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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. The words were only a soft whisper, but they conveyed so much. Jocelyn stilled, though she did not turn straight away. She believed him, simple as that. The faint words were heavy with emotion, and Jocelyn knew Rion meant them, knew that he truly was sorry. Light, it really was ridiculous. If she hadn’t been so jealous and overreacted as she had…but that would mean she loved him less than she did. She loved him so truly and deeply, the very thought of losing him made her feel as though her life were ending. He was her everything.


    Brushing aside her tears, Jocelyn turned to face Rion, her heart lurching at the sight that greeted her. His eyes were downcast, pain and remorse etched into his features. Berating himself for hurting her, no doubt. It really was no wonder she loved this sweet, wonderful man. Blinking through her tears, Jocelyn stepped closer to Rion and took his hand in hers, lifting it to her lips and kissing it softly. “For an intelligent man, you can be surprisingly wool-headed at times.†She said with a small wry smile. “Couldn’t you see how incredibly jealous I was? I felt so threatened I couldn’t see straight.†Jocelyn looked down at Rion’s palm, idly caressing it with her fingertips.


    “I overreacted, I know that now.†She admitted softly. “But I love you so much, the thought of anyone taking you away from me is just too much to bear. It made me worry that I had indeed made some terribly wrong assumptions about us.†Jocelyn deliberately avoided mentioning her specific fear, that she had been wrong to wait until marriage before bring truly intimate with Rion. She had humiliated herself enough.


    Jocelyn couldn’t bring herself to meet Rion’s gaze. She had been terribly unfair, he may not have stopped Adawyn, but nor had she seen him encourage her attentions. She was just a jealous fool. “I’m sorry I yelled at you the way I did…among other things.†Jocelyn spoke softly, flushing crimson at the memory of how she had pushed Rion’s face into her cleavage. He hadn’t deserved the abuse she gave him, anymore than she had deserved Rion’s contempt just before. They were well suited it seemed, a pair of jealous idiots. “Can you forgive a jealous fool that loves you so much she can’t think?†She sniffed back the last of her tears as she raised her head to meet Rion’s gaze, a hint of a smile playing about her lips.



  2. Seeing the relief on Rion's face, Jocelyn knew she had made the right decision in sticking to her vow. She smiled at him as he took her hand, no regret or disappointment in her expression, even though she had never been in that position before, where the man involved stepped back. It was an interesting change, and she knew it would be worth the wait. Rion was all she had ever wanted and more.


    As heated as those moments had been, the feeling had now passed, allowing reality to sink in along with the cool night air. How long had they been out there? Time didn't seem to matter when she was with Rion, but when he suggested they head inside, she agreed, letting him assist her to her feet. What were you supposed to say to someone when you were in this situation? Jocelyn had no idea, so after squeezing Rion's hand afectionately, she set about gathering the remnants from their meal.


    Passing the plates to Rion, Jocelyn looped her free arm in his, trying for normalcy. No matter what, she loved him and no other, and it was the simple pleasures she cherished. They walked in silence back to the house, and though it was somewhat strained, Jocelyn had yet to be with Rion and not enjoy his company.


    Slipping inside the door first, Jocelyn decided the dishes could wait until the morning, leaving them in the kitchen and turning to Rion. Smiling, she stepped close, pressing a light kiss to his lips before stepping back. "Sleep well my love." She said softly, caressing his cheek with one finger before slowly heading upstairs, hips lightly swaying with her movements. Something told her she would not stop smiling, even in her sleep. She had Rion's forgiveness and his love, nothing could ruin her mood!



  3. Miria's lips tingled in anticipation of Kedyn's kiss, only to twist into a wry smile as he stepped past, her stomach jumping at the touch. He was such a terrible tease! And it was obvious he enjoyed it, the wretch. Shaking her head with a smile, Miria sought to slow her racing pulse as Kedyn shot an arrow at the target.


    Picking up her shortbow, Miria also fetched an arrow and lined up her shot, taking what Kedyn said as she focused on the centre of the target. It was hard to concentrate though, there was something about that deep, masculine voice that did funny things to her insides. She couldn't resist stealing a glance in his direction, her stomach fluttering as she glimpsed that irresistable grin. Light but he was an attractive man, and far too distracting.


