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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. Handle: Jagen Sedai

    Character Name: Shayne Miser. He calls himself Kami.

    Email address: drowelfmorwen@yahoo.com

    Age: 19


    Physical Description: Kami is a petite fellow, slightly shorter than an average Saldaean. He is fairly pale skinned with dark hair almost to his shoulders and blue-green eyes. Uninterested in fairly many outdoor activities, he's not muscular either. And unlike most Saldaean men, he has no facial hair. This is partly because he also likes to cross-dress sometimes. And wear make-up. He's a weird fellow. Kami also wears a silver chain around his neck upon which is an exquisite blue butterfly pendant.


    Character History:


    Born in the southern part of Saldaea, Shayne was born into a well-off family. His traveling, merchant mother met his (minor) noble, wealthy father while wandering in town. Though his father was gone on military-related duties most of his life, he spent a great deal of time with his mother, who was a lover of fine arts, music and dance, and brought Shayne up to appreciate and learn about all of these things. He grew close to her to the point of taking up much of her behaviors, including acting much more feminine than he should have. His loving, open-minded mother allowed him to get away with this, but only when his father was gone. Shayne began thinking of it as a game, even dressing up in his mother’s dresses and putting on makeup. He was her only child and she spoiled him terribly, but was also careful to teach him not only arts, but of society’s etiquette, right and wrong, and the importance of righteousness and love.


    At age fourteen Shayne’s father died in battle and his uncle, aunt-through-marriage and their young daughter came to live with him and his mother. His aunt had acute schizophrenia; of course, most people thought her possessed by the Dark One, or some other such evil things, so she was kept very isolated. His uncle always did his best to keep his aunt happy, but eventually her sickness got the best of her. Shayne and his uncle, returning one day from horseback riding, found her on the ground with various parts of her body broken; she had jumped (or perhaps fell) off the second-floor balcony. Seeing his aunt dead after observing her for two years and helping with the burial made a young Shayne rather fascinated with death. He questioned why some people were born healthy when others were born so sick inside their minds—whether from some evil possession as his aunt apparently had, or the desire to be a Darkfriend and serve the utmost of evil.


    His own thoughts and desires to pursue such things farther lead to his first channeling experience shortly before his seventeenth birthday. His mother’s favorite horse broke its leg and in a desire to try to please his mother and help the horse instead of killing it, he attempted to clean and bind its leg. His only desire was to do more because his mother was in such an upset state. Thinking of this, he unknowingly channeled—but instead of helping the animal, it made its pain worse, and the bone he was trying to mend cracked. Unsure what he did and feeling very sick afterwards (physically and mentally), he fled the barn and cooped himself up inside his room. The horse had to be killed and Shayne blamed himself for the animal’s death.


    While tending to his sickness, his mother learned from Shayne about his attempt to help the horse, only to cause the poor thing its pain. After a few days of thinking hard on this, she feared the worst; that perhaps her son had channeled. Wanting to protect him farther from such an evil fate, she began to dote on him more. She made dresses for him. She let him wear her makeup and even taught him the intricate language of fans that court women used. She taught him how to be a ‘proper Saldaean woman’ right alongside his female cousin. It was in her mind a way of getting him away from the one fate that was the most evil of all, to channel saidin, and she planned on weeding it out of him by simply turning him into a lady.


    For two more years this went on (despite his uncle’s protests, though those eventually died down in his sympathy for his sister-in-law). He even adapted a new name: Kami. However, he did inadvertently channel again, this time when his cousin Helina fell terribly sick with a fever. This time he wasn’t even trying to help her, but sat in tears by her bedside, thinking of the unfairness of it. Luckily, he did not harm her. But in his anger and lack of understanding he ended up busting all the glass covers that were over the wall candles, and busting the glass on the windows. These two incidents, coupled with a few other minor ones throughout the past four years, drew a confession from his mother once he relayed his fears. When she told him of her suspicions, they talked late into the night, and by the time the sun rose his mother convinced him he must go to the Black Tower out of necessity. Afraid to hurt someone since he didn’t know what he was doing or how, he agreed. His mother said she would visit soon and sent him off with Helina, who was miraculously better the very next morning. As a going away present, his mother presented him with a silver chain upon which was a most exquisite blue butterfly jewel about the size of his palm. He vowed to always wear the necklace.


