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Roleplay Interest


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I am sure Kath and Jagan have things being sorted in the background. Clubs made me forget where to look on a regular basis and frankly 2022 was basically 2020-too. 😛 


Who's in for some writing? And would Discord short-form writing be something you're interested in?

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On 3/24/2023 at 3:09 PM, Thom DeSimone said:

Perhapsably ....


Oooh! Someone new interested!! 😄 Hey'a Thom! What kind of RP would you be interested in? Just out of curiosity, where would you see yourself interested in playing?

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So I wonder:


In a perfect world would you like to roleplay in short posts in a forum style setting?


Pros: Timezone and life differences matter less. 


Cons: Forums are better suited for long form RP since posting happens less frequently. 


Or would you like to do chat based and or discord based RP. 


Pros: Realtime rp with your peers so it is faster and more uncertain like real life since decisions are made on the fly. 


Cons: Requires planning around multiple timezones around the globe. Slams to a halt when schedules don’t align. 


Or, maybe a hybrid of the two?

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This post was recognized by SinisterDeath!


Arie was awarded the badge 'Roleplay Player '

 I've always been a fan of both, and honestly there are ways to play it out. 


1) Roleplay can be wherever. But "RPs for credit" should be on the forums.

2) RPs taking place on discord can be reposted in full in the forums. 


Shenanigans in discord can totes go off wherever, but anything posted should at least fit in the same scheme as the forum they are posted on. Though if it's a "PSW" forum/chat then nothing stops Arie the MoNster from locking Caddy the Green Dragon in her little black box. 😄

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Hi! New here and sign me up. I've started using discord more lately. I find that initial discord can be overwhelming due to time zones.


Real time rp just sounds fun. For these reasons and general consensus, forum based might work better. I'm interested to hear what hybrid might look like. 

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I would likely run a greenie...I mean surprise surprise. 


I would like to maybe roll the timeline back a bit to around the Fall of Malkier.


Then you'd be in semi uncharted player territory - EF5 have not been born yet.


A key battle is happening or on the horizon. And it is not so far out of the events of the books that we do not know the state of the world and the One Power.


Either done as a trad RP (book like events) or even maybe as a Game of Thrones like drama focused on the individuals inside Malkier near the fall with the world as a backdrop.

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On 5/24/2023 at 9:25 PM, Qstar said:

Hey all! I'm in. I'd be a warder more than likely.


I would probably suggest for you joining the new beginnings RP world. You can make a warder character there and then play out different RP’s to have that character go through training and then go out on missions. Even meet another player to become their warder. There is some structure on the warder training which you would have to play with another person to complete, but lots of opportunity to create your own adventures and play them out with other people and other characters.


The first step with that would be to write up a bio outlining the history of your character describing why they want to be a Warder. There are examples in the new beginnings board of other previous bios if you want an example of how to start, and I can get you some more direct instruction from someone to help you with the bio if you would like.

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On 5/25/2023 at 2:28 AM, CaddySedai said:

I would likely run a greenie...I mean surprise surprise. 


I would like to maybe roll the timeline back a bit to around the Fall of Malkier.


Then you'd be in semi uncharted player territory - EF5 have not been born yet.


A key battle is happening or on the horizon. And it is not so far out of the events of the books that we do not know the state of the world and the One Power.


Either done as a trad RP (book like events) or even maybe as a Game of Thrones like drama focused on the individuals inside Malkier near the fall with the world as a backdrop.

that sounds like it could be really fun. Anything that’s not in the timeline of the new beginnings RP would be posted in the campaigns board. 


There is basically free range to play whatever you want there. If you start the RP, then you are in control of who can play with you and the rules as you make them are up to you.


Using the campaign boards, would also save you from having to create the bio and go through the structured training RP’s before jumping right into your planned storyline. 

Feel free to make a post here or on the campaigns board outlining your RP plan to see if there’s others around wanting to join you, and feel free to just start our peeing on the campaign board in Character if you would like.

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19 hours ago, Kathleen said:


I would probably suggest for you joining the new beginnings RP world. You can make a warder character there and then play out different RP’s to have that character go through training and then go out on missions. Even meet another player to become their warder. There is some structure on the warder training which you would have to play with another person to complete, but lots of opportunity to create your own adventures and play them out with other people and other characters.


The first step with that would be to write up a bio outlining the history of your character describing why they want to be a Warder. There are examples in the new beginnings board of other previous bios if you want an example of how to start, and I can get you some more direct instruction from someone to help you with the bio if you would like.

I have read through the various boards in New Beginnings. Including the general information. In order to keep things organized and stick to the CoC/guidelines/character creation, I would require that someone help me with the bio if possible. Thanks!



