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[LIGHT VS SHADOW]: What faction does your soul belong to?


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What faction does your soul belong to?








Many people that enter the Black Tower think that we are all here just for the craziness and the spam. What they don´t know is that the minute they enter, the battle for their soul has begun. No one can hide when the Last Battle begins. You either chose to fight for the Dragon or for the Dark One. To find out what faction your soul belong to - answer the following questions. Send a PM with your answers to TinaHel or Locke. We will let you know in this thread who has won the battle for your soul. Everyone is welcome to participate – the ones that are not already a member of the BT, the Civies that are awaiting their promotion or the ones that have already chosen a faction.




1. What would you do for a Klondike bar?

1. Create your own Taint-filled concoction and trade.

2. Fill the U.N in session with sleeping gas, capture all nation leaders, and hold them for ransom.

3. Weave the Mask of Mirrors, kill the seller, stash them somewhere, and then come back for your prize later.

4. Pay a couple bucks.


2. You walk into your house to see someone stealing your cat and a spoon. What do you?

1. Let him/her go. (You never liked the cat anyway. It had a mean streak…the spoon too for that matter.)

2. Balefire.

3. Get out your super soaker and initiate a water gun fight.

4. Stalk him/her incessantly for the next 100 hours, pulling mysterious pranks at every opportunity.

3. You have invited your boss over for dinner. What do you make?

1. Nothing. Your pets make the meal.

2. You delay the dinner until you have stalked him sufficiently enough to know his favorite food.

3. The most delicious-looking pie ever… However, looks are often deceiving, and this pie makes the boss´s hair turn into seaweed.

4. Chocolate. That is all.


4. What do you do to relieve stress?

1. Being an Allomancer as well as an Asha´man, you merely disarm stress with a steelpush.

2. Wash dishes…

3. You eat stress for breakfast…and as a midnight snack along with marshmallows mateys which are better than lucky charms.

4. Torture 8 year old teenage ninja turtle fanatics. (Ed´s socks are great for this.)


5. You got a whole week detention recently – why?

1. You repeatedly tried to heal the headmaster’s madness.

2. You didn´t feel like going to school last week. Seriously, do they expect you to work five days a week?

3. You happened to set the map of Canada on fire while you and a friend used burning rulers as light sabers.

4. You kidnapped the cheerleaders and fed your trollocs with them. Even trollocs need something sweet ones in a while.


6. What is wrong with this question?


2. It failed to mention any sort of killing, torturing, maiming, or brutally injuring.

3. What is wrong with your face?

4. It´s not in rainbow color…


7. What is your first reaction to the word 'watermelon'?

1. Mhmm. Sounds yummy. Just needs ketchup, mustard, yogurt, BBQ sauce, mayonnaise, peanut butter, red chili spice, and some Taint.

2. *stabbitystabstabstab**also, balefire*

3. Load a plane with watermelon and rain death upon a nearby city.

4. After this…*does something so Tainty that Saidar catches a cold*


8. When you read the good night fairytale to your children you think:

1. Cinderella actually believes that the birds and mice are her friends. Muwahaha…

2. The spindle from the spinning wheel that Aurora pricked her finger on must be a powerful ter´angreal.

3. All those fairies and godmothers – the WT must lack money these days if the Aes Sedai need to take extra work.

4. Why didn´t the three little pigs build a house of cuilendar?


9. Your favorite movie is:

1. My best friends bonding ceremony.

2. Dancing with Dark hounds

3. The Hitchhikers Guide to Camelyn.

4. The planet of the Dreadlords


10. You´re sitting around bored. What do you do?

1. Make a chair made out of marshmallows.

2. Purge your room of all living organisms.

3. Take over the world.

4. Find some random dude on the internet, pwn him in your favorite video game, and then proceed to compare his skills to the ketchup you ate for dinner.


11. It´s Friday evening and you are playing Scrabble with your friends. Suddenly you notice that one of your friends is cheating. What do you do?

1. Nothing. He won´t get any points because he can´t spell properly anyway.

2. Laughs. You are the master of cheating. Let him try…

3. You take his letters and eat them.

4. Compulse him to write non PG-13 words that you know will upset the others.

12. The Black Tower is under attack. How do you defend it?

1. Set everything within 2 miles on fire and then Travel out.

2. Same as with any vermin – utter annihilation.

3. Convince them to convert to the Black Tower with your witty advertisements.

4. Continue eating your healthy breakfast of carrots and cucumbers.

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Pants On Fire






Welcome to the Light! According to the test, your are more awesome than the average person, so we have made a home for you in the fun-loving, occasionally sane, and always spectacular Light.


Logain offers the new recruit some Taint Pills and gives him the usual Squire's set of Tainted rations, Tainted silverware, Tainted bedsheets, and a Tainted uniform.









