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Heroes Discussion Redux


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I liked it! Didn't love it, but definitely am looking forward to this half of the season. I might go back and review the first half (and even season 2), since I really don't even remember what happened after season 1. It was all sort of mediocre and confusing, and I only half paid attention. *nod*


I'm kind of hoping that HRG is only helping them out so he can betray them from the inside.  :-\

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ok so fan speculation on Peter's power is this: Peter was becoming over powered by being able to merely be in a room with someone and get their power, so to limit how powerful his character is to cause the shows continuity less problems they changed it. What we think atm is peter has a power similar to Rogue from X-men. He can absorb a power from an individual and then use only that power until he absorbs a different power. As seen he has to touch them now to do this.


What we are speculating on now is whether Peter retains all his powers after touching someone or not. I'm in the boat that he does not retain all the powers now because we saw him lose super strength after he absorbed ice touch.


Fans are also speculating though that because Peter seems to have a different power now that it could simply be he doesn't know how to control it anymore.



Also- people are currently reasoning away that Peter's power changed because Peter himself has changed. In the past seasons Peters been an open and trusting individual who always believed in how good people were, now we are seeing a more cynical and real peter. He's become less empathetic you could say and so lost his empathic mimicry as of it. kinda weak way of explaining it off imo but we shall see what the show says about it (if it does)



As for this volume: I'm liking it so far, I thought they got off to a really good start with it. Interested to see what they do with Mat.


I'm also happy about Sylar- my groups opinion is he has sorta become the deadpool of the heroes cast- deadly as hell, a mercenary of a sorts (cept he only works for himself) and while he does horrible things he's willing to work with the others (he could have killed not only arthur but peter, the haitan and a whole lot of other people last season if he'd really wanted to)


And i think Nathans gonna be a good villain^^

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Claire is still a whiney girl that annoys me.  Sylar is still awesome.  I love how he woke up and kicked ass.  I think Peter has become more like his father... where he has to touch someone to take on their powers instead of being an empath.  I am hoping he retains those powers or that Future Peter is not so bad ass.


And why did they go after Hiro?  Isn't he powerless still?


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Yeah. I was surprised to see that Peter had the ability to absorb powers. This season looks interesting. I can't wait to see what happens next week.

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I personally think they may have something with what Vemy said about the empath thing and Peter.  We saw in the scene with Sylar and Elle that he can tap into empath to get peoples powers too.  He just prefers to take it by slicing their head open.

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So, my thoughts on Rebel are this... you remember the Internet chick in the first season who got Ted and Parkman together to go after HRG's house? I think they've got one of those in Nathan's control room. Rebel is just too in touch about everything to not be in there, and that ability would explain why Nathan and his people don't have a clue that anything is going on.

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What about Micah... you know... the guy that can control machines. 


So far this Rebel person is pretty lame though...


And Claire's storyline is lame... I wonder if the writers are sad now she can't die.  If they bury her like they did Adam... would the show be better?

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Actually I thought Claire's storyline has been better than it was in the last two story arc's. Now that they've removed her from her father, they were able to actually develop the story beyond "I'm doing things because daddy said not to" and show a bit of an underground railroad type scenario.


I had forgotten about Micah's power, it would work pretty well in that scenario too, now that you mention it.


I'm liking Sylar's storyline, as always, there's lots of character development there. Its too bad they keep wiping the slate clean at the end of each season and re-developing it in similar directions. The bit with his father was pretty cool, and very cold-hearted.

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I really like this non-saving the world story line.


I'm pretty sure Micah is Rebel... "Rebel" just seems like a name that an 11 year old would use. Micah also doesn't really distinguish much between heroes and villains except when he's personally in danger.


As for Sylar, I can't imagine them casting John Glover as his father, and then NOT using him for the rest of the season.

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Agreed Joram.  Sylar didn't kill him for a reason.  I mean.. can you imagine sylar saying "Yeah dad... I want you to suffer" instead of killing him if there wasn't a writer's reason.  I mean... I would want the whistle stun gun at least. 

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No he's like....13, 14 maybe? I don't know for sure.


i'd place money on rebel being Micah, I mean 'rebel'? and seriously, who better to rebel then a teenager?


course i doubt he's working alone, and since we have no idea what ma petrelli is doing i bet she's involved somehow

While I find the teen statement to be ignorant, I definitely think that Angela is in the grit of the whole Rebel thing. Being that both of her sons have abilities it does make sense.

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Umm... Angela does have an ability... prophetic dreams. So I don't understand your statement.


And she's currently working on disrupting the government through Noah. Who Rebel is working against.

You have to understand that Noah is doing what he HAS to do. Rebel isn't working against Noah in particular necessarily. And I know that Angela has an ability, but I think she's more foucused on protecting her sons.


I thought it was obvious Micah was the 'rebel' since the moment they showed the cell phones, and other 'electrical devices' working in ways they shouldn't.


Yeah lol I thought Hana at first but then I was like oh yeah, she's dead ^^

This being said Micah does seem like the prime candidate, ESPECIALLY sense he hasn't gotten much air time as of late.

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