    So Kami and his cousin, Helina, set off south with three horses and some of Kami’s basic possessions—which perhaps included one too many lady-related items and only one outfit for a male traveler. Traveling as a man a majority of the time for safety’s sake, just miles outside the Black Tower Kami decided to take on his more feminine persona and with Helina by his side the two rode the last miles to the gates of the Black Tower. With no knowledge that other men would be able to sense his ability, Kami hoped to only stay there long enough in silent observation—for he was a very silent individual—to learn to control himself and then sneak back home. Unfortunately, as these things go, this was not to be the case, and an unsuspecting Kami was soon going to find himself stuck there for a long while to come.

  2. Sorry it's taken so long! Covai, our AGL promised me he would get your bio up, but has since disappeared, but I am looking at it now, and hopefully I will also have access to post and have your bio up :D


    EDIT: Scratch that, I saw he replied to your email. Once you get back to the email, we'll get your bio up :)

  3. Hail to the King? Hail to the King??!! Bah! What about thanks to the awesome Jocelyn for doing all my hard work while I was away?  ::)


    Nice to have you back. I love how suddenly there are no crazy RPs to approve or bios that need tweaking now that I don't have to look after it :p



  4. At last Jocelyn could feel Rion coming closer, hopefully coming home. She had been a bundle of nerves and fear, ever since she first felt the pang of Rion's own emotions through the bond. Instantly she had began to worry, when the feelings of fear had increased instead of disappearing, and pain had come searing through. She'd heard yelling throughout the farm, and vague word of a battle, but other than that she had known nothing. She'd contemplated rushing out to see for herself, to check on her beloved husband, but knew better than to interfere where she had no power. She certainly couldn't defend herself or her loved ones any better than Saidin could.


    So instead, Jocelyn had had no choice but to sit pensively in the sitting room of their modest house, waiting anxiously for word to return, her own anxiety matching what she felt through the bond with Rion. There was pain too, but it was vague, hopefully not an injury. Fear and desperation was paramount. What was going on? She had felt so safe, despite being surrounded by male channellers. Despite everything they were training for, it seemed so distant. Well until now. Whatever was happening, she had a bad feeling about it.


    And the bad feeling was only growing steadily worse, as she felt Rion approach. She stood, moving to the window so she would see him the instant he came near enough, heart pounding nervously in her chest. The tangle of emotions flowing through the bond were difficult to pick apart, the anxiety still there, along with something else. Nervousness? What was happening?! Face creased with worry and hands gripping her skirts, Jocelyn waited for Rion.





  5. That's the right system. :D


    Welcome! When you're ready to write your bio, just follow this format:




    Place of birth/raising:

    Physical Appearance: (about a paragraph)

    History: (a couple of paragraphs detailing your character's life up until joining the BT)


    Once you're done, email it to me at drpswbt@dragonmount.com, and we'll get you started. :D




  6. Miria just gaped at the door as Kedyn left, her heart sinking in her chest. No I don't want to tell you, because it will just hurt you more, you big idiot! But Kedyn was gone, and she wouldn't have said the words anyway. What a big fool she was, ruining their day like this. If only she'd just laughed at Kedyn thwarting her prank, if only she hadn't pushed with her irritation, if only...well she couldn't take it back now. Miria thought about following Kedyn, but what would she say? Sorry...but I'm still not telling you anyway? Besides, she was her own woman, if she wanted to keep something quiet she was allowed to, wasn't she?


    But would you want Kedyn to keep anything from you? Of course she didn't...but yet she couldn't tell....oh what a mess she had made! Eventually this would all have to come out, she knew...just not yet, not today. Firming her resolve, Miria sat on the edge of the bed to wait for Kedyn, hoping that he would return soon. If he didn't, she didn't quite know what she would do.


    At last Kedyn did return, and before he could say a word, Miria met him at the door, standing in front of him and taking the food from his hands, twisting to set the plates on the bed. "I will tell you, but not today. Will you let it rest, on that promise?" Lifting her eyes to meet his clear blue ones, Miria slid her arms about the waist of her lover. "Because I know a certain man who managed to thwart my clever prank, and I have it in mind to punish him for it..." Her smile curved into a more wicked one as she waited for his response, her heart holding a breath, lest he refuse to drop it.



  7. Jocelyn was eyeing the new set of stones that she had watched be formed from seemingly nowhere when Isha joined the pair. Hardly a stranger to channelling now, still it did leave her with some awe and a small amount of worry. It wasn't as though she could see the taint, but from all Rion had told her, they could well feel it. Summoning a genuine smile for the gentle giant, Jocelyn greeted Isha warmly. He was one of the few who had never treated her like a pretty piece of meat.