    "Love. The target's down there. Don't be too distracted by my rugged good looks." Miria blushed prettily at being caught out, though she couldn't help but grin insolently. "I was distracted by the breakfast still on your chin." She retorted cheekily, chuckling as Kedyn swiped at his clean chin. Turning her attention back to the target, Miria aimed, breathing out before loosing the arrow. It struck the target, though only just, embedding far to the right. It didn't help, having such a distracting teacher, but training was never so entertaining as when it was with him.


    "Well now if you could keep yourself cleaner, I probably would have hit the centre." Miria joked, turning back to face Kedyn. "Unless of course, you can think of some reason to blame me for my bad aim?" She raised a brow, waiting for him to tell her what she had done wrong.



  4. By the time the woman on the horse neared the gate, Miria already knew of her presence, the scouts that were further out from the walls had already passed along the information, no doubt without the young woman even realising. Stepping out from the shadow of the wall, Miria made her presence known. She had to crane her neck, looking up at the woman on horseback from her diminutive height as she asked her business at the citadel.


    Miria smiled at Shaylor. She could well relate to seeking refuge, after all, she had done the same some time ago now, looking to hide from the bounty on her head. She waited patiently as the woman dismounted, somewhat amused as she stripped off her pants from beneath her skirts. Didn’t she know it was easier to just wear breeches and a blouse? She hid a chuckle at the white skirts and slippers, they wouldn’t stay that colour for long, walking the muddy streets to find Mehrin.


    “You can keep your weapon, I doubt you would be foolish enough to try and use it with this many soldiers surrounding you.†Miria’s voice was friendly as she began to lead Shaylor through the gates, leaving her horse and belongings with a young groom, too young to be a soldier but eager to help howeer he could. “My name is Miria, I am originally from Andor.†She said. “I will take you to see Mehrin, the commander, and he will be able to help you.†She cast a sideways glance to the other blonde woman and smiled. “Of course, if there is anything I can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask.â€




  5. Miria smiled brightly as Kedyn made his way over to her, enjoying the kiss with only a small tinge of red to her cheeks. She didn't get quite so embarassed when Kedyn kissed her in public now, so long as the kiss was brief anyway. Anthing else still left her cheeks crimson, despite her enjoyment.


    "You've been caught missy. Now let's go you get to help set up love."Miria rolled her eyes and laced her fingers with Kedyn's rougher ones. "Lucky me!" She joked, though she happily followed Kedyn. Work or no work, she hadn't seen him since early that morning, and any time spent with him was wonderful.


    The smile on her face faded somewhat as she saw where Kedyn was taking her, stony faced Carnhain waiting there also. She had successfully avoided him since they returned from Caemlyn, and had no desire to strike up a friendship with him. Even if not for what he'd done to Kedyn, Carnhain had made his feelings towards Miria evident. Miria wasn't used to having someone blatantly dislike her, but had found it was easier to just ignore Carnhain altogether.


    "Since I can't escape the work, what do you need me to do?" Miria asked Kedyn, hoping to avoid Carnhain if she could.



  6. Miria stared ahead silently as they rode out of Caemlyn in the early morning light. Saying goodbye to Kedyn earlier had been so hard, she had wanted to stay with him, to stay in his arms, not leaving him in danger while she left for safety with a man who made it clear she was no friend of his. Well, that was not surprising, she had hated Carnhain for what he did, for almost taking Kedyn from her. Yet he had helped free her, though he did it for Kedyn's sake.


    Burn him, it wasn't like Miria had ever tried to kill Kedyn! What right did Carnhain have to hate her? True, she had given him one hell of a tongue lashing, not to mention a nice bruise, but he had deserved it. It was confusing though, why try to kill someone, then go out of their way to help rescue their love? Miria didn't think she'd ever understand Carnhain. Nor did she particularly want to, he was too dangerous.


    Light she hoped Kedyn and Kiarma were ok, that the guards had bought their story. She didn't know what she'd do if the plan didn't work. How could she trade her life for that of Kedyn's and Kiarma's? There was little to be done about it now, but she knew she could not relax until they both returned, safe and sound. Life without Kedyn did not bear thought, it would be like never seeing the sun again. No, she had to be positive. Everything would be alright.


