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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. Miria huddled into her cloak where she sat, curled into a corner of the cold, dank cell. She eyed the two others in the cell warily, sitting as far from them as she could, the stench of filth and death thick in the air. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there, her chin on her knees. She didn't even know whether it was still night. The time had flown past in a blur, and while her sobs had subsided, her despair hadn't. Over and over she had cursed herself for her past stupidity, all the while picturing the look on Kedyn's face as she was dragged away. How could she bring this upon him? She was the one that had helped heal him from the heartbreak of losing Lavena, and now she had put him back into the same position.


    A soft sigh escaped her lips and she brushed at her cheeks, still moist from her tears. Light, how long did she have? She couldn't die, much as she deserved it. She couldn't do that to Kedyn, couldn't let that happen, not now when her life for once was seemingly bright, when she had a future. And sitting here feeling sorry for herself wouldn't help anything. The others would come for her, Miria was sure of it, and she would meet them in the middle. She would not stay here and wait to die.


    Scrubbing at her cheeks, Miria ran her fingers through her hair, trying to create some semblance of order. Ignoring the leers from the men, she stepped over to the iron bars of the door, clearing her throat to get the attention of the guard nearest her. He turned, looking her up and down with an expressionless gaze and Miria licked her lip nervously. Light, she had to get out of here, somehow. Perhaps, if she played her cards right, she could convince the guard to help her. Afterall, she'd talked her way out of many a situation before.


    "What time is it?" She asked quietly, pulling her hood back to reveal her features. The guard looked her up and down again and licked his lips lasciviously, causing a shudder of revulsion to run down Miria's spine. Not that long ago she would have been oblivious to what that look meant, but she had learnt quickly from Kedyn just what looks like those could mean. Of course, she welcomed them from him, but from this man...it took all her effort not to shudder visibly, though thankfully she was saved as another guard stepped into view, obviously someone more senior, the way the first guard stiffened and harshened his gaze.


    "It's time for you to bloody well shut your trap and sit down, wench." He growled at her, loud enough for the superior officer to hear, no doubt. Somewhat startled, Miria backed away, back to her corner, glaring at the prisoners as they laughed cruelly at her. She would find a way out yet, she just had to think. Besides, Kedyn and the others would be there soon, they would come to get her. Clinging to that hope, futile as it may be, Miria continued to brainstorm, wondering just how to manipulate the guards to her own advantage. Escape was her only option.



  2. Jocelyn hummed to herself as she strolled towards the training yards from the house that would soon enough be hers and Rion's. She had been putting together a list of purchases they would need to make, though now she was looking forward to seeing Rion, to sharing some of her new ideas for decorating the house. She knew he was doing weapons training, much as she hated it, and she hoped to catch him still working, and perhaps watch him for a while. Even though he denied it, Rion was quite a sight to behold when he trained, his lithe, toned muscles rippling beneath his smooth skin, not to mention that rear she could happily watch all day...


    Picking up her pace some in anticipation, Jocelyn smiled as she spied Rion, her heart growing at the sight of him, bare-chested and beautiful as he twirled his quarterstaff. She was still a ways off, smiling to herself as she remembered the time she had trained with him when she first came to the tower, how shy and bumbling he had been. Well he was still the same man, if now their relationship had changed, her love for him paramount, matched only by his for her. Though she still loved making him blush, more than most things.


    Jocelyn slowed, drinking in the sight, oblivious to anyone else as she watched Rion, still unseen by him. About to approach him she halted, eyes widening as some woman she had not seen before stepped close to Rion, not missing the way her fingertips trailed across his back in a most intimate manner. Who was she? And how dare she touch him like that? He was hers! And...oh light...he was blushing?! Fury surged through Jocelyn as the wench dipped into a curtsey, the seductive look in her eyes unmistakeable. What the bloody hell was going on? Taking a step forward, Jocelyn clenched her jaw, her hands curling into fists in her skirts lest she reach out and strangle the woman, when something else made her pause. Rion's hands were shaking. Why? Was he nervous, or afraid? Or something worse...was it desire for the woman in front of him?


