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  • Community Administrator
Posted (edited)

Be it D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulu, Warhammer (with all the painter figures), or even board games like Catan, What Tabletop game do you play?


Have any cool or interesting stories to share about your sessions that are PG13?

Edited by SinisterDeath

We've been taking too long to play Pandemic: Season One, but I tell you when a particular plot twist hit mid-year I was beside myself, "You have GOT to be kidding me!  WHAT?!?"


when i get more time well i dont mind call of cthulu, and would like to play world of warcraft, but most of all flux, got many a version of flux - very good easy game

  • 3 weeks later...

I have a massive stack of board games over there -points vaguely- that I'm trying to convince people to play.  The one that I have sitting over there that I really want to try is Tokaido.


When I was in college, we had a regular gaming group who would play things like Axis and Allies, Munchkin, Settlers of Catan, and Dominion, as well as classics like Monopoly and Risk.  Our Munchkin games had several house rules that were specifically targeted at me because I was a complete and utter b***ard whenever I managed to draw the Thief class card.  Turns out that you can continually rob people as long as you have a card to discard, and once you reach level 1 from failing your thievery attempts there is nothing that can happen to you.  My friend added a house rule that if you failed a thievery attempt at level 1, you were out of the game.  Considering that he was looking directly at me the entire time, I'm pretty sure that it was addressed at me specifically.  I spent a few games sitting out because of it, but nobody could deny that it made the games far more entertaining.  In that respect, I think the rule was incredibly successful.


Axis and Allies and Risk were played with various hats.  Due to my fixation on the color red, I always wore a Soviet-era military cap when playing Risk.  (For the record, 'never start a land war in Asia' is amazing advice when playing Risk.  Use Asia as a path towards North America or Europe unless you can Zerg rush an entire continent.  [This is possible if you manage to conquer Australia right away.]).  I don't know if it's because I tended to be an unhinged and unpredictable maniac that I ended up with Nazi Germany in Axis and Allies, but there was a hat for that, too.


(Don't read too much into the hats.  There was also a Half-Life head crab that I wore most of the time because reasons.)


For the Dominion people out there, remember this pain: "Draw a card, play a card, draw a card, play a card, draw a card, play a card, draw a card, play a card, draw a card, play a card, draw a card, play a card, draw a card" ad nauseum.

Posted (edited)

I almost failed out of grad school due to Settlers of Catan.




These days I've branched out a lot more.  Here are some recent ones:


Splendor: a card and bidding based game that sees you as a jewel merchant trying to beat out rivals.  

Complexity: ++

Setup: ++

Replayability: +++


Colt Express: this game sees you as a character in a train robbery.  The novel aspect of this game is the narrative structure and how the game story plays out.  Hijinks and shenanigans abound.  No game ever plays the same.  Really fun.  

Complexity: +/++

Setup: +

Replayability: ++


Sabateur: simple card game about dwarven miners trying to find gold...and the sabateur attempting to stop them.  How good is your poker face?

Compexity: +

Setup: +

Replayability: +++


Ticket to Ride: I never ever win this game that styles players as train barons attempting to cover the US or Europe in railroads.  

Complexity: ++

Setup: +

Replayability: +++



Edited by Krakalakachkn
  • Community Administrator
6 hours ago, Krakalakachkn said:

Ticket to Ride: I never ever win this game that styles players as train barons attempting to cover the US or Europe in railroads.  

Complexity: ++

Setup: +

Replayability: +++

I like this one more then the Catan. I HATE dice when it comes to tabletop games. (Which is funny cause.. D&D. lol)


Ticket to Ride is simple enough a child/teenager can play it. But complex enough that an Adult can have a hard time with it.

Combine it with Beer, and it can get entertaining.


One time I was playing this with 2 of my Cousins', and one of their friends.
That friend was just hammering back the beers, and instead of even trying to get his route, he just made a Figure 8 in the middle of the damn board! Screwed everyone over! And it was hilariously great!

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I use Ticket to Ride as a gateway drug (see 'Tabletop' on the Geek and Sundry YouTube channel for why).  My family enjoys playing this one, and I used it to inject some Catan into the mix.  I'm currently working on Tokaido, which will be easier when I have a better grasp of the rules and roles.  I have yet to lose TtR in our games here, but that's mostly because I know my entire route before the first person draws a card.



EDIT: This is a picture from a game of Catan played by one of my friends.  He played blue.  I told him that, while brilliant, this was a d*** move.


Edited by Quibby

I never asked him.  I just felt a certain amount of amazement and impression at the efficacy of the tactic that he used.  Literally cutting off half of the map to everybody else?  That's both awesome and an incredibly d*** move.