    Miria did not speak to either of her companions as they neared the arranged meeting place, some ways out of the city. Partly because she was worried for Kedyn, but largely due to her own shame. It was her fault they were in this predicament in the first place, and likely Carnhain and Toth were thinking the very same thing.


    Dismounting smoothly, Miria loosely tied the reins to a tree before sitting on a large rock that faced the road, giving her the first view of anyone that should come from the city. She didn't care how long she had to sit, she could not rest til she again set eyes on Kedyn.



  7. Denae's nervousness had increased as each day drew them closer to the White Tower, to the adventure she had not asked for. She already missed her family, her quiet, predictable life. Being on horseback was entirely new to her also, and it hadn't taken long for her to grow uncomfortable. She shifted in the saddle again, hiding a wince as she did so. She did not want the Aes Sedai to think she was a troublesome girl who did nought but complain. If only she'd allowed room in her bags for some salve.


    At the thought of her bags, Denae's gaze turned longingly to the wagon containing her precious books and paints. Travelling every day meant she did not have the time she longed for to focus on he studies, or her artwork. She had seen so much beauty on this journey that she longed to capture on paper, but by the time they stopped for any length at night it was too dark. Some adventure this was turning out to be. Her imaginings had always been far more exciting. She did not think the Aes Sedai had even channelled at all, the whole journey! Not that Denae was eager for too much adventure, but it would at least be interesting.


    Shifting uncomfortably in her saddle again, Denae let out an awed gasp as caught sight of something she had only ever dreamed of - The White Tower. They were still outside of Tar Valon, yet she could see the glistening white spire, bold and magnificent against the clear blue sky. Light, but it was intimidating. Not for the first time, Denae wished she was home in the family shop, oblivious to her gift. Yet she did not say a word, loathe to cause trouble, especially with an Aes Sedai.


    Denae gaped openly as they crossed a bridge, marvelling at the beauty of the city. She knew from her books it had been carved by Ogier, but seeing it was beyond words, the buildings flowing together like an ocean. Having never been outside of Cairhien before, Denae was awestruck, as they drew ever nearer to the glistening spire, like a beacon above the city.


    If Denae had thought Tar Valon was impressive, The White Tower itself made it seem like a cesspit, so great was it's opulence. Denae followed the Aes Sedai in a daze, openly staring at the magnificent halls, the other Aes Sedai, and girls scurrying about in white. This was to be her home? Light, she did not think she would enjoy her previously quiet life here.


    Suddenly they had stopped, and Denae abruptly brought her mind back from the clouds to the present. "Show respect child, curtsey and do as she says." Denae was being left alone? And who was 'she'? Nodding silently, Denae looked at the door, as though it would bite her, and found herself very much alone. Terrified, Denae lifted her hand and knocked timidly on the door.



  8. Miria blushed as Kedyn greeted her with a brief but sweet kiss, not daring to look around and see if anyone had seen. Kedyn seemed to enjoy embarrassing her, and kissing in public would always give him the desired result. The problem was, Miria couldn't bring herself to resist, something no doubt Kedyn was aware of and used to his advantage. It seemed her only hope was to grow accustomed to it, if that were possible. Unlikely, since even the briefest of kisses left her weak-kneed and heated.


    "Though maybe I shouldn't do that or I might forget that we are supposed to be training."Miria's eyes widened at the thought of doing that in public, her blush deepening from a mild pink to a furious red. Light preserve her, kissing was enough, she sure hoped Kedyn didn't have it in his mind to embarass ger further, though that look in his eye bespoke of his amusement as he teased her. Hmmm, she definitely would have to think of a way to best him.


    "So we'll get to work. You go ahead and warm up a little, I'm going to lie down and take a nap. Though with such a beautiful woman to admire I'm not sure how I could sleep."Miria pulled a face at Kedyn that told him he was not going to get away with his teasing. Light, but he was insufferable! A mischievious grin slowly spread across Miria's face as the beginnings of a plan came to mind. She would teach him a lesson!


