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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. Kedyn's uncontrollable laughter spurred Miria on as they wrestled, embarrassment giving her strength as they tumbled off the bed to at last grab Kedyn's arms and pin them by his head, using her weight to hold them still. He was shaking, no doubt with the effort to reign in his laughter. He tried to claim that it was something else that had made him so amused, but Miria was not so easily fooled, fixing him with a stern glare. Ooh, he was going to pay for witnessing her embarrassment!


    Miria grumbled under her breath as she released Kedyn to stand, though she was smiling beneath the mock pout. If it had been Kedyn, Miria would still be rolling on the floor in laughter no doubt. She was lucky that Kedyn could restrain himself at least a little. "Your shirt's on inside out by the way hun." Miria looked down with a frown, cursing under her breath before poking her tongue out at Kedyn. Light, she was just making a complete fool out of herself today - first in front of the archers, then the private at the door, now Kedyn. She shook her head with a rueful smile as she turned her shirt around and finished dressing.


    Stamping her foot into her leather boot, Miria followed Kedyn to the door. "Now love would you like me to look out the door to make sur no one is looking when you go out. I'll chase off any groups that private may have brought wanting another look or two." Miria's glare was mutinous as she gave Kedyn a slap on his rump. Oh, he would pay for teasing her so. A grin slowly spread across her lips. And she knew just how.




    It didn't take long to pack Miria's belongings, she hadn't acquired that much in the time she had been at the Citadel. It was strange looking at the little room, empty of all but the narrow cot. But seeing her things littering Kedyn's bigger apartments brought a grin to her face. Nothing had ever truly felt like home before, but this did. Her meagre belongings, interspersed with his; the larger bed that they shared...it all had a homey feel to it. It wasn't cold or lonely. It was home.


    Miria eyed Kedyn sideways as he placed the small trunk that held her clothes next to his larger one, admiring the turn of his calf. Time to get him back for his earlier teasing. Stepping up behind Kedyn, Miria wrapped her arms about his waist, resting her head against his back as she hugged him. "Thankyou for carrying my things." She smiled, letting him turn and tilting her face to his gentle kiss.


    Wrinkling her nose, Miria put on a face, pulling back slightly from the embrace. "I think you could do with a bath." Miria suggested. "That hard work didn't agree with you." She lied, making out that he stunk of sweat. Truth was he wasn't that bad, but it would help her little plan for revenge if he went to bathe. "Why don't you go and enjoy a nice hot bath, and I will find us food - something we can eat here, to celebrate." Please go for the idea!Miria begged silently, grinning broadly when he agreed.


    "Wonderful, I will see if I can't find us something special." Miria waited until Kedyn was safely on his way to the bathhouse with a towel and clean clothes before she moved. An evil grin was on her face as she grabbed the soap she had deliberately neglected to give Kedyn, along with something else from her trunk. She chuckled. Getting Kedyn back was always so sweet. Armed with what she needed, she ducked out of their rooms, following the path Kedyn would have taken to the baths.


    It was impossible to make the trip to the bathhouse without passing an awful lot of open ground, which was almost always filled with people, heading to and from the barracks and other domestic buildings. Even better for Miria's revenge. Stepping inside, Miria called out before rounding the corner which would have her face to face with whoever was bathing. "Kedyn, I forgot to give you the soap." She paused, her bundle hidden somewhat under her arm. "Just me in here love, bring it in." Came Kedyn's reply. Glad that she wouldn't be caught just yet, or come face to face with any other naked men, Miria rounded the corner.


    Kedyn was facing away from the door, chest deep in water, steam rising all around him as he relaxed. His clean clothes sat on a bench behind the tub, the towel closer to his hand so he could easily fetch it as he climbed out. That made it easier, causing Miria to release a sigh of relief as she silently deposited her bundle next to them. "Here, my love." Miria moved into view and handed him the soap, openly admiring his nakedness as she leant over to kiss Kedyn, long and hot. Quietly with one hand she snatched the towel up and held it behind her, keeping Kedyn distracted with her kiss.


    Stepping back before Kedyn could draw her closer, Miria smiled. "Don't linger too long..." her voice was rich with promise as she stepped past, gathering up Kedyn's clothes in one smooth motion. All her years of theivery had paid off. She grinned to herself as she stepped outside, moving near the barracks to get a good vantage point for when Kedyn emerged. She had threatened a long time ago that she would steal all of his clothes, showing him just how good a thief she was. Well so far so good. Kedyn was left with only a frothy pink dress to cover himself now, not even the towel would help him find modesty. Now we would see who is laughing at who, Miria thought, chuckling already.




  2. Kedyn's words were penetrating the fog that shrouded Miria's brain, and she could tell he was mad. The fact that he wouldn't kiss her spoke volumes, the way he held her hands away from his body. Was she so disgraceful now that he didn't even want her touch? Anger began to replace the arousal that had thrummed through her veins. Was it that bad, being a little late? She had been ordered to drink, damn it!


    A niggling little voice told her Kedyn wasn't being unreasonable, she should have at least have someone tell Kedyn where she was, but the drink wasn't allowing Miria to see straight. "I told you I am alright." Miria snapped, tugging her hands out of his grip. Her eyes were blue fire, marred by the red from the alcohol. "I'm a big girl." Why was it, the one time Miria indulged herself a little, she came under fire for it?