    "I'm afraid I haven't haven't had much experience with the game, though I have watched my father play a few times." Jocelyn turned her attention back to Linten, her smile unwavering. Whatever went on between the two, she was oblivious. "But I'd be happy to have a new pursuit to fill my time. Perhaps you could give me some pointers?" She raised her brows in question, wondering again what Isha's presence meant. Perhaps ensuring Linten's intentions were noble, and not just plans to cuckold Rion? It certainly wasn't as if she couldn't look after herself, she wasn't powerless, but the intention was nice.


    Turning her basket upside down, Jocelyn used it as a makeshift chair and smiled up at where Linten and Isha now towered over her. "I have no other pressing chores, and Rion is occupied - I think now is a perfect time to begin learning, don't you? And I have no doubt that you can make us a board to match those stones." Jocelyn waved to the pieces and waited for a response.



  8. Miria allowed Kedyn to draw her into his embrace, enjoying the closeness, the heat of his frame ebbing into hers. It was moments like this she could pretend that there was no worries in her life, no pain in her heart. When she was in Kedyn's arms, the world was perfect. A tiny smile curved her full lips upwards. She didn't need anything else, so long as she had Kedyn. And he loved her, he wasn't going anywhere.


    Well not yet. Her brief happiness soured along with her thoughts. Kedyn may be happy with her now, but for how long? He wanted a child, a family...and if she didn't give it to him, sooner or later he would grow discontent, surely. Unless she made his life as happy and fulfilling as possible, until such time as she fell pregnant.


    Pregnant...Miria still didn't really know what she wanted. The image of children with Kedyn wasn't a bad one, it was just not something she had really considered before now. Well at first opportunity she would ensure Kedyn's happiness. He could never leave her if she bore his child, could he? She smiled faintly once more. And until then, she would devote herself wholly to her love, would never leave his side, lest he decide to find someone who will give him the child Miria had as yet been unable to give.


    "I love you too." She said softly, turning slightly to press a soft kiss to Kedyn's slightly bristled cheek. "Nothing could make you as happy as you make me." She smiled up into his face, so handsome, yet creased with the worry that had plagued him the past few days. With a gentle hand she smoothed his brow, as if to brush aside his angst. "I will do all in my power to keep you happy, my sweet." Miria wrapped her arms about him. All and more, she would do. It was well worth the cost.



  9. If the letter was so important, why send a green young boy and an old blind man? Miria just smiled and shook her head. Aes Sedai had their own agendas, and if what the boy said was true, who was she to question them? Still, it pleased her to note Kedyn didn't trust them blindly either, though she may have not been so forgiving as to leave them with their weapons along with their horses. One or the other, perhaps. But her lover was far more merciful than she.


    And he was wise. Miria smirked as some of the scouts began gathering up their meagre possessions. A small knife caught her eye and she claimed it for herself, admiring the lightness of the blade in her hand before slipping it inside her sleeve. It was sharp too, and Miria had a fondness for a good sharp knife.


    "Make sure you leave the warder cloak if it exists. The boy may need a blanket to warm him should they meet any other foes. No doubt they would be less forgiving than us." Miria and several others chuckled at the jibe. Truth be told she was probably only a few years older than Mors, but she had endured a lot more in her lifetime than he had, she would wager.


    Miria turned to follow Kedyn with the others, stepping easily beside him, slipping the small knife from her sleeve as they walked. "Not so pretty as the one I stole from you, and not nearly so interesting as stealing it from beneath his nose without him realising, but a good prize all the same." Miria grinned as she looked over her shoulder, offering the boy a small mocking wave.




  10. Miria chewed her lip nervously the whole way back to their rooms. Kedyn knew her too well, the look in his eyes had clearly told her how little he believed her excuse. At least he hadn't questioned her there and then, and perhaps that meant he was going to drop the subject, but she wasn't so lucky, naturally.


    The smile on her face faded as Miria took in Kedyn's dominating stance, the hope that the subject could be pushed aside along with it. She sighed and slumped onto the bed, the small feet dangling over the edge kicking lightly "Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?"Miria didn't meet Kedyn's eyes. How did you tell the man you loved you were upset because he still had feelings for his dead lover, without sounding entirely petty and insane? No, she did not want to tell him what was bothering her, but by the same token she did not want to have to hide anything.


