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Welcome Killashandra!

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So we have a new victim!!  ummm  Raw Recruit    yeah thats what i meant!!!


Welcome Killashandra!!!


People are gonna come in here and tell you their regiment is the best.


Word to the wise   if they arnt Cavalry?  Dont believe them!


Chae will be along for the official word and will get you set up for your RR week where you go visit that regiment for the week. 


but in the meantime  have a Bandy    hands her the Cavs drink and start chattin!

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*steals Dice and Sooh's drinks and hands them to Killa*


Free booze compliments of the Archers!


*sneaks up behind shad and steals shads bow and sneakily uses it for firewood in the fireplace*


*opens up a keg of beer and has a drink*


Hey shad....is that your bow in the fireplace????  Pretty sure I seen Dice by your table then by the fireplace brosef


Welcome to the Madhouse Killa!!!!!!


All you need to know is Infantry GOAT and everyone in The Band besides me is completely crazy!!!!  And if you dont believe me, just ask Phyllis and Frank!!!!

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*pushes Zander in the latrine pits* Go fish!


Hi there, long time no see!


The Infantry is, of course, the Bestestestestestest of them all. You'll see a lot of chicken plucking and horsepooscooping at the other regiments, true. And you might be in to that sort of thing. I'm not one to judge.


But when you're done with the silliness you'll find there really is only one serious option. And with serious I mean dead serious. And with dead serious I mean..... well, you'll find out what I mean.

Meanwhile hold on to this. You will be in much need of it when your week at the Infantry comes up!



*hands Killi her very own spoon*



And to prevent any more corruption of your tastebuds, here's a real drink......


*hands the new recruit a Guinny*



If you know anything, you know Belgians know their beer. Now granted, Chae is also Belgian, but that's beside the point.




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*steals Dice and Sooh's drinks and hands them to Killa*


Free booze compliments of the Archers!


*sneaks up behind shad and steals shads bow and sneakily uses it for firewood in the fireplace*


*opens up a keg of beer and has a drink*


Hey shad....is that your bow in the fireplace????  Pretty sure I seen Dice by your table then by the fireplace brosef


Welcome to the Madhouse Killa!!!!!!


All you need to know is Infantry GOAT and everyone in The Band besides me is completely crazy!!!!  And if you dont believe me, just ask Phyllis and Frank!!!!





For stealing and using someones regimental Weapon you are herby Sentenced!


For the next 4 posts  IN THE BAND BOARDS you will add a picture of a good archer's Bow. 


When finished you will offer Shad his choice. You wilkl then do a post presenting it to him in a seperate thread in the main Band board .

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BAND LAWS (Punishable by spot-fines issued by Redarms)


1. No spilling brew, to include (but not exclusive to) Battle Brew, Bandy, Flaming Shots, Guinfantry, Infantry Brew, Cavalry Brew, Archer Brew, Brew Tea, and MG Special Brew. Causing another person to spill brew counts as spilling brew yourself.


2. No channeling, to include the One Power and the True Power.


3. No assaulting a senior officer, excepting when said senior officer either instigates an incident, or posts in a declared brawl. Random brawling among enlisted members or officers of the same rank is highly encouraged.


4. Band members may not use another member's regimental weapon (sword, bow, horse, lance, or dagger) without permission from the owner. (Additional items formally given to the Band members out of appreciation for service are included.)


5.  Band members will refrain from the recruitment of any Raw Recruit currently scheduled for training in a different Regiment. 


**NOTE** - Failure to follow any and all rules either above or in the Redarms guidebook will result in a form of punishment by spot-fine from a Redarm.  The preceding 5 laws and any laws within the RedArms guidebook, shall have a statute of limitations of one full week (7 days).  If a spotfine is not issued within the full week, a spotfine cannot be issued.



CODE OF CONDUCT LAWS (Handled by Staff, not by Redarms with spot-fines)


1. No inter-Band pranks without prior consent of the CG of the Regiment being pranked and either the Senior Staff or one's own CG. ("Prank" is a subjective term; the purpose of this law is to both provide a quality check on pranks, and avoid pranks going too far.)


2. No pranks on other Social Groups without consent of the Marshal-General.


3. Band members will refrain from excessive "God-mode" style posting, a.k.a. "God-modding." The interpretation of "excessive God-mode" will be solely determined by the Band's forum moderators (see below example). Violators will be given one written warning from the Marshal-General. Repeated violations of this law will be handled by site staff, not Redarms; they will be treated as violations of site rules and regulations, not light-hearted offenses worthy of a spot-fine.