    "Who are you to talk? You were a raging drunk when I met you, and I didn't even have that much." Miria's voice was loud, too loud. "So don't you judge me!" Her hand swung out in a clumsy motion, intending to give Kedyn a bit of a shove to prove her point, but he deftly caught it, holding her wrist in a firm grip. Light, what had she done? Had she just tried to assault her commanding officer? The man she loved with all of her heart?


    "Oh dear..." Everything swam in front of Miria's eyes, and her stomach lurched dangerously. "I'm sorry..." She mumbled, before disgracing herself and emptying her stomach all over Kedyn's boots and in her hair, only Kedyn's hand on her arm keeping her upright.




  3. Miria stifled a grin as her gaze once again danced away from the delightful curve of Kedyn's rump. Now was not the time to be appreciating his form, distracting as it was. They often joked about their 'scouting trips', but this was one in earnest, even if it was a routine scout around the citadel. Besides, they were not alone, and Miria endured enough teasing from the other foxes without encouraging more by tripping over an enemy while ogling Kedyn's behind.


    Well it had started as a routine trip, but they had soon come across evidence of others, by the looks only a duo. Silently the group advanced, spotting the pair and fanning out to surround them. An older man and a boy, Miria saw as they crept forward. Not a sound was made as she drew an arrow, holding it ready to fire as she trod carefully over the earth, all thoughts of Kedyn momentarily pushed aside.


    Looking between the two, Miria decided the elder required the most attention, aiming towards him. Adrenalin was thrumming through her veins, the thrill of the hunt as prevalent as it had been when she was but a thief. She enjoyed what she did, knowing she had a knack for stealth, and loving the opportunities the Band gave her to use her talent, like now.


    Standing back a short distance, Miria watched as Kedyn and Malastair stepped closer, grinning broadly as Kedyn was able to walk right up to the boy and tap him on the shoulder before he even knew they were there. He jumped like a scalded cat, though the moment he withdrew his sword Miria and another stepped forward, her arrow aiimed straight at his heart. She regarded him silently as Kedyn spoke, her eyes unwavering from the dull glint the first rays of dawn gave the steel in his hand.


    She snorted as he tried to declare his innocence, in the simple fact that he hadn't struck. Even if he had tried, Miria knew he would have failed, not only against Kedyn but with so many trained soldiers surrounding him. Fool boy. They pressed in closer, Kedyn looking awfully formidable and more than a little distracting as he held his longsword easily before him. If they truly were bandits, they were not the best Miria had encountered. She could certainly teach this Mors a thing or two on talking his way out of trouble.


    The boy at last sheathed his useless sword as he decided to become forthcoming, and Miria once again flicked her eyes to the elder man who accompanies Mors. A Warder? She had never met one before, only heard rumours of their prowess. If what the boy said was true, he indeed was more lethal than his quietness told. "That bears the seal of the White Tower... and if that is not enough, I believe Master Orion would have his Guard cloak somewhere in his possession..." Miria peeked at the letter in Kedyn's hand, noting the Flame of Tar Valon on the seal.


    "Tower Guards are sworn to serve the Tower, the Aes Sedai. Why are they not doing their duty? Perhaps they are criminals run away." Miria addressed the words to Kedyn, but her eyes were trained on Mors. Let him try to convince them somehow. Light knew she could spot a liar a mile away, being so adept herself. She would know if he spoke true.



  4. Jocelyn had long ago grown accustomed to attracting the attention of men. She usually ignored it or barely noticed, but when Rion took her hand, she saw the angry looks he was giving to those around them, and actually took a good look herself. Ugh, men could be such horrible pigs. Their lecherous glances and sleazy smiles made Jocelyn's stomach turn. How had she ever been attracted to that type of man? She happily pressed close to Rion as they sat, adding her glare to his, silently declaring that she was not on the market. Smiling, she gave Rion's hand a small squeeze. It was one of the main reasons she had fallen in love with him, the fact that he had never treated her as though she were a pretty object. He admired her physically, yes, but he also loved her mind, her soul.


    “Jocelyn…what are your parents like? I don’t know…I mean..I’ve just been wondering.” She had expected the question to come eventually, but was momentarily caught off guard, her thoughts a million miles away. Jocelyn felt for Rion, it couldn't be easy for him, meeting her parents for the first time. Especially once they learn that not only had he been the reason she had not returned home in so long, but that she was moving into his home permanently, that they were in love. Rion was not exactly the type of man her parent’s had wanted her to marry.


    “My parents…well, my parents are merchants. Rather wealthy. My father is an intelligent man, very shrewd, and I guess he comes across as rather intimidating… but he is really not so bad. He is very well educated, he is the main reason I was educated. Knowledge is important to him.” Jocelyn smiled at Rion in a way that she hoped he saw as positive. Rion was a brilliant man, and she knew her father would respect him for his keen mind. Even if he was livid that a madman was planning to steal his only daughter away. Hmm, probably best not to mention that to Rion.


