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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. "You should smile like that more often. It makes you look far more attractive." Kedyn continued his laugh with Miria's words. Lavena had teased him much as Miria was doing know, and he usually gave as much as he got so Miria perhaps should look out for herself."I think I would have liked Lavena. Either way, it seems she set a tough act to follow. I mean as a scout."


    Kedyn saw Miria's blush and hsi grinned faultered for a moment. Red is you color. Kedyn shook his head to rid himself of those green eyes that always looked at him when he remembered that phrase. Lavena had told him first when she had made him blush. Determined to remain cheery at least for a while Kedyn couldn't help but tease Miria back some. She would have to get used to it if Kedyn truly went back to his own self.


    "I know you said I deserve your thanks, but I'm sorry if I said anything out of line before...I was so very angry, Angrier than I've ever been. I'm not even entirely sure why...but I'm glad now that I was. Oh, and sorry about the poking."


    "If you turly want a kiss from me so badly Miria you should come out and ask. And I am impressed it usually takes women longer to get me in here." Kedyn winked at Miria to show that he was truly teasing her. "And do not worry about your being angry, you are not the first and your had every right to be angry with me. I was being a terrible officer and since you are under my command it is your right to yell at me if you think I am doing you a diservice."


    Kedyn continued with his smile, his cheeks almost sore from having been used to smile so little lately. "Nor should you worry about the poking." Kedyn poked Miria in the stomach to emphasise the point. "We all need to be taken down a rung or two every once in a while."


    Kedyn took a deep breath. It felt good finally being open and happy once again. How much he may have missed in the past. "You would have gotten along famously with Lavena I am sure." Kedyn's grin took on a wicked quality. "And I would have liked it too. How lucky for me to have two women fighting for my affection." Kedyn let out a long chuckle. It felt good to laugh once again.




    "If you truly want a kiss from me so badly Miria you should come out and ask. And I am impressed it usually takes women longer to get me in here." Miria gaped, looking at Kedyn with wide eyes. Was this the same man? His wink made her finally realise he was teasing her, and her cheeks suffused with colour once more. Surely that wasn't her heart beating faster?


    "And do not worry about your being angry, you are not the first and your had every right to be angry with me. I was being a terrible officer and since you are under my command it is your right to yell at me if you think I am doing you a diservice." Miria smirked, and nodded. He could be certain she would tell him her mind. After all, that was what she had just done, and he seemed no worse the wear, though the teasing was slightly unnerving. Not unwelcome, just unexpected. In fact, Miria decided she quite liked Kedyn this way.


    Kedyn continued to smile in that devastating manner. Devastating because of what it was doing to her insides. Quite bizarre, really. "Nor should you worry about the poking." Miria made a sound as Kedyn poked her in the stomach, giggling in spite of herself. Surely this was not the same man who had yelled at her drunkenly before! "We all need to be taken down a rung or two every once in a while." Miria nodded and returned the favour, poking him back in the ribs with a cheeky grin. "I'll keep that in mind." She replied.


    "And I would have liked it too. How lucky for me to have two women fighting for my affection." Miria made somthing like a strangled sound, still not believing her ears. It should be illegal for Kedyn to grin in that manner, especially when he was saying such wicked things. It did all sorts of terrible things to her senses, not to mention twisting her stomach into a knot. His chuckle seemed to be infectious, and Miria found herself giggling along.


    "You wicked man! Don't tell me I have to beat some manners into you as well!" She gave him a playful shove. "And for your information, I don't ask for kisses...I'm usually fending them off from all my suitors." She folded her arms under her breasts and lifted her chin, whilst giving Kedyn one of her winning grins, dimple flashing. Truth be told she had never kissed a man, but Kedyn needn't know that. Not that there hadn't been attempts, or requests, but Miria had always turned them down. Now, looking at Kedyn grin, his eyes alight with mischief, she was suddenly thinking she'd like to try.


    Colour suffused her cheeks at where her thoughts were headed. Light, she needed to guard herself better, lest he guess where her thoughts were headed. That would not do at all. Looking at Kedyn's bright expression, Miria couldn't help but allow herself a smug grin. She had somehow managed to drag him out from behind that armour she had built up. She had succeeded where no one else had. Why shouldn't she be proud? She chuckled. "I did well didn't I?" She grinned broadly. "So what finally got to you? My infectious good mood, my stunning good looks, or my incredible charm and wit?" She fluttered her eyelashes, grinning at him wickedly. She may not have kissed a man before, but she certainly knew how to tease one. This new Kedyn could be a lot of fun, she decided.