    "Napping so soon, old man? Clearly you won't need an afternoon nap then." Miria smirked, knowing full well his suggestion of an afternoon nap had nothing to do with sleeping. Setting down her bow and quiver, Miria tried to ignore Kedyn's amused gaze as she began stretching, loosening her muscles in preparation for the training, starting with her neck and shoulders and working her way down her body.


    Kedyn continued to watch her, and Miria turned her back, hoping to discourage him as she bent to touch her toes, only to flush at Kedyn's appreciative chuckle as she unwittingly presented him with a view of her rear end. Abruptly she whirled, poking her tongue out at his smug face before aiming a soft, playful kick at his thigh. "Well I'm certainly warm now." She said wryly, the blush heating her as much as the light exercise. Her planned revenge was looking sweeter and sweeter. Grinning wolfishly at the thought, Miria waited on Kedyn's instruction.



  9. "It seems there is nothing left to say. Is this your petty revenge, moving through the yards hanging on some man's arm and batting your eyelashes at him while claiming that you love me?!"Jocelyn's jaw dropped in outrage as she gaped at Rion, momentarily rendered speechless. That was so unfair! It was jealousy, plain and simple, that had Rion in it's grip, and even as her temper flared, Jocelyn understood the feeling. All the same Jocelyn could not let Rion's hasty words slide by.


    "How dare you." She breathed, her voice soft and dangerous as she struggled to reign in her temper. "I don't know what kind of person you think I am Rion, but I am not one who tells the most wonderful man she has ever known that she loves him, just for kicks. Claiming to love you? You know that the only reason they don't have to tie me up is because I want to be here. Because I want to be here, with you." Jocelyn clenched her hands into fists, struggling to hold in the violent swirl of emotion, anger, hurt, jealousy.


    Turning on her heel, Jocelyn started to walk away, afraid she would not be able to control her tongue, when she changed her mind. No, she would give him a piece of her mind, light knew he had earnt it of late. Swinging around once more, Jocelyn strode back to where Rion stood. "No, I won't have you associating me with that...woman." She spat angrily, pointing her finger accusingly at Rion's chest. "I was merely enjoying the company of a good humoured man, a friend. Someone to take my mind off that lightskirt. Do you see me standing here, even now, half naked while I let him intimately touch me? Do you see me NOT STOPPING HIM?!" Jocelyn's anger was a hair's breadth away from snapping once more, her voice once more increasing in volume.


    "No you don't, because Caelen is not the man I love, you are, you wool-headed idiot!" Jocelyn poked Rion in the chest, caught up in her verbal explosion. "You are the one that makes me smile at the mere mention of your name, who makes me walk on air with just one glimpse. You are the reason I have sweet dreams, and wake happy. Light Rion, if I didn't love you as I do, why would I want to live with you? And why would I want to mar-...be with you?" Jocelyn trailed off for a moment. She had very nearly burst out that she wished to marry him. Couldn't she maintain any dignity?


    Jocelyn sighed, much of the fight gone in her as the hurt she had felt since seeing Rion with Adawyn came to the fore. Valiantly she kept the tears at bay, though emotion was thick in her voice. "Seeing you with Adawyn tore me apart." She said softly, honestly, her humiliated gaze lowered. "And knowing it is likely my fault does not help...perhaps if I'd taught you more, had not wanted to...well it hardly matters now." Jocelyn sighed once more. "But do not accuse me of merely claiming to love you, when I love you to distraction." This time Jocelyn did walk away, her steps slow and her head averted as the tears she had bravely hidden began to flow silently down her cheeks.



  10. Jocelyn stiffened as she heard Rion speak, his words striking her to the core. He was right, how could she ever doubt his love? She hadn't thought he believed it meaningless, but was so blinded by her jealousy and hurt she didn't know what to think. Why had he let Adawyn touch him so intimately then? Clearly she had overreacted, hadn't given him a chance to explain...but still he could have stopped her! It was such a terrible mess.


    "Maybe now you can feel what I felt when you ran away from me, when you took the love that I held for you and stomped it into the ground when you turned your back and fled!"The words tore at Jocelyn like nothing else had, causing her to hang her head as she heard Rion walk away, tears welling in her eyes. Not a day went by that she didn't regret leaving, turning her back on the only happiness she'd ever known. She hadn't even known he loved her then, though she knew of her own love.