    “And my mother.” Jocelyn sighed. She had always been told she took after her mother, not only in looks but in temperament. Once she hadn’t minded, had even considered it to be a compliment, but now… well she would hate for Rion to think she was like her. “My mother is vain, ruthless, flighty and wool-headed.” Not really showing her in the best light, perhaps. “She is very beautiful, and she knows it, and while she is manipulative, she does not possess the same wits my father does. Theirs was a marriage based on business, on money.” Jocelyn pulled a face, showing just what she thought about that arrangement. Her parents could barely stand one another, unless of course they wanted to show a united front.


    Jocelyn patted Rion’s knee, pressed next to her own. “Compliment her appearance and she will love you. My father will to, I just know it. What’s not to love?” Her smile was filled with adoration for this man, the one that made her so happy, brought sunshine into her life and taught her what love was. Her lips twisted slightly. “Probably best not to mention the ugh…” She looked around and lowered her voice, leaning closer to Rion before continuing. “The channelling.” Her voice was a whisper, meant for Rion’s ears only. She didn’t want to cause any kind of trouble for Rion, and well, announcing what he was in a crowded room wouldn’t be the wisest move.


    “Somehow I doubt my parents would particularly like that talent, my love. But as for you…all will be well. No doubt they haven’t even realised I’m gone yet.” The remark was meant to be a bit of a joke, but Jocelyn wouldn’t be overly surprised. Her parents loved her, she knew that, but they were both far too busy with their own lives to be the kind of support she had needed. It was why she had always gotten away with so much, they didn’t spare the time to be firm with her, finding it easier to give their feisty daughter her own way. Still, this return was no doubt going to be interesting…




  5. Miria was a bundle of nerves as she sat and waited, her eyes never leaving the horizon from where Kedyn would ride. He, along with the others, had risked their necks to set her free. She would never be able to forgive herself if something had happened to Kiarma or Kedyn.


    It seemed like an eternity as she waited. Carnhain and Toth left her to her solitude for which she was thankful, she was not in the mood to make small talk or pretend she liked Carnhain. Instead she waited. Surely they wouldn't have been this far behind, would they? Worry gnawed at Miria's insides, and she silently prayed to the light for their safe return, making all sorts of promises she didn't know if she could keep. So long as they were safe, so long as Kedyn was returned to her, all would be well.


    Miria blinked. Was that something, way off in the distance? It was too far to tell, but her heart leapt into her throat and she stood, squinting to try and make out the shapes. Was she imagining it because she wanted to see it so badly, or were there two figured on horseback approaching quickly?


    A moment of panic gripped Miria. What if they were guards? What if Kedyn and Kiarma had been found out, and now they were looking for the rest of them? Light, they could all be punished now, because of her. Skirts...one of them was definitely in skirts, Miria could make out the way they were flapping against the breeze. Kiarma. Her eyes flicked to the tall figure in the saddle next to her, and relief flooded through her. He was alright. He was coming back to her.


    Miria took a few steps forward, only barely containing the urge to run towards him, her soft squeal of delight obviously alerting Toth and Carnhain of their arrival. But she barely noticed, all she saw was the wonderful image of her lover, alive and well, free. Her arms were already open in welcome as Kedyn vaulted from his mount, rushing forward to collect her in his embrace.


    For the longest time Miria said nothing, just clinging to Kedyn, letting all the worry slip away. He was ok, they all were. And she was free. It was such a huge relief, but they weren't out of the woods completely. Kedyn was right, they should head home rather than linger. "Thankyou." She whispered, hugging him tightly once more before reluctantly letting go. Unshed tears glistened in her eyes, but she smiled up at Kedyn. She didn't need to say anymore, he could read the love and gratitude in her clear blue eyes.


    At last she managed to get to her horse and mount, though there was absolutely no chance she was letting Kedyn out of her sight, staying close by his side as they turned to head away from the city. She had come close enough to losing him, she was not about to let anything like that happen again.




  6. Miria looked up at Kedyn's words, not quite sure if he was just teasing her, but the love in his eyes was anything but a jest. "So should we start packing up yours?"A broad grin spread across Miria's face, brightening her features and causing her eyes to sparkle like diamonds. She gave a little squeal of delight. "I can't think of anything I'd love more!"


    She gave Kedyn a joyous squeeze. The thought of waking beside him each morning instead of some mornings was wonderful, not to mention sleeping in his arms each night. Bliss was the only word that came to mind to describe it. Miria leaped out of bed, bubbling over with excitement as she thought of what she needed to pack up. She didn't own much, as she'd ridden into the Citadel with only the clothes on her back and her bow and quiver. She had a few more possessions now, but nothing that would take long to move.


    "Come on!" She urged, slapping Kedyn's feet playfully to encourage him to rise from the bed as she walked to the door, completely oblivious to the fact that she was naked as the day she was born. "Uh love...you may want to..." "What?" Miria interrupted as she swung open the door, coming face to face with a young private as he was passing on an errand. His eyes instantly roved down past her face, and Miria froze, mortification flushing her cheeks.