  • Community Administrator
12 hours ago, Quibby said:

I never asked him.  I just felt a certain amount of amazement and impression at the efficacy of the tactic that he used.  Literally cutting off half of the map to everybody else?  That's both awesome and an incredibly d*** move.

Also requires the dark ones own luck to roll good enough, to get the resources to do that. ?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Club Leader

I play Pathfinder with my kids, but we haven't played for a while. 


Yesterday, we did Christmas early at our house, and I had bought everyone a board game. We spent a lot of time playing games yesterday. I learned to play Catan. I can't wait to play it again. Hopefully, we can play again today. 

  • Community Administrator
3 hours ago, LilyElizabeth said:

I play Pathfinder with my kids, but we haven't played for a while. 

Have you looked into Pathfinder 2.0 yet?
(Or are you referring to the random board game of Pathfinder that exists?)

  • Club Leader
22 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

Have you looked into Pathfinder 2.0 yet?
(Or are you referring to the random board game of Pathfinder that exists?)

Not a board game. I didn't know there was a 2.0. Does that mean I'd have to spend another $200 on books to play it? I kind of like the version I have and it's paid for. lol

  • Community Administrator
On 12/24/2019 at 1:22 PM, LilyElizabeth said:

Not a board game. I didn't know there was a 2.0. Does that mean I'd have to spend another $200 on books to play it? I kind of like the version I have and it's paid for. lol

It came out like, two months ago.


And you'd only have to spend $$ if you actually played 2.0. staying on 1.0 is perfectly fine thing to do. ?


I was mostly curious if anyone has played it, and how they like it. Lots of negative reviews over them simplifying things, like the hate DND got with 5e, for simplifying it compared to 3.5, but now 5e is enjoyed by many, because it's not bogged down in superfluous details. 


  • Club Leader

I understand now. In the far, distant past, when D&D 2nd edition came out (yes, I'm that old...) I resisted playing it because I had all this money invested in the original AD&D. I'm just old and crotchety that way. lol


I mentioned it to my son, and he has done some research and he isn't impressed. But I can't give you specifics. I'm actually curious, too. 

  • Community Administrator
14 hours ago, LilyElizabeth said:

I understand now. In the far, distant past, when D&D 2nd edition came out (yes, I'm that old...) I resisted playing it because I had all this money invested in the original AD&D. I'm just old and crotchety that way. lol


I mentioned it to my son, and he has done some research and he isn't impressed. But I can't give you specifics. I'm actually curious, too. 

Some of the changes I've read about I like a lot.. But a person doesn't have to actually buy 2nd edition to incorporate some of the changes into their game, be it Pathfinder 1.0, or DnD 5e.

One of the changes that I saw in PF2.0, that you could incorporate in any game, is removing opportunity attacks. They re now a feat/higher level ability. I like this idea, as it removes the meta gaming aspect of players not moving on the map because they don't want to invoke an opportunity attack upon themselves, and removes the need for the GM to be the only one to move creatures across the battlefield to keep things less static. 


I'm not sure about how the 'action economy' works, but you get 3 actions, 1 reaction, and a Free action per turn.
Actions being, walking, opening doors, swinging a sword. Some feats/abilities/spells consume 2 or more actions.

So theoretically you can move 3 times. You can attack 3 times. You can move, attack, raise shield. Move, then burn 2 and use a special ability. Spend all 3 and cast a meteor on top of a dragon's head.

  • 1 month later...

I absolutely love board games. Except for Monopoly. That game is the devil. 


Friends of mine kinda/sorta started a game night but it fizzled out mostly because nobody can call anyone and they are all rubbish at making plans. (hence my homebrew campaign building for a D&D game, that everyone has already rolled characters up for, has been idling for a year. A YEAR). I understand we're all a bunch of adulting breeders and whatnot but still. You can commit to one day damn it. 


I love Ticket to Ride, Munchkin, Catan, Carcassone. One of my favorite games is Tsuro. Super easy and chill and it's pretty. I still enjoy chess most I think. Especially once a friend and I gave pieces drink values. I play better under the influence lol. 


I want to try some of the team based games though like Pandemic and Dead of Winter. Everything I've played has been competitive and I'd like to try a team based one. Any recommendations?


As above, I have been building a homebrew world for a D&D 5th Edition game if anyone plays D&D.


My most recent game that I've been playing though is Warhammer 40K Killteam. I love this shiz!. I've never been a modeler or painter or anything like this in my life. I only just started shy of a year ago. Killteam, if you're familiar with Warhammer but not this, is basically a smaller condensed version instead of the table spanning full on amries going head to head. Think of it as playing an elite squad of that massive army. I currently play Plague Marines. They just looked the coolest to me out of all the others. It has been so rewarding painting. I binge watch how to videos to paint and build and color patterns and textures and shading and contrast lol. The best reward is the zoning out bit. It's like meditative. 

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