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About ThorkinBarrimore

  • Birthday 08/19/1982


  • Member Title
    der'Wansho of the Tuathan'an Camp

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    Reading, music, writing and sports. I'm a 5th generation Oklahoma Sooner fan. Go Crimson and Cream!

    I also have a YouTube Channel where I review books, movies,
    and DIY Crafts.

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  1. Oh and here's another that is equally important from any breakfast around a campfire. Homemade Sausage Patties or Links
  2. Oh yeah and some campfire pancakes never hurt either. Campfire Pancakes with Peanut Maple Syrup.
  3. This sounds like right place and time for a thread devoted to things to eat around the campfire (or outdoors while sitting in a camp). We have a few places/businesses here locally that make homemade sourdough bread, and it is amazing! IMO Every great meal starts with bread. What are some of your favorite campfire recipes or meals you prep if you're going to be on the go? Sourdough Bread Starter Recipe
  4. All those places sound really nice. I'd like to hear how the Wicked and especially the Cursed Child show is as I've heard good things on both. NYC is a place I'd like see during Christmas time. I'm a big Home Alone fan so I want to see Rockefeller Center lit up with the Christmas tree and, hopefully, at least visit the Plaza Hotel. To stay there would be awesome....(but I'd settle for a sweet limo ride with the fam and an extra cheesy pizza). Yeah, I know. It's a little corny but I would be nice to do one year.
  5. @Jeannaisais Oh all of those sound like great places! My bucket list always runneth over. πŸ™„ I had forgotten to include Spain but it would be crazy not too. They say there are some amazing markets with all kinds of different types of ham. I'd really like to see that. I want to see Andalusia while I'm there because of a Doors song I heard once. I've always wanted to visit Seattle and maybe visit the Jimi Hendrix monument among other things. I was big X-Files fan back in the day and I think the early seasons (when it was at it's best) was filmed there.
  6. Thank ya! Hey, I don't blame you. That's my next thing is I want to travel and see some of the places I've always wanted to see. The usual ones to start like Greece and Rome but definitely Scotland (as I'm currently teaching myself Scottish Gaelic), Ireland, and I bet Quebec would look nice in Winter.
  7. Oh yes. Life has been busy the past few years but good. Facebook can sometimes seem like you're riding through the Blight. So, I just let the path take me back to the Tower...visiting my ole friends around the campfire along the trail. It's good to be back. *Hugs*πŸ₯°
  8. I hope you enjoy them. I wish they had some Discworld ones as well but that's a LOT of books... likie 41 last I counted and would probably be way too much. I'll just keep my handy pocket paperbacks on that series. Oh yes it's definitely a splurge but I finally don't have a car payment this year so that helps. And, also, *Snuggletackles* his Aes Sedai. πŸ˜„ (For old time's sake) πŸ˜‹
  9. Hey, man! Sorry I didn't get to respond earlier. I'm glad to be back too. I got the bookset at Juniper Books-Wheel of Time Bookset and they deliver pretty fast (shipping was free). They do other cover sets too like Harry Potter (including all House versions) and The Hobbit-Lord of the Rings as well. They are spill resistant and you can clean them but...I'm not gonna test that theory. I would totally have to use some Aes Sedai serenity in something got spilt on it.
  10. Okay here’s a few of the photos (shown with Lan’s ring in the last). It was kind of a birthday present to myself.
  11. I probably should have read the books first in hindsight. At the time I was looking for something to listen to during those long commutes to school and work (I think it was about a 40 minute drive each way) but, thankfully, I don't have to drive that much anymore. I'll try to get those photos up this weekend sometime. If we keep up all this cooking we might have to make a sweet campfire cookbook. πŸ˜‰
  12. Oh yeah. Redecorating and/or organizing helps me declutter my brain especially after a long day at work. Cooking does the same thing although I try to stay away from the cheesecake (which I fail at miseraly). πŸ˜‚ The first time I read the series (or rather listened on audio) I was wowed with the two people that did the audio books. I think it was Michael Kramer and Kate Reading. They did such a great job! It was the first really big fantasy series I had ever attempted and I probably wouldn't have finished if not for the audio versions. Now, that I have more time on my hands I'm going back and actually reading the books. There was so much I missed or had forgotten and it's been a real joy taking the time to relive it again. The Juniper bookset looked amazing when I got it last Wednesday. I took several photos. I'll try to see how I can get them from my phone to my laptop so I can post them here. I have Lan's Malkieri ring displayed along with it as well. πŸ˜‰
  13. I know! 2024 is going way too quickly. Outside of redecorating the upstairs room in a forest theme I've been enjoying my Wheel of Time reread (I'm halfway through The Great Hunt....searching for the Horn. I'm in the right place for that. πŸ˜‰). I finally got the entire Juniper Books Wheel of Time book set (with the Dragon Reborn sleeve) for display in the room upstairs as well. So, Summer's been pretty good so far just a little too hot for my liking.
  14. Oh I definitely will! My parents took a trip to San Fran when I was little. Great Ice Cream! I'd want to go and see the house from Full House if I could find it. That does sound pretty exciting. On a good day here the phones are the only thing that gets crazy here unless there's a rapid response. Sometimes people come here thinking we're a hospital and so we have to call them an ambulance.
  15. Well, I went into it being optimistically cautious. I think the first season got off to a fairly good start and then kind of tapered off at the end (especially with some of the unfinished Trolloc/CGI shots and the final cliffhanger). I was very excited and still am. Now, I thought the 2nd Season was WAY better than the First (yes, I know...you can only go up from some things 😁). IMO Madeleine Madden had a breakout performance as Egwene! The highlight, for me, was her story arch as well as Moghedien's arrival. I'm hoping to see more Forsaken in the upcoming seasons and how they are implemented. I think it's great that more/new people are now watching it and seeking out the books to read more about the series and its amazing characters/world. Lan is still my boy. Tai'Shar Malkier all the way!
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