    "Mother's milk in a cup!" She yelped, hastily shutting the door, silencing the appreciative chuckle from the other side of the door as she leant on it. Her whole body was crimson as she dived for her clothes, hastily flinging her shirt over her head, too flustered to realise it was wrong way out. A strangled sound made her turn her head, seeing Kedyn as he desperately tried to hold in his laughter.


    "Don't you dare!" Her eyes blazed, but with good humour as she launched at him, fists playfully pummelling his torso as she knocked him back onto the bed. "Don't you dare laugh at me!" Miria couldn't help but giggle herself as they mock wrestled, though she blushed still. How on earth was she supposed to go out there and ever look that private in the eye again? Not to mention that the tale would not stay with him...oh dear, this one would not be fun to live down.



  7. Miria wished she could be more overjoyed at the situation as she saw Kedyn's crestfallen face. He wanted to be a father, she could see that, and knew he would be a good father to their child. She would give anything to see him smile, but was she ready to be a mother? She just didn't know. She was still so young, though plenty of women had children at her age, sometimes even more than one by then! But they were other people. Miria still had a warrant hanging over her head, one that would no doubt spell death for her. Did she dare risk leaving her children without a mother? True, the officials believed she had been kidnapped by another prisoner, maybe believed her dead, but if anyone ever recognised her, she sincerely doubted she would get away so easily again.


    "For this should be something you want as much as I do, not because you want me to be happy...but because it will make you happy." Miria looked down at the large hand resting lightly against her stomach, where a child may already be forming. Would it make her happy? Light, she already had been happy. Kedyn was her whole world, nothing made her happier than resting secure in his love. She had thought it was enough, even being unmarried, but was that enough for him?


    Light, what if she never wanted to have children at all? What then? Would Kedyn leave her for someone who would make him a father? The possibility was gut-wrenching. What if it turned out she wasn't pregnant, and never could be? So many things she had never considered before, and now the thoughts were eating away at her. She couldn't lose Kedyn! Her life would be over, the very light of it gone. She knew what would make her happy - Kedyn, like he always did and always would. If only she'd thought about this before, wondered about being a mother. But right now she was too worried to think straight, unsure as to how she would feel about it. She needed time!


    "Least we can do it try and find something for that stomach and well…perhaps one of the medics can make a better decision as to whether we should be worrying so much or not." Miria nodded as he took her hand, mustering a smile. She knew he was trying to ease her worry, and for that she loved him eternally. But would he love her the same if she didn't want children? Not that she knew she didn't want them, but she couldn't predict how she may feel down the track. He was right though, best to see if they could find out for certain what they were facing before she worried herself any further.


    She was silent as they made their way to the infirmary, though she kept a tight grip on Kedyn's hand. If only this wretched queasiness would subside, then she may be able to order her thoughts some, but her stomach rolled with each step. It seemed an eternity before they reached the infirmary, Kedyn leading her inside to a chair as he fetched a Medic, bringing the man back over to speak with Miria.


    Eyes downcast and cheeks blushing, Miria softly explained the sickness, and in an even quieter voice the possibility that she is pregnant. Her cheeks flamed. She was practically declaring that she was an unmarried lightskirt who could not keep her knees together. Well I can give you something for the queasiness, that won't hurt your baby, if you are pregnant."The medic smiled in a friendly way, though Miria wasn't feeling overly friendly. "As for determining if you are pregnant well i can...ahh..." He looked at Kedyn somewhat warily. "give you an...examination, though even then I can't be completely certain this early."


    An examination? Ohhh..."No way!" Miria spoke quickly and adamantly, her mutinous face showing she would not give in should they ask her to. Kedyn was the only one who had ever seen her beneath her clothes, let alone touch her, there was no way she was letting some strange man anywhere near her! Or woman for that matter. She shook her head firmly. "No examination...there has to be another way to tell."


    The medic shrugged, seemingly happy that he didn't have to deal with giving Kedyn's lover an examination. "The only other way to tell is to wait. Sometimes our bodies do funny things. Just because you are, err, late, doesn't mean you are pregnant. However if you are, it will soon start to show." Literally, thought Miria. The Medic went and fetched some herbs for Miria, instructing her to drink them with water and try to get some rest. Great.She thought, as she thanked the Medic and stepped outside into the sunshine with Kedyn once more. Just what I need, more time to worry about what may or may not be.

  8. It was going to be another warm day, Jocelyn thought to herself as she hefted her basket filled with wet washing. The sky was clear of clouds, and even though it was well before the sun's zenith, the air was warm already. She did not mind the heat as much as she used to, given her homeland was much cooler even in the summer months. It always seemed too gloomy around the farm when it was cold and overcast, leading her mind into unwelcome imaginings about the other inhabitants and their potential for madness.


    Rion had told her time and again that she didn't need to do such menial chores as washing, when he could do it so much quicker with Saidin, but Jocelyn needed the tasks to keep her occupied. It wasn't as though she could fill her days with shopping or some such, and as she had no children to care for, she did the next best thing in caring for their home. It was funny, once she would have thrown a violent tantrum rather than demean herself so far as to scrub a sheet, but time changed many things.


    Jocelyn was feeling considerably warmer upon reaching the ropes strung out to form a clothesline, the weight from the basket making the walk that much more exhausting. How Rion and the others could ignore the heat was beyond her, particularly when they wore such heavy, black clothing. He had tried to teach her the trick, claiming it had nothing to do with channeling, but she had been unable to master the skill.