    "You wicked man! Don't tell me I have to beat some manners into you as well! And for your information, I don't ask for kisses...I'm usually fending them off from all my suitors." Kedyn laughed lightly and big smile on his face. Both from the playful words and the thought of Miria fending off hordes of suitors. She could be telling the truth as well, she was good on the eyes and any normal man would be happy to steal a kiss from her. She had a beautiful smile that lit up her face. As Lavena did. The thought brought back the picure of Lavena smiling and instead of pushing it away Kedyn embraced the memory trying to do as Miria had suggested.


    "I did well didn't I? So what finally got to you? My infectious good mood, my stunning good looks, or my incredible charm and wit?" Kedyn chuckled to himself looked down at Miria's fluttering eyelashes and wicked grin. If she was trying to be teasing and poking fun at him she would have to try harder, Lavena had been very good and he had been far from an innocent before he had met Lavena.


    Feigning an expression of intent thought. He tapped a finger on his chin and arched an eyebrow. She would learn soon enough that his favorite pastime had been teasing his friends. He was greatful and she had done a good job, suceeding where no one else had.


    Kedyn grinned mischeviously again. "I am not sure. I mean there are so many different things. Your good looks are enough to stop any of the Band's enemies in their tracks." He tapped a finger against her cheek where they had gone red. "And your cheeks go well the banner's. Perhaps you should change your woredrobe to red since the color fits you so well." Kedyn's smile faltered slightly but he brought it back to normal as he realized what he had just said. The small girl with green eyes looked up at him. Her tone was cold, a paradox to the smile on her face. "Red is your color now."


    "Of course I am unsure I should be around you in case you tie me up with your words your wit and charm are so infectious. Of course I'm not sure about your good mood. I mean you seem all gloomy and sad all the time. I mean it wouldn't hurt to smile once in a while, I bet it would be good for you." Kedyn raised his eyebrows and did his best to put an irritated edge to his voice. He wasn't able to keep his straight face for long and one edge of his mouth twitched upwards once more. "I mean I would be joining that horde of suitors and give you that kiss you seem intent to get but your being all frowny and its really depressing." Kedyn shook his head and rolled his eyes. His only thing to bely he wasn't being serious was the grin on his face.




    I am not sure. I mean there are so many different things. Your good looks are enough to stop any of the Band's enemies in their tracks." Miria couldn't help the blush that suffused er cheeks, reddening all the more when Kedyn touched them with his finger, highlighting the fact. She had never been teased so by a man before. It was...off putting. But not necessarily a bad thing. Especially when Kedyn smiled in that way. "And your cheeks go well the banner's. Perhaps you should change your woredrobe to red since the color fits you so well." She fought the urge to poke her tongue out at him, but soon lost the fight, giving in to the urge. She giggled, knowing how terribly childish she must look, but couldn't help herself.


    "Of course I am unsure I should be around you in case you tie me up with your words your wit and charm are so infectious. Of course I'm not sure about your good mood. I mean you seem all gloomy and sad all the time. I mean it wouldn't hurt to smile once in a while, I bet it would be good for you." Miria gaped at him, making a strangled sound, halfway between a laugh and a groan. He poked fun at this now? She could see the mirth in his eyes, the way his lips were twitching into a smile. "I mean I would be joining that horde of suitors and give you that kiss you seem intent to get but your being all frowny and its really depressing." Miria laughed at the sheer absurdity.


    Miria gave Kedyn a playful shove, but a hard one none the less, obviously catching him unawares as he slid off the bed. "You think that's funny?" She couldn't hide the big grin from her features. Light, she never would have imagined he could be such an incredible tease. "You try being super cheerful while I'm being madam gloom and doom and see how well you keep it up." Her eyes flashed with playful outrage, sliding onto her knees and poking him mercilessly, hoping he was ticklish. The rat! Teasing her after all her good efforts!


    "Besides which, joining the line of suitors does not guarantee you a kiss. I'm more discerning than that." She lifted her chin in an arrogant manner, though her grin remained. Light, but just the thought of Kedyn lining up to kiss her had her knees weak. What was wrong with her? Where was the strong, independent women she knew, who didn't need any man? Surely that wasn't her, swooning over a man who was teasing her, and smiling in that incredibly attractive way. "You would have to do a better job of winning me over than you are now." She said pointedly, poking him in the ribs. When did she lose her wits again? She wondered to herself, as she found her eyes wandering over Kedyn's lips again.




