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  On 3/3/2025 at 1:13 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Minority Villager.  Roflolololol


It's true...it's damn true!!!!!


I've never randed Wolf only Villager and Minority Villager....the latter just means that sometimes my town just had alot less Villagers in it then the "fake" Wolfy town LOLOLOLOL


If I have time tonight I will do my best. It depends on what part of the ER department I’m in. Some areas can be busier than others. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 1:15 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

It is very late for me now. I am heading to the scratcher. 


It has been fun. Don't let Zander eat anyone while I'm away.



Get rekt Wolf!!!!  Lolololol


  On 3/3/2025 at 1:21 AM, Turin Turambar said:

Z, I had you as sus to start but had more wolfy peeps in sight, Cairos and Andy. Then I saw how you could fit in with them via the lock clear which you now.say was a joke. Your joke vote on me that your still half pushing, the convo with Andy seemed weird, and mostly your lack of game solve until right now. Some of your posts seemed like mafia trolling breadcrumbs to point back at and laugh in endgame.


Be more Villager and less Minority Villager. 



I am not a Minority Villager this game just a True Villager.  Also Pot-Kettle lololololol.  If you're actually a Villager then we need to get at least somewhat on the same page 

  On 3/3/2025 at 1:22 AM, Ithillian Turambar said:

Also it's super late here and I'm off to bed.


Feel free to keep an eye on the votes.


Play nice and be good 💙


Yes Ithi Sedai*bows and curtsies and trips face first, face planting into the ground*

  On 3/3/2025 at 1:25 AM, Andy MacLeod said:

Here's what I'm getting... Zander, Dice and Turin seem to act as a team and ask each other's opinion under cover of being experienced players and so openly that they are going to say Mafia would never do it in the open... but hiding in plain sight is as old a strategy as the world... 


Here's how I see them play:

- Zander's seeds confusion by creating an avalanche of posts - his task seems to be to create confusion through sheer explosion of posts and accusations in every direction... Meanwhile, he throws very half-hearted dirt at Turin but in the same post clears Dice... smells like a well-oiled team at work to me.

- Turin "takes the fall" with one vote against him from his team to dispel suspicion that they might be working together, while Dice and Zander continue to saw suspicion towards other players. His role is to articulate very reasonable reasons and play friendly with the Town folks


- Dice shapes the narrative towards Cairos being a wolf and calls to his teammates to maintain the appearance that he's not in cohoot with them... but in effect, both him and Turin vote for Cairos... I saw veteran-wolfs are piling on... maybe?


ALSO: I like you all, this is a game, please don't hate me 🫣 You asked for patterns of people that could go together, and, well, that's what I see...




Lol noone is gonna hate you for making reads in a Mafia game whether they're a Villager reads or A Wolf manufacturing Wolfy reads.  It's a game lol.


Also in a game with like a 1/3 of the game at least new players and 1/3 of players who have played before but not much at all...if the Wolf team was Dice Turin and Me the Rand.org Gods would just be cruel LOLOLOLOL 

  On 3/3/2025 at 1:45 AM, Turin Turambar said:

It's actually past my bedtime too, so I will continue in the morning. 


Don't lynch anyone until I get back.



Night homie 


And no we're gonna use as much time as possible before DL to try and make sure we have the best possible chance to lunch a Wolf today!!!

  On 3/3/2025 at 2:49 AM, Zander? said:

Also in a game with like a 1/3 of the game at least new players and 1/3 of players who have played before but not much at all...if the Wolf team was Dice Turin and Me the Rand.org Gods would just be cruel LOLOLOLOL


Cruel, but totally possible 😬

  On 3/3/2025 at 2:26 AM, dicetosser1 said:

Z do me a favour? Dont bury yourself in a tunnel. keep a wide view.



Yep gonna do this.  I know I don't read  Turin or Sooh well so I'm just gonna interact and give them the day at least so I have as much information as possible before I try and make a solid read on em and a lunch if necessary.


Ok I'm tired af I'm gonna shower and relax and if I don't fall asleep Ill check back in but if not I'll be back when I get up.!

  On 3/3/2025 at 12:51 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

At the moment Zander I am surprised your little wolf paws can hold that shovel so well that you are digging that hole deeper with. 


To an extent my suspicions revolve around other players reactions your moves. 