    What really bothered Jocelyn was the fact that he had thrown it at her at all. She had done everything she could to show how sorry she was, prove that she'd never leave him. And Rion had forgiven her. Well so she had thought. Clearly he still held bitterness in his heart over the incident, even though it had been some time ago now. What else could she do to prove her love and loyalty?


    Jocelyn did understand though, how hurt Rion must have felt. She felt so betrayed...though at least after she had run she had been apologetic, not argumentative. Actually it was strange for Rion to argue at all. She sighed and turned her head, watching his retreating figure. "All I want is to be a wife to you, in every sense of the word." She whispered, as a lone tear trickled down her cheek. Brushing it aside angrily, she turned once more and continued on her way.



  11. Jocelyn was lost in a world full of passion and sweet desire; where nothing existed other thn herself and Rion, their love pulsating through the kiss and stoking the fires of Jocelyn's heart, so that her blood boiled and her body felt aflame. Nothing was so heady as Rion's intoxicating scent, nothing so wonderful as being in his arms, kissing and being kissed with wild abandon.


    The way Rion responded to the embrace was overwhelming, sending tremors of desire and lust through her body, leaving her light-headed and weak-kneed. Light, even after a lifetime of such, Jocelyn knew it would always be fresh, each kiss like the first, each touch reducing her to a quivering mass. Rion's hands as they touched her frame seared her skin, left her yearning for more as she held him tight, relished the sensation of being held against his firm chest.


    Confusion laced through Jocelyn's desire addled mind, cool air reaching her where only moments ago Rion's touch had burned like fire. Struggling to catch her breath, Jocelyn's eyes flickered open, and reality came crashing down once more. Light, what had she been doing, been willing to do? So much for making a vow to herself - she had been more than willing to break it just now. Rion, along with looking thoroughly kissed, appeared terrified, and it was all due to her lack of self-control. If only he wasn't so tempting, his embrace so inviting.


    "Oh Rion, I am sorry." She said softly, absently smoothing her rumpled gown as she mentally berated herself for her weakness. She would have Rion as her husband, not as a cheap moment of fun. Jjocelyn loved him too much for that. "I got carried away...I am sorry." For once Jocelyn didn't quite know what to say, shame with her lack of control warring the memory of the embrace, her heart still pounding. It would be even harder to resist now, knowing the sweetness of Rion's passionate response, her body still tingled where he had touched her.


    What had been a very perfect day had very almost had a perfectly disastrous ending, pleasurable though it would have been. She did not want Rion to feel anything other than love and wonder and fulfillment, not the shame a hasty tumble in the grass would no doubt have brought him. Even now he still looked worried, and Jocelyn wondered if he blamed himself, or felt guilty already. Smiling faintly, Jocelyn reached out and placed her hand on his arm. "You did nothing wrong Rion." she said softly.



  12. Jocelyn's first reaction on seeing Rion was to smile. Things may be a little strained between them right now, but she loved him, and was always delighted to see him. The thunderous expression on his face made it quickly fade though, guilt taking it's place. She hadn't done anything wrong though, she told herself. She certainly wasn't half naked, letting Caelen touch her inappropriately, while he looked on. At that thought her guilt quickly turned to irritation. How dare he spit like that, after what he had done?


    Jocelyn stared after Rion, trying to fight down her anger. Burn him! "I apologise for Rion's rudeness." Jocelyn said, her eyes still on his retreating back. "Please excuse me..." Not waiting for a response, Jocelyn all but stomped after Rion. She had never seen him look so livid, and caution tried to remind her that he could channel, that she did not know what he would do in his anger. Yet Jocelyn shoved caution aside. She was still angry herself, and deep down she knew he would never hurt her.


    Catching up to him, she grabbed at Rion's arm to stop him, swinging him around to face her. "What under the light was that?" She demanded, hands on her hips and voice raised. How had everything turned upside down? She loved Rion, only Rion, and wanted to be with him more than anything. Yet seeing him with Adawyn had torn her apart, made her jealous like she had never been before. And it had hurt too. And now, to top things off, she had earnt Rion's anger. Sweet, timid Rion.


