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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. Jocelyn turned and mentally ordered herself as Rion began running the comb through her damp hair. His touch was gentle, so very like the man she loved, yet when she felt something at her shoulders and neck, the heat along with the massage, she stiffened slightly. That had to be the One Power, she was sure. Her eyes opened wide in alarm; the last time saidin had been used on her was to bind her so that she couldn't flee the tower. But that was an entirely different circumstance. She loved Rion, trusted that he would do no harm.Just relax!


    With a sigh Jocelyn closed her eyes, focusing not on what it was touching her, but the wonderful warmth that was slowly easing away her tension. There certainly were advantages to channelling, she decided. Jocelyn could feel the earlier tension and frustration melting away under Rion's ministrations. Whatever he was doing was working wonders. The hair that fell back over her shoulders was smooth and shiny, and dry, a small wonder in itself.


    "I didn't plan to stay too long with my parents." Jocelyn said, eyes still closed as she continued to enjoy Rion's magical massage, slumping slightly and tilting her head forward as she relaxed completely. "A few days at the most. It is not my home any more." It was true. Jocelyn no longer thought of the sprawling manor as home. She longed to see it again yes, and her family, but it was not where her heart was. Her place was with Rion, wherever that would lead her.


    "My home is with you." Jocelyn turned her head to smile at Rion, her love shining in her emerald eyes. "Wherever that may be." Turning fully, she lifted a hand to softly stroke his cheek. "As for shopping, well let's start with here and Andor, and see how we go, whether we are able to purchase all that we need there or not. My lust for adventuring around the world abated some after I was found too close to the farm." Jocelyn smiled, a wry twisting of lips. That had been adventure enough in itself.


    Jocelyn stifled a yawn. She really was relaxed now. Leaning forward she gave Rion a soft kiss on his welcoming lips. "Thankyou for the massage, it was divine." And it was, when she stopped thinking about the taint on Saidin. "Shall we sleep? It is quite late." Rion nodded and Jocelyn stood, moving to douse the candle as Rion turned the bedclothes down. The room sunk into darkness, only a small sliver of moonlight streaming through a slit in the curtains.


    Silently Jocelyn removed her gown and hung it on a peg on the wall, dressed only in the white cotton of her shift. She padded barefoot over to the bed, slipping into the space Rion left her. It was so warm, the heat from Rion's body beside hers making her smile in the dark. It would be a long night, but it would memorable for the close intimacy. Jocelyn couldn't resist snuggling a little closer to Rion's side, moving her lips closer to his for their customary good night kiss. "Goodnight, my love." She whispered, as her lips met his in a loving embrace.




  2. Sunlight filtered through the small window, playing across Miria's face, waking her from her fitful sleep. Her head pounded as she opened one eye, squinting against the light. She stretched slowly, wincing against a pain in her knee, struggling with the shirt still tangled about her elbow. What the...


    Suddenly it all came flooding back to her, Drea ordering her to drink, tripping down the stairs, Kedyn...oh light, why couldn't that part have been some terrible nightmare? At least now she understood why her knee hurt and she was in her old room. Most of her memories were rather hazy, but she remembered being angry, really angry. Her clothes had dried stiff in places and were still damp in others. How had she gotten wet? Vaguely she remembered a trough, and Kedyn.


    Sitting up, Miria finally wrenched her arm free from her shirt, only to stop and stare at the sight of Kedyn sleeping on the wooden chair. He had tipped it back to rest against the door, and now his head rested lightly against it, his eyes closed as he slept. Guilt washed over Miria, clouding out the pounding in her head. He looked worn, dark lines under his eyes, and...something on his boots. Something that seemed to match the smell in her hair...she had done this too him, and herself? What a terrible wretch she was.


    Tears formed at the corner of Miria's eyes as she watched her silent lover. He looked younger when he slept, peaceful, yet she knew she had caused him grief. How had she managed to get so drunk? She was the worst type of hypocrite, and yet Kedyn had still stayed to watch over her. Though the way he was blocking the door, perhaps he was planning on chastising her.


    "Who are you to talk? You were a raging drunk when I met you, and I didn't even have that much."A tear spilled over her cheek as her words came back to her. How could she have thrown that at him? He had been a man filled with pain back then. She was cruel and did not deserve his kindness, his love. How could she be so foolish? No doubt in her drunken idiocy she had ruined everything, pushing away the one person she loved more than life itself. She couldn't face him, not like this. Half dressed and covered with her own vomit. Light, how he must be angry with her, and rightly so. But there would be no escape, not without waking him.


