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Slinky-slank mafia


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1 minute ago, Darthe said:

You think he's town?


I think he could be, but as I said before, I've never actually caught scum!chris based solely on his own content.  I have caught him in a sub slot before that I was already scum reading.  And the times I've felt 100% certain he was town, was after he/we drove a yeet on mafia.  

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17 minutes ago, TrippedOnReality said:


I think he could be, but as I said before, I've never actually caught scum!chris based solely on his own content.  I have caught him in a sub slot before that I was already scum reading.  And the times I've felt 100% certain he was town, was after he/we drove a yeet on mafia.  

Dropping in on this, Sinister ISO is a mess btw.


DO you think he is town?  You gave me a nothingburger here.  Pick a read.  

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@Clovdyx being flippant here isn’t the play. I know you’re gonna say you don’t care but I will hammer the shit out of your wagon if presented the opportunity at this point


This is another instance where I struggle to understand your move. Self prez aside, why are you voting SD here? You don’t think you could swing another wagon with help? If you are Town there is no way everyone on your wagon is. Talk me through where you are right now 

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4 minutes ago, Darthe said:

Dropping in on this, Sinister ISO is a mess btw.


DO you think he is town?  You gave me a nothingburger here.  Pick a read.  


Yes, I think he's more likely to be town than not based on his interactions with me last night and just generally being on the same page with our reads most of the game.  But I've absolutely gotten crushed by mafia!Chris pretty much every time he's been mafia against me, so I could be wrong.    

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On 7/11/2022 at 12:10 PM, Zander? said:

Like a Town!Dice flip makes me look REAL REAL hard at Hallia AJ SD and Leelou


On 7/11/2022 at 12:52 PM, Cory Caboose said:


Not much to work with but I liked him snipping at Leelou over her saying SD shouldn’t be resolved but dice should


On 7/11/2022 at 1:09 PM, whiskey delta said:

Considering I might have to blow it all up in about an hour and some change I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself but I think there’s good AI info to be gleaned from a Dice/Hally flip. I think there’s a decent chance for that pair to not be v/v but if it is then I need to start looking harder into the group of Cory/Z/Clov/Tripped. Leelou would be a compromise here but I don’t particularly love it at this point. Verb deserves more time so I’ll hold off there for now.


I wouldn’t lynch you or Voodoo/SD today.


On 7/11/2022 at 1:13 PM, Zander? said:


Lee AJ imo


On 7/11/2022 at 1:20 PM, TrippedOnReality said:

Vote dice


I don't particularly love the wagons, but I don't know where else I would go to start a new one.  I was town reading leelou and hallia, and I've got a better track record of being right with hallia than dice and I agree with aj that there's more info from a hallia/dice flip.  And as much as i hate it, SD is almost always town.  I'll try to check back in again, but I have a bunch of work stuff I have to do this afternoon.


On 7/11/2022 at 1:23 PM, VooDooNut said:

Can we just look at Dice/Hallia then? It would really simplify things. I still don't sus Dice but I'm willing to explore it


On 7/11/2022 at 1:27 PM, Zander? said:

This isnt an awful take imo


What about Lee?


On 7/11/2022 at 1:28 PM, Cory Caboose said:


To some extent I feel like dice finding something that irks him and biting down single mindedly is something he does as town a lot


It’s not super confident but its made me less enthused to put him up today


On 7/11/2022 at 1:31 PM, Cory Caboose said:


If Hallia were to flip mafia I would guess strongly you’re a villager despite the early SA tinfoiling


It would be a pretty funny end to our little carousel ride this day


On 7/11/2022 at 1:39 PM, Hallia said:

Darthe and Zander for life


On 7/11/2022 at 1:51 PM, Cory Caboose said:

Zander Darthe and VooDoo are my strongest villagers


If there is a high effort wolf I would guess it’s in the Clov/Trip pairing and almost definitely not both. I like them both a lot so far but I imagine either would put forth a genuine effort as a wolf vs eachother. The rivalry is real


On 7/11/2022 at 1:54 PM, Darthe said:

Vote clovdyx


On 7/11/2022 at 1:54 PM, Verbal32 said:



You answered it yourself.  I won't let it go random, but I don't have a good enough read on either of them seeing as neither has been posting a lot since I entered the thread today.


On 7/11/2022 at 1:59 PM, Verbal32 said:


I'm shooting Zander, I told you.

Just doing some light reading... And these caught my eye.


@TrippedOnRealityhow do you know I'm always town? As far as I know, we've never played together, and my last game before Fireball was like, 2005?