    A painful lump formed in Jocelyn's throat as hurt mingled with her rage. Was this why Rion had never mentioned marriage, despite his love? Was she not what she wanted? Or did he have his eye on someone else? Surely not, she couldn't believe it, yet why was he bowing stiffly to this woman, his shirt still on the ground? Light, but how she longed to make him truly hers, longed to be the one to teach him all he had yet to learn about love and women, to be a true wife to him. But perhaps she was not what he wanted in a wife, maybe he preferred what was on offer in front of him...no, this was foolish thinking! He had asked her to live with him, he loved her. Not this light skirt with her fluttering lashes. Good heavens, she was jealous! The emotion was so new to her, Jocelyn had never really worried about female competition before, always managing to beat them at their own game...then again she had never been in love with a man that another woman showed interest in before. It was a horrifying realisation, but she couldn't seem to help it.


    Silently she strode over to the trio, noting Covai's presence with an added scowl. After the way he had treated Rion, he was no friend of hers, and well he should no it. Stiffly she bent and snatched up Rion's shirt, thrusting it at him, her eyes glinting dangerously. Her anger had to be evident, though she hoped they couldn't see the masked hurt, she didn't want to be humiliated any more than necessary, any more than she already felt. How dare she! How dare they! Folding her arms beneath her bosom she flipped her long black hair over her shoulder and fixed a cold stare on her face, eyeing the pretty woman up and down, like only another woman can, assessing and weighing up. "Anyone care to introduce me?" She asked crisply, barely reigning in her temper enough to stop from saying more of what was on her mind.



  3. Jocelyn watched in silence as Rion withdrew a gold ring from his pocket, turning it over between his fingers. Her first instinct had her opening her eyes wide, until she saw that it was embossed, guessing it must be Rion's family's insignia. Curiously she watched as he stroked the ring, his expression revealing a lot more than his words alone. She knew he was a minor noble, yes, but what she was also seeing was a man missing his family, a man who had fought with himself and his duty, who clearly still struggled.


    All worries about funding their new home disappeared, it was nice to know that their dream could become reality, though Jocelyn knew in that moment that she wouldn't have cared if she had learnt he was entirely peniless. All they needed was one another to be happy, she had already learnt the lesson that money did not appease her. She'd had access to her family's fortunes when she was in Arad Doman, and yet she had not been remotely as happy as she had since Rion came into her life and showed her what true elation was.


    Once again Jocelyn's outlook on the trip brightened, but before she could utter any comfort for Rion and how she knew he missed his family, he spoke again, the suggestion leaving her gaping. "And since we are out by ourselves, if you wanted to visit your family I could take you back to Arad Doman for a day or two. If you want to that is."Her mind whirled. Head home, see her family? She didn't quite know how to react, her mind whirling with the notion. She hadn't seen them in so long, indeed it had been months since she had even returned to Arad Doman, purchasing new gowns with Rion and Dashiva.


    Closing her mouth finally, Jocelyn smiled. It would be lovely to visit, to see her homeland, her parents. She would love for them to meet Rion, to see what a wonderful man he was. Then again, there was every chance her parents thought nothing of her absence. She'd been away from home so often, for long stretches, though granted never this long before. What would it be like, being there again? Would she want to stay? No, of course not, her life was here, with Rion. And clearly he trusted her, totally and completely, or she knew he would never have offered. That knowledge broadened her smile into a grin, it had taken a lot to earn his trust again after breaking it so terribly as she had.


    Reaching for Rion's hands, Jocelyn held them in her own and squeezed them as she smiled up at him. Standing on her toes she kissed his cheek softly. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, if you're sure it's ok. I would love for my family to meet you." She laced her fingers with his and squeezed them again. It was only fitting that she introduced the man she would wed to her parents. Indeed, that put another thought into her already whirling mind. "What about your family? Could we visit them too? Or...is that not allowed?" She frowned slightly, hoping she hadn't just suggested something that could not be. It didn't seem fair for her to be able to visit her family, whom she had happily left time and time again, if Rion couldn't see the family he has reluctantly left, and missed.



