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One of your members told me to stop in and check out the WT, so here I am.  Sounds very structured.  I think I prefer to freelance.  I've had enough committment in my life to last a lifetime.  It's time for me to just enjoy being me.  Thanks for the invite!  Come say hi in Fiddlesticks some time.  :)

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That's nice... but truly I seldom act like anything BUT me here.


Half the time I Mope© or play in the Closet© and occasionally enjoy torturing the Novices (Which I can't claim copyright for since everyone does it)... *shrugs*


But yeah, hello there~!

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but .but..i wanted to climb the outside of the white tower :( then jump off with a paint brush and paint a pink stripe down the side and land in a glass of water



*edit* gwampy sorry for hijacking your thread...here i think these are yours *gives gwampy the groupies clinging to him ;) * i guess its only fair you get them since you started it *sighs* ..whatever shall i do now...icon_twisted.gif


*runs off to play*

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;) i've got some tricks up my sleeve, i've done this before

*concentrats to got to a state of utter lack of consentration*


*channels the secret sixth power - spam!!!, weaves the spam flows and inverts them* hehe let em follow now ;) :P

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