So that could leave you innocent. But it is almost as if you are doing everything to double down on your first reactions rather than reacting to the *many* people that have backed you up on Turin without voting. Or, in Andy's case, with voting for little reason.


If you are Mafia, you know I am not...


Course, maybe Zander and Turin are deliberately trying to split into two camps so that if one gets flipped no one will suspect the other. Has anyone ever seen them together in the same room? Do we even know they are not the same person? Has anyone considered that?


Could be you are innocent and say, Mills, Cairos and Andy are leeching off your early vote. But why are you not suspicious of them but of Turin, Dice and me?


Heavy you are very sus in trying to say that you are not mafia. Most mafia players would say that and try to lie that they hare town. How can we trust you that you are not mafia. Also you are playing really well since this is your first game. 


Dice is being dice and always a strong and vocal player. He can sway me either way as town or mafia. Strong players can help those newer players in how to play and strategies in talking to people. Dont hate me my Sarm brother. 




So my list of Mafia would be Andy, Heavy, and Dice. 


For both Andy and Heavy, they appear to be playing pretty well even though it is there first time playing. I used to play mafia in an actual group setting in real life. They both make pretty good cases and if they had Dice in the mix or somebody with experience to help, than Zander is correct. 


How can one play mafia really well. I dont play mafia that well and suck at reading people. I mean look at this post by Andy. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 1:25 AM, Andy MacLeod said:

Here's what I'm getting... Zander, Dice and Turin seem to act as a team and ask each other's opinion under cover of being experienced players and so openly that they are going to say Mafia would never do it in the open... but hiding in plain sight is as old a strategy as the world... 


Here's how I see them play:

- Zander's seeds confusion by creating an avalanche of posts - his task seems to be to create confusion through sheer explosion of posts and accusations in every direction... Meanwhile, he throws very half-hearted dirt at Turin but in the same post clears Dice... smells like a well-oiled team at work to me.

- Turin "takes the fall" with one vote against him from his team to dispel suspicion that they might be working together, while Dice and Zander continue to saw suspicion towards other players. His role is to articulate very reasonable reasons and play friendly with the Town folks


- Dice shapes the narrative towards Cairos being a wolf and calls to his teammates to maintain the appearance that he's not in cohoot with them... but in effect, both him and Turin vote for Cairos... I saw veteran-wolfs are piling on... maybe?


ALSO: I like you all, this is a game, please don't hate me 🫣 You asked for patterns of people that could go together, and, well, that's what I see...



You are very scummy to me. Remember that mafia can also kill their own to make it seem like a majority vote and to keep them hidden. Also Dice can be the GF in this mafia and help the newbies in how to place. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 5:46 AM, Cairos said:

Heavy you are very sus in trying to say that you are not mafia. Most mafia players would say that and try to lie that they hare town. How can we trust you that you are not mafia. Also you are playing really well since this is your first game. 


Dice is being dice and always a strong and vocal player. He can sway me either way as town or mafia. Strong players can help those newer players in how to play and strategies in talking to people. Dont hate me my Sarm brother. 





Sounds like an admission.


Also noting Cairos quoted and is talking about Heavy but votes Andy.


THEN goes on to finally quote Andy in his next post.


Also has me as GF in particular and not just mafia?


We need to lynch a Sarm. Its a sad day. This is the lynch that needs to happen.



Sorry I had 2 windows open and i forgot it was open. So my posts was out of order. 


Yes my post is confusing sorry about that. Also i'm at work when i posted it. 


Oh geeze. Ok, I'm going to try to catch up in between everything that's going on at work, but I make no promises as to when I'll be done. I guess I have to try to get there by EOD. Starting now.


Have to say you are all tots sus. Like really. All this cloak and dagger stuff is driving me insane. Andy actually makes the most sense, but that just goes to show how any group of players could wolves. But yes, why is Zander being Zander such a red flag to players that have so often played with him. Are they in cahoots or is Zander an incredibly suspicious dupe in all this? 


Just to clear a point about me seeing old posts, this was posts not threads. Finding the most recent posts involved simply looking at the users activity where I could only see their posts, not the conversation. I also had to look for the last roll call they made so that involved scrolling a bit through their activity. So lots of talk about mafia, not a lot of coherent sense. 


