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To be fair, most steaks cooked by my mom ended grey... (Sorry Mom, you know it's true). Like, there is "well done" and then there is "Andy's Mom shoe leather done"


Maybe that's why I now only eat my steaks... well, let's just say it will be my contribution for the RED Ajah! 😄


Thank you for sharing @Cross Sedai!!  Perhaps a little something to dip the cookie into and help wash down all these delicious treats...




Would you like this as a martini?


*Snatches an Earl Gray Scone... yum* Strong showing for the Gray!! 👏:ajahgray_by_drowelfmorwen-dc43ft4: 


This week, we move to GREEN!! 💚

Captain General @Ryrin, Sitter @LilyElizabeth, Sitter @Dar'Jen Ab Owain, might I invite you to share your favorite and boldest Green foods and drinks?


Here are mine: cilantro (i apparently don't have the soap gene) and cucumber-mint water



Asparagus here is normally white. Though most white asparagus is now grown in Peru. I saw a great programme where a Dutch journalist went to Peru and heard that the farmers there got a free supply of asparagus but they thought it was disgusting and ground it up for animal feed. The journalist found this a national slight, so sought to change their minds. Much hilarity ensued - especially when he was trying to ask for an asparagus pan, strangely absent in Peru. 


But eventually he had a meal of boiled white asparagus, ham, boiled eggs and potatoes, and those Peruvians had to admit, it was as tasty af. 


The issue generally is, that there is a nasty horrible skin that is the exact same colour as the flesh, so peeling is really awkward if you aren't experienced. And unpeeled asparagus is totally minging. To use a Scottish term, lol,


I remember my kids needed some convincing, but the head of the asparagus is called a crown in Dutch, so we convinced her it was Princess food. 

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