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Finished WoT a week ago ....

Dada alAlivia

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I still miss it.   I started the series in June.  Was on Lord of Chaos by the time I went on vacation in early August and finished a little over a week ago and I'm still reeling.   I've read lots of other engrossing Epics but nothing like this.  Song of Ice and Fire, Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicles, Lord of the Rings, The Thomas Covenant books, Ken Follet's Pillars of the Earth books --- loved them all but not like this.  Its nice to have closure.   I love how things ended - loved Memory of Light and even slowed way down reading it just to savor it a little.   


But now I'm .. rudderless.  What do i do now?


I've taken to binge watching TV because I don't think I can start another anything for a while.  I will miss my Aes Sedai and all the rest a little too much.  But 'This is Us', 'Versailles', 'Walking Dead' and 'Rick and Morty' can only distract me a little.   Not even the the new 'Blade Runner' worked -- only made things worse.  I feel like

K after he lost his Joi

.  Just lost.


Did anybody else experience this after finishing the series?  


Yeah. I experienced it the worst after having read the count of Monte cristo but WoT's fallout was pretty bad too. I didn't read anything for awhile afterwards.


If you haven't read it yet maybe try the Shannara series?

I haven't read all of them but the first three are solid and mostly self contained even though it wasn't technically intended as a trilogy you can read them that way.


Welcome to DM! Well I experience the same of feeling when I finish a TV show or a series of books that i really enjoy :happy:


It takes a while before getting enthusiastic about a new story... but if I don't find something nice to read or to watch I tend to look for epic games :tongue: like dragon age and such ^^


Yeah, there was an emptiness when it was finished, but it passed. I'm rereading it for the first time since aMoL, so this will be my second time for the ending. I've read the other books one other time, so I'm on Knife of Dreams for the third time now. There is lots of discussion here on the boards, and that can be fun, and there is role play, and there are a couple of online games set in the WoT universe (but not graphic intense games like WoW or the like), and there are other books to read (in other fantasy universes, not WoT), and there is just letting it settle inside you and letting yourself be empty and free of distractions for a minute before jumping into the next big thing, although I understand distraction. I read the Wheel of Time to distract me from my father's death, and it helped immensely, but at some point, you have to just feel what's going on and muddle through it until you reach the other side. That's my experience, anyway.


Also, Welcome! :smile:


I was the same way in 2011. That's why I am still here and now Captain General of the Green Ajah. I missed them too much. Please visit us in the White Tower and Warders (where you can earn the rank of Aes Sedai or Warder). The other social groups may appeal to you as well. They are based on a Wheel of Time setting but lots of other activities go on too. You can join as many as you wish. I am in multiple groups. Just know that you will not be able to see all of the boards in a group until you are a member. Welcome to Dragonmount.


I'm suffering from severe PSD. Post Series Depression. Being on here helps.


You might want to venture into the world of the reread, though I'm not sure if it will be the same for someone who's read the whole series in one go. Many of us here would do a reread every time a new book in the series was about to come out, and also sometimes in between. I think I've read the first few books over 20 times!


It really is worth it, because you keep picking up more and more details!


Thank you all for the warm welcome.   And the help!


@Chae - Dragon Age looks cool.  I have to be careful with games -- i tend to get sucked in but maybe that's what I need right now,


@Nolder - Shannara I read as kid back in the early 80's but i don't remember it really at all.   I've thought about revisiting it though.  Thank you for the idea ...


@Ben - yes, I've been using WoT as a distraction for a breakup in my own life and it's worked quite a bit better than I expected.   I got somewhat immersed in the characters and the world over time and that doesn't happen to me easily.   Anyway - I am poking my nose in here to see if maybe I can continue my obsession just a little longer. 


@Ryrin et al - Thanks for the heads up on the groups.   I was hoping there was more activity out there than maybe I can see - so I'm glad to know that's true!   Being completely new to the board, I'm enjoying just reading some of the back threads I can see, but I'm curious for sure.   I'm thankful for whatever advice you can give or pointers on where to start.   I like to write and to roleplay but am terribly slow and careful when it comes to jumping in to worlds others have spent so much time creating.   I know etiquette and convention is a little different from one place to the next so I will try to read all the introductory stuff i see out there before I stumble in ... For now,  its fun to be the noob and having all options open. 


Great!  I'm sure you will find a place in role play. They are very helpful there and activity isn't really quick right now but we have some really good writers and they will help. You will be welcomed and assisted in whatever social groups you choose.


Hi guys!


I am sorta new here, but if you are looking for a series similar to the wheel of time I would try Brandon Sanderson. Not only did he help finish the wheel of time, but his books are awesome too! The Way of Kings reminds me a lot of the wheel of time, and I feel like it has a lot of potential.


Also, don't get fada! wheel of time tv series will be here eventually!


Welcome to DM. Folks are very welcoming here, and there is always something going on. You can jump into as much as you feel comfortable doing. And if you have questions, feel free to ask.


I still consider myself fairly new. I'm currently in Book Five, and enjoying the literary journey as I enjoy the journey here on DM. It is a warm community and I feel blessed to have found it. Hope you enjoy your time here.


@Dar'Jen - Thanks for saying hi.  I think I have more questions than make sense to try to squish into this thread.   I'm with Slayer -- jealous a little that you're still reading.  Glad to hear you're new too and enjoying it.   


@Eglee - so PSD is the name for what I have.   I think you may be on to something.  I'm not one to re-read I don't think.   But when I'm in the mood I've been just picking up the books and reading a random chapter or two here or there.   Somehow that works for me. 


@Slayer - I thought about reading more Sanderson. considering how much I really loved how the last few books flowed.  To me those seemed a less dark, and just more generally positive.   Part of it I'm sure is just where the story arc happened to be for his novels, but I found myself wondering if Jordan really would have taken things the way Sanderson did or would it have been completely different. 


I used to pick up the books and read my favorite parts but now I'm on an official re-read and M enjoying it tremendously.


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