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Rand, Mat and Perrin...Friends Ever Again?

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I think the reference to making fun of nynaeve was nastalgia for the good ole days of emond's field when they really did that.  I don't think it was meant as an insult.  Also I agree.  I think Rand Mat and Perrin will be friends forever and all the Emond's fielders will be the glue that holds all the relationships together.  I really do think they will end up being friends, its kind of hard to avoid, but maybe that's just me being romantic.


I agree. And I believe that all of our main characters from the Emonds Field are ALL still good friends with one another.


Egwene has devoted herself entirely to the White Tower. She sees herself as the Amyrlin Seat and nothing else. She cannot even relate to the Emond's Field girl she used to be because she has become a cold and manipulative woman. (I'm not saying some of it wasn't necessary, but she has changed too much.) I think Egwene is too far gone to be anybody's friend anymore.

I disagree.


Egwene has devoted herself entirely to the White Tower. She sees herself as the Amyrlin Seat and nothing else. She cannot even relate to the Emond's Field girl she used to be because she has become a cold and manipulative woman. (I'm not saying some of it wasn't necessary, but she has changed too much.) I think Egwene is too far gone to be anybody's friend anymore.


I do have hope for the others though.


Yes well, a lot of people have become quite strange with the threat of impending doom.  As much as I dislike Egwene (well I've kind of been prejudiced against her right from the start just because I think her name is stupid, sorry if you are named Egwene  :-[)---- I would hate to see her left out of the celebration.


Can I just say I hope they are? Or when TG is over and they retire to their individual ...kingdoms?... realms? they are able to treat each other justly and remember they grew up in the same place - not turn their backs on each other when doing trade agreements and the like, or when there is a food or fuel crises. That may be the best we can hope for. Or they could all die and the point is moot.



I thing I have a problem with the letter "g"


The first time I read the name Egwene I somehow sort of replaced the g with an r...(I know, I'm just weird  ;))...and my version comes out something like Arwen but with more of an E sound than A at the beginning...don't ask me how


I did the same thing with Egeanin...I sort of dropped the g...oops  ;D


*spoiler for book 11*


To me Mat seems more wary of Rand's use of sadin because it will turn him mad more than anything else. I would also describe his feelings towards Aes Sadai more like a very strong distrust. I think Mat and Rand might be able to savage their friendship even though Rand used and abandoned Mat.

Moving on, on the other hand, Perrin is so gone, he totally stopped caring about his friend in book 11 and couldn't even spare a thought for Rand when poor Rand gets his hand burned off, no instead he says it doesn't matter compared to his Fail >:(.

About Egwene, right now the way she is acting is quit unintelligent and in another author I know, would probably have killed her off by now, but sadly I think she is one of the more likely characters to survive.


I'm assuming that they all survive Tarmon Gai'don, so far we know Mat will for definate.


How do we know Mat will survuve? I've always had the thought that all three will die during Tarmon Gai'don. EG, the wheel uses them up then throws them away.


I definitely think Mat and Rand could be friends again. I'm not so sure about Perrin...mostly because of Faile. I don't think she helps their chances.



At the end, Perrin will learn to slap Faile when she gets out of line. That'll save the friendship.


I don't really see how those flashes they get holds them together as friends...it's more there to remind them that they need each other now that TG approaches. Most of the time the flashes just piss the character off.


Perrin seems to be somewhat ok with Rand, not Mat though. He simply do not trust channelers. Rand (assuming he survives) will possibly be a leader of nations or at least the Black Tower, which leaves little time for friends. After TG everyone will be way too busy for each other, even if they had time for each other I'm not sure they'd get along, least ways not like they used to get along.


Mat will probably never be friends like the old days with Rand, you guys are totally right, he has no trust, maybe a little fear?, of the OP. Perrin, on the other hand, is so easy going and non confrontational, that he'll be friends with everyone. I gotta say, Mats dislike of rands abilities is his only downfall. He should be above that, he's so awesome in every other way!! ;)

Everyone will be great friends, I think, once the pressure's off, and assuming they all live!

As for Egwene, I have liked her from the beginning, and I'd have to say she's one of my favorite characters! Her time with the Aiel, and being Amyrlin are my favorite scenes. She has proved to be a strong character, who holds up when the chips are down. Her only downfall is her opinion of men, as with every other female in this series. They all need to give them a little credit!


I belive that they will stay friends through it all. Even as rulers of various nations they will be friends and I think that that will help the hold the world together following TG. They will support one another instead of trying to encroach upon weak nations in hopes of conquoring them. But No i don't think that they'll ever go swimming in the winespring together again.


Mat may distrust the Power, but I think he's more comfortable with it by now than most people in the world. He's not above bossing Aes Sedai around, even when he thinks they've found 'holes' in his protection. And whatever he thinks of AS and chanellers in general, his efforts in Ebou Dar should tell us that he is adamant about them being people too. Not the same as trust, no. But he relates to them enough to give a damn.

He's smitten with Tuon, even if he does fear her slightly. The fact that she can learn to channel can't help, but mostly he thinks she's Princess Snoot. That seems to be his chief problem with most Aes Sedai too. The Power makes him nervous (I'd say that's a sensible reaction) but what he's really wary of is manipulation.

He's cautiously started thinking of Elayne as a kind of friend. Quite apart from the chanelling, the nobility and the haughtiness, his confusion seems to lie in the fact that she's a girl. Girls fall into three categories for Mat: Girls who wanna have fun, girls who don't, and girls who he can't even think of that way (which consists mostly of close relatives). We see this when he's becoming friends with Birgette, musing about how odd it is that he hasn't had any thoughts about kissing her for at least four hours  ::). The fact that it was easier with her stems from the fact that she's so blokey.


In conclusion, I don't think the chanelling helps, but I don't think it is an unbridgeable gulf. What is more likely to be a problem is lack of communication, suspicion about each other's motives (which they'll have to get over for TG anyway) and general pig-headedness.


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