    Kedyn's eyes widened as Miria gave him a sharp shove and he slid dangerously close to the edge of the bed. He was taken off gaurd enough that he slid of the endge, landing on his rump with a sharp "Ooomph." He ended up just laughing outloud and settling back on his elbows.


    You think that's funny? You try being super cheerful while I'm being madam gloom and doom and see how well you keep it up." Miria's smile was truly infectious, the way it lit up her face. He couldn't help but brighten the smile already plastered onto his face. He had been pretty bad though, and would not have wanted to deal with himself in that state, hopefully no one else would.


    "Besides which, joining the line of suitors does not guarantee you a kiss. I'm more discerning than that.You would have to do a better job of winning me over than you are now."


    Kedyn had to admit to himself that Miria was very pretty from this position, he chin up and that grin lightling up her face. Forced t because he had for so long tried to avoid thoughts like that for they would only end up comning back to Lavena. It would be rather enjoyable to join these suitors she was speaking of, though how he would deal with it if it went anywhere was beyond him. He knew that moving on would include other women in his life, that by trying what Miria had said that he would have to move on. Love again no matter how much chance of loss there was.


    But now Kedyn's thoughts were more on the now, and the now was making Miria blush in that cute way. It was fun as well, and missed now that Kedyn remembered how much fun this was. He pushed himself up from the ground his mouth running as he did so, "Try harder? Well, I guess I'll have to be more insitent. What should I do?" Kedyn tapped a finger on his chin for a moment before promptly sitting down on Miria's lap.


    "Does this work, it seems to work for you but I don't know." Kedyn tried imitating what Miria had looked like, batting his eyelashes, though in a very exaggerated manner. Or tried to since he was taller than Miria by quite bit. "Or flattery." Kedyn put a hand to his heart and tried his best at imitating a love sricken maid, "Oh Miria, how your beauty radiates like a thousand suns." Kedyn flipped his hand to place the back of his hand on his forehead, "But alas all you do is scorn me. What do you think? Am I doing better? Of course it seems almost arrogant to make me do all this work. I mean why would kiss you know, or ever for that manner. I mean, your so demanding." Kedyn stuck his tounge out at Miria in what he hoped was a mirror for how Miria herself had looked when she had done the same.




    "Try harder? Well, I guess I'll have to be more insitent. What should I do?" Miria only had a moments warning before Kedyn promptly plonked his behind in her lap. She blushed furiously, startled, but could not help her grin. Light, he was a lot more than she had bargained for. "Does this work, it seems to work for you but I don't know." He fluttered his eyelashes like a maid, obviously imitating her actions earlier, and she narrowed her eyes.


    "Or flattery." She giggled out loud at the absurd picture he made, sprouting pretty words of flattery, perched on her lap. She tried hard to battle the blush on her cheeks, but it was so difficult, especially with him so close. His scent filled her senses, leaving her dizzy and her wits muddled. "I mean why would I kiss you know, or ever for that manner. I mean, your so demanding." Miria found herself watching Kedyn's lips as he spoke, her tongue darting out to moisten her lower lip. Why did he have to be so irresistably handsome?


    Kedyn poked his tongue out, and Miria grinned. Her really was cheeky. Maybe she should kiss him, just to stop his teasing. Or was it because she wanted to? Shaking her head, she forced her wits to sharpen. "That will never do!" She chuckled, poking him in the ribs. "How you ever expected to win a girl like that is beyond me." She pretended to look annoyed. "You will have to do much better to win a kiss from me...and even then you would be lucky to receive one, the way you are teasing me!"


    With that Miria's knees gave way, and she tumbled over, Kedyn sprawling on top of her. She couldn't help herself. She started giggling, her body shaking from the laughter. This was absurd! "Now see what you've done? Whatever shall I do with you?" She smirked and snaked a hand down to pinch his rear end, suprised at herself. Light, she'd never done that to a man before. but it was so very cute, and he needed to get some of his own back.




    "That will never do! How you ever expected to win a girl like that is beyond me." Kedyn shook with mirth at the annoyed look on Miria’s face. Her look was only spoiled by the blush staining her cheeks. "You will have to do much better to win a kiss from me...and even then you would be lucky to receive one, the way you are teasing me!"


    Kedyn was tumbling to the ground before he could tell what was going on. He let out a suprised gasp before he stopped falling. He reoriented himself and Kedyn found himself sprawled on top of Miria. He was shocked to find himself here to say the least. It was thrown into sharp clearence as Miria began giggling, her body shaking beneath him and making Kedyn acutely aware of his position. "Now see what you've done? Whatever shall I do with you?"