    Dropping her soiled shirt on the ground, Miria curled up on the small cot, eyes on Kedyn's sleeping form as her tears flowed freely down her cheeks. The least she could do was allow him a little sleep. Her head was crying out for the same, but she deserved the pain, she would not sleep. "I'm so sorry." She whispered through her tears as she waited for the man who would no doubt turn her away to wake up.




  3. Miria didn't quite know how to put her feelings into words. She was jealous, very much so. She couldn't believe he was being so casual about it. Her mother had never cared how many men saw what she hid beneath her skirts, but Miria was not like that. She had always believed that her body was something that should remain unseen, a gift for her husband and him only. Well, Kedyn was not her husband, but he held her heart. She would sooner die than share herself with anyone but him.


    She had been a maid when she met Kedyn, had not even been kissed before him. Perhaps she had held unrealistic expectations, thinking that she had a right to his body. After all, he had been with other women before her. Maybe she was being completely unreasonable. For all she knew there was nothing wrong in flaunting what was rightfully hers. But she still felt cheated, as though he had cheapened what they shared, letting all and sundry into the world she had thought was their own private one.


    The way Kedyn lazed on the bed even now, not bothering to cover himself, made Miria painfully aware of just how innocent she truly was. Did it annoy Kedyn that his lover was shy? Did he think her a prude, because she didn't appreciate other women lusting after him body? Thinking of the way those other women had stared and whistled made her bristle anew.


    "I don't care about you not wearing the dress." Miria said carefully. He had avoided her prank, and quite well at that. She was not surprised. She just wished he'd found a better way to thwart her. The way it was now, she felt as though he had not only upset her prank, but had also paraded himself and shown off what she thought was something only she saw. She suddenly wasn't feeling very special at all. "And it's no business of mine if you want to parade around naked. Just don't expect me to do the same." Miria said stiffly.


    Miria hated feeling jealous, even more so for feeling she probably shouldn't. She just didn't know what she was allowed to feel. Should she have laughed and clapped with the others? Should she have beamed proudly? Light, she might as well love him for all to see, if she were going to flaunt him. "My apologies for being such a prude. I'm going for a walk." Miria kept her gaze averted to hide the hurt in her eyes as she turned back to the door. Didn't he care at all how it made her feel?


    Outside, there were still some people who had witnessed Kedyn's parade, and they shouted jests at her, but she ignored them all, walking away from the barracks. She didn't know where she was headed, just let her feet lead her as she tried to sort out the jumble in her head, tried to tame the raging jealousy in her heart. She trusted Kedyn, knew that he loved her and her only. Well, and Lavena. She sighed. Maybe she was a fool thinking to keep Kedyn to herself. You can't keep something you don't have all of in the first place.




  4. How was she supposed to tell Kedyn? Worry creased Miria's brow. She had lingered in the bathroom that morning, longer than she needed, because she didn't know how to break the news to Kedyn. She was not pregnant. After days of uncertainty, she finally knew for sure that she was not pregnant. But curse the creator, she had actually grown used to the idea in the mean time. They could make it work. Their child would have a loving home, loving parents. No matter what else, their would be love.


    But that was all gone now, cruelly dashed away by her discovery that morning. She was relieved, yes, but not so much as she was upset at how Kedyn would take the news. He had wanted the child they thought was growing in her belly, had wanted it badly. And now that hope was gone. What would he think? He told her that he loved her above all else, that it mattered not either way, but Miria knew the news would devastate him.


    What if she could never have children? Miria had never believed in signs and omens before, but what if this was one? What if she was never to feel a child kick within her, hold it at her breast, watch it laugh and play and grow? Kedyn wanted a family. She did too, truth be told. One day. But what if that would never be? Kedyn said he would never leave her, but what if that was just words? A quiet sentiment to ease her mind, but not truly meant. It wouldn't be fair to bind him to her, when she could not give him the life he wanted, anyway. But could she bear to lose him?


    No. No, she could not. Her life began with Kedyn, to lose him now would be like a knife to the heart. She could not do it to herself! She would hold him to her, no matter what. She would let him see just how desperately she loved him, how much she needed him. But first she had to break the news to him, and she did not relish that task.