    Humming to herself, Jocelyn shook out a sheet which she took from the basket by her feet, tossing it over the line and spreading it so that it would dry properly, though in this heat it would not take long. Pegging it so it would not blow in the breeze, she reached for another, startled out of her silent thoughts as a voice sounded behind her.


    “Good day, I do not believe we have met, but we do have a mutual acquaintance.” The voice was unfamiliar and she turned, finding herself face to face with a Dedicated, the same rank Rion was when she had first come to the farm. “I am Linten, and you are?”He seemed friendly enough, a welcome change, given most of the others she had encountered seemed more intent on maintaining a terrifying image than being civil. She bestowed him with a smile, pushing her long black hair back over her shoulder.


    "Pleasure to meet you, Linten. I am Jocelyn." She inclined her head in greeting as his name echoed in her mind. Linten...why was that name familiar? She thought she had heard it before, though she was certain she had never met him before. Possibly one of the many new recruits that seemed to arrive daily that had risen through the ranks quickly. But why then would the name spark recognition in her mind.


    "It is nice to see that there is another here who knows how to be civil, at least." Jocelyn smiled with good humour as she continued hanging her clothes, though she kept up with the conversation. "There are too few men here who remember how to speak to a woman." She pulled a face as she pegged one of her dresses to the line, the blue one that Rion had purchased for her.


    "Except of course those that think because I am in skirts I am free game." She snorted in a most unladylike manner to show what she thought of that remark. Bloody fools. Most everyone by now knew that she was Rion's woman, but still some tried their hand at sneaking a caress or trying to entice her away from him. It was hard to remain from teaching a few of them a lesson, light knew she was better with her quarterstaff than most of them put together, but a man with wounded pride was worse than a bear with a thorn in its paw.



    Jocelyn 'Just Give Me An Excuse To Be Fiesty' Mahrin. :wink:

  9. “Having fun love?”Miria blinked a few times, trying to focus on the face hovering above her. "Kedyn!" She cried out with glee as she recognised his face, a lopsided grin splitting her features. Why wasn't he smiling too? Probably worried that she had hurt herself falling over, that had to be it. He was always smiling, except when he was worried.


    "I was just coming to find you." She said happily as she fumbled her way to her feet. Miria wavered a little, somewhat dizzy, but thankfully kept her balance. "Drrrrea ordered me to have a drink with her." She said, somewhat apologetically, though she burst into a flurry of giggles. "Well alright maybe a few more than one, but I only had..." Miria counted off on her fingers, lifting four fingers to show Kedyn. "...five...I think..." She scrunched her brow as she tried to remember, but soon gave up. Remembering was too tricky right now.


    Kedyn still wasn't smiling in that heart-warming way, and Miria frowned slightly. "But I'm alright." She smiled brightly and dusted herself off, before wrapping her arms around Kedyn's middle, resting her cheek against his chest. He was so warm, she thought as she hugged him, her hands pressed against his back. So strong too, and hard, she thought idly, her hands tracing the firm contour of muscle as they drifted down his spine.


    Miria's thoughts were quickly heating her blood and she grinned. He was awfully handsome too. Both clothed and not so clothed. Her grin turned wicked as her hands found the curve of his buttocks in a gesture that she normally wouldn't dream of making in public, but for some reason she was feeling terribly bold. Not to mention aroused.


    "I missed you though..." Her teeth nipped Kedyn's shoulder through the roughness of his shirt and she giggled again as she pictured him without his clothes. "I told them you were the handsomest." She declared proudly, her hands sneaking about, trying to find inappropriate places as she tilted her head and waited expectedly for Kedyn's kiss.




  10. It was quite a relief to find that Kedyn didn't shrink away or look angry, though the dumbfounded look on his face didn't bode well. Miria had no idea what to expect from Kedyn by way of reaction to her news.


    Suddenly a bright smile swept across his face and he scooped Miria up into a hug. It was infectious, and Miria couldn't help but smile a little as he laughed and kissed her cheek. "That is wonderful!"Well at least she had worried over his reaction for nothing. But how did she feel about it? She really wasn't sure. She needed time to let the idea sink in, to mull it over.


    "Though, I should more ask...is that what you want?"Kedyn looked so happy at the prospect, that Miria wished she shared the same joy. But truth be told, there were so many unknowns that made her hesitate. She was a bastard child, she doubted her mother had even known which of the men she let between her thighs was the one to father Miria. Did she want to bring up a child in the same manner?


    Of course that wasn't entirely fair. Kedyn was not like the men that paraded through her mother's bed. He may have had other lovers before her, but since declaring his love for her, he'd not so much looked at another. And she was obviously different to her mother. Kedyn was her entire world. And she knew he would never abandon his child, never abandon her. But it still did not change the fact that they were not married, and her child would forever have that hanging over it's head.