    "If you have something to say to me then say it!" Jocelyn's chest heaved with her irritation as her gaze burned into the eyes of the man she loved to distraction.



  13. The expression on Rion's face was priceless, shock and pleasure and who knew what else, mingling and deepening his blush. "I...you..."Jocelyn chuckled softly as he buried his face in her neck, wrapping her arms about him and hugging him tight, dropping an affectionate kiss in his hair. His shyness really was endearing, Jocelyn had never known anyone like him.


    "I wonder if that was a yes or a no..." Mused Jocelyn, enjoying the light pressure of Rion's lips at her neck. It really was dreadful of her to tease him so much, but she could never help herself, much like she couldn't but touch him, love him with all her heart. It was as natural to her as breathing. She would sooner lose a limb than stop loving this incredible man!


    Tightening her arms about Rion, Jocelyn gave him a squeeze. "There will be planty of time for such lessons my sweet, I am not going anywhere." Her palms smoothed over his shoulders and back, relishing the firmness of toned muscle beneath. Light but he was beautiful. "Soon enough you will be more than skilled...with the staff." Jocelyn giggled softly, as once again she could not resist putting a hidden meaning into her words. It seemed Rion brought out the best in her, while also the worst tease.


    Jocelyn lifted Rion's chin with a finger, so she could look into the depth of his blue gaze, a small smile playing about her lips. "I love you." She said softly, bending her head to rub her nose against hism so full of love it was overwhelming, pushing everything else out of her mind and heart til only it remained. "And I am not going to leave you." Her voice was soft as she rained light kisses over Rion's face. A broad grin curved her lips. "So you have much more teasing to endure yet!"



  14. Miria pretended to look disappointed when Kedyn told her it wasn't a scouting trip, though in reality any time spent with Kedyn was enjoyable. Besides, archery was something Miria was particularly fond of. Moving past Kedyn out thr door, Miria just aboutleapt out of her skin as Kedyn gave her backside a sound squeeze.


    Instantly Miria's cheeks flamed red as she looked about to see if anyone had witnessed the action. Mot that she minded Kedyn touching her, in fact she loved it, the way it made her stomach flip and her heart race. She was just far too shy to want anyone else see the effect Kedyn had on her. If only he wasn't so good at teasing her! Well no matter, he would get his own back, Miria already had an idea forming in her mind for later.


    "You go and get your stuff, I have a few things to get set up so I'll meet you at the archery range." Still blushing from the way Kedyn had grabbed her, Miria resisted the urge to poke her tongue out, instead she lifted a hand as though catching Kedyn's kiss, pressing it to her lips before sending one to him. Grinning, she turned and headed towards her ow room, a definite spring in her step.


    At least now Miria didn't look so tussled, taking the time to change into fresh clothes and brush her hair, securing the blonde tresses at her nape with a blue ribbon. It wouldn't do to have hair in her face for her training. Grabbing her bow and quiver, Miria hummed to herself as she strolled through the early morning sunshine to the archery range, smiling as she spotted Kedyn and admiring his form as she walked over. Another blush blossomed on her cheeks which she tried to hide...admiring Kedyn like that only led her to remembering just how perfect he looked beneath his clothes.


    Stopping in front of Kedyn, Miria grinned cheekily and gave him a salute. "Reporting for duty, sir!"



  15. Miria sighed softly. As wonderful as staying in bed would be, she knew it just wasn't going to happen, no matter how much she wished it. But at least she would get to spend the day with Kedyn, that always made for a wonderful day.


    "So rise and shine sweet. Sooner we get out sooner we're done, maybe get in an afternoon nap afterwards."Miria returned Kedyn's grin, she knew full well what that wicked glint in his eyes meant. Afternoon nap indeed. She knew better than that these days, though she certainly wasn't about to complain.


    Sitting up, Miria clutched the sheet to her chest before it fell and she exposed herself, as she looked for her discarded clothing. Spotting it she made to climb out of bed to fetch them when she paused. Her eyes went back to Kedyn and her pale skin turned a shade of red. She knew that look, he intended to stand there and watch her get dressed! There was nothing he had not seen, so it was quite absurd, but shyness kept her still, clutching the sheet and blushing.