    "What is bothering me is entirely silly and unimportant." Said Miria, laying back across the bed and waving a hand in a dismissive gesture. "No doubt you would pass it of as womanly foolishness anyway." Still she avoided his eyes, but the moment she did Miria knew he would see straight through the banter. She didn't want to burden him, did not want to put him in the position of choosing between his past and present. At least in his ignorance he could do both. How could she ask him to forget his past love? That would only be cruel of her. Better she hid the hurt and abided with the part of his heart she possessed. It was more than enough. It should be, anyway.


    "This is supposed to be a time for celebration." Miria patted the space on the bed beside her, lifting her face to Kedyn's as she smiled a shy yet wicked smile, hoping to distract Kedyn from this course. It would only mean trouble to continue, surely. When Kedyn remained standing though, Miria finally met his gaze. "No I do not want to tell you." The question was, would he push it further? Miria's jaw set stubbornly. She did not want to ruin their happiness because of her foolish desire to have all of his heart and not just a part.




  11. Anxiety was clenching Miria's insides as Kedyn awoke, readying her for the tongue lashing that would surely follow. Her head was pounding but it was to be expected after being so intoxicated; it was no less than she deserved for the way she had treated Kedyn.


    But there was no anger in Kedyn's eyes, instead remorse shone through as he moved to join Miria on the bed. Miria blinked at him in surprise, unresisting as he pulled her into his arms. But most surprising was his words. "I'm sorry for what I did, it was uncalled for. It was just....it was simply stupid. Can you forgive me?"He was asking forgiveness? Light, what a wretched woman she was, getting drunk and treating him as she had, while Kedyn blamed himself and sought forgiveness.


    "I would gladly forgive you, if there was anything that needed forgiveness." Miria's voice was croaky, so she cleared her throat. "I am the one who should be on my knees begging your pardon. I..." she swallowed before continuing, "I behaved abominably. Well from what I remember, I did." Miria grimaced, stroking Kedyn's cheek softly. "Of all people, I should have been the last to throw your past pain back at you. Especially while so awfully drunk."


    Miria's eyes flicked to where Kedyn had removed his soiled shoes and she blushed deeply, filled with shame. "I am sorry about your shoes...and everything else. I don't blame you for hating me...but I am so very sorry..."




  12. Fresh tears spilled over Miria's cheeks as Kedyn enveloped her in his warm embrace. He had not reacted quite as she had expected, not after the excitement she had seen on his face at the thought that she may be pregnant. Yet his smile had seemed somewhat forced...he hides his pain behind a smirk and a hug.How could she have let him down like this? Kedyn had wanted a child, her child, and she had dashed that dream. It should have been enough, knowing how happy it would make him. Her own feelings were insignificant next to his joy. And now it was all gone.

    "See we were worrying about nothing. So are you ok?"Miria tried to find the words to reassure him, but they would not come, so she tried a small nod. No, I am not ok!She wanted to scream. I have ruined your happiness! And along with that my own!But rather than voicing the hysterical thoughts, Miria brushed at her tears with one hand, before twining her arms about Kedyn and burying her face into his neck. She would die if she were to lose him, of a broken heart. It may be selfish, but she could not let it happen.


    "I'm sorry." She mumbled against his skin, holding him tight, taking some comfort in the warmth of his arms. "I know how much you wanted this..." And I took the dream from you.Maybe forever, if she could never bear children. The noble thing to do would be to realise him, let him find another woman who could give him the family he craved, but any noble thoughts Miria had held were washed away that morning upon her discovery. Noble was carrying a child she was not certain she was ready for. I could have done that, but I could never let you go. Never.


    Kedyn held her for a long while, stroking her back as Miria returned the embrace. Her heart ached, for the pain she had caused him, yet still he sought to comfort her. He was the most wondrous of men. Concerned for her while his heart broke. Was he secretly angry? Would Lavena have been happy to give him the child he wanted? Bitter, jealous thoughts. The woman is dead! Let it rest! Yet a madness seemed to have taken control of Miria's thoughts. He is mine, and no other shall have him. Miria tightened her grip on Kedyn possesively, before gently pulling away.


    "You were right, we worried for nought. There will be other times." Miria smiled a little lopsidedly and brushed away her tears again, blushing faintly at the wet patch she had left on Kedyn's shoulder where she had cried. "You are so good to me. And I will make you happy, you will see." She would make him happy or die trying. And not let him out of her sight. She would love him, and never let him forget just how deeply and strongly she loved. "Shall we go find some breakfast? Or if you prefer I can bring something back here for you?" Anything to keep you with me...whatever the cost...




