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Episode 8 Teaser


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2 minutes ago, Sabio said:

Honestly they can't make Egwene too powerful, she has no idea what she's doing.  If she starts blasting away after the small fire she tossed at Valda, something will be wrong.  

I think they can give her a buff though. Especially if she's seen training a bit with Amalisa beforehand. Establish that she's a quick learner.

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2 minutes ago, Sabio said:

Honestly they can't make Egwene too powerful, she has no idea what she's doing.  If she starts blasting away after the small fire she tossed at Valda, something will be wrong.  

I think the big reason for adding the two other women is to give them people who know how to channel that can just draw on the raw potential of the girls. But they'll likely exhaust themselves, not be enough, and then we'll get the OP moment from you know who.

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4 minutes ago, notpropaganda73 said:

Who says "Rand may be the Dragon... All 5 of you have a part to play"? Fain? 


4 minutes ago, notpropaganda73 said:

Who says "Rand may be the Dragon... All 5 of you have a part to play"? Fain? 


Bela, in their dreams. She's now a Dream Walker.

Personally, I would have preferred they left the warning for Mandarb or one of the other male horses.

Edited by Chivalry
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34 minutes ago, Jaysen Gore said:

I think the big reason for adding the two other women is to give them people who know how to channel that can just draw on the raw potential of the girls. But they'll likely exhaust themselves, not be enough, and then we'll get the OP moment from you know who.


Yeah, my assumption is that the wondergirls are going to be a battery for the other channellers. Nynaeve may be made to feel useless because she can't actively do anything on her own which will act as the motivation for her to actually go to the tower in S2.




Looks like there's shadowspawn inside the walls of Fal Dara which means I suspect we are kicking off the 2nd book already and the horn (if it exists in the series) will be hidden in the keep. Fain presumably lets the shadowspawn in and will steal the horn preventing Agelmar from blowing it at their darkest hour and they'll rework the backstory to be that it was kept safe in Fal Dara as a last defence against the blight and not lost to time (and the great hunt will be written out entirely).




Feeling pretty positive about the production quality, think it looks good here though I suppose they're not likely to choose the shoddy shots for a teaser.


Friday can't get here soon enough. Bring me LTT!

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1 hour ago, Elder_Haman said:

I think they can give her a buff though. Especially if she's seen training a bit with Amalisa beforehand. Establish that she's a quick learner.

The issue is not much time has passed, they were in Fal Dara a day when Moiriane and Rand left.  Moiriaine said it will take about a day to reach the Eye.  Alot can happen with 4 other channelers, but I think they made a mistake showing Egwene being so weak against Valda.  Which was believable since she isn't even a novice yet, Amalisa is also pretty weak, so guess it falls on Nyn and the other two.  But by showing that I think it limits them.  

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2 hours ago, Elder_Haman said:

What? I'm talking about a very specific plot point between Rand and Perrin.


  Reveal hidden contents

Rand convinces everyone that he and Perrin have had an argument and that Perrin is no longer allowed in his sight. This was a ruse. 

Portraying early tension between Rand and Perrin serves that plot point.

Lol. So you (and others) are saying that this contrived tension is actually an adaptation of the "ruse" that Perrin and Rand planned in TSR before they left Tear? That's rich, but I bet the rationale behind the scene in question is much more juvenile in nature. Also, I never thought of Machin Shin simply as the viciously manipulative remnants of dead playground bullies and gossips, but I guess I must. 

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3 hours ago, Elder_Haman said:

I expect a few things:

(1) Egwene will get stronger - probably with a little training from Amalisa. It's a good way to establish her desire for knowledge.

(2) Nynaeve will encounter her block.

(3) All hope will seem lost

(4) Rand will save the day - at the expense of breaking the first seal and freeing the Forsaken.



Where I can sign for it?

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One thing I have learned over the years watching trailers for the Marvel movies is that you shouldn't' read too much into them.   They are very often edited in such a way as to suggest things that aren't there, or to make it look like people are one place when they are in another.   In this teaser, for example, it looks like there are four people standing outside the walls of Fal Dara.   But the angle of the shot is such that the one on the far left is right at the edge of the screen.   There could be someone else further to the left.  Or behind them.   People are suggesting one of them might be Verin.  Which makes me think of the phrase "Five rode forth.  Four returned."     They've already taken things from TGH to use in this season.  Why not that.  Just a thought.

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7 minutes ago, TheSmurf said:




Yes!  It will be revealed that the Aes Sedai have gotten so much wrong over the past 3000 years that the DR is actually only a non executive figurehead, with all the real power being invested in a committee of women who do all the really difficult things.  ?

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