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[LIGHT VS SHADOW]: Muse of Light and Shadow


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We have a lot of talented people here at DM and in the BT. This thread is for all of you that enjoys creating, what ever it might be.


Everyone is allowed to submit one or two creations in this thread. It can be what ever you like as long as it stick to the theme - Light and Shadow. It can be poems, songs, new lyrics to an old song, siggy, painting, something you knitted, sewed or built, film, photography... The jury will award three of these. The awards will go to three different creators (you can´t win two awards).


Every contribution is worth 5 points. The winners will get 10 additional points.


Deadline is October 29.


Do not spam this thread but feel free to give positive feedback to the creators.


The jury members are:

Poetstorm - Mistress of the Siggy Playground

Kathleen - Social Group Leader of ACW Guild

Dapianoplay3er - Head of the Artist Guild

TinaHel - well, me


The jury will look at creativity, innovation, effort and artistic talent. We will also look at how well you have used the theme.


Good look and may the taint be with you!

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I'm not sure if this really fits the whole Light vs Shadow theme but I thought I would share anyways.





Laying awake at

night I find myself searching

for the peace I need.



(note the picture isn't mine, I just thought that it fit with what I was saying)

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It´s time to hand out the awards! I want to thank everyone that took part in this contest. We have seen before that we have a lot of creative members here in the BT and it was great to see even more of that creativity. It was not easy to pick the winners.


The winners are (in no particular order):



1. Misheru Sedai´s photo


Motivation: It´s a beautiful picture that clearly shows the battle between light and shadow.



2. Canukistani´s photo of the fire


Motivation: This cool picture does not only capture the light vs shadow but also make us think about the taint and saidin.



3. Kukasö´s felted rabbits


Motivation: The felted rabbits captures the spirit of the Black Tower SG. Not only do we see the Light vs Shadow theme but also a tainted carrot! You can see that a lot of creativity and effort have been put into the work.



Congratulations to all of you!


The award is 10 extra points and this siggy:









And the points:

Misheru 15

Canukistani 20

Time 10

Davrick 5

Kukasö 20

Arez 10



Thanks to the judges - Poet, Kat and Player.

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