  4. I think the deal is you don't NEED a mentor as such, since the way classes are run allows several people to learn together, but there is nothing wrong with having one if you prefer. And you would do the same thing if you were looking for someone to start a class for you, just post looking for someone willing to teach.


    You may also want to try posting at our offsite boards - http://www.hostingphpbb.com/forum/thefarm.html


    And there is also a lot of handy information here - http://www.blacktowerdiv.com/home.php


    Hope this helps! :)

  5. Miria hummed to herself as she stepped lightly through the citadel, making her way towards the archery field. Her blonde tresses were secured with a ribbon for the occasion, as she dids not want any distractions. It was a good feeling, getting back into training. Adjusting the way her short bow was hung over her shoulder she smiled to herself. She'd heard many archers make fun of the short bow, claiming it to not really be an adult weapon in comparison to the long bow, but Miria's small stature made maneuvering with a long bow difficult at the best of times. Besides, she'd shown many a critic that she could handle the weapon perfectly fine.


    Still, she had a feeling she would be swallowing some of her pride today, the note informing her that Owan would train her. Who better to further her skill with than an archer? There was a good natured rivalry between the divisions, but in the end, they were part of the same army, and as she was learning, the Band looked after it's own. Another smile crossed her features at that thought, there was certainly one member in particular who gave her a lot of special attention, who made her feel the way no one else ever had. As usual it had been a struggle to say goodbye to Kedyn that morning, but she did not want to start on the wrong foot with the archer by being late, regardless how tempting Kedyn's kisses were.


    Arriving at the designated place, Miria watched in silence for a moment as Owan practiced, before approaching him, slinging her bow and quiver off her shoulder to hold them in her hand. "Miria is my name, I'm here for the training sir." She greeted him with a charming smile, her dimple flashing briefly in her cheek as she waited for her first instructions.



  6. "Then it is settled. We'll leave at the end of the week for Caemlyn or any other place you wish to go. It'll be your day." Jocelyn grinned and awarded Rion with another affectionate kiss, her arms twined about his neck as she stood on her toes to better reach. The day was promising to be wonderful, mainly because she would be spending the day with the man she loved. That was always going to make for an enjoyable day. And also, because she would be doing something she loved that she rarely got to do now - shop.


    "And as long as we are making a trip if there is anything else you think you might want. Well.. I mean I know how much you enjoyed our last...uh..trip and.." Jocelyn couldn't resist planting another kiss on Rion's lips as he trailed off, his cheeks flushing slightly in a way that never ceased to make her smile. "I will make a list of what we need, I know I need a new cloak now it's getting colder, among a few other things." Already she was mentally preparing a list of things to purchase, materials for drapes and clothing, paint, kitchen supplies...they would need quite a few things. The question was, how were they going to pay for them all?


    "And I have no doubt it will be a wonderful day, after all, I will be spending it with you, and we won't have a chaperone this time." She chuckled softly and kissed his nose, her emerald eyes glinting with mischief once more. One day soon she would be able to take advantage of that situation, she and Rion alone, in their own home, husband and wife. Sooner than later, she hoped. She didn't know if Rion even realised just how irresistable he was, his unwitting charm appealing to her in a way that no polished, practiced man ever could.


    Jocelyn held back a sigh. What she wouldn't give to have him as her own now, to be planning her wedding celebration instead of moving house. But, baby steps. She shouldn't jump to conclusions and expect too much of Rion. After all, they'd never even discussed marriage, so she had no idea if it was something he had even considered. But all in good time, eventually she would bring it up, but for now, there were more important things at hand, like planning this trip.


