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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. Ella was still coming to terms with her dreams coming true. Matthew Connelly - the third! - asking her out on a date? It was enough to make her want to squeal, though somehow she managed to maintain a relatively cool appearance. What she really wanted to do was gush about the whole event to Janna, but she hadn't been able to see her friend yet that morning. Hopefully she was wasn't sick or something, but thankfully she slid into her seat just in time for Maths.


    Practically bursting with wanting to tell Janna, somehow Ella reined in her enthusiasm long enough for the class to end. It didn't take long before Janna practically pounced on her, causing Ella to blush with a grin as she returned the high-five. "She was fuming? Really?" Ella couldn't help but beam at the thought of thwarting the stuck up snob. Just because she was pretty she thought she had ownership of all the hot guys. Well, not any more!


    "Well..." Ella blushed, still smiling as she gathered up her books, wondering how to explain all that had happened. "Yesterday afternoon, he came up to me, out of the blue, and just started talking to me. It was weird, despite how incredibly good looking I am." Ella giggled as she and Janna made their way to their next class. "And next thing I know, he's asking me out." Ella finally did let out a little squeal, a secret one to her friend, showing her excitement. She had been mooning over him for months, not to mention her dream...


    Ella chewed her lip. She knew there was more to this tale, but how did she explain it? Janna would probably think she was nuts. But still, Janna was her best friend, and she had to tell someone. "Actually, it started before that." Janna looked at her curiously, and Ella had to reassure her that she hadn't been holding out on any gossip. "Oh god I'm blushing...you see, I had this dream of Matt..." Ella trailed off again as she blushed furiously. "You're probably going to think I was spending too much time roleplaying or something again, it's so embarassing..." Ella stopped as several girls walked past, casting glares her way.


    The bell sounded, and Ella and Janna picked up their pace lest they be late to class, the sound interrupting their conversation as they had to separate. "Look, meet me at lunch, ok?" Waiting long enough for Janna to nod, Ella threaded her way through the crowd to biology, where she spent most of the class wondering hot to tell her best friend she had somehow managed to manipulate Matt's dreams, and forced him to like her enough to ask her out.


    Ella French

    Dreamwalker and Compulsionist!

  2. Fluent in the old tongue? Doesn't sound very likely to me, considering she is only 15 and has been kept in the country for some years. I thought it was rare to know the old tongue (let alone be fluent) unless you had an excellent education, or were taught at the tower.


    Otherwise it's fine, rather abrupt history, but fine. :)

  3. Miria made her way quickly from the archery range, looking for Kedyn. Every moment she was away from him was beyond bearing in her mind. If she wasn't with him constantly, reassuring him of her love, he may well leave her for someone else that would give him the family he craved. Or worse, he may finally decide she didn't measure up to Lavena. That she was a poor second, and he was better off with his memories than to continue making room in his heart for Miria. No, she couldn't bear that thought. So she clung to him constantly, showing him how much she needed and adored him.


    It was hard though. She had the distinct impression that Kedyn was growing annoyed with her, which made her cling all the more. She did everything she could to keep him happy, and she couldn't well do that while they were apart. Inevitably they were separated though, with training and other duties, but as always when she was done, Miria hunted him down. She would even sit and watch him train, if need be, though it was a far from terrible pursuit. He was beautiful to watch. And always her heart ached, knowing that he still harboured a love for a dead woman, a woman Miria would likely never measure up to. Oh, they still had their passion, but Miria wanted so much more. So much, and she didn't know if she could ever have it.


    After stopping long enough to question some of the scouts of his whereabouts, Miria changed direction and headed to the inn where Kedyn supposedly was. Miria frowned slightly as she walked. This was where Mari worked. Miria had never asked Kedyn about her, but she had heard enough from Carnhain and the whispers of others to know that they had once been lovers. They were still friends, and Miria didn't quite know how to deal with that. She had never breathed a word to Kedyn that she knew...how would that conversation go down? I know you slept with the tavern wench, now what? That was not a confrontation she wanted.


    In fact, she was avoiding confrontation completely. Kedyn had tried several times to find out the true nature of her worries, but Miria had stubbornly refused. It hurt her to hide it, but how much more would it hurt him to know she envied his dead love? No, this was the best way. She would surround him so much that life without her was essentially non-existant. Then he couldn't leave.