    Nervousness rolled in her stomach as she made her way back to the barracks, to where she knew Kedyn still was, waiting for her to return so they could break their fast together. Miria dashed the small tears away from her cheeks as she pushed open the door. Kedyn was lazing on the bed, the image of contentment. An image that near broke her heart. How could she bear to lose him?


    He smiled at her as she entered, though it seemed to waver as he saw her tears. "I'm not pregnant." Miria blurted, hovering at the end of the bed, wringing her hands in anguish as she awaited his reaction.




  5. Miria struggled as Kedyn tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. What the hell did he think he was doing? Her fists pummelled his back, but all to know avail. He was as hard and unyielding as ever, sprouting on about consideration or something, she wasn't sure. It was hard to follow along with his conversation with the way the world was spinning, the fact that she was upside down not helping one whit.


    Kedyn altered her position some and Miria struggled again, thinking the movement might enable her to get free, when suddenly cold water was all around her. She yelped in shock as the water invaded her clothes, chilling her to the bone and causing them to cling to her in an obscene manner. Water filled her boots, and brought with it a measure of sobriety. Bloody and bloody ashes, how had it come to this? She had been angry before, she wasn't really sure why, but now she was furious.


    "Mother's milk in a cup! What do you think you are doing?" Miria snarled as she struggled to get out of the trough, managing to roll over the side, landing on her hands and knees. She pushed herself shakily to her feet as hot, angry tears began to spill over her cheeks. She pushed them away with an irritated swipe of her hand. Burn him, she had only stayed and drunk because Drea had ordered her to! She had never had any desire to drink alcohol, she hated what it did to people. And now look at her. She was the most horrid of hypocrites, soaking wet and shivering, mud and vomit on her clothes. She was a disgrace. An angry disgrace.


    "Thanks for your help." Miria muttered sarcastically as she turned on her heel, filled with self-loathing. No doubt she would severely regret her actions come the morning, but right now she was of no mind to be able to think clearly. Silently she staggered away from Kedyn, blindly following the road in the dark, not quite sure where she was going, but knowing she could not share a bed with Kedyn, not in this state. Besides, she was too angry, too disgusted with herself. And Kedyn probably hated her. No less than she deserved really. Still, the thought sent more and more tears running down her cheeks, so much so that they blurred her vision.


    Sleep. That was what she needed. Somewhere to go and curl up and die...well at least for a little while. How she made it to her old room she didn't know, but she pushed the door open, not caring that it stayed open as she stumbled to the narrow cot, the only thing that remained in the now empty room. All her belongings were in Kedyn's room, hers now too. More tears followed as she wondered if he would ever let her in there again. She certainly didn't deserve any kind treatment. Sobbing quietly, Miria kicked off her boots and tried to peel off her soaking wet clothes, whining in frustration when she got her arm stuck in the sodden material of her shirt. Utterly beaten, she flopped on the bed, shivering and half-undressed and prayed for an endless sleep.




  6. Close friend of Rion's? Anyone with eyes would know that was an understatement, if not for the house that was almost finished that would be theirs, but for all the stolen kisses and the fact that they practically lived in one another's pockets. Jocelyn smiled a secret smile as she remembered the day she told Rion she was his special friend. He was so sweet and innocent, wondering it having a friend meant you could dandle them on your knee and steal kisses. He had come a long way to be sure, but there was still much she would teach him, given the chance.


    Out of the corner of her eye she saw Linten lean casually on one of the poles supporting her line, and wondered not for the first time just what had spurred this conversation. Not that she minded, there were few enough black coats willing to waste their time speaking to a woman that they could not fondle when they could be blowing things up with the power, but she was curious all the same. Still, another friend in this light-forsaken place would be welcome, though this time she would do her best not to provoke Rion's jealousy. The incident with Caelen had not been amusing.


    Jocelyn slung a pair of black pants over the line and turned to face Linten with a puzzled expression on her face. "What else is there for someone like me to do, if not menial chores?" Did Linten believe she would do such a task if she could find anything else to amuse herself? "I am not allowed to leave the grounds, so I cannot amuse myself with shopping or visiting friends. And while I do enjoy riding and a few other hobbies, even they grow thin when it is all I do day in and out. So I clean. I cook. I wash. I keep myself busy lest I go as mad as..." Jocelyn hastily shut her mouth before she finished that sentence, as some of you. It wasn't a fair statement, though the light knew it were true.