    Releasing herself from Rion's embrace Jocelyn strolled through the house again, mentally creating a list. Light, they would need an awful lot. They certainly wouldn't be able to bring it all back to the farm on horseback, gateway or no. And there was still the money issue. She herself had virtually nothing, though her parents were wealthy. She had been on the way home as her funds were depleted when she was first found by Rion. Rounding on him, she voiced her questions. "Is there a wagon or something we could borrow for the occasion? Else bringing back our purchases could prove difficult." She paused, tilting her head to the side in thought.


    Jocelyn had always had a very pampered lifestyle, her home and belongings had always been the best. While that didn't bother her, as she mentally did the sums she knew there would be a decent expense, even if she did stick to the bare minimum. "Umm...Rion...have you considered how we are going to pay for our purchases?" She asked delicately, not wanting to put a damper on the occasion, hoping Rion already had considered it and had it all worked out.



  7. *stands proud as the only one not covered in mud* See it pays to be nice to the newbies :D


    *watches the wrestle from a clean spot, sipping a drink and relaxing on the pool chair* No fighting dirty now! :wink:

  8. I don't think Joc would do well at restraining her, but perhaps when she is brought back your girl can be taken to see her, thinking that perhaps a female influence may help? Jocelyn had several failed escape attempts herself, but now has no desire to leave - perhaps they will think she could be a good influence or something (ha!) :). But I'd be happy to jump in somewhere, us civvies need to stick together :wink:

  9. Jocelyn let out a tiny squeal of excitement, at both the prospect of an outing and the knowledge that she could well be living in this house with Rion, in just a few short weeks. Already her mind was ticking over the necessary preparations, packing her few meagre belongings, plotting what she should begin working on first. The idea of a project to keep her occupied was a good one. While she had never complained about her routine, something out of the ordinary was like a godsend.


    "And since I'm putting you in charge of decorating...where do you think we go?" In charge of decorating...Jocelyn liked the sound of that. She chewed her lip thoughtfully. When she had needed new dresses, Rion had taken her to Bandar Eban, in her home country. She could of course go there again, but then again perhaps it would be better if she decorated in a style that he would be more at home with, something Andoran. After all, it wasn't going to be just her home, and though she would direct the furnishing, she wanted something that Rion could relate to as well.


    "I have only been there once, but I recall that the markets in Caemlyn were remarkeable for that sort of thing. We should be able to get everything we need there, and I promise to do my best to get you good prices." She grinned up at Rion, remembering how shocked he'd been to see how expensive her taste in dresses had proven to be, though she had talked the seamstress down to a much more satisfactory price.


    On impulse, Jocelyn gave Rion a tight hug. "I am so excited about our house, thankyou!" She enthused, smiling against his neck as she squeezed him affectionately. Who would have thought she would ever be thrilled with the prospect of work? The thought was almost laughable, but it was true. She liked the idea of being able to work on it together with Rion, putting the finishing touches on, turning the house into their home.


    Lifting her head so she could look into his eyes, Jocelyn smiled, kissing his lips, softly and tenderly. "How is it, that just when I think I couldn't possibly be any happier, you make things even better?" She sighed softly, as though thoughtfully as she stroked his cheek. "I never imagined my life could be so perfect, until I found you. Now it is, no matter what happens, because I have you." Her smile broadened, her eyes sparkling with all the love she held for this man. "And I am going to have you all to myself." She murmured, bringing her lips to his once more, a wicked gleam in her eyes. She would have him to herself, alright. She would make him her own, her husband, her life partner. It was just a matter of how. She needed a plan, though perhaps having him alone under the same roof would prove most useful indeed...



  10. "Everything will be perfect because I know you will be with me."Jocelyn turned in Rion's arms, a small smile on her lips as she looked up at him. "And I always will be." She replied softly, lifting a hand to trail her forefinger softly over his cheek. "It would be no easy task to get rid of me, my love." She jested, though she meant what she said. Even should Rion want to be rid of her, he would have quite the battle on his hands. She wouldn't go anywhere away from him quietly. Kicking and screaming would be more apt.