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On 7/10/2022 at 6:27 PM, SinisterDeath said:

1. Swing Whiskey, save Darthe

2. Swing Voodoo, save Dice.

3. Swing Hallia, save Tripped. 


On 7/10/2022 at 6:31 PM, SinisterDeath said:

1. The dice gods aren't wrong. They weren't wrong game 1.

2. VooDoo feels off to me compared to last game.


Darthe and Dice are the only ones I have good reads on. Everything else is gut or chance. 


Literally the first time he mentions Dice or I, and he says "everything else is gut or chance" implying these reads arent.  


On 7/10/2022 at 8:08 PM, SinisterDeath said:




If only I was the doc this time. I'm a Villager like Dice. Chance are, I'll get capped tonight either by lynch or wolf snack.



The bold will probably keep verb from ever voting elsewhere today.


On 7/10/2022 at 8:31 PM, SinisterDeath said:

Not doubling down.

But while you all are definitely going to lunch me tonight, you all should really pay attention to the people who point fingers and then went to sleep.

Oh, and if my hunches are right, maybe next game you won't lunch me D1 again?
Unvote VooDoo
Vote SinisterDeath


This came about because of a conversation where he thought Dice had a 1% chance of being a wolf mathematically because last game had 1 wolf so if this game has 1 wolf what are the odds someone rands wolf twice?  Then people got into an argument about how math works and whether it has a place in the game. Included for posterity.


On 7/10/2022 at 11:04 PM, SinisterDeath said:

With VooDoo, he jumped on my hunch Dice is a Villager pretty fast. If Dice is a Wolf, VooDoo could have used my non-sus of Dice as a spring board to bandwagon on Dice not being wolf.

As for Hal, aside from LeeLuo, Clov is just pure speculation.


Here it's a hunch, and discussing something I don't follow.


On 7/10/2022 at 11:38 PM, SinisterDeath said:

Lmao, well there was a wagon!


Ahh, I thought I read a Hallia vote earlier. Musta been Leelou.


Between Dice and LeeLou, my gut says LeeLou.


Or third option, we lynch no one and see who gets night capped. 


Reiterating the earlier conversation notes, but he relaxed a lot after the self vote got pressure off him.  Really changed tonally there.  Multiple times he flat out said no to explaining reads, but that isn't in here because it isn't directly Dice related.  



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1 minute ago, SinisterDeath said:

Just doing some light reading... And these caught my eye.


@TrippedOnRealityhow do you know I'm always town? As far as I know, we've never played together, and my last game before Fireball was like, 2005?

Because at that point you spewed yourself town by not knowing how the game of mafia works, like at all.  Is it possible you faked all that? Sure, I guess.  But then you continued to argue with people over it for really no reason and then self voted, which again, mafia don't generally self vote like that and generally not in that situation, but I've seen an awful lot of pissed off townies, especially new ones do that.  Again, could you have faked it as AtE?  Sure, I guess.  But mostly I was going with the simpler option that you're a town!newbie that doesn't know how mafia works and got pissed off.

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27 minutes ago, TrippedOnReality said:

Thank you.  SD, can you explain why you wanted it to go random over yeeting someone you thought wasn't towny or protecting someone you thought was town?

I thought I did In the post I quoted myself on.


As I said, y'all were convincing enough that Dice and Hallia we're about on equal footing of each being Town or Mafia.


So I wanted it to go Random, to let the Dice decide for me. Turns out my "dice" were right again. 


Believe it or not, I originally rolled dice in Fireball, and they actually landed on Dice. Hence my quip "I rolled the dice, and dice lost".


I figure, my gut is more wrong then right. My gut says the Vikings are going to win the superbowl every year. My brain says that's not happening. 


My gut is extremely paranoid. Hell, I lock the bathroom door when I'm the only one home, just in case someone decides to walk-in. 


My "luck" is horse shit.

I once bought 29 of 30 tickets on a meat raffle and lost. 


But then I told 5 nat 20s in a row in D&D on stupid skill checks. 


Other times, I'll cast fireball and deal 8 damage. 


I'm serious when I say there's a method to the madness, but it's mostly madness. 

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On 7/11/2022 at 10:06 AM, SinisterDeath said:


Your explanations on Dice comes off as too convenient (to me). 
Like you don't actually sus Dice, but want to appear town so you jumped sus on Dice for thinking I'm Townie.

IMO, Dice is still salty over last game. My "gut" (and my dice! Page 8 of Fireball)  said Dice was Wolf D1 in Fireball, I got lynched for it. 
My "gut" (and dice) say Dice isn't wolf this game.

Of the bandwagons: Dice, Me, You and Hallia, I'd have to support the one that's not Me or Dice.


On 7/11/2022 at 10:09 AM, SinisterDeath said:

@Leelou, you unvote Dice, vote me, and I'll unvote you.


On 7/11/2022 at 11:52 AM, SinisterDeath said:

This here, at the very least confirms to me that one of you isn't the wolf.