    Unless of course they married before the birth. Light, there was so many things to consider. "I...I'm not sure what I think of the idea." Miria replied truthfully. The thought of Kedyn marrying her only to give his child a name was not a pleasant one. She did not even know if she would accept such a proposal. Her mother once told her that all marriage did was chain a woman to one man, and that even the nicest man could change drastically given that hold over his wife. While Miria didn't think that was entirely the case, she didn't have an example of a good marriage to go off. All she knew was that she loved him, and he her.


    There were other things that Miria thought of. They were both newly promoted, and that meant added responsibility, more demands on their time. And she was still so young, barely 20 name days old. Not younger than her mother was when she was with child, but Miria did not want to follow the same path she did. She would give her child the stable home it deserved, with it's father and mother, not a string of men that shared her bed and paid her child no heed.


    Her child. The picture of a young boy, with his father's eyes and rakish smile entered her mind. A living sign of their love. A small smile tugged at her mouth, and she lifted her eyes to Kedyn's. His child may well be growing in her womb. Her eyes flicked over to the insignia on his shirt and her smile faded. They were soldiers. Did she really want her children growing up, facing violence and death? Is that the future she wanted to offer them? No. No, it was not.


    "I haven't really had time to think about it, I guess." She tried to explain with a blush. Oh, but Kedyn seemed to love the idea so much. She wanted to make him happy, wanted it to be so for his sake, despite her reservations. "But I don't even know if it is so." She shrugged and placed a hand over her abdomen. "But child or no, something is not liking me right now." She grimaced at the ache starting to pound at her temple, a result from the vomitting, no doubt. That and her troublesome thoughts. What if she was pregnant, knowing all these reasons why she could not bring a child into the world?




  11. Miria felt a little out of her depth as she stood silently in the ominous atmosphere. There was tension on both sides, so thick it was almost tangible. In fact tension had been building in the city for days, something that brought Miria no comfort. She had only seen one battle, and the horrid memories of that were enough that she never wanted to see another again, soldier or no.


    They were supposed to be negotiating to maintain peace, not to encourage violence! She could have slapped all the parties involved, though it was hardly her place to do so. She was just a private, after all. So instead she was forced to act as though she was in full support of Carnhain's idiocy, and the Ashaman was not much better.


    Yelling at an Aes Sedai? Was he out of his mind? Perhaps he was going mad like all male channelers eventually would, because raising your voice to an Aes Sedai was a quick way to anger her, and even in her limited knowledge, Miria knew it was best not to trifle with her sort. Or perhaps it was because he too could weild the one power. She had seen some of what they could do at the citadel, and it was impressive. But it was no excuse for foolishness.


    Kedyn spoke up, a decidedly calmer voice next to Carnhain and Arath. Miria silently applauded her lover his tact. A yelling match would not win them anything but trouble, but perhaps a soft, reasoning voice could bring about successful negotiating. Or at least avoid complete disaster. She had not missed how dreadfully outnumbered they were. Trained soldiers and a man who weilded the power, but they were too few. They had to maintain peace if they wished to live to see the day through. It was that thought that made her wonder once again why she had been deemed fit to aid this mission.


    Miria cast her gaze to Kedyn as he spoke. She did not believe the other women present should be so quickly dismissed. There were strong undercurrents that she did not understand, but she sensed that presuming they should discuss 'like men' may only add to the irritation radiating from the so called 'cousin'. But there was little they could do, they were more there to present a stronger front than to actually take part in the negotiating. Hopefully now though, Carnhain and Arath will have detected the hidden not in Kedyn's words and watch their own. She had no desire to meet the creator this day.



    Miria Landen

  12. Denae was eager to continue gardening the next day, hurrying back from her class on shadowspawn so she could quickly change into her newly acquired breeches. She was early, but that was deliberate, allowing her some time to enjoy the garden before the accepted arrived. She slowly walked by the garden beds, her fingers touching the soft petals, pausing on occasion to inhale the sweet aroma given off by the colourful blooms.


    The scents made Denae slightly homesick, reminding her of the rich smell of dried herbs and flowers that made up the small family store. She paused to finger the petals of a lily, her mother's favourite flower, and wondered how she fared, making a note in her mind to compose a letter to send to her loved ones back in Cairhien. She missed them so.


    Zeveria arrived, and Denae greeted her politely, nodding in answer to the question, wondering just how she had found out about her love for painting. Her eyes lit up at the task set before her. Floral arrangements were something she had done back in Cairhien, though then it had been bouquets and dried flowers. The opportunity to flex her creative flair was an exciting one, and Denae eagerly set about the task.


    There was a vivid array of colours for Denae to work with, blooms of different colours and sizes. Looking them over, Denae then turned her attention to the patch of fresh soil, imagining how best to arrange the flowers there. Picking up the lilacs, Denae separated them and arranged them in a wide arc around the edge of the patch. Next came a row of grasses, before another arm made from vibrant blue tulips. Filling in another row of grass, Denae continued the pattern, until it appeared there was a rainbow of flowers, with small bunches of the snow white baby's breath interspersed among the rich green of the grasses.


    Fiddling slightly with where they sat, she nodded to herself before standing and brushing off her hands. "Is this to your liking, Accepted?" She asked waving to the arrangement of flowers adorning the patch.