    An image of her first being found by Rion and the others came to her mind and made her chuckle. Smiling sheepishly she shared her thought. "I was remembering how much of a tantrum I threw trying to get away from here in the first place. Now I imagine it would be 100 times worse, should anyone try to take me away. My, how things change." She chuckled softly. Not just changed, but changed for the better. Even imagining life away from Rion now was enough to send chills of despair down her spine. Life without Rion was no life at all.


    Wrapping her arms around his neck, Jocelyn smiled up into his eyes. "So tell me, how long do you think it will take before we can move in? Now that I know about it, I find I'm eager to leave Dashiva's house and have you all to myself." She chuckled huskily, standing on her toes to brush her lips gently across his, her eyes rich with love and promise.


    A sudden thought struck her, and she lifted her head. "Does that mean another shopping spree? I mean, we have to get paint and furniture, and material for drapes...surely not all those things are readily available here?" She lifted a brow, a smile curving her lips again at the possible prospect of leaving for an outing. Not that she wanted to leave Rion, never, but because she adored shopping, and a change from the day to day routine would be most welcome.



  11. It was so wonderful, the relief and happiness that came with forgiveness. Jocelyn would have been content if things with Rion had gone back to the way they had been, but to have his love was such an amazing gift. It felt so right, so perfect. Like she had truly come home. She smiled down at him as he helped her dismount, thinking of all the other times he had helped her, usually blushing terribly, and never finishing with a sweet kiss. Did it get any more perfect than this?


    "Today has been one of the greatest days of my life. I have you and that's the greatest gift I could have ever wanted." Jocelyn beamed, swallowing the lump that rose in her throat. She was so happy she thought she may burst, or at least burst into tears of utter joy. Not trusting herself to speak, she looped her arm through his as they stepped out into the last rays of sunlight as they quickly diminished behind the trees. She leaned against his side and sighed contentedly as they slowly strolled towards the inn.


    "So what do you think, as much as I love being around everyone...I'm not sure I want to share you with everyone today." Jocelyn chuckled, she knew how much Rion hated crowds at the best of times, but the sentiment was one she shared. She wanted him to herself. "It is your naming day, I dare say that entitles you to choose your own company." She smiled at him broadly, her cheek dimpling. "You can help me cook something at Dashiva's house...then how about a picnic under the stars, just you and me?" She raised her brows in question, grinning at his response as she led him to the house, entering before him and heading to the kitchen.


    It didn't take long before a hearty beef stew was bubbling over the fire place, after having directed Rion about the kitchen helping her. He had seemed so lost at first, but with a bit of guidance Jocelyn had set him to chopping vegetables for their stew, enjoying sharing the simple chore with him. Tasting the concoction, she left it to continue cooking some more as she stepped behind Rion, wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her head against his back. "Who knows, we may make a cook out of you yet." She chuckled softly, hugging him gently. "I love you." She murmured with a happy smile, for the first time in a long time, truly happy.



  12. It still astounded Jocelyn to realise that the most simple things were making her the happiest. She had never been a girl content with what she had, always spoilt and demanding, easily bored with her day to day life, when in fact it had probably been a lot more exciting than the life she led now. But the main difference was Rion, and his love. It was enough. She didn't need anything else to make her happy, though without him her world would surely crumble. Even living a simple life, spending the day doing chores, things she normally would have avoided, made her happy now, because she knew she had Rion with her, and that was all that mattered.


    She smiled down at Rion, perfectly comfortable in his arms, as he looked up to meet her gaze. "I love you Jocelyn."Such a simple sentence, but the words meant so much, especially when coupled with the love that was evident in his gaze. Even had he not said it, she would know it to be true, purely from the depth of emotion she saw in his blue eyes, mirrored in her own gaze. "I love you too." She replied softly, dropping a kiss on his brow as he leant against her shoulder once more. She rested her own head against his, enjoying the moment of togetherness, just being close and held by the man she loved.