    Forcing a smile to her face, Miria skipped up the stairs to the deck outside the tavern, and swept inside, looking for Kedyn. She spotted him, but not before she heard the tail end of his conversation. With Mari. So, it was complicated between them? Well, she hadn't wanted that. If anything, it was Kedyn's own doing. Heat suffused her features and Mari caught sight of her. Miria had always assumed what was between them was long in the past, but the way they casually laughed about it made Miria wonder if it still continued. Working herself into a jealous frenzy, Miria stared at Kedyn and wondered if he would notice her. If he was sleeping around, and just toying with her...pain squeezed her heart and she glared darkly his way.



  4. Jocelyn couldn't help but pull a face at Rion's worrying thoughts. It was fair enough, he didn't know her parents like she did, and it wasn't as if she needed to impress them. But all the same, she knew her parents were already well on the way to warming to him. Norden was not the type of man to invest in an intellectual debate about his beloved books with anyone he didn't think knew what they were talking about, and while her mother's words had confused her, she knew she approved of the union. As usual, Rion was worrying over nothing.


    Sitting up with a soft sigh, Jocelyn silenced Rion's next round of worries with a sound kiss. "You," she murmured with a smile, "worry too much." Stroking his cheek affectionately, she kissed his brow. "Just like I told you. They will soon love you as I do. They already really like you. My father doesn't discuss his books with any old idiot, you know." Grinning, Jocelyn climbed off the bed and kicked off her shoes, moving to open the glass doors that opened to their private balcony. The garden below was perfectly manicured as always, bright with colour and the tranquil sound of an elegantly sculpted fountain. It really was beautiful here. And the luxuries were a nice change, but it would never really be home without Rion.


    "I think we need a garden, Rion." Jocelyn mused as she leant on the iron railing, surveying the splendour below. "Some colour around that drab farm would be good. And we could grow our own vegetables." Her smile turned mischievous as she peered back over her shoulder to where Rion was watching her from the doorway. "And it will be somewhere the children can play."


    Walking back to Rion, she stepped into the circle of his arms, draping her arms about his neck. "I'm glad that my parents seem to like you." Her eyes flicked to Rion's deep blue ones. "But even if they didn't, it would make no difference to me. I love you, no matter what. You know that, don't you?"




  5. Jocelyn had never been more proud of Rion than she was that day. Her father fired question after question at him, and each he answered skilfully and respectfully, until it became apparent that even Norden was having trouble finding a reason to be disapproving of their union. Every time Rion mentioned his family's silver mines, Lyra seemed to smile a little brighter, and Jocelyn knew she had been won over. Her father even smiled at one point, upon hearing Rion had a deep respect for a certain historian he himself admired, going so far as to show Rion the book he owned. Satisfied that there would be no further trouble for the moment, Jocelyn left the two perusing the shelves and talking animatedly, going back to speak with her mother.


    "Do you like him Mother? Truly?" Why did it matter? She'd never needed her mother's approval for anything before, but for some reason, she really wanted her blessing in this. Lyra looked to where her husband and Rion stood, and smiled faintly. "I don't know him, Jocelyn. But I have never seen your eyes sparkle the way they do when you look at him. I've never seen you smile so much. And anyone who can put up with barrage like that from your father is a smart man indeed. And I can see how he loves you so." Lyra seemed to gain a far-away look in her eyes. "Yes Jocelyn, I like him." Her voice lowered to a whisper. "I am happy you found in marriage what I did not."


    Jocelyn didn't know what to say. She had always known that her parents' marriage had been one based on a strategic financial alliance, but had never stopped to think of how it would be to marry someone you didn't love. Suddenly Jocelyn saw her mother in a whole new light; understanding the coldness, the lack of smiling. Her marriage had not been happy. Suddenly she wanted to ask so many things, but Rion and Norden came back to them, jovially discussing the accuracy of some long dead historian.


    Lyra stood and inclined her head towards them. "I must see to dinner preparations, else Nellie will likely only cook for the two of us. Jocelyn, Rion, perhaps you would like to rest before dinner?" Jocelyn nodded, relieved at the chance to regroup alone with Rion and turn over her new revelation in peace. That and she didn't want Rion to change his mind about this charade should her father start one of his stubborn argumentative tirades. "That would be wonderful, thankyou."


    The rooms they were shown to were not the ones Jocelyn had used as a child, being suitable for only one person. And they were supposedly married, after all. Finally alone, Jocelyn sank back onto the gigantic bed and sprawled on it, enjoying the quiet and the luxury she had missed. The sheets beneath her were fine linen in rich blue, and the bed was a giant carved piece, blessedly soft and piled with embroidered cushions. Tapestries and gilded sconces decorated the walls, and a plush Domani carpet covered the floor. It was amazing to think she had become accustomed to the simplicity of Dashiva's house, but now, she was home. Not only did they have the elaborate bedroom with a private balcony overlooking the gardens, but they also had their own tub, in a separate dressing room filled with mirrors and scented candles. This was bliss.