  13. Miria buried her face in her hands as Kedyn left, her mind now more agony than her stomach. She was foolish if she thought Kedyn would not notice that she hid her thoughts. He was a scout, and a good one at that. His whole life he had learned to take in every detail, to read people and situations. And knowing her so intimately, he was likely already suspicious that she was hiding something.


    Technically she wasn't hiding anything, she didn't know if she was or wasn't pregnant, but still she felt guilty. Lying was always a talent with her, using her sweet appearance to hide her deception, but she could not do so with Kedyn. He deserved her honesty. It was only her worry over his reaction that had held her tongue.


    Miria took the cup that Kedyn offered her, knowing how wretched she must look. “Now drink that up, it’s not going to hurt you.” The words set off alarm bells in Miria's head and she stilled, the glass not yet touching her lips. She had heard that there were certain herbs that could be harmful to an unborn babe. What if this was one of them? Could she risk it? She lowered her hand. She could not.


    “You sure that’s it? You finish that up and we’ll go find one of the medics to look at you.” Miria sighed and shook her head. "Well I don't know that there isn't more to it, but it's possible." She licked her lip nervously. "I hadn't thought of it, but a comment from one of the women...well...and it may not be, but just in case..." Light she could dance around it all day, but eventually she had to tell him.


    "Kedyn..." She looked up, scared but wanting to see his reaction to her words. "I think I might be," she swallowed and forced the word out "pregnant."



  14. Jocelyn couldn't help the smile that bloomed on her cheeks as the city came into view. This was her domain, the place she had always known as home. Everything was emanently familiar, the sights, sounds and smells. But it no longer felt like home. Now it was just a place she loved, but home was with Rion, at the Black Tower.


    They were waved through the city gates, and Jocelyn found herself sitting up straighter, looking about them with interest. Not much had changed, the way the city was winding down to sleep, people bustling about last minute errands in the waning light. It was a crowded time of year to be in the city, and from the crowds visible in the common rooms of the inns they passed, this year was no different. Jocelyn directed Rion to one of the larger inns, hoping that there would be room for them stay.


    "Only one to be exact. So shall I put you down?” It seemed they were in luck, though Jocelyn was not surprised to find that there was only one room spare. Taking the arm Rion offered, Jocelyn followed the proprietor up the stairs to what would be their room for the night. How she kept her features smooth she didn't know, but somehow she managed to hide the smile that threatened upon discovering there was only one bed in the room. A quick glance under revealed that there was no pull-out cot, either. The one bed it was. For the two of them.


    “So what do think, will this do love?”Rion looked nervous, and Jocelyn couldn't help but smile. It was going to be torture, lying next to Rion while somehow keeping her hands to herself. But as it was highly unlikely they would find anywhere else with two rooms, and she did not relish sleeping out in the open in the cold, this would have to suffice. "I doubt we will find anything else." She replied, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, testing the mattress.


    "The bed is quite good and the sheets are clean...I'm sure it will do for one night." Jocelyn smiled up at Rion, a wicked gleam entering her eyes. "If anyone questions your honour, simply tell them we are married." She teased, though secretly she watched his reaction closely. She still wasn't exactly sure of his feelings on the manner, and perhaps the teasing remark could reveal a hint as to his thoughts.


    "That is if you still have any honour at the end of the night..." Jocelyn couldn't help the way she teased him so, a grin on her face as she stood and sashayed from the room in a sultry manner. "Popping her head back around the door frame, she winked at an openly gaping and blushing Rion. "Are you coming? I'm hungry." With another grin Jocelyn began to descend the stairs, leaving Rion to follow as she made her way to the common room.




  15. “Are you okay Miria? You’re not getting sick are you?”Miria grimaced at the foul taste in her mouth and fought against another surge of nausea. She blushed, knowing how terrible she must look. At least she had managed to avoid disgracing herself by vomiting in her hair or on her clothes. That would be awfully humiliating.


    "I'm fine...well I think so. Just feeling a bit off this morning, I guess." she replied, thankful for the arm supporting her. Her legs were feeling rather shaky and she was quite lightheaded, without it she imagined she would likely have fallen by now. Light, what if she were pregnant, and she fell? Would that hurt the baby? If there was a baby. The idea was far too new, and Miria had no idea what to think about it, let alone imagining what Kedyn would think. There was no question that he was the father, as he was the only man she had even been with. Did he want children? And for that matter, did she?


    "I just need to sit down for a minute." The anxious questions tumbling about in her mind were certainly not helping the queasiness in her stomach. Kedyn helped her over to where some crates were stacked beside the mess and helped her sit, and Miria couldn't help but evade his gaze. Would he know what she was thinking? That she may be carrying his child? What if he rejected her, and the child? She knew she wasn't being fair, letting him tell her for himself. He may be overjoyed at the idea. But what if he wasn't?


    Light, she was giving herself a headache on top of this sick feeling. Miria pressed her fingers lightly to her brow as though to force her thoughts to hush and drive away the pain that threatened. "I felt a bit queasy when I woke this morning, and then the smell of meat cooking..." She pressed her hand to her mouth, thinking about the smell enough to bring another wave of nausea on. Taking a deep breath, she sighed with relief as she maintained her stomach. She licked her lip and continued. "I guess something I ate disagreed with me." Either that, or I am pregnant with your child, Kedyn.She couldn't voice the thought. What if she was not pregnant? She would worry them both for nothing. But if she was, Kedyn deserved to know...