    Closing her eyes, Jocelyn breathed deeply, Rion's masculine scent filling her head, teasing her senses. If only she could capture this moment, stay here forever. Ignoring the rest of the world and it's troubles, nothing but the two of them and their love, a world of their own. Yet even as she imagined it, she knew it was a fool's hope, pleasant as it was. Try as she might, she could not erase the image of Rion's anguish earlier. Something was not right, it was obvious, yet she had no idea where to even begin to think about a solution. He hadn't outright admitted that something was amiss, but she was not blind, he had not been upset over nothing.


    Again she pressed her lips softly to his brow, her own arm snaking about his shoulders to hold him close, almost protectively, from whatever it was that threatened their happiness, that she could not see. Jocelyn did not want to bring it up again, did not want to see Rion upset, and nor would she prod him. In good time, she had no doubt he would tell her. Until then, she would do whatever she could to make him happy, to put him at ease. She would protect him, and love him, with all that she had, for all of her days. "All will be well." She whispered into his hair, squeezing him back, forcing her worries aside, focusing on the here and now, the joy that arose from his touch, from having him close, buried in her heart to stay.



  13. "I'm glad you said yes as well because I don't think I would do well trying to decorate this place without some help. And well, I can't think of another person I would love to spend those lonely hours with than you." Jocelyn grinned up at Rion, pressing her nose against his and gazing into his eyes, her hands tugging at the lapels of his jacket. "There will be no lonely hours whilever I'm in this house with you." She murmured softly, dropping a kiss on his enticing lips before drawing back with a chuckle.


    "And don't you worry yourself about decorating, it would be my pleasure to help you. In fact..." Taking Rion's hand she led him back through his house, eyeing it critically again. "...I have already got ideas." She confided with a grin, tugging him back into the kitchen. "Picture this - light, breezy curtains, to allow in plenty of light...a table here with some chairs...of course we'll paint it something light, to make the room seem bigger." Excitement brightened her eyes as she spoke, already picturing her new home, completed and homely.


    Bubbling with ideas, Jocelyn led Rion through to the bedrooms, a vague description suitable for the smaller of the two rooms. She figured it was to be hers, but she was determined it would not stay that way. She would make him hers in every sense of the word, eventually. If only she could find a way to convince him that marriage would be an ideal prospect, that once she was his wife she would enlighten him on every exciting idea she alluded to.


    Not wanting to give away too much, Jocelyn paused in the study, tapping her chin. "I don't think I will do much with this room." She mused, turning to face him with a smile. "I will help of course, but something tells me this would be predominantly your baby." She winked at Rion, giving his hand a squeeze. No doubt he would relish the idea of his own study, a place for his precious books, and where he could escape from the madness of life on the farm. "You should decorate this room in a way that you find comfortable."


    Stepping through the doorway, she regarded the empty room that would be the other bedroom, the one she hoped to share one day. A wicked grin curled her lips as she looked sideways at Rion. "I have plenty of ideas for this room too, but perhaps I will save them for another time." She chuckled, low and throaty as she tip-toed her fingers up Rion's arm, before pressing them lightly over his lips. "Another time indeed." She grinned at him again, before casually strolling back out to the sitting room, her soft laughter following her to where she stopped and gazed back out the window, still smiling. Rion joined her a moment later, and she drew his arms about her waist, leaning her head back against his chest.


    "You worry too much...why on earth would I not want to live with the man I love?" She mused softly, patting his arm affectionately. "I think this will make us a lovely home." She smiled again, her mind's eye conjuring up an image of the completed home, her standing much as she was now, in Rion's arms, watching some young children at play out the window. Her children, hers and Rions. And the picture still did not scare her, in fact, she couldn't think of much more she would want. Now if only she could work out how to have him marry her!



  14. A tiny flicker of a smile crossed Miria's lips as Kedyn held her tight, his embrace protective and comforting as he swore to never let them take her. Light if only it were that simple, that Kedyn could simply say no, and all her troubles would disappear. A tempting thought, if nothing but a foolish hope. Perhaps things would be alright after all. Whatever happened, she still had Kedyn, and that was more than enough.