    Kedyn had opened his mouth to speak when he felt the sharp sting of a pinch on his rear end. A look of complete shock replaced his smile for a moment and he felt his cheeks redden slightly. But he schooled his face and replaced it again with his grin. “What I did?†Kedyn rolled his eyes and had an idea. Well if she wanted to be such a tease he could have his own fun as well.


    Kedyn leaned his head in close and touched the tip of his nose with Miria’s. He could feel her breath plaing across his lips as his did to her. He was closer than he would have thought was possible this morning. Whe he spoke it was almost a whisper. “I was going to blame you, but I guess it is myself. I can make women’s knees week at times. So I guess it’s my fault. Well I’m not sure what you should do to me though. Though this chase your leading me on is proving to be vastly entertaining. Those other suitors may have a new rival if you have to lead me by the nose like this. You are a very good tease, I think I should be the one mad at you.†Kedyn reached his hand down and give Miria’s rump a light pinch out of revenge partly and just for effect on his words. Kedyn had not expected to be this open now, this morning he would have rolled his eyes and ignored the person who had told him this would happen to him.




    Miria felt a quick surge of triumph at the slight staining of his cheeks. Serve him right, though he recovered quickly, faster than what she herself did. “What I did?†Kedyn rolled his eyes and Miria smirked, then suddenly he was close. So very close, his nose touching hers, his breath fanning across her face.


    “I was going to blame you, but I guess it is myself. I can make women’s knees week at times. So I guess it’s my fault. Well I’m not sure what you should do to me though. Though this chase your leading me on is proving to be vastly entertaining. Those other suitors may have a new rival if you have to lead me by the nose like this. You are a very good tease, I think I should be the one mad at you.†Miria struggled to breathe, her chest heaving involuntarily from the effort to drag air into her lungs. Her brain refused to work, the combination of Kedyn's face so close to hers, and his soft words working to lull her into a trance.


    Kedyn's fingers on her backside made her mouth drop open with a gasp, as she jumped slightly from the pinch. She had never had a man touch her there before, even for a pinch, and it was, well....distracting. No, more than that it was...light, she couldn't think straight at all, her mouth going dry and words leaving her. Her mouth worked silently for a few seconds, before she managed to find her voice. "My my, you are determined to join the long line of my suitors aren't you, you dreadful tease." She murmured softly. "I never realised my incredible looks and charm could affect someone so self-controlled as yourself." Her words were softly teasing, his head still close to hers.


    Miria tried not to focus her eyes on his lips, so very close to hers. Tried not to imagine what they would feel like pressed against hers. Tried not to think about what he was doing to her senses. Light, he was befuddling her brain like a potent drug, and she could not rid herself of it's effects. She had no idea it would come to this, when she followed Kedyn earlier. This transformation was more than she'd dared hope for. Though now she found she was the one faltering. She swallowed and gave Kedyn a sweet, teasing smile. "If you wanted to kiss me so badly Kedyn, you should just ask." She teased him, reflecting his earlier words, his breath still teasing her lips.




    "My my, you are determined to join the long line of my suitors aren't you, you dreadful tease. I never realised my incredible looks and charm could affect someone so self-controlled as yourself." Kedyn rubbed teh edge of his nose against Miria's softly smiling wickedly, though Miria wouldn't be able to see it. No matter how suprised by his actions Kedyn was more so. And he hadn't expected how much he had missed this, or how much he would get into it when he got back.


    Kedyn tried not to dwell on where he was, sprawled on top of a woman pressed against her as if he was kissing her. "If you wanted to kiss me so badly Kedyn, you should just ask." Kedyn shook with a chuckle as he looked into Miria's eyes. He breathed in deeply, trying to ignore the scent that was Miria that came with it. He rubbed his nose against hers and leaned his head down to lightly rest on Miria's own.


    "Well, I will have to keep that in mind." Kedyn smiled and did his best to act like he was going to kiss Miria. He got close enough that their lips were almost touching before pushing agianst the ground and rising to his feet relieving himself from his position atop Miria. He had a small smirk on his face as he straightened his shirt and tried to recover. He hadn't realised just how much being in that position had affected him, and to that end it had scared him somewhat.


    "My, someone is feeling rather foreward today. I mean I don't give out my kisses so freely." Kedyn rolled his eyes and shook his head, trying to look like exasperated. Kedyn tsked lightly as he leaned up against the wall, looking down at Miria. His old smile back on his face and his arms folded across his chest.