    Mad and Clingy...

  13. Sunlight filtered through the small slit in the curtains, playing across Jocelyn's face. She stirred, smiling as she opened her eyes. She was still snuggled close to Rion's side, his breathing deep and even as he continued to sleep. She felt awfully refreshed, enjoying the longer sleep in. She had been surprised by how easily she had fallen asleep, the sound of Rion's heart beating beneath her ear lulling her into sweet dreams.


    Jocelyn stretched, turning so she could better look at her slumbering love. She was startled before she could though, as Rion leapt from the bed with a cry, thumping on the floor. Jocelyn blinked with surprise as she gazed at him, wondering just what had scared him from the bed so quickly. He mumbled some excuse about dreaming, but Jocelyn was far too intent on the naked expanse of chest he displayed, not even bothering to cover herself with the blankets as Rion likewise stared.


    In a flurry of limbs hastily dressing and blushing excuses, Rion rushed out of the room, leaving Jocelyn still abed with an amused smile on her face. He was such a sweet man, always trying to do the right thing. And of course, the right thing did not include watching a woman that was not your wife dress. Or undress... Jocelyn chuckled, able to better see the humour in the bathing situation with the light of day.


    Jocelyn took her time as she dressed, smiling to herself as she tried to picture the blush on Rion's face on their wedding night when she finally taught him all that she had promised too. Whenever that would be. She had determined that she would not be the one to propose, lest she scare Rion into thinking he must, but she had been waiting patiently now for many many months. She didn't know if she would have the self-control to leave him innocent if she did not marry him soon.


    By the time Rion's knock came, Jocelyn was dressed and had repacked their saddle bags, ready to go. She bid Rion enter, smiling as her mind's eye pictured him as he had been that morning, rumpled from sleep and flushing. She wanted to see him like more often, she knew. Waking up beside him had been a most wonderful feeling, even if he had leapt from the bed as though he had been burned. "I am all ready to go." Jocelyn answered him. And she was, though nervousness was beginning to churn in her stomach some. It had been nigh on a year since she had last seen her family, and she was very unsure as to how they would react so seeing her. They may even think she was dead, having never heard from her. And what would they think, brining home a man that was not her husband, a man that she had been staying with? Trysts and affairs were one thing, but she knew her parents would not approve of a public affair. Not when she had been expected to marry a man they had chosen.


    The thoughts of just how to introduce Rion had been tumbling in her mind for some time as they rode in mutual silence. "Ummmm....do you think we'll be sharing a room for the next few nights? I mean umm...if there's no where else that I could stay in your house....I wouldn't want your parents to get the wrong idea." Rion's voice broke through Jocelyn's thoughts and she lifted her head. There was no mistaking the subtle eagerness in his tone, and Jocelyn had to admit that the idea appealed to her too. And suddenly she knew how she would present him to her parents.


    "I was thinking Rion..." Jocelyn chewed her lip. She sure hoped he didn't object to the idea. Pretending for one night was one thing, but for longer a whole number, and in front of her parents. "It may be best if we tell my parents we are married." She looked sideways to gauge his reaction, hurrying on when she saw the surprise on his face. "Just look at it through their eyes - Your daughter has been away for a year, you haven't heard from her nor seen her. She at long last come home, to tell you she has been living with a man who is not her husband, and will be returning with him also." She lifted a slim shoulder in a delicate shrug. "I think it may make this meeting all the smoother."


    It didn't take too much to convince Rion to agree, after all the plan made sense. They wouldn't have to act any differently, just share a room, and Jocelyn was rather looking forward to that. She enjoyed the closeness, the intimacy it brought. When the gray walls surrounding her childhood's manor, she reached for Rion's hand and gave it a squeeze. "They will love you as much as I do." She assured him. If only she wasn't feeling so nervous.


    The gates were open when they approached, and Jocelyn led Rion through into the courtyard. Her family were not nobles, but they were wealthy, and their extravagance showed how much. Elaborate statues surrounded by gardens and fountains littered the courtyard, leading up to the sweeping marble steps that led into the manner itself. There was a bustle of activity, servants rushing about, and Jocelyn could hear their excited murmurings. "Jocelyn has returned" "I thought she was dead" "No doubt ran out of money"...Jocelyn ignored them and reined up as a young groom rushed out to take the wagon and unhitch the horses. She smiled at him as he helped her down, Frey had grown much in a year, and had always been one of her young admirers. He gazed sullenly at Rion now as he led the horses to the stables.


