel to them, so don't watch them if you really don't like Chinese or Hong Kong movies.  I watched all of them in their original Chinese with English subtitles, btw.  IMO, that captures the real nuances of the films, which tend to be lost through dubbing.

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The Seeker The Dark is Rising.


Ummm.. what did I just watch?  It felt like they were cramming 10 hours worth of movie into 1.5 hours of movie.  I got really confused which could be due to the fact I would FF through the sappy parts.  When they went back in time, I felt like I was watching something the history channel put together for a reinactment.  I really wanted to like this movie.  I think there was something there in the mythology... but the movie failed to really get into it.  The only thing this movie did for me was get me to think about reading the book.  Otherwise I would suggest a pass from anyone else slightly interested in this movie.



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Do we mention movies in the theater here?  Eh, here goes:


Went and watched Max Payne this weekend in the theater.  Not bad.  They used the time slowdown a couple of times to good effect.  Overall, I'd say it gets a B+ as a good action flick without too much story - but enough to make it interesting.

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Well, tonight I watched The Heart Break Kid.

And I must say, this is probably the funniest/best Ben Stiller Romantic Comedy movie he's made since theres something about mary! And lets face it, That movie ROCKED.

This movie is similar to that, except, ben Stiller doesn't injur himself, he' just makes himself a major ass. ;)

The ending is CLASSIC! Gotta say, for this genre, 5 out of 5 stars, as a movie in general, probably around 3.5-4, it definately had me laughing! Specially the rat scene. ;)


The movie I watched the night after the night before last, aka last night, was a comedy called Slippery Slope.

Now I must warn you, both movies had there fair share of nudity, with slippery slope having a hellava lot more than the ben stiller movie.

Basically, the movie, Slippery Slope had to deal with a Ultra uptight Feminist, (Aka those who say porn = explotive of women) ends up, having to direct a porn movie to pay for her feminist movie because the editors are greedy bastards, and will burn it unless she pays them the $50,000 she owes.

The movie definately has its funny-side, its definately not a porn, or even softcore at that. Its just got alot of nudity, and lets face it, some really funny akward moments. ;)


The last movie/show I watched was an Anime called Hell Girl.

It sucked, Royally.

It sucked sooo bad... I can't even describe it.

But escentially the series has a few cut and paste scenes used through out the show, that are nearly a constant, otherwise, it is basically a collection of 'stories' about people whos 'lives suck' because someone 'screwed' them over. So they get to 'kill the person' via proxy of 'hell girl', who sends there soul to hell...


So basically theres no consistant plot, just a loose colleciton of interlinked stories...

I found it to be DULL, and Boring!

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