Welcome to the Light! According to the test, your are more awesome than the average person, so we have made a home for you in the fun-loving, occasionally sane, and always spectacular Light.

Logain offers the new recruit some Taint Pills and gives him the usual Squire's set of Tainted rations, Tainted silverware, Tainted bedsheets, and a Tainted uniform.








Welcome to the Shadow! Your blood test shows that you have an unusual low level of midi-chlorians but also an unusual high level of awesomeness. You clearly belong to the Shadow. Now get your butt over here and we will teach you the true meaning of evil. Stealing candy from kids might be fun but the Dark One has better plans for you.


The M´Hael looks pleased as she sees the new darkfriend arrive. She smiles as she sits down to make a new doll to her collection…










Welcome to the Shadow! You just scored 11 out of 10 on the Badass scale. Since your spirit is already here you might as well join us. We have had some, hm, accidents lately, so we can need some new blood…


The M´Hael eyes the newly arrived darkfriend. She would have to watch this one if she wanted to remain in her current position. The new ones are always so…eager, but luckily also easy to read. She smiles and returns to her needlework. The new doll will soon be ready to use…








Welcome to the Shadow! Your blood test shows that you have an unusual low level of midi-chlorians but also an unusual high level of awesomeness. You clearly belong to the Shadow. Now get your butt over here and we will teach you the true meaning of evil. Stealing candy from kids might be fun but the Dark One has better plans for you.

The M´Hael looks pleased as she sees the new darkfriend arrive. She smiles as she sits down to make a new doll to her collection…

  On 11/7/2011 at 11:19 PM, Ithillian said:

Oh dear. :ohmy:!


I demand a recount.







Also question 6, answer 3 is definitely something I would say. I love your face jokes.

  On 11/7/2011 at 11:19 PM, Ithillian said:

Oh dear. :ohmy:!


I demand a recount.




The test can not be wrong. You have to accept the darknes in your soul.



  On 11/7/2011 at 11:57 PM, Turin Turambar said:

S'Ithi, you know the Shadow beckons.


Great M'Hael, would you like me to show this one to her quarters?



That would be great! :baalzamon:











Welcome to the Shadow! You just scored 11 out of 10 on the Badass scale. Since your spirit is already here you might as well join us. We have had some, hm, accidents lately, so we can need some new blood…


The M´Hael eyes the newly arrived darkfriend. She would have to watch this one if she wanted to remain in her current position. The new ones are always so…eager, but luckily also easy to read. She smiles and returns to her needlework. The new doll will soon be ready to use…











Welcome to the Shadow! You just scored 11 out of 10 on the Badass scale. Since your spirit is already here you might as well join us. We have had some, hm, accidents lately, so we can need some new blood…


The M´Hael eyes the newly arrived darkfriend. She would have to watch this one if she wanted to remain in her current position. The new ones are always so…eager, but luckily also easy to read. She smiles and returns to her needlework. The new doll will soon be ready to use…








Welcome to the Light! According to the test, your are more awesome than the average person, so we have made a home for you in the fun-loving, occasionally sane, and always spectacular Light.


Logain offers the new recruit some Taint Pills and gives him the usual Squire's set of Tainted rations, Tainted silverware, Tainted bedsheets, and a Tainted uniform.








Welcome to the Light! According to the test, your are more awesome than the average person, so we have made a home for you in the fun-loving, occasionally sane, and always spectacular Light.


Logain offers the new recruit some Taint Pills and gives him the usual Squire's set of Tainted rations, Tainted silverware, Tainted bedsheets, and a Tainted uniform.








Welcome to the-! ....What, it says here that you are neither Light nor Shadow? Both the M'Hael and Logain look at you with a strange glint in their eyes. Since you scored equally on both Factions, each side will get half of you. The M'Hael and Logain begin arguing over which parts of you they want....

  On 11/8/2011 at 3:51 PM, TinaHel said:










Welcome to the Shadow! You just scored 11 out of 10 on the Badass scale. Since your spirit is already here you might as well join us. We have had some, hm, accidents lately, so we can need some new blood…


The M´Hael eyes the newly arrived darkfriend. She would have to watch this one if she wanted to remain in her current position. The new ones are always so…eager, but luckily also easy to read. She smiles and returns to her needlework. The new doll will soon be ready to use…


you don;t have to change position, mmmmmm'hael, i love you just the way you are.


but put the needles away, or i'll make your doll do very bad things. :baalzamon::wub:

  On 11/7/2011 at 11:19 PM, Ithillian said:

Oh dear. :ohmy:!


I demand a recount.




Hahaha!!! I knew it!


Stop trying to deny it Ithi!


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