    "Though I cannot argue with your good looks, they are rather stunning, distracting. I have to fear for the pour Foxes that are around you." Kedyn relaxed for the moment, the smile that had alighted his face. He felt better then he had in a long time, thanks to this woman. Today was becoming a very good day.




    Miria could feel Kedyn's chuckle vibrate through him, as he was pressed intimately against her. Her heart thudded in her chest, loud enough that she would almost swear he could hear her. He rubbed his nose against her softly, before resting his brow against hers, and Miria heaved in a shaky breath. Was he going to kiss her? Light, she didn't know what to do, and besides, she was frozen on the spot.


    "Well, I will have to keep that in mind." His lips were so close to hers now, she could almost taste his warm breath. Miria's eyelids fluttered, and suddenly Kedyn was standing, smirking down at her as he adjusted his clothing. Goodness, had she honestly thought he was going to kiss her? She really was losing her mind. She blinked a few times, before hurriedly sitting upright. Light, she had been sprawled on the floor like a trollop...and she'd enjoyed having Kedyn that close.


    Miria straightened her own shirt hastily. "My, someone is feeling rather foreward today. I mean I don't give out my kisses so freely." She gaped at him incredulously, and flushed. She would be lying if she said she hadn't wanted him to kiss her. And she had pinched his behind before. But he had done the same to her. He was such a tease! She folded her arms and frowned up at him, though his smile was very infectious. Besides, she was more annoyed at her weak body, betraying her by enjoying his touch, his closeness.


    "Though I cannot argue with your good looks, they are rather stunning, distracting. I have to fear for the pour Foxes that are around you." Miria couldn't hide the pleased smile from his compliment. "I'll do my best not to distract them overly, never fear Kedyn." She smirked. "Though I make no promises." She flicked her hair over her shoulder in an arrogant manner, a haughty smile on her face. "Or perhaps I will just use my powers to have you and the others eating out of the palm of my hand?" She quirked a brow and chuckled, moving to sit back on the edge of the bed, afraid that Kedyn already had her eating out of the palm of his hand, and not quite sure how to deal with it.




    "I'll do my best not to distract them overly, never fear Kedyn." Kedyn had no doubt that she would be able to if she tried, though she should watch out for some of the other women in the Fox's. Some of the women had very large streaks of jeoulosy. "Though I make no promises." Kedyn rolled his eyes at the arrogant gesture, and the smile. It seemed Miria was able to give as good as she got in the end.


    "Or perhaps I will just use my powers to have you and the others eating out of the palm of my hand?" Kedyn laughed at the thought, though he was sure if she tried she may suceed if she was as good with men as she claimed. So far Kedyn had found nothing to disprove that so he would assume she was telling the truth. Didn't bode well for the rest of the Scouts.


    "Well then, I might as well make you sergeant now and save me the trouble of being a puppet." A full smile lit Kedyn's as it had for these long minuets. One that had not been there since the death of Lavena. For once the thought that perhaps the Light still existed in this world creeped into Kedyn's consiousness. A thought that had been absent for so long. It was little though. Kedyn beleived fully that the Creator and Light had abandoned men to their own doings long ago. There was no white, no black, in this world there was only grey. No true goodness, no true evil, only a mix of the two.


    Kedyn shifted his shoulders as he leaned against the wall watching Miria, now sitting back on the edge of his bed. He looked at her and images of Lavena kept intruding upon his mind. For what reason Kedyn was unsure, but they did not stop and Kedyn no longer pushed them away. Slowly they began to thaw what ice remained, erode the stone. It felt good. "I have to say I wonder what the other Fox's must think, they should be back by now." Kedyn smirked, though the fact was Kedyn was slightly curious. They had not tried to hide that they were in here, nor were the walls soundproof to any extent. Some of the Fox's had interesting imaginations to be sure.




    "Well then, I might as well make you sergeant now and save me the trouble of being a puppet." Miria giggled at the sheer absurdity of the picture of her leading Kedyn along as though he was on puppet strings. She doubted her charms would ever be that good, though it was a nice thought.


    Miria couldn't help but beam as Kedyn grinned in that charming way. She had brought about this change in him. Somehow, but she had done it. The man that looked bright and cheery now, instead of gloomy and haunted...that was because of her. And her yelling. And her poking. No doubt Kedyn would get his own back for that in good time.


