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Tainted Minds - A Black Tower Mafia Game: Game over - Town wins


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I still don't remember ignoring any direct questions. Can you point out specifically what I ignored?


Post #348. Additionally, Ben echoing this question later that page, and me voting for you once again later that page (or maybe early the next one?) because instead of replying you had a random comment complaining about inactivity in the thread.


I like how involved you've been later on D1, but I still don't like how you just brushed those direct questions off as "nah don't feel like answering".


Also, what does UTR mean? It's a new abbreviation as far as I'm aware.


And I'm going to bed now, leaving my vote at SK.

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Ben, do you want to lynch Cory?


Yes, but I don't see that happening on D1, so I will have to switch if I want to have any chance to continue playing.


I could actually see SK being town playing to break the game rather than win. I don't think that helps the town, though. This set up is weird enough without someone intentionally stressing the parameters just to see if they can ruin AJ's creation.


[v] SK[/v]




I could actually see SK being town playing to break the game rather than win. I don't think that helps the town, though. This set up is weird enough without someone intentionally stressing the parameters just to see if they can ruin AJ's creation.


[v] SK[/v]




That vote by GB is, uh, really something


Yeah, crazy that I would value the integrity of the game. I took him saying that he wanted to break the game as literally meaning that he wanted to break the game. When BFG explained that he meant to solve it using the set up, not destroy it because he thought he could abuse the set up, I rescinded my vote. I have played online games before where people took great pride in trying to manipulate the mechanics of the game in such a way as to render it essentially unfunctional, ie, exploit it in such a way as to skew the results and force the game's creator to recode the game to account for what they had done, then turn around and see what they could do to the new coding, like hackers just trying to break something, and from the way he was talking, that sounded like exactly what he intended to do, so I wanted him gone. Good job of still harping on that 20 pages later after it was already explained a couple of times why I voted for him and changed it. That's not something scum would do. :dry:




I'm amending my "would rather lynch Ben than SK but wouldn't fight for SK" to "would vastly prefer to lynch Ben over SK, and will probably make that known as we approach EoD"


GLGL friends


Is this still about Ben or about SK?


Alternatively, is there a reason NOT to lynch SK?



I think he's proportionally more likely to be a villager than Ben


I think Ben is like > 30% likely to be a villager and SK is a hard 62%. You can see my problem in a numeric sense.


I really don't like any of Ben's posts and I've seen a few villager games where he's way more apt and thoughtful. Probably the most involved posts he's made this game were talking about his gun purchase. His reads are careless, responsive and have very little depth. Posts like #228 are filled with busy work but there's no background thinking to it besides a minimal re-purposing on his read on Sooh.


If you have seen any of my villager games, you would see that people want to lynch me immediately every time for the same kind of stupid things that you apparently want to lynch me now. The only time I have survived as a villager was when I claimed IC on  N1, and I only did that because a new train was already starting on me. When I am a wolf, I last until the end and win, at least so far. My town games have gone: Mislynch D1, killed when town lover was mislynched on D1 (and Niniel did the same thing then, too--popped in, too busy to catch up, dropped a vote on me because good enough, went to bed), vigged by another townie D1. My wolf games were mafia sweep with BFG, SK, and Clov (BFG subbed for Clov after D1), and a win after losing my partner on D1. That one was tough. If you had read my town games, you would know that I am not in-depth and polished--I am awkward and busy trying to figure everything out because I am stressed. As a wolf, there is no stress; I know the lay of the land, and I will either sneak by, or I won't. As town, I do not know who my enemies are, and I do not know who to trust, and in a game like this, it is compounded because I am not familiar with all these roles, but I knew that coming in, that it would be challenging, so I am (mostly) not upset that it is going this way because I expected that it would. 


Most of my in-depth content has applied to me because I have been grilled and try to remain transparent in the hope that I am helpful to town. If I wasn't constantly being asked to explain myself or defend myself, I could do more probing and actually play this game. If I live past D1, I will start doing what others do and just ignore questions or refuse to answer them while I keep poking around with my own. I see no need to keep politely answering everything game after game when it gets me lynched or vigged. 


Finally, in the interest of self-preservation, [unvote]



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Indepth and polished is certainly not what I was looking for. Hell ive been playing this game for infinity years now and im not indepth or polished.


In your villager games I can see wheels turning behind your skull, and it effects how linear your thoughts are. Dont see it at all here, and you've been around enough to be engaged

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U havent stepped out of engaging much that doesnt directly concern you. I dont see any real thinking behind your reads.


What are your three MOST confident reads right now? can be w or v, just what you are most confident in

Clov--has relentlessly game solved and been flexible in his reads without being flimsy about it

Leyrann--has been laser-focused on the game, and while not overly active, has been paying close attention, asking good questions, and drawing logical conclusions from them. I don't see any rational stretches in his thinking to support a push

Cory--has mostly chattered and spent the majority of his game solving pushing me because he thinks my town games have better linear thinking than I have shown in this game, tries to convince others to vote for me using ATE (come on, guise, pleeeease???) rather than laying out a rational case for me being a wolf, ie, lacks the linear thinking he accuses me of.


And that's what I've got as strongest reads--two towns, and an OMGUS vote for being pushed when I dont' think the logic behind it makes any sense, and the pusher did not even answer early questions. The townies thing you have done is pull off of me to tie the trains for awhile, and that could be show, but even still, my wolf read on you is largely contingent on how you've pushed me, so :unsure:

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Sorry, bouncing between this straight out of bed and trying to get my character together at the last minute for post-by-forum D&D in the Blue Ajah, which starts today, and I cannot give either the attention they deserve because I screwed around too long on the character, mostly distracted by my gun purchase.

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