    "Welcome to my home." Jocelyn grinned broadly as she showed Rion. It felt good, the familiar faces, the places she had played as a child. A stooped old man made his way down the stairs slowly, his hair thinning and white. He stopped before the young couple, his face as serious as always. Jocelyn couldn't remember ever seeing the man smile, though he had always been a kind and dutiful steward. "Your parents await you in the solar." He bowed and Jocelyn took Rion's hand. "Come my love, it is best we don't keep them waiting." She squeezed it once, and led him inside.


    The manor was large and airy, and richly decorated. Sconces lit the hall as they walked, the walls covered with rich tapestries in a myriad of colours, depicting all sorts of things from flowers and rivers to castles to battles. Not much had changed in her absence, it would seem. Their footfalls seemed loud on the bare tile floor, an intricate web of blue and green and white, swirling beneath their feet. The doors to her mother's retreat were closed, and Jocelyn paused a moment before them. She kissed Rion softly on the cheek, then pushed them open.


    Two pairs of eyes turned to them as they entered. Quizzical expressions turned on Rion, the way she held his hand. "Mother, Father, I have returned...And this is my husband, Rion Adamar, of House Adamar in Andor." Her parents rose, and Jocelyn saw a tightening of her mother's jaw as she introduced Rion as her husband. "Rion, my mother and father, Lyra and Norden Mahrin."




  14. Miria wandered in silence, lost in the tumult of her thoughts. She didn't know where she was headed and didn't really care, just kept walking. Had she overreacted? Kedyn hadn't meant any ill by the act, other than to thwart her playful prank. Had she been unfair, to react so jealously? She had been mad, but now much of her anger had faded, leaving behind the hurt.


    There was more to this than Kedyn flaunting his nakedness, she knew that now. Something that had been bubbling beneath the surface for some time. It had just taken this to make her face it, it would seem. Lavena. Was she going to forever be haunted by a ghost she had never met? Kedyn's act had made Miria realise that she did indeed share him. Not physically, she knew he had no other lovers but her, though he had before he met her. That didn't concern her. It was the fact that she could never truly have his heart, his whole heart. Part of it burned for Lavena still.


    Much of this was her own making, Miria was well aware. She had helped him at a low-point in his life. And part of her advice was now turning back to bite her. She had told him to not forget Lavena, to cherish her memory, and to move on. And he had. What she hadn't counted on was falling head over heels in love with him. Oh she had happily ignored his past for the most part, falling into the warmth of his love along with his bed. And he did love her, deeply and passionately, of that there was no doubt. But he would never truly be hers. When did that become an issue?


    Perhaps she was expecting too much, far too much. Miria told herself she should be content with his protection, his love and passion. But it isn't enough...Her thoughts were interrupted by Kedyn's voice. She wasn't surprised that he had come looking for her. He loved her, after all, As well as Lavena.Light, she had never expected it to hurt this much. Why couldn't she just be content with what she had?


    A strong hand grabbed Miria's arm and she turned, unable to school her featured before Kedyn saw the obvious angst on her face. Miria listened silently, seeing the genuine worry on Kedyn's face. She was being ridiculous, she should just shrug it off and smile. But for how long? She couldn't keep ignoring the niggling hurt that was threatening her happiness. But how to tell him? It would look stupid, telling him the real reason she was upset was because she was jealous of a dead woman. No, that would not do.


    Miria sighed. Now was not the time for her silly tales, nor the place. She shook her head slightly and lifted a hand to stroke Kedyn's cheek. "It's fine, I'm sure I was just overreacting. I guess I just needed to cool off." Miria lied, hoping Kedyn wouldn't pick up on it, though likely he would. "I'm sorry. Looks like you avoiding my prank bothered me." Miria shrugged and managed a small smile. This was supposed to be a happy day, the celebration of them living together. Miria slipped her hand into his bigger one and tried to push aside her fears. She didn't know if Kedyn would drop the subject or not, but either way she'd rather be out of the public eye. "Let's go back to our rooms."




  15. Yeah the whole mentoring thing is rather loose at present. If people want a mentor they can have one, if not, no biggie. Feel free to find your own, or we can assign you a volunteer.


    And I'm active! I'm the only active Civilian, the only one with staying power I say :wink:. The guys are secretly all my slaves anyways....or maybe that's just Rion...then again Covai likes to be whipped... :twisted:

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