    A loud banging at the door startled Miria, panic rising and constricting her throat as Kedyn leapt in front of her. Toth's voice came through the closed door, and the small flare of hope Miria had felt was instantly crushed by the words. Blood and bloody ashes! Why couldn't her past just let her be? Instantly Miria jumped off the bed, grabbing her still packed saddle bag and slinging it over her shoulder, anxiety causing her hands to shake. She needed to get out of there, now.


    Miria turned to the door as though in a daze, mildly surprised to see Kedyn had his belongings in hand and was already opening the door. She blinked, before following. Light, this was no time to lose her wits, she needed to keep thinking if she wanted to escape the guards. Pulling up the cowl of her cloak once more, Miria stayed close behind Kedyn, her eyes darting about furtively, looking and expecting to see a guard at any moment. Fear wracked her body, made her pale, jumping at every movement she sensed out of the corner of her eye. Light, let them make it out without being seen!


    Shouts grew louder as they neared the bottom of the stairs, a glimpse through the door of the common room revealing a room full of chaos, with Carnhain and Kiarma at the middle of it, brawling, and if she wasn't mistaken, enjoying themselves thoroughly. She had no way to know if it was deliberate, but it was making for a wonderful diversion, no one bothering to look their way as they focused on the fight which seemed to now involve most of the common room patrons. For the first time in a long while, Miria was actually grateful for that pretty-boy buffoon Carnhain. She was, until she caught sight of two guards near the front door. She froze in panic, as the man they were talking to pointed in her direction, the guard's heads swivelling to look at her. Eyes wide with fright, it took a moment or two to make her legs move, whirling about and running out towards the stables as the ment made their way across the room.


    Blindly Miria ran out into the dark street, not caring which direction she went, so long as it was away from the shouts and pounding footsteps behind her. No! She couldn't let them take her away! She couldn't let them take her life! A sob escaped her burning lungs as she continued on relentlessly, tripping on the uneven cobblestones in the dark. Turning her head, Miria whimpered through her laboured breathing to see the guards not far behind her, and another man, in hot pursuit. Kedyn! Light, she could not lose him, would not be taken away from him! He was her everything!


    Whipping her head back to face where she was going, Miria suddenly ran into something hard and unyielding, knocking her backwards, causing her to stumble and sprawl across the ground as the air was knocked from her lungs. Dazedly, she lifted her head, to see the wall she had run into was in fact a towering man, in the queen's guards uniform. She could hear shouts, but they seemed undiscernable, distant to her ears. She scrabbled to her feet, intent on running, when her pursuers rounded on her. It was pointless, she had no where to turn. Tears trickled down her face, sobs shaking her body as rough hands grabbed her, forcing her wrists behind her. Coarse rope chafed at her wrists as she was bound firmly. Sinking helplessly to her knees, Miria looked up to the man she loved, horror on his face as he watched the spectacle.


    "Kedyn...I'm so sorry...I love you..." She managed between sobs, as she was hoisted to her feet, the guards hands biting cruelly into the soft flesh of her arms. Everything seemed fuzzy, distant, except for the aching pain in her heart. Why was Kedyn moving further away? Somewhere in her mind she realised she was being pulled away, away from her love, away from her life, her future. Curse her wretched hide for three times a fool! Why had she done the things she had? Why had she come to Caemlyn? Why had she let down the one person she had sworn never to hurt?



  15. "As much as I love where this conversation is going. I think my stomach is trying to bring me back to the present. What to do you say for starting back?"Jocelyn nodded, smiling across at Rion, relieved to have escaped any awkward questions, though his grin seemed promising. She had only just regained his trust, his love, she didn't want to lose it because she wanted more than he was willing to give. She would wait a lifetime, if need be, though she hoped that wasn't the case. She had finally found her one true love, she wasn't about to give him up.


    "Food sounds good, besides, if we go much further it will be dark by the time we return." She replied as the turned their mounts, heading back in the direction they come from the farm, the sun slowly sinking in the horizon. Jocelyn breathed deeply of the fresh air, riding in silence and enjoying the relative freedom of being on horseback, with the most wonderful company. She had intended this to be a special day for Rion, his naming day, yet she herself had recieved so much.