If Dice & VooDoo are wolves. Do you think Dice's absence could have allowed VooDoo to be VooDoo and not get shushed like you would have? Or would it be inline with Dice's game to let a newbie Wolf do their own thing?


On 7/11/2022 at 12:07 PM, SinisterDeath said:

If I recall right, VooDoo went after you with a dice roll on page 17, that you claim claim was faked.
Dice Jumped in by backing VooDoo  by voting You on page 24.

If Dice was a Wolf, would it be advantageous for him to Back Me as Town, someone he would know is town, and is likely to get lynched to exonerate him self? Yes. 100%.

But, I also think Town Dice is 100% capable of reading me as town.
I'm not 100% confident I can read Dice as Town, but my "gut" says he's town this game.

My dice say VooDoo could be Wolf, but my gut doesn't say anything.

VooDoo voting Hallia could be a distraction from both of you being wolf.

Cory, Clov reading me as town could just be them acting town and getting a good town read on me while ignoring that they already know who is and isn't the wolf, but had you all lynched me and found me town (you will), it would make any wolf seem less guilty on the surface level.

So what I'm getting at is... Those who voted me, could be wolf for the easy town kill. And those who side with me as being town, could be wolf trying to appear town.


On 7/11/2022 at 12:40 PM, SinisterDeath said:

JFC. I'm not talking about game integrity or how roles were picked.

I was literally going back to when Dice first voted Hallia, and it happened after VooDoo did his dice roll to vote Hallia. Hallia said she didn't say VooDoo faked his roll, only that it would be easy to, so I quoted what she said back then, and I read that as implying VooDoo faked his roll.

The screenshot was just me being snippy.

Whatever, off to work I go.


On 7/11/2022 at 2:40 PM, SinisterDeath said:

Unvote SD
Vote Dice



I'm doing this in multiple parts to make it easier.  This second bit is where it gets really odd. Pay attention to the time.  The first four posts are just showing that he's actively using his dice read to work in the thread, and there's absolutely nothing between that and the vote that indicates any change of heart.  That's the 4th vote on Dice making him the counterwagon to Hally (who had 5).  I included the second to last post (and the one before it) to show what he's saying about Hallia at the time.  

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On 7/11/2022 at 2:41 PM, SinisterDeath said:

Cat Glasses GIF by Leroy Patterson
Forgetting me reading Hallia and LeeLou as a murder duo before Dice even got involved with voting Hallia?

Meant to include this in that last one.  One minute later he says he was reading hally as a wolf, but he just voted the counterwagon 1 minute ago who he's townread all game.

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5 minutes ago, TrippedOnReality said:

Because at that point you spewed yourself town by not knowing how the game of mafia works, like at all.  Is it possible you faked all that? Sure, I guess.  But then you continued to argue with people over it for really no reason and then self voted, which again, mafia don't generally self vote like that and generally not in that situation, but I've seen an awful lot of pissed off townies, especially new ones do that.  Again, could you have faked it as AtE?  Sure, I guess.  But mostly I was going with the simpler option that you're a town!newbie that doesn't know how mafia works and got pissed off.

If you read back, I mentioned this is like game #5. 2 this year, 3 over a decade ago.


I know I self voted in at least 3 games, one of which I was wolf. Got lynched D1 as wolf. Longest I made it was D2 before lynch. Night capped, etc.

Username bias was also a factor in the early days. 

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15 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

I was anti-voting with Zander, so my vote was on Dice. 


Zander wanted to hammer someone, I wanted it to go Random. I didn't get in before vote count to take it off dice and put in on Hallia. 


I was right that Dice wasn't wolf, and I do have regrets not moving it off him earlier. 

That leads us to here.  I had 3 posts for this, but to summarize, Sinister said multiple times at the start of this day "I had dice as villa and he turned out to be villa, and he thought I was villa so trust his read" or something to that effect.  Note the Zander parts of this posts, we're looking for internal consistency since play isn't necessarily the focus with these kinds of reads.  This brings me to part 3.

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41 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

same tbh. I don’t think they have responded to me directly since D2 started and they moved off trying to lynch me. Not exactly the sort of play I’d be expecting from an outed Doc!Cory on such a pivotal D2. Maybe he busy 


I'm here & reading, just don't have anything I want to say


PS if you think I was trying to lynch you and not just stop the thread from starting with a stagnant Hallia wagon / putting pressure on you, you do not remember what me trying to get someone lynched looks like

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On 7/10/2022 at 5:27 PM, SinisterDeath said:

1. Swing Whiskey, save Darthe

2. Swing Voodoo, save Dice.

3. Swing Hallia, save Tripped. 

If my gut is more wrong then right, what's this say about the above? 

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