God-mode is when someone makes a post in a role-playing fashion in which someone unfairly "wins" in a situation (such as a brawl) through narration. Examples of potential God-mode situations:

  • swings a chair, knocking everyone unconscious in the entire brawl, tying everyone up before they wake up
  • balefire
  • repeated and excessive breaking of Band Law.

4. Signing in to the monthly roll call is mandatory to receive promotion points and/or game points for that month. Should you miss one month's roll call and sign in to the next, however, you will retain all of the points for those two months, BUT if you fail to sign in to two roll calls in a row, you will forfeit any points received regardless of activity level. After six months of not signing in to the roll call you will be placed as MIA and after 6 months as MIA, you will be purged from the usergroups. Any member who has attained a rank of Lieutenant or above will retain his/her points and has only to sign in to the roll call once to be considered active again.


**NOTE2** -  Any offense deemed above the Redarms jurisdiction will be handled by the Senior Staff. This will not be in the form of a spot-fine, but will be in the form the Senior Staff (the MG, UC, XO), along with site administrators if necessary, deem appropriate. Please note: Captain-Generals are obliged to make the SS aware of such offences but will not be allowed to dole out the necessary punishment.



I just won

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BAND LAWS (Punishable by spot-fines issued by Redarms)


1. No spilling brew, to include (but not exclusive to) Battle Brew, Bandy, Flaming Shots, Guinfantry, Infantry Brew, Cavalry Brew, Archer Brew, Brew Tea, and MG Special Brew. Causing another person to spill brew counts as spilling brew yourself.


2. No channeling, to include the One Power and the True Power.


3. No assaulting a senior officer, excepting when said senior officer either instigates an incident, or posts in a declared brawl. Random brawling among enlisted members or officers of the same rank is highly encouraged.


4. Band members may not use another member's regimental weapon (sword, bow, horse, lance, or dagger) without permission from the owner. (Additional items formally given to the Band members out of appreciation for service are included.)


5.  Band members will refrain from the recruitment of any Raw Recruit currently scheduled for training in a different Regiment. 


**NOTE** - Failure to follow any and all rules either above or in the Redarms guidebook will result in a form of punishment by spot-fine from a Redarm.  The preceding 5 laws and any laws within the RedArms guidebook, shall have a statute of limitations of one full week (7 days).  If a spotfine is not issued within the full week, a spotfine cannot be issued.



CODE OF CONDUCT LAWS (Handled by Staff, not by Redarms with spot-fines)


1. No inter-Band pranks without prior consent of the CG of the Regiment being pranked and either the Senior Staff or one's own CG. ("Prank" is a subjective term; the purpose of this law is to both provide a quality check on pranks, and avoid pranks going too far.)


2. No pranks on other Social Groups without consent of the Marshal-General.


3. Band members will refrain from excessive "God-mode" style posting, a.k.a. "God-modding." The interpretation of "excessive God-mode" will be solely determined by the Band's forum moderators (see below example). Violators will be given one written warning from the Marshal-General. Repeated violations of this law will be handled by site staff, not Redarms; they will be treated as violations of site rules and regulations, not light-hearted offenses worthy of a spot-fine.

God-mode is when someone makes a post in a role-playing fashion in which someone unfairly "wins" in a situation (such as a brawl) through narration. Examples of potential God-mode situations:

  • swings a chair, knocking everyone unconscious in the entire brawl, tying everyone up before they wake up
  • balefire
  • repeated and excessive breaking of Band Law.

4. Signing in to the monthly roll call is mandatory to receive promotion points and/or game points for that month. Should you miss one month's roll call and sign in to the next, however, you will retain all of the points for those two months, BUT if you fail to sign in to two roll calls in a row, you will forfeit any points received regardless of activity level. After six months of not signing in to the roll call you will be placed as MIA and after 6 months as MIA, you will be purged from the usergroups. Any member who has attained a rank of Lieutenant or above will retain his/her points and has only to sign in to the roll call once to be considered active again.


**NOTE2** -  Any offense deemed above the Redarms jurisdiction will be handled by the Senior Staff. This will not be in the form of a spot-fine, but will be in the form the Senior Staff (the MG, UC, XO), along with site administrators if necessary, deem appropriate. Please note: Captain-Generals are obliged to make the SS aware of such offences but will not be allowed to dole out the necessary punishment.



I just won



*opens a gateway into the Cavs stable and jumps on all the horses backs and then sets them all free*


*opens another gateway into the DIce's bunk and poors BANDY all over the bed and lights it on fire*


*opens many gateway and dropkicks every superior officer currently and ever was in the Band*


*opens another gateway and pulls killa through ties her up and makes her watch HOURS AND HOURS OF INFANTRY PROPAGANDA VIDEOS*


*opens another gateway back into the bar and grabs a beer and chugs it STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN style!!!!*

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