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Slinky-slank mafia


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Just now, Zander? said:


Chris threatened to murder me 1 game when we were Minroty Villagers when I asked if I could bus him tho lololololol

I don't blame him tbh.  I can't imagine he'd ever trust you to win a game more than he would trust himself to win a game unless he were like mechanically outted, and I know he doesn't like bussing unless it's absolutely necessary.  

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1 minute ago, Zander? said:


Kinda better said we should prolly never lunch Cory on a D1 is my take.

I don’t like that kinda thing, but I understand he’s a very good player.I really do think this games either 1 wolf active and 2 quiet or we’re getting played hard.  No in between.

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Verb could be whatever 


I see alot of others have Lee Town I don't not saying I have her Wolf either but Im def having some worry.


SD prolly Towm after all that "stuff"


Voodoo I really don't feel is beat choice tho wouldnt fight his lunch.


DICE could hang.


Cory Chris AJ I nees more time/info on.


Wish Hallia was her but Effins bday with liking her so far makes me bot wanna lunch her.

Derf and Tripped D1 Villa oasses for me.

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Just now, Cory Caboose said:

If you're bored and wanna hash this out I'm game


Did something bother you re: my AJ/Hallia musings from before?


I quoted the post that pinged im pretty tired and baked ATM I can go find it after tho but just interacting will help me flesh my read on ya brother 

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1 minute ago, Clovdyx said:

In the middle of re-reading today's contents, but going to throw out a CAROLINA REAPER for postgame:


Cory/Darthe teamed

I know this is the wrong thing to say, but if we were teamed y’all already lost anyhow lol.  Good news is that ain’t the case this one.  I wouldn’t bus the guy.

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Just now, TrippedOnReality said:

I don't blame him tbh.  I can't imagine he'd ever trust you to win a game more than he would trust himself to win a game unless he were like mechanically outted, and I know he doesn't like bussing unless it's absolutely necessary.  




Chris is prolly the best pure Wolf Ive played with fwiw 


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Just now, Zander? said:


Derf and Tripped


1 minute ago, Clovdyx said:

In the middle of re-reading today's contents, but going to throw out a CAROLINA REAPER for postgame:


Cory/Darthe teamed


Assuming derf = Darthe, we have a potential team of Darthe, Tripped, and Cory.

From what interaction I've had with Zander, his D1 reads were the exact opposite of what happened.
Zander thought Dice was Town and I was Wolf. Opposite was true. 😉 

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Just now, Darthe said:

I know this is the wrong thing to say, but if we were teamed y’all already lost anyhow lol.  Good news is that ain’t the case this one.  I wouldn’t bus the guy.


I actually thought same thing as Chris lol

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1 minute ago, Darthe said:

I don’t like that kinda thing, but I understand he’s a very good player.I really do think this games either 1 wolf active and 2 quiet or we’re getting played hard.  No in between.


I get people dont like it but its just how I feel.  I've seen Cory start slow at 1st and then come on hard later as a Villa I mean unless something big happens dont think he's a D1 lunch

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Just now, Zander? said:


I quoted the post that pinged im pretty tired and baked ATM I can go find it after tho but just interacting will help me flesh my read on ya brother 


Yeah, I noted it, but not really what your issue was besides comparisons to IIRC Matrix Mafia where I strongarmed a mislynch as a wolf (which made very little sense to me considering that post was clearly not intending for votes/wagoning of Hallia)

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Just now, Cory Caboose said:


Yeah, I noted it, but not really what your issue was besides comparisons to IIRC Matrix Mafia where I strongarmed a mislynch as a wolf (which made very little sense to me considering that post was clearly not intending for votes/wagoning of Hallia)


It was the content of the post that reminded me of you making same type of posts in that Nilder game 

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2 minutes ago, Zander? said:


I get people dont like it but its just how I feel.  I've seen Cory start slow at 1st and then come on hard later as a Villa I mean unless something big happens dont think he's a D1 lunch

I have too, you're not wrong that he has that in his meta.  So does Verb, and Clov, and Leelou, and myself, and two dozen other players I know.  Unfortunately, 3-4 people not clearing themselves beyond reasonable suspicion D1 is bad, and we got too many avenues to go down rn.  This is a game where we're actually praying for a doc block and early reveal or the wolves to help clear our list up for us.  

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Oh hey, now that I think of it does all this new info maybe recontextualize things for @SinisterDeath and @VooDooNut?  I'm so keen on clearing townspeople because with (very likely) three wolves in the game this town only gets three shots at catching one, and we can't lose two lynches to people giving us nothing better than random chance to go off of.  

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Just now, Cory Caboose said:



I really can't address this


Anything I can address?


Honestly imma see how rest of day goes,  see EOD and Wagons and if im still here flesh out my read...like I said it was a bit suss to me but not enough to make me think you're def a Wolf.

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4 hours ago, VooDooNut said:



1: darthe/whiskey/leelou/zander - swing darthe, save zander
2: dice/voodoo/verb/sinister - swing dice, save sinister
3: cory/clov/hallia/tripped - swing hallia, save clov


1 hour ago, VooDooNut said:

Well instead of continuing my re-read of WOT (Knife of Dreams), I re-read the entirety of the epic that is this thread. lol. I've come to some conclusions:


-I am wonderfully outclassed.

-Darthe, wolf or not, you give good advice. I appreciate it. Probably not wolf.

-Everyone in this thread is really good at the game. Maybe Sooh just didn't assign a wolf and we can all hug it out?

-leelou? I enjoy your posts, but are you teaming with hallia? You two would make good ninjas. 

-I'm leaning towards Zander? town, but it's so hard to get a bead on him. I'm not anywhere near close to swinging him though. That's endgame and I hope never.

-I can see my ignorance going one of two ways. Either I attract wolf attention tonight but get saved, or I'm the obvious wolf snack and get past to a later round, and wolf goes after a more strategic target. I'm worried it's going to be the latter, because I'm probably the weakest link right now.  Y'all know I'm villa.

-I straight up don't have any pulse on Verb, Cory or Clov, but I'd say Clov is the most likely villa of that group. Though probably all three are.

-Sinister? You might want to get the crash cart ready again. I can see why I needed saving last game lol.

-(Or don't. It's honestly probably for the best.)

-Tripped, I'm liking your vibe and getting townie feelings so I'm holding off any suspicion for now.

-Dice, ... hmmmmmm I think you're town. You haven't posted as much as others, but you've made some solid points.

-whiskey delta feels very villa to me too. Nothing wolfie that i've seen. stay classy.


I'm going to unvote Hallia but it's a tie between leelou and hallia right now, leaning lee lou.


RIP me.


@VooDooNut Not sure if you're still around, but if possible, can you help me reconcile these?  Hopefully colors make sense, but basically I'm not sure what made you get to Leelou/Hallia that wasn't already out there when you answered the groupings, plus the big reversal from eliminating Dice to essentially echoing his thoughts on the game.


Hopefully you see this tonight, but if not, please answer it tomorrow even though i won't be around.  

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1 minute ago, Zander? said:


Honestly imma see how rest of day goes,  see EOD and Wagons and if im still here flesh out my read...like I said it was a bit suss to me but not enough to make me think you're def a Wolf.

g2h gimme a person you want wagoned, and vote them.

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