    Something flashed in Linten's eyes that made Jocelyn wary. Was he already suffering ill effects from channelling tainted Saidin? She knew Rion did, he had confided in her about the voices. Perhaps Linten was also sensitive about it. Best to mind her words, she did not want to anger someone who could string her up before she could blink, not without someone like Rion or Isha there to protect her. "...well as mad as someone can get while held as an honoured prisoner." Jocelyn pulled a face to hide her slip as she reached for a shirt in the basket, again in unrelieved black.


    Why was she being nervous? Linten was being pleasant enough, though for some reason she did wish her Quaterstaff were close at hand and not in her bedroom in Dashiva's house. You are just being a fanciful girl, she berated herself as she shook out the soft linen and hung it next to the pants. Turning, Jocelyn collected the now empty basket and rested it lightly on her hip as she smiled at Linten. "Though if you can think of anything else to amuse me, I'm all ears." Belatedly she realised just how her words could be taken. Light, she just hoped Linten didn't think she was offering to let him...amuse her. Poor, poor choice of words.




  7. The way Rion stumbled over his words confirmed Jocelyn's suspicion that he had indeed seen her in her state of undress, a thought that both caused her heart to flutter and her eyes to close in horror. She had thought the bath would help her unwind, but the chances of that now were slim. If only she hadn't caught a glimpse of that toned physique when he had lifted himself from the tub...


    "I didn't realise either Rion, I'm sorry." Jocelyn reached for the soap and began scrubbing at her arms vigorously, as though she could erase the image of Rion from her memory. It wasn't working, but there was nothing for it now but to bathe and get out of the room. Curse that divider for not being opaque!


    Jocelyn flushed at the wicked thoughts she was having and sunk deeper into the tub, tipping her head back so she could wash her hair. At least the tubs were deep, hiding most all of her body beneath the rim. It was more the thought that Rion was naked beside her that was bothering her the most, filling her with tension. Jocelyn scrubbed at her scalp, lathering her long tresses. She wanted to look her best when she saw her parents, and that included having clean, neat hair.


    Blindly reaching over the edge of the tub, Jocelyn fumbled for the jug, using it to sluice water over her hair, rinsing away the suds. She finished her bath in record time, deciding she would brush her hair once she was safely dressed and in their room. The sooner she left the bathing room the better, hopefully then she could forget the alluring image still teasing her mind's eye. The only problem was, this time she was aware that Rion was next to her, and she couldn't just step out of the bath now, knowing he could see. It just wasn't proper.


    Jocelyn blushed, something she didn't do often. "Turn your head Rion, I am going to get out now." She wasn't bold enough to look at the screen as she climbed out of the tub, a small wave of scented water spilling over the edge. Hastily she grabbed one of the thick towels that had been left for her, wrapping it about her. Light, how was she supposed to dress? Quickly, she decided.


    She was still damp when she threw her shift over her head, following it with her gown. She let out a small sigh when she was finally clothed, scowling at herself when she tried to peek through the divider, only to find the light shifted and she was unable to see through it. "I'll see you above stairs." Jocelyn didn't waste time slipping out of the room.


    Light, if anything now Jocelyn was more tense now than she was after the dance. She shook her head as she ascended the stairs, entering the room she and Rion were to share before throwing her towel onto the wooden backed chair in the corner. Fumbling in the dark she lit the fat candle on the small side table, before fumbling for a comb in her bags.


    What was normally a soothing action soon became an outlet for Jocelyn's pent up frustration, the comb catching the tangles as she yanked it through her wet hair. She heard Rion enter the room a short while later, as she let out a yelp as she hit a particularly painful knot. She was never going to untangle her hair at this rate, while she was so uptight with sexual frustration. Curse her vow! She yanked the comb again and growled softly. "It seems my hair is working against me tonight." She muttered, moving over on the bed slightly so Rion could sit beside her. "Yet if I sleep with my hair like this it would be easier for me to cut it all off than brush it in the morning." Jocelyn sighed softly. She needed to relax. "Would you mind helping me?" She smiled at Rion, holding out the comb for him.




  8. Denae thought her room mate was severely lacking in intelligence. She liked her well enough, finding her extraordinarily pretty, and she knew she was a very strong person, but had always assumed she was rather, well, stupid. But after her little speech in the study room, she was almost convinced of it. Almost.