    Opening her eyes, Jocelyn rolled onto her side and propped her head on her hand, looking up at Rion with a smile. "Well that went a lot better than I expected. I didn't think you would with father over quite so quickly."



  6. So, I need to do some kind of inter-divisional RP with my Bander Miria to get her promoted. And I have absolutely no ideas at present. Is there anyone out there from a different div who would be interested in playing with her? (Not literally, she's taken ;)) I'm open to all ideas, the further from the norm it is though, the more interesting I think.


    Anyone want to play? :)

  7. Miria frowned into her drink as Jatasha spoke. Her mother had entertained men for money too, and still she didn't understand it. The thought of any man besides Kedyn even looking at her was enough to make her blush. Why Jatasha wasn't doing everything she could to change her 'profession' was a little beyond her comprehension.


    "I wish I could say I understand your predicament, but I don't." Miria shrugged slightly. She had her own problems, her own worries. Yet hearing Jatasha's story was putting her own troubles on the backburner. She wasn't selfish enough to think that her pathetic troubles were worse. "But I do know that this is one place where you could make a fresh start, if that is what you want to do. Everyone here has a history," Miria smirked slightly, "even me." Miria finished her drink with one last swallow and set it down, wondering idly if she should have another. "The Band is one of the few places that your past can be forgotten. Assuming you're willing for that to happen, that is."


    Miria turned to look at Jatasha. "And I know Carnhain. As much as I may dislike him, I know that if you want to continue...getting to know him, you can't continue earning coin as you have." Why Miria was feeling the need to almost defend the man was beyond her. Must have been the drink. "Anyone with eyes can see he is taken with you, and if you want to see where that could lead, you can't expect him to be willing to share you." Miria smiled in a friendly way. When did she become so old? "Of course, your business is your own, so feel free to tell me to keep my nose out of it."



  8. Lieutenant (WS 10-14)

    -6 RP's

    Out of Group RP: Find someone first using OOC communication and then set up a RP with a member of a Different Group (Freelanders, WT, Shayol Ghul, Aiel, Warders). Make sure to get this apporve by the appropriate GLs.


    RP 1: Not always Fun & Games (a bazillion posts...don't make me count them! ;))


    RP 2: I'm Not Durnk...I Shwear (6 Posts)


    RP 3: Dashed Dreams (3 Posts)


    RP 4: Whoah (6 Posts)


    RP 5: (since both threads are short I'm counting them as 1)

    Girls' Time For Fun (2 Posts)


    Shay up Your Life (2 Posts)


    RP 6: Getting Guys and Getting Away (5 Posts, not yet complete)



    Out of Group RP: Not Done Yet


    Woo! Almost promo time! :D

  9. Actually I'll have his info here...This is the list that hasn't been updated in almost 2 years? :P


    So I'm expecting people to be missing. Tomorrow I should get time to go through the list of OP scores I have, and that should fill in a few gaps at least. Well, I'm hoping so!

  10. Since Covai is unavailable, I am going to say yes. If you have already worked your way to Asha'man, you can start a new character at full rank. Same goes if you have progressed to Dedicated, you can start from there.


    However, if your current character has say, completed half of their dedicated requirements, if you wish to make a character at dedicated level, you will have to start the requirements for that level from scratch.


    Does that make sense? If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! :D

  11. http://blacktowerdiv.wordpress.com/the-one-power/talents/


    You'll see there that we have a whole host of talents, and hardly anyone with them! So this is a reminder that if you are dedicated (and already partway through your reqs) and above you can apply for one of the free spots.


    Send your applications to blacktowerstaff@gmail.com and be sure to include the following:

    DM Handle/Character Name:

    IC Rank:

    Talent Applying For:

    Why do you want this talent?

    How will the talent manifest itself?

    What RP Ideas do you have for using the talent?


    Staff will consider the application and get back to you with a decision. Remember that well thought out and planned applications will be more favourable than a thrown together idea, simply because you think a talent will be cool.



    Oh, and if I have missed anyone from that list, please give me a poke and I'll fix it ;)

  12. As any of you who have looked at the BT site will notice, it is very out of date. Well, I'm looking to change that! If you can all look at this page: http://www.blacktowerdiv.com/memberslist.php please, and post below if you are not on there, or if any of your information is incorrect. So if you're listed as a soldier when you're actually Asha'man, please let me know! OP score wrong (or not listed), post it here! The changes won't be made in effect on the site yet, but soon I hope to have an updated site for us.


    So post away! And thankyou! :D

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