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The Green Ajah: Observation

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I give you, the green, an observation.....




a rare and exotic species is the the green, often quiet and gentle, loving and caring.





They love to PAAARRTYY



a rowdy bunch they cut quite a rug on the dance floor, once you go green.....youll see what i mean....



though dont allow yourself any illusion that theres creatures of grace are simply soft, and cuddly (even though they are)


a false step, a misplaced word, any hint of ill intent to themselves or another and..




lest you find yourself at opposing sides on the field of battle




it might just...




be the last thing....




you ever see or do... :devil




honorable to a fault, strength beyond words.... and futile to resist, PEOPLE THE GREENS!

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I have no problem taking credit for other people's work...lol. :P That WAS great, Demandred. I love it! I think I've been quiet before, but usually not by choice. And, as Mother so eloquenly put it, some of us may start out quiet, but when we're drinking...uh uh. And since quite a few of us are drinking 25 hours out of the day, well, you can make your own assumptions. :D

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*laughs and thumps herself in the head* :oops:


You have no idea what kind of day it's been, this just fits everything else I've caught myself doing today. *laughs*


Sorry, Val... still an awesome job!


AND Nemo... I know you have in you! ;) Just a matter of time 'til I'll be switching the names the other way. *smirks*


Now, I'm going to step away from the keyboard and sleep or something...

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