    Curse him he was doing it deliberately! Miria looked longingly at her clothes, near where Kedyn stood, and back to his wolfish grin. "I'll get you back for this." She grumbled, hesitating a moment before leaping from the bed and throwing on her clothes hurriedly, her skin burning from where Kedyn was no doubt watching.


    It seemed to take an age, but finally Miria was fully dressed, smoothing out the wrinkles and poking her tongue out at Kedyn as he grinned at her still flushed face. "Like I said, I'll get you back." She teased good naturedly as she ran her fingers through her hair to try and bring some order to it. "So it's training today? Not a...scouting trip is it?" Miria winked playfully.



  16. Adawyn's words fell on deaf ears, as Jocelyn was far too caught up in her own emotions to notice. It had been so long since the power was used on her, and it made her blood run cold. Last time she had been bound so was when she tried to flee, and the knowledge that she had reduced herself to such treatment again was humiliating. Indeed, the whole situation was humiliating. Why hadn't Rion done something? He could have stopped Adawyn, could have defended her! Instead she looked like a fool, beaten by this...lightskirt.


    Jocelyn had done all she could to keep her hands from this man, had wanted to maintain his honour, had wanted to marry him. Light, she still wanted to marry him. She was supposed to move in with him, and yet the first pretty face he sees, he's practically fawning at her feet! Anger and hurt surged inside Jocelyn once more. How could he prefer this trollop's attentions to her?


    The bond released, Jocelyn rounded on Rion, her eyes blazing with her turbulent emotions. How was it possible to love someone so much, whilst seethingly angry with them? She didn't think it was possible until now. Was he willing to throw all they had aside for a moment's gratification? If he wanted to be so shallow...well so be it, she would give him what he wants.


    "Is that what you want?" She hissed at him. "Some floozy? Or is it just the cheap thrill you want?" Not giving Rion much chance to speak, Jocelyn stalked closer to Rion, pulling his face down and rubbing it in her cleavage. "Are you happy now?" Jocelyn's voice was raised somewhat, the anger evident in her voice. Still, as mad as she was, the hurt was stronger. Biting back a sob, Jocelyn pushed Rion back and turned on her heel, walking away from her onlookers before the tears that threatened could fall. Burn them both!



  17. Jocelyn was overwhelmed with a mixture of desire and surprise as Rion captured her lips his tongue teasing hers as he took the initiative in a surprising show of boldness. She was helpless but to return the heated kisses, her heart so full of love and her blood singing through her veins. It was amazing what Rion's touch, his kiss, his love could do to her, like nothing else in the world.


    "But I am a scholar...And there is no such thing as too many lessons." Jocelyn's eyes widened in shock as Rion's hand rested intimately against her side, in a manner he had never been so bold to touch her before. Heat ebbed through her body from the contact, befuddling her passion-fuzzed mind further. Light but he made it difficult to uphold her vow. It was as though the evening conspired against her, the bright star lit sky, the warm gentle breeze, all combining to entice her further, make it so easy to give in...


    Jocelyn groaned softly and buried her face in Rion's neck, kissing him softly. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?" She breathed with a smile, trailing her lips to his ear and nipping the lobe softly, while inside a battle raged, her mind against her heart and body. Unable to help herself, Jocelyn's tongue darted out to tickle his ear, his answering shiver causing her to smile as she trailed soft kisses over his neck and jaw.


    Amusement and desire laced through her voice as she spoke, her lips trailing softly over Rion's cheek. "Well I would hate to hinder your pursuit of knowledge, my love." Jocelyn slid her arms about Rion's neck and pressed closer, her lips finally meeting his once more as she teetered on the brink of the abyss, the voice inside her warning her to stop...



  18. Miria was lost in her own imaginings as she entered the tavern, thinking to get herself a light meal before looking for Kedyn. Their days usually led them in different directions, but it was a rare evening that they did not meet up. It was rarer indeed if Miria found herself sleeping in her own room.