It is so frustrating as wolves don't need to do anything different from town. They can throw suspicion on each other, especially on day 1, as who takes that seriously? The only time we really see their intent is who dies, but again is that the most accurate townie or a bluff or a double bluff? 


Is Dice pushing for Cairos sus? Turin backing him up, based on posts Zander made? 


Andy hasn't explained why she voted for Turin early, not directly even though she has substantiated a very good reason to be suspicious of him. But anyone pointing out suspicious things is suspicious. What do they want us to think?


Personally I think you all did it and I'm the only town, lol. 


Sticking with Zander for now. 

  On 3/2/2025 at 7:56 PM, Turin Turambar said:

It is a meta reason,  not his meta. IYKYK


I'm not going into it though. 



I hope somebody pressed you on this at some point over the next few pages. If not, consider this my urging to have to go into it.

  On 3/2/2025 at 8:00 PM, Turin Turambar said:

Oh my. I couldn't imagine being substitute principal to a bunch of tweenagers. Then coming home to toddlers.  You are Wonder Woman.

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  On 3/2/2025 at 9:41 PM, Andy MacLeod said:

Yup, first time and, off the record, I'll play this once 'cause you are all nice, but I hate games where you have to throw dirt at others. Frankly, there's enough of that going on in the world. End parenthesis. 

  Reveal hidden contents



Mafia in my experience tends to get people heated. Some more so than others. Here on DM it tends to stick to in-game only, and once the game is over we're all best friends. You can sometimes wonder though, in the heat of the moment. Calling each other liars and scum and such can feel hurtful perhaps, especially when you know they're wrong and you're just trying to be honest. It is a process to get used to this game, and sometimes I've experienced just not being in the right headspace to play. 

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:28 AM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

Have to say you are all tots sus. Like really. All this cloak and dagger stuff is driving me insane. Andy actually makes the most sense, but that just goes to show how any group of players could wolves. But yes, why is Zander being Zander such a red flag to players that have so often played with him. Are they in cahoots or is Zander an incredibly suspicious dupe in all this? 


Just to clear a point about me seeing old posts, this was posts not threads. Finding the most recent posts involved simply looking at the users activity where I could only see their posts, not the conversation. I also had to look for the last roll call they made so that involved scrolling a bit through their activity. So lots of talk about mafia, not a lot of coherent sense. 


It is so frustrating as wolves don't need to do anything different from town. They can throw suspicion on each other, especially on day 1, as who takes that seriously? The only time we really see their intent is who dies, but again is that the most accurate townie or a bluff or a double bluff? 


Is Dice pushing for Cairos sus? Turin backing him up, based on posts Zander made? 


Andy hasn't explained why she voted for Turin early, not directly even though she has substantiated a very good reason to be suspicious of him. But anyone pointing out suspicious things is suspicious. What do they want us to think?


Personally I think you all did it and I'm the only town, lol. 


Sticking with Zander for now. 



Zander being Zander isnt a red flag. At least for me. Im a tone reader. One of the things I look for is is Xs tone consistent? is it consistent with what i have seen from them when theyve been town/scum in other games. That sort of stuff plus consistency in what they said 10 mins ago and what their saying now.


@Sooh both Zander and I asked about it and zander pushed a bit but Turin isnt talking. My read is that its probably personal beliefs about how you play the game.  I honestly dont think its an issue actually.

  On 3/2/2025 at 10:37 PM, Millon said:

I’m trying my guy. Wyatt is bein a

wondefully cute handful today. I don’t get many days from him like this so gotta lean into it. lol. I’m trying to read through again as best I can. 


Hey man... you're making the correct priorities as far as I can see. 

  On 3/2/2025 at 11:06 PM, Gudrean said:

I am leaning towards Cairos, Andy and Zander. Do I need quotes for each or can I just say each of them has seemed eager and/or confident in ways that are sus?


Maybe pick one and do the quote thing if you can?

  On 3/2/2025 at 11:12 PM, Gudrean said:

It also seems like @Zander? wants me to think he's mafia, but maybe it's all in my imagination.


??? Explain?

  On 3/3/2025 at 8:35 AM, dicetosser1 said:

@Sooh both Zander and I asked about it and zander pushed a bit but Turin isnt talking. My read is that its probably personal beliefs about how you play the game.  I honestly dont think its an issue actually.


It just feels like something that shouldn't die with him if we lose him at EOD or overnight. 

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