    Her gloating was brought up short at Kedyn's next comment though, delivered in an amused tone. "I have to say I wonder what the other Fox's must think, they should be back by now." Her jaw dropped, and colour suffused her cheeks once more. Light, they could have heard everything! She hated to imagine what they thought had been going on in here. Especially after the yelling ended. Mother milk in a cup! She couldn't just leave now, and face their curious eyes, though staying longer was only going to make things seem worse.


    Damn him! Kedyn simply looked smug. "You're enjoying this, aren't you? What on earth are they going to think of me?" Miria scowled up at him, lounging against the wall for all the world as if there was nothing wrong with the situation. Well nothing had happened, though not for a lack of wanting on her part anyway. Argh! These thoughts were not helping. "What am I going to tell them? They will think me nothing more than a cheap lightskirt! Burn me!" She stood and paced the small floor space, quickly thinking up a plan.




    "You're enjoying this, aren't you? What on earth are they going to think of me?" Kedyn let out a bark of a laugh at the comment and then mastered himself to the point of just shaking with mirth. He was having a good time, mroe so than anything for a very long time. He knew he shouldn't be laughing but it was hard to hold it in.


    "What am I going to tell them? They will think me nothing more than a cheap lightskirt! Burn me!" Kedyn shook his head still shaking but this time as well as to try and portray that he did not believe the Fox's would think that, at least if Kedyn had anything to do with it.


    Kedyn mastered himself enough to speak though what he said only made it harder for him to control himself. "A lightskirt?" He sighed. "If I had known that...." Kedyn broke down into small chuckled and shook his head not able to go down that path. "No no, I'm only teasing. Do not worry to much about the rest of the Fox's I will make sure they believe you a good respectable lady."


    "Though I cannot help but enjoy. I think you may find that you may have gotten more than you bargained for. Though perhaps you are already thinking of that." Kedyn stretched his shoulder's as he watched miria's pacing slow and then finally stop. He couldn't help but wonder exactly what Miria was thinking about him right now. There were some women who enjoyed having this doen to them and other's that hated it.


    "Though it doesn't seem you are enjoying this very much." Kedyn took a step foreward and tapped a finger against Miria's cheek which still had a faint trace of red staining it. He grined evily and took a step back to take his place leaning on the door post.




    "A lightskirt? If I had known that...." Miria's first reaction was to gape at him incredulously, before fixing him with a glare. He would joke about the situation, wouldn't he. He chuckled but thankfully didn't continue, hurriedly apologising. "No no, I'm only teasing. Do not worry to much about the rest of the Fox's I will make sure they believe you a good respectable lady." She folded her arms, still miffed. No doubt he would let them think what they wanted. After all, it was her reputation at stake. She sighed. She was being unreasonable, she knew. Of course he would defend her. She just found it hard to think straight with him looking all attractive like that.


    "Though I cannot help but enjoy. I think you may find that you may have gotten more than you bargained for. Though perhaps you are already thinking of that." Miria simply looked at him. What was he saying? Did he know she had wanted him to kiss her before? Surely not. But maybe he did. Could a man tell when a woman wanted to be kissed? She had no idea about these things. Surely he meant something else though. Of course...her giving him a rebuking was what he meant. Still, her cheeks had warmed at the thought of him kissing her.


    "Though it doesn't seem you are enjoying this very much." He stepped closer once more and tapped her blushing cheek. The truth was she was enjoying his company greatly. Too much really. And she didn't know that she should be. His presence was disturbing, his new found good mood infectious to say the least. She shook her head, a rueful smile on her lips. "Well I'm glad you find it all so amusing Kedyn." She resisted the urge to poke her tongue out at him a second time as she regarded his wicked smile, when suddenly an idea came to her.


    "We simply let them think the worst." She grinned broadly, starting up her pacing once more, as the thoughts put themselves together in her mind. "If we let them think what they want, they won't be able to talk about it, right? There won't be that wondering. Does that make sense?" She wrinkled her nose and looked at him, before going back to her pacing. "I mean, if we deny anything happened, of course people would be suspicious...but if we denied nothing...well, there's nothing left for them to play with." She stopped her pacing again in front of him, tapping her chin in thought and grinning at him. "I think it will work. Right?" She waited for his response, suddenly uncertain. What if the idea of the other fox's thinking he's done anything with her repulsed him? Argh, better not to think on that.



  2. Kedyn closed the door of the Scout barracks. The sun had begun to set below the horizon and left the eirie glow that went along with the transition from day to night. He turned away from the barracks and headed to the messhall towards the center of the barracks. It was also a wooden structure as everything had changed from tent to wooden housings only a few days ago with the completion of the last wooden barracks.


    He dared not go to