    Miria groaned, her eyes widening as she twisted away, only moments before she heaved again, barely avoiding Kedyn as she was sick. Unthinkingly, one hand rested on her belly as she regained composure once more. Was there a child there or not?



  16. It was some time later before Miria was capable of coherent speech once again, satiated and relaxed as she lay in Kedyn's arms, head propped against his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. She had been thoroughly distracted from her thoughts by Kedyn's passion, but now, as rationality returned, she remembered his words.


    "Kedyn?" Why was she nervous? She practically lived in his room already, as he said. Even if he wasn't joking, he probably wouldn't mind the idea of her moving in to his room anyway. But still, the thought that he didn't want to take that step, and that she might pressure him into it by asking was not a pleasant one. But she had to know.


    "Were you only joking about me moving into your room with you? Not that it matters if you were," She added quickly, "or if you weren't, either way I don't mind." Light, now she was blathering on like a dim-witted fool. "Because I don't want you to think you have to, but I don't want you to think I don't want to either..." This was getting her no where. Better to just shut up and let the man speak.


    "So umm...I was just wondering." She blushed furiously at her babbling and buried her face into Kedyn's neck.



  17. Miria blinked as she tried to focus on the tankard in her hands. Her eyes were bleary, her vision blurry, and her limbs seemed unable to obey her mind's commands. Perhaps it was time to call it a night. Right after she finished this drink. Tipping it up, she sculled the contents, finishing with a satisfied sigh before standing on extremely unsteady legs. They must obviously be sleep from sitting no long. She only had one or two drinks, didn't she?


    Trying to count the mugs rocking back and forth on the table only made Miria queasy, so she gave up with a shrug and a lopsided grin. "Thanksh for the drinks Dr..dr..drea." Miria stumbled over the words as her hands on the table kept her upright. "But I should be going now. I have to find..." She clicked her fingers as her memory blanked and she couldn't find the name for the face in her head. "Kedyn!" She grinned in triumph as she remembered, before blushing as a small belch escaped her lips. Good heavens, perhaps she really should be heading to bed.


    "So long, ladiesh!" Miria gave all of her companions turned new found friends a friendly grin and a wave, before stepping ever so carefully around to the door of the inn, doing her best to keep her feet, when all they wanted to do was lie down. Miria giggled. Feet don't lie down! Too busy giggling, she didn't notice the barrel on the edge of the porch outside the inn, tripping over it and down the two steps with a loud crash before she had time to catch herself.


    Bewildered, Miria blinked a few times as she tried to work out why she was looking at the sky, the stars slowly fading as morning drew closer. "Oops!" Giggling again, Miria struggled to disentangle herself from the bush that had caught her as she tried to find her feet again.



  18. Miria groaned, moments after opening her eyes to see the sunlight filtering through the window. Surely it wasn't morning yet! Turning her head, Miria stretched, somewhat disappointed to see that Kedyn had already left for the morning and she hadn't even woken to see him go. No doubt he had not wanted to disturb her, which was sweet of him, tired as she had been feeling lately. She had no idea why, but for some reason she was drained of energy. Nothing a good night's sleep wouldn't fix, but sleep was always the last thing on her mind when Kedyn was about.


    Smirking she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, a sudden wave of nausea halting her before she stood. Miria doubled over and closed her eyes, frightened for a moment that she was going to lose what little there was in her stomach. Thankfully it soon passed, leaving Miria wondering just what had brought it on as she set about dressing for the day. Passing it off as nothing more than her stomach disagreeing with last night's stew, she resolved to find herself some fruit to have with her breakfast.


    The mess was already crowded by this time of morning, forcing Miria to join the end of the queue. Voices mingled together noisily, along with the sounds of cutlery on plates, chairs scraping on the floor, melding to create one jolly sound. Rich aromas wafted from the kitchens, fresh bread, porridge, and meat. Beef, or perhaps lamb...oh light!Miria clamped a hand over her mouth as her stomach rolled, the queasy feeling from that morning returning tenfold.


    "Out of my way!" She snapped urgently, shoving her way through the crowd, looking to escape outside before she embarassed herself by vomiting on the floor. "Sick in the morning? She must be pregnant!" A woman's voice reached Miria's ears, along with several laughs and jests as she burst out into the sunlight, barely making it to a nearby bush before heaving and losing her stomach.


    Pregnant? The woman's words repeated in Miria's mind as she stood on weak legs, wiping the back of her hand across her mouth. Surely that wasn't possible...well it was, she wasn't so naieve that she didn't know how babies were created, but she didn't think she could be. Well maybe...She hadn't worried before, but she waslate...What if she was pregnant? What would Kedyn think? Would the child have his name? They weren't even married!


    Miria shook her head. She couldn't be. "Oomph!" Miria staggered back a step, having turned and walked directly into a tall, hard frame. Lifting her eyes, she found herself face to face with the most beautiful pair of eyes, full of concern. Kedyn's eyes. Smiling weakly she steadied herself with his help, blushing slightly as she wondered just what to tell him.



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