    She cast her eyes sideways at him, silently counting her blessings. Only yesterday, he had seemed so far away, so out of reach. Yet now here he was, his love for her evident in his eyes, in his actions. She had his forgiveness, his love, and suddenly a bright new outlook. And she knew, deep down, that she didn't deserve any of it. She had been raised to think of no one but herself, care nought for anyone or anything. She was spoiled, and selfish, and her morals certainly had never been particularly high. Girls like her didn't end up with sweet, kind, noble men like Rion. And yet, somehow she had. She must have done something right that she didn't know about.


    "This was supposed to be your special day, but I fear you have given me far more than I have given you." She said jokingly as they neared the buildings, darkness slowly falling, making the shadows from the trees longer along their path. "But I do hope you have enjoyed your day." She smiled at him as they turned towards the stables, patting Alitha's neck affectionately as they did so. It had been good to get out and be active again. Now if only she could convince Dashiva to let her have her Quaterstaff back, all would be perfect.



  16. Jocelyn eyed Rion closely as he opened and closed his mouth, obviously wanting to tell her something, but finding it difficult to do so. Was he trying to find a nice way of saying that she would be ok at Dashiva's house by herself? Or something else? She waited anxiously, as he finally managed to speak, a flurry of words bursting from his lips as Jocelyn struggled to keep up. What was he trying to tell her?


    "You know how much I love you, and I can't imagine what life would be like if I don't see you as much as I do now. So..." Jocelyn held her breath. Was he doing what she thought he was? Was he about to...propose? Her heart began to beat rapidly and a smile curved her lips. Light, was this it?


    "I was wondering if you would want to live here. With me." She let out the breath she had been holding, her pulse calming somewhat, though her grin broadened. Not the proposal she would most like to hear, but wonderful all the same, more so for the surprise. He looked so unsure of what her response would be, that she couldn't help the surge of love that flowed through her, that made her want to reassure him. He meant the world to her, he was her world, she would love nothing more than to live with him.


    "Dashiva's house without you is no home at all. I would love to live with you." With that she stepped into his arms and hugged him close, tilting her head up to press her lips against his in a soft caress. "This house has a lot of potential, we can do great things with it." She turned her head to survey the room once more, nodding as she mentally furnished it. "And having you to myself is a prospect I could never refuse." She added in a sultry voice, turning back into his embrace with a chuckle and nibbling his ear, her voice tickling him. "I won't have to share you with anyone, or worry about anyone interrupting..." Her voice trailed off into another soft chuckle as the colour in Rion's cheeks rose.



  17. Jocelyn expected a reaction from her words, but to see Noy break down into tears was terribly disconcerting. "Light, I'm such a whore." Suddenly Jocelyn had a rare sensation, a feeling of guilt. Perhaps she had pushed too far, had been out of line. Burn him, he had insulted her, and accused her of deliberately trying to hurt Rion, the one who meant more to her than anything. She had spoken out of anger, but it appears her words had inflicted more damage than she had intended.


    How very awkward. Jocelyn twisted her hands into her skirt, torn between offering some sympathy and turning away in horror from the sight before her. In the end a sense of decency won out, and she lifted a hand to pat Noy's shoulder. "I didn't mean to imply that you were a..." She hesitated, knowing how little Rion approved of her language. "a loosely moralled man." She bit her lip, unsure of how to go on.


    "Um...did you want to talk about it?" She offered with a shrug, wondering if she had indeed been correct in her surmising that Noy was one of those men who preferred the company of other males over women. She had never met such a man before, though she had heard of them. Then again, she may be completely off the mark with her assumptions. "I didn't mean to throw your wife in your face like that, Rion did swear me to secrecy...and you made me angry. I'm sorry." She tried the apology, surprised that it sounded genuine, even to her own ears. Light, life with Rion had changed her so much.



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