    One learned a lot when they were silent, something Denae swore by, so she had remained quiet as the other girls spoke, listening to their opinions and keeping her own to herself, as she usually did. She was not the kind of person who enjoyed creating waves. So many of the other novices were feisty girls, but Sidonie certainly took the grand prize.


    Denae had boggled as the pretty blonde had spoken. Light, the way she spoke, it was as though she didn't even know who Artur Hawkwing was! Jealous? Did she honestly believe that was why so many people feared and respected the Aes Sedai? Jealousy?? It would have been awfully humorous if she didn't have to share a room with the girl. And Sidonie was awfully good at creating trouble with the other novices, and even her share of Accepted. No doubt it was going to spring up now, and in front of the Mistress of Novices, no less.


    "I sincerely doubt that jealousy is the sole reason the Aes Sedai have such a tarnished reputation," Denae began, her voice almost a whisper as she spoke without first being addressed, something she rarely did, if ever. "But I must admit I wouldn't be surprised to hear that there are women and also likely men that envy the gift of the One Power." Denae fell silent once more and gave her room mate a small shy smile as she lowered her head to look at her notes, trying to hide how terrified she was of speaking so. It wasn't a completely foolish argument, just extremely unlikely. Perhaps Denae could help Sidonie with some of her studies, she did seem to struggle with many of them. It was the type of thing a friend did for their room mate, wasn't it? Denae doubted she had completely stemmed the beginning of an argument, but at least Sidonie would know Denae didn't think she was a complete fool.




    Smitten :D

  9. Denae was still a little rankled from the class with Saya Sedai, after the little speech on lateness. She hadn't been deliberately late, she had been asked to assist a Brown carry some books from the library to her chambers, and as it was had been forced to run most of the way back. Something told her Saya wouldn't particularly care why she was late, even if it wasn't her fault.


    It was with these thoughts in her head that she entered the study room, coming to an abrupt halt upon seeing who stood by the window. Light, the Mistress of Novices? But I wasn't that late!Denae's dark eyes were wide as the woman turned, fear causing her heart to pound. She'd always found the Aes Sedai to be a kindly woman, but then again she'd never been sent to her for punishment before. The whispers she had heard told her that Pia Tovisen was not a woman to be trifled with, her punishments as hard as she was kind.


    Relieved to no bounds that Pia was merely here to instruct them, Denae slid into a chair beside her room mate Sidonie. The girl was...interesting, and while Denae often quietly thought the girl was as dim witted as her blonde hair was shiny, she had found no real reason to dislike her. It probably helped that Denae never said a word out of turn, polite to the end.


    Denae set her notes on the desk, reading over them quietly as another novice she had not met began to speak. Denae nodded silently, it was a very valid point. Why was it suddenly so silent? Denae lifted wide eyes, to find Pia staring at her pointedly. "Do you agree with this, child?"Denae cleared her throat. Much as she preferred to stay silent, she had been asked a question.


    "I think that it is a valid point, but I believe the issue stems back further, that Artur Hawkwing merely confirmed the ill reputation." They were still looking at her, and Denae continued reluctantly. "I believe that ever since the breaking, the Aes Sedai have lost the respect of many people. Not that they didn't save the day as it were, but because people fear. They were afraid of the male channelers, the ones who caused the breaking. How were they to know if the women were any different? For all they knew, the women too could turn mad at any moment and kill them all. People fear what they do not know, and the general populace to not know the One Power, do not know exactly what it is to be an Aes Sedai." Denae fell silent, blushing slightly under the gaze of all the girls. She made a small helpless gesture and hoped to the light that someone else would speak up and save her.




  10. Miria chuckled to herself as she waited for Kedyn to emerge. There were quite a few people milling around the barracks and bathe house, all the more audience to witness Kedyn's humiliation. Or so she thought. Kedyn came striding out, obviously still wet from his bath. No surprise, given that Miria hadn't left him a towel. But that was not the reason heat had risen in her cheeks and her mouth had fallen open.


    How could he be so bold? There he was, standing proudly in the sunshine, naked but for a smile. Miria was blushing for him, since he didn't seem to care at all that numerous heads were turned towards him, seeing all the secrets his clothes usually hid. She was thoroughly scandalised. How could he be so casual? He was naked! In front of everybody!


    Miria was frozen to the spot. She had expected to enjoy a good laugh at his expense, payback for his earlier teasing. And he had thoroughly thwarted her. If that wasn't annoying enough, he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself, striding confidently across the open yard. Miria blushed again. Did they all have to stare so openly? Several women were clearly giving him appreciative glances, some even whistled! Damn it, he was hers! And she did not appreciate the way those other women were ogling his nakedness.


    Shutting her jaw with an audible click, Miria moved from her position by the barracks and hurried forward on feet spurred by jealousy. Did he not care if every woman appreciated what was for her eyes only? "Cover yourself!" She hissed, crimson faced as she reached his side, yanking the dress out from beneath his arm and holding it in front of his nakedness, before grabbing his arm and urging him to follow.


    There was no shortage of jeers following them as Miria tried to hurry Kedyn back to their rooms, only serving to irritate her further. This had not gone at all like she had planned. "I know why she is racing him back to their room!"Raucous laughs followed the woman's comment, and Miria ground her teeth together. "Next time I will instruct them to make sure your bath is not so cold, sweetling." Miria's voice was loud enough to carry to the laughing onlookers, and was sickly sweet. A small victory after being so thoroughly thwarted.


    At long last they reached their rooms, Miria giving Kedyn a shove through the door, hastily shutting it behind them and silencing the cheers from outside. She gave Kedyn a grumpy glare. "I'm glad you enjoyed showing all the women in the band your charms, but I am not accustomed to sharing." Miria folded her arms, thoroughly irritated for several reasons, least of all because he avoided her prank.




    Not Impressed

  11. Miria wanted to cry. It was all too much, the emotional turmoil, wondering if she was pregnant or not. She didn't know how to deal with any of this, the not knowing. Kedyn wanted a child, she could see that easily, and she wanted to make him happy. It should be a happy thing, for her to be pregnant. Yet she couldn't summon a smile about the idea, not yet.


    As Kedyn's soft words reached her ears, Miria felt absolutely wretched. Why couldn't she be excited about this one thing, for him? The arms around her were warm and comforting, but the did little to stem the flow of warm tears that began to roll silently down her cheeks. How could Kedyn be so good to her? Light but she loved him so. What would she ever do without him?


    Kedyn released her from his embrace though his arm circled her waist still, and Miria hastily brushed at the tears on her cheeks. She wanted to be happy, wanted to share his joy at the prospect of a child. Light, what if she wasn't pregnant? What if she could never give Kedyn a child? Would he love her still? Maybe she wasn't pregnant now, but surely Kedyn was imagining that she would be one day. But what if that could never be? Would he leave her, and find a wife that would give him the children he so desperately wanted?


    A shiver of dread ran down her spine. No, she could not - no would not - lose him. "I think I could do with that rest." She said with a half-hearted smile as Kedyn led her towards their rooms. "I've just got a lot of scary thoughts going through my mind." She admitted, not telling him just how dire her thoughts had been. "But the wheel weaves as it wills...whatever happens will be for the best, I am certain." Miria smiled up Kedyn, a genuine smile as he gave her a gentle push towards the bed.


    Miria sighed gratefully as she lay on the bed. Her stomach was still rolling terribly, but reclining seemed to help somewhat. Kedyn pushed the herbs at her, in a glass of water, and Miria drank it, after wrinkling her nose at the smell. "Why is it that herbs that are supposed to make you feel better smell so bad they make you ill?" She muttered, setting the glass aside and laying back on the pillow.


    Closing her eyes, she rested her hand lightly on her stomach. Would it be so bad, to carry her lover's child? "Come lie with me." Turning her head, Miria opened her eyes and patted the bed beside her, urging Kedyn to join her. "I always feel better with you close." She said softly. Whatever happened, she would keep him close. She must.




  12. Miria stood, open mouthed as Carnhain dressed her down in front of everyone. Her cheeks flamed scarlet, a mixture of embarrassment and seething anger. A flurry of colourful curses filled her mind, but she bit them all back, instead turning silently on her heel and stalking out of the citadel gates, out into the woods beyond. She was afraid she would do something she would regret if she didn't leave. Something like put her fist into his face again.


    Miria flopped herself down beneath a tree, setting aside her bow and kicking off her shoes in an agitated gesture. Burn that man! Like she wasn't unhappy enough at the moment. Ever since finding out she wasn't pregnant after all, nothing seemed to be right. And deep down, she was terrified that Kedyn would discard her. What good would she be, if she didn't give him the children he so wanted?


    And now, no doubt the rumours of Carnhain's tongue lashing were already flying amongst the soldiers. There had been many people there to witness her humiliation, least of all a raw recruit. No doubt the story would twist and contort into something much worse. She had only made a snide comment really, she hadn't even realised Carnhain was present when she addressed the girl. She was just doing her duty, and it seemed Carnhain was determined to thwart her every step of the way. Damn him, but she would get her revenge on that trolloc-kissing fool. Though no doubt that would just give Kedyn more reason to want to leave her.


    Miria could almost hear the creator laughing at her. It was almost dark before she decided to show her face in the citadel once more.





    OOC: Just setting you up for a showdown later, Es :wink:

  13. I posted for you! So that would have to make me the favourite...so go scouts! :D


    (And like Estel says, you can join any corp, there will always be someone to train you no matter what weapon you chose.) :D

  14. It was another hot day. Sweltering. Miria wiped her brow, in an attempt to remove the sweat beading there and remove her blonde waves from her eyes. The humidity that had come with the heat seemed to turn her hair wild, curling more than usual, and refusing to stay confined in the blue ribbon at her nape.


    One of the perks of being the highest ranking scout on duty at the gates that day meant that she could recline in the shade against the wall while the others remained in the sun. At least they would change guard soon. Miria meant to go find herself a cool bath, a cooler drink, and perhaps her far from cold lover, Kedyn. The thought brought a smile to her lips, as it always did when she thought of him. He made the bleakest day seem bright.


    Word of a woman approaching had already reached Miria's ears, long before she made an appearance at the gate. Scouts further afield had sent the news back, so that Miria was expecting her arrival. Her lips twisted as the woman approached a rather tall young private, naturally assuming the young man had a position of authority among them. And why wouldn't she think so? Her tiny stature and innocent face always made Miria seem a lot younger than her twenty years. And she was a woman. Well, this Shealyn would find many women in the citadel were high ranking, more so than herself.


    Pushing away from the wall, Miria stepped out into the sun, greeting the woman with a smile. "Lieutenant Miria Landed." The woman turned away from the private and looked at Miria, no doubt somewhat surprised. "New recruits are always welcome here, Shealyn. Come, I will take you to sign up." Waving her to follow, Miria moved to lead her into the Citadel.




  15. Jocelyn raised her brows at Rion's comment, a smile curving her full lips at the smirks and guffaws about them. Rion appeared sweetly unaware of just what he had said as he continued his meal. Hiding her mirth, Jocelyn continued to eat, enjoying the way he pressed against her side. The movement was subtle, but it spoke loud and clear to those about them. Mine. Jocelyn didn't mind one bit.


    "It is not a long ride." Jocelyn informed Rion between delicate mouthfuls. "So we can afford the luxury of staying longer abed." She couldn't resist the wicked smile, though her stomach fluttered nervously. It was going to be one long night, she was certain. Sleeping so close to the man she loved with all her heart, longing to touch him but knowing she mustn't. He was pure temptation, in her mind at least, the warmth of his body ebbing through their clothes as though they didn't exist, scorching her skin. A long night indeed.


    They lingered in the common room after they had finished their meal, enjoying a cup of the local wine and small talk. Several musicians set themselves up in a corner of the room and began to play while a young girl sang, to the cheers and whistles of the crowd. It had seemed a lifetime since Jocelyn has last heard singing and music. The farm always seemed such a sombre place, with most of the men being too serious for such revelry, or too busy getting drunk, and most of the other women and children who also lived there were more comfortable staying in their own homes. Hiding, Jocelyn called it. She refused to let the fact that the men she had to associate with were channelers hamper her lifestyle any more than it had to, but music was something she had missed.


    Applause broke out as the girl's sweet tones ended, Jocelyn adding her own claps. It had been a good performance. The musicians struck up another tune, a lively one, and Jocelyn squealed in glee. It was one of her favourites, and already the space before the musicians was filling with dancers. She looked excitedly to Rion. "Dance with me!" Not waiting for a response she stood, grabbing his hand and weaving between the tables to join the dance.