    Miria gave a small start on hearing her name, drawing her from her reverie. Sit? She thought of Kedyn probably waiting for her and wondered how to take her leave without being rude, when Drea made it impossible, ordering her to take a seat. Unless she wanted serious trouble, Miria had no choice but to obey her banner captain. A drink was placed in front of her, despite her protest, and Miria eyed it warily. Not that she deliberately abstained from all alcohol, but she was not built to hold it, even a small amount went straight to her head.


    Still, surely one drink wouldn't hurt. She would mollify Drea, then head off to meet Kedyn. Ignoring the mocking look on Drea's face, Miria lifted the drink and took a swig, coughing as the strong liquid burned her throat. Light but it was a potent brew! Another, more careful sip, and before she knew it, she had finished the drink, and was feeling considerably light headed. Probably didn't help that she had an empty stomach, but she didn't object when Drea ordered them both another, her plans for the evening briefly forgotten by the pleasant buzz in her mind.





    Miria laughed raucously along with the other women, giggling to herself at the thought that Kedyn had replaced alcohol with sex...well with more than that, with her, really. Blood and ashes, she was going to meet Kedyn hours ago! Her eyes widened in surprise at the amount of empty tankards littering the table. She'd only had the one, hadn't she? Or was it two? It was hard to remember, her mind felt...slippery. Miria giggled. Slippery was a funny word. Slippppery.


    Snippets of the conversation floated through Miria's foggy mind, as she took another large pull of the...well she forgot what number drink. "Mehrin? Ha! Kedyn makes my blood boil." She grinned, ignoring the rolling eyes and knowing looks from the others. "He's got such a killer grin, and his body his heart stopping...and boy is he good with a sword!" Miria broke off into laughter along with the others at the double entendre. "And boy, what a sword!" Was that crass? Miria didn't really know, besides, it was the truth, as far as she was concerned.


    Miria frowned into her cup. Something wasn't right...she grinned sheepishly when she realised it was empty. Setting on the table, she rose to go get another, though she didn't remember the room moving so much. Mid step she stumbled, landing unceremoniously in the nearest lap, bursting into a peal of giggles as she did so. "Oops! Sorry sir! I mean...umm...lady..." There were chuckles all round as Miria finally stood, making an unsteady path to the bar, only to find a barmaid had already carried a tray of drinks to the table. With a grin and a shrug, she stumbled back to her seat and grabbed another cup, taking a deep swallow. Maybe just one or two more...




  19. Jocelyn grinned. Dance naked? She could picture Rion having a fit already. "A shame indeed, but perhaps a walk would suffice? Have you been given the grand tour of the grand tower grounds?" Jocelyn asked somewhat sardonically. She was pleased that Caelen would aid in distracting her, she enjoyed his company, yet a tiny voice in her mind warned her not to flirt with Caelen. Bah, she was merely being friendly!


    Leading the way outside, Jocelyn hesitated a moment as Caelen offered his arm, before taking it. There was nothing wrong with holding a gentleman's arm as she walked, surely. Jocelyn began pointing out buildings as they walked, Dalinar's office, the infirmary, houses. "And this is where we dance naked." said Jocelyn, somehow managing to maintain a straight face as she indicated a large clearing used for training.


    "Do you enjoy horseriding?" She enquired, smiling up at Caelen. "I will show you the stables, my own mare is kept there too." Flipping her hair back over her shoulder, Jocelyn steered Caelen in the direction of the stables, smiling and joking with him in a carefree manner, oblivious of Rion as he watched their progression.



  20. Jocelyn grinned as Caelen spoke, the picture he painted was so accurate, though humerous. Not many saw the light side around here, not besides she and Caelen anyway, it seemed. She couldn't help but giggle at the idea of one of the Asha'man beating Caelen to hide his attraction...the idea was indeed ludicrous.


    "And what about you? What could you possibly need a distraction from?"Jocelyn sighed and placed her elbow on the table before resting her chin in her hand. "There's a fox hunting my chicken." She grumbled, though her eyes were still alight with unholy amusement. "And if I don't find suitable distraction, I think I will strangle them both." She added with a wry smile.


    "Anyway," Jocelyn flipped her long black hair over her shoulder and gave Caelen a winning smile. "You are suitable enough, care to distract a girl in need?"



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