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Anybody else feel like a dinosaur?


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When I think about the changes in technology just since the late 1970's.  Cars.  Medicine. Electronics.  Drugs (legal ones, I mean).  Some of it I have sort of kept up with a little.  I still quite often learn of something new that just seems wonderous to me.


I'll take the easy example to start this topic and leave you the harder ones.  Computers.  I have a teaching minor in Computer Science (no I'm not a teacher...today is my 28th anniversary as a factory rat).  I completed that minor in 1990 or 1991 maybe?  Most of my classes were geared around the now obsolete main frame systems.  PCs were on the market but the professors were not yet convinced that they were the way to go.  Most of my PC classes were using the state of the art models with the 386 chips.  One prof had one with a 486.  When I finished he was just getting Windows.  Had to learn DOS, programming in BASIC, "C", Word Perfect and Lotus 1,2,3.  I bought a Tandy with a 286 chip for my kids to learn on.  We spent countless hours playing Atari...I used the computer for college papers then gave it away because I couldn't get anything out of selling it.  There was no internet.  Bookkeeping and word processing were the main uses.  Dragonmount wasn't available.  I've learned some Windows stuff but am basically computer illiterate.  My son is the IT guy in our family.


Anyway...anybody else ever feel like things change too quick to keep up?




About the time I think I have the answers, the questions all change.

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sadly, yes. i remember having an antenae instead of cable/satellite. remote control was for rich people. so were console tvs. three channels plus pbs (ick). regular or unleaded, i had to wait in gas lines with my parents in un-airconditioned vehicles. there was no central heat/air.i remember nixon resigning and ford falling down the steps of that airplane. iran held us hostage. beta or vhs? trans ams were cool. people smoked pot all the time or had a doc prescribing them vallium.the list goes on and on...........


*chuckles* Digital Calculators weren't even available to the motoring public when I graduated from High School.. Was slide rules, fingers and toes.... or a big ol' desktop adding machine. Thought my first 28k modem was hot stuff. Heck I couldn't even get the Commodore 64 i had to do anything but hold a door open. Never needed a computer again till 93 when I bought my first Mac which I plugged in, turned  on and it DID STUFF! and I didn't have to and never have learned a single iota of programming language...  That didn't happen with Wintel machines till much later god forbid you tried to add a peripheral of any kind, much less a drive...


Happily oblivious and lovin' it! 


GrandpaG, lou, Auld Manriva, you warm the cockles of my heart! (whatever they are)  :-*

I think I'm a Triceratops.

I remember: clothes had to be starched (with powder you had to mix in water) and then ironed; playing with paper dolls; metal skates with keys; pretending to be Bullet or Trigger (hey My sister was Dale and my brother was Roy. They were the only good guys left and I'd rather be a dog or horse than a bad guy); singing "Blueberry Hill"; Sky King; Mr. GreenJeans and To o om Terrrific!; high tech was vinyl (we had lots of 78's), color TV, and a rotor on the antenna; the first Nintendo Game and Watch (called "Fire", bought it in Japan in '78); PONG; DOS command lines (couldn't afford a MAC); rotary phones with party lines; Cokes in 8 oz bottles for ten cents used to come out of the machines so cold ice would be floating in it. *sighs*  But that's nothing to what my parents saw happen in their lifetimes: electricity, radio, indoor plumbing, passenger aircraft, TV, cell phones, space flights. Momma just shook her head as she watched them walk on the moon and said, "Praise God". She always said that when she was overawed by something. *sings* Thanks for the memories....


My grandpa still had a pitcher pump in the kitchen and an outhouse until I was about 5 maybe 6 years old.


My first car was a hand-me-down from my dad (free)...1964 Rambler station wagon.  6 cylinder stick (3 on the column).  No electronic ignition...points and condenser.  No fuel injection...carburetor.  No power steering or brakes.  Bias ply tires (used).  Ugly two tone gray with a red interior.  But both front seats layed down flush with the back of the back seat that also folded down, so it was a drive in car from front to back (not that I ever got the chance to use it, but it was fun to dream about).  That old piece of junk would probably be worth a lot of money today just because it was so different.  Dad ground the valves by hand using a swivel stick and grinding compound.  The old girl would dig gravel in 2nd.  Very little rust.  Heater/defroster sucked.  Got me back and forth to football practice...I mean school... ;D


best christmas present i ever had was roller skates with the key...you had to wear your shoes in them and the skates themselves extended as your feet grew. my brothers took me to the top of the hill and gave me a "push" to teach me how to skate...i still have some of those scars.....

anyway, mom wasnt afraid to "beat" us in front of the neighbors, in fact, if any of us ever got out of line in any way, it was understood that the adult on duty was to dispense disipline as needed.lol

i also sported a haircut called a "pixie" cut and went to catholic school.

i never solved the reubix cube.


oh gwampy, you young people have got it easy. im 1914 on my fake birthday tommorow and iv been paddled all my life .ow. its still happening now :o


Alys, I'm nineteen and I feel old sometimes.


"Hey look, MmBop got voted the third most annoying song of all time. I would have though Hanson would get first!"

"Who're Hanson?"








* looks left *



* looks right *



Who's beating Red? icon_evil.gif






Sorry, Red's Mom!





Alys, I'm nineteen and I feel old sometimes.


"Hey look, MmBop got voted the third most annoying song of all time. I would have though Hanson would get first!"

"Who're Hanson?"









* scratching gray hair *

do I remember 19?


* still scratching *

boot camp...'65 Impala two door hardtop ($395 loan)...18 year old drinking law...


* holding forehead between both palms *

99 cents for a sixpack of Old Milwaukee...Stroh's!!!  OMG...where's the john!!!  :-X


* smiling *

Yup, I think I remember 19...GOOD LUCK!!!  ;)


I SO remember 19. That was the first time I felt like life was passing me by and I needed to do something about it. I wanted more out of life than a low-paying job. I wanted to see some of the world. But I had no money. :(

So the next day I went to see the AF recruiter. :)


Talk about culture shock!


But I got to see the world!

Guest nephitess

I'm 28 and remember 19 clearly. Yup i was stoned out of my mind and going noware. *shakes head* i have since seen the light. ;D


*pokes jackie with the red feather stick that sometimes turns blue, depending on whether or not its wife is in a good mood, cause if she aint happy, he aint happy, and that just really makes things complicated, especially when they add Frank in on it*


:( :'( :( 19 is way to old...its like next twenty and then your dead *weeps on griefys shoulder*


...yeh you know i mean that in the nice way were all you o..wise and young at heart folk are seriously cool...its just i want to go early in a blazy of foolish glory


i had an osborn executive, thats the first portiblecomputer... notice i dident say laptop this thing was like 40 lbs and had a 4" square screen.  on my 8086 i had windows 1.04 wich wasent ever for sale, i got it second hand and dont have a clue where it came from. my parents drove a vw hatchback. i got my first tube of modle glue and set of modle paints when i was 6 and dident get id'd, dominos had a 30 min or less garentee, you could buy cap guns that looked real, no little orange things on them, and the last one i can remember that is relly big now..... gas was a quarter a gallon


Man... I saw the first episode of Dark Shadows when it aired.



I used to watch Lost In Space on TV and I was in my 20's when Luke and Laura from the Soaps were just flirting with each other.


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