    It was a fairly simple dance, though it was lively, and soon Jocelyn's hair had escaped it's neat braid and was bouncing gaily about her shoulders as they danced. She got a thrill every time the steps brought her back to Rion's arms, his large hands settling on her waist as he lifted her, twirled her. She was smiling brightly, her face flushed from the exertions of the steps, when at last the music came to an end, the women draped over their partner's arms in a deep dip. Jocelyn grinned up at Rion. She was panting, her chest heaving with each breath, and her heart was pounding. Light, but he was beautiful, she thought as she gazed up at his smiling face, the flush on his cheeks increasing his appeal. Her eyes were drawn to his lips, so full and lush...Jocelyn's lips parted as she silently begged for his kiss, wanted him to draw her closer to his frame and claim her mouth with his...


    Abruptly Jocelyn remembered where she was and hastily stood upright, covering her slight blush by straightening her skirts. Light, she needed to take some control over betraying body, or she would never survive the night and keep her vow intact. "I think I could do with some peace and quiet now." She told Rion as she led them away from the dancers, towards the stairs. It was quieter as they ascended, the throng from the common room fading as they made their way to their room. "That exercise has left me somewhat exhausted." She admitted over her shoulder as she pushed open the door to the small room they were to share. Oh. Right. Brilliant move Jocelyn - practically beg the man to take you on the dancefloor, then lead him to the room with the one bed. That ought to remove the temptation.


    Jocelyn pulled a face at herself and entered, flopping on to the bed and kicking her shoes off into the corner. The room seemed even smaller with Rion standing, his presence seeming to press all around her. This night would be the sweetest torture, she thought, gazing again at just how narrow the cot was. What she needed was time to regroup; time to order her thoughts and cool her heated blood. "I think I might enquire about bathing." Jocelyn said, sitting up on the edge of the bed. Hopefully there would be a separate room for bathing, and she could calm herself some there, before returning to the room to sleep.


    Smiling at Rion, she slipped out of the room barefoot to find one of the servants. She found a young girl in the hallway and told her what she wanted, also requesting a bath for Rion. No doubt he too would want to wash away the travel dust. "I will send someone to you shortly, mistress." Bobbing a curtsey, the girl scurried off. Jocelyn smiled to herself, assuming the girl would send someone to fetch her once her bath was ready. She slipped back into the room and closed the door with a soft click.


    "I also arranged for a bath for you, my sweet." Jocelyn informed him, as she began digging through her saddlebags for a clean shift and a comb. Her hear was now terribly tangled, thanks to the dance. A knock soon sounded on the door and a young girl peeped in. "Your bath is prepared, sir." Jocelyn smiled lovingly at Rion as he followed the girl out. This was what she needed, time to prepare before she was trapped alone with him in such an intimate setting.


    A short while later the same girl returned to fetch Jocelyn. "Wonderful, thankyou." She followed the girl down the stairs, to a steam filled room by the kitchens. Candles filled the room with a soft glow, and the scent of lavender made Jocelyn sigh happily. "Thank you, you may leave now. I will attend to myself." Jocelyn dismissed the young girl, who bobbed a curtsey and scurried out. The bath a large copper tub, filled with hot water richly perfumed with lavender. The idea of a bath seemed even better now, Jocelyn thought as she disrobed, setting her dress and shift aside. Thick towels and soap were on a stool by the bath, along with a jug for rinsing.


    There was a strange shadow on one of the walls and Jocelyn squinted at it. No, not a wall, it was silk. Walls draped with silk? That seemed a little opulent for a place such as this...no, it was merely a dividing screen, she could see now. And there was another bath on the opposite side of the screen, not too far from her own. It was quiet though, so Jocelyn presumed it was empty. Thinking no more of it, she stepped into the bath, sinking into it and resting her head on the edge as the hot water seeped into her body, soothing and relaxing her. Well she was relaxed, until she heard a splash from the bath next to her. There was someone in it after all it seemed.


    Jocelyn squinted at the silk partition again. The candle light was playing tricks, one moment illuminating the space clearly, the next casting shadows. She could see now, broad shoulders, short-cropped hair..."Rion? Is that you?" Jocelyn groaned inwardly. How could she find a moment's peace, knowing Rion was just on the other side of the flimsy screen, naked as the day he was born? And if she could see him...light, did that mean he could see her? Had he been there all along, while she had been blissfully ignorant and undressed? A wicked smile curved her lips at the thought, and she wondered just how that would have affected her shy love.




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