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10 minutes ago, Qstar said:

I have read through the various boards in New Beginnings. Including the general information. In order to keep things organized and stick to the CoC/guidelines/character creation, I would require that someone help me with the bio if possible. Thanks!




Good effort - there's a lot of info there!

(Don't be too scared by it all though!!)


You mentioned being drawn to creating a Warder character for NBRP?


When you think on it, are there any inklings on certain personality traits/ quirks/ appearance features/ points on backstory that get your creativity buzzing? Best tip I have at that point is build the character up from there!


Then flesh out the info under the bio headings (see spoiler) from Jaegan's post here (She's a master bio-checker, after all - she knows her stuff!).




[Full Character Name]

[Age in the current timeline / Character's current age]
Place of birth:

[City/Town, Country. If you don't have a small town name, you can make one up or list a general geographical reference; i.e., "southern Arad Doman." City and country names, as well as facts, are found in our Geography Information Thread.]


Physical Description:[A full physical description so we know what your character looks like.]



[Your character's personality. "A character’s personality is more than just a list of traits; it’s a complex web of interrelated characteristics that determines how a character thinks and operates, as well as how they perceive and interact with the world around them." (quoting the author Kristen Kieffer) Here you can also add things like hobbies and idiosyncrasies.]


Character History:

[This is when your character was younger and what lead them to where they are today.]


Character Reputation

[This is applicable to characters who have been in any area for a certain amount of time, ranging from between a month to many years. How is your character perceived by others? What rumors might others have heard about them? Are there past incidences your character might be known for? (i.e., your character might be known for how they like to dance all day or night at festivities, or for their pickiness about clothing or other such behaviors).]




And if you find yourself stuck or stalling with anything in particular, start a question post in the OOC boards/ DM staff and we'll be around to help (we don't bite often!).

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Have you played RPGs or similar in real-time or play-by-post settings before @Qstar and also @Siera and @CaddySedai?


Like Kathleen said, there's also the option of shorter-term adventures here now (in the Portal Stone/One-shot) that don't require super in-depth bios etc to play and could a fun intro/way to start out!

Loving the idea of a 'Fall of Malkier' type adventure too @CaddySedai - would you like to run one?


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2 hours ago, Cass said:

Have you played RPGs or similar in real-time or play-by-post settings before @Qstar and also @Siera and @CaddySedai?


Like Kathleen said, there's also the option of shorter-term adventures here now (in the Portal Stone/One-shot) that don't require super in-depth bios etc to play and could a fun intro/way to start out!

Loving the idea of a 'Fall of Malkier' type adventure too @CaddySedai - would you like to run one?



So I joined DM back in the early days, before that I was already involved in a real time post by post chatroom based RP centered around the Cantina in the SWU. That rp is still active today and I am still involved. 


I find that it has its pros and cons. In chat short form RP you tend to see very little writing flourish like you would in paragraphs posted to a forum style RP. Everyone publishing mini chapters. The exception being what we call “text walls” - when you have prepared a longer almost forum level post to convey an idea or setting. Since I rp in both settings I tend to regularly post wall lol.


That said the forum RP (depending on the style) does have you sometimes including others in your posts which removes some agency from the other characters. In a chat based RP since each post is essentially a one shot from your character of their thoughts, actions, or words - it does mean that every action posted is that of the character owner. 


It is also faster, if parties are active you can bang out an entire scene that can have unexpected twists and turns. 

Edited by CaddySedai
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Oooh, what year did you join ( @CaddySedai)? I was around back in the early days too, mostly RP in the WT/Warders/Band from '99 or so, with a break a few years in. 


The duration of your chat RP is truly impressive! 


Nothing wrong with a good wall of text 🤣  I hear you on the differences, though I've never done chat-based, the original DM days when everyone was online at once could be pretty rapid! I miss those days, and honestly believe good forum rps can also run without loss of character agency, just takes thought and careful weaving!


Would you have any interest in starting up or joining a thread in either of the RP streams here? I.e. running, or playing a temporary/permanent character, maybe in in the 'fall of Malier' type setting you mentioned before?


I for one would love to see it happen, and would be happy to play/help/setup any way you'd like!

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On 6/5/2023 at 4:12 AM, Cass said:

Would you have any interest in starting up or joining a thread in either of the RP streams here? I.e. running, or playing a temporary/permanent character, maybe in in the 'fall of Malier' type setting you mentioned before?


I for one would love to see it happen, and would be happy to play/help/setup any way you'd like!


If you guys were to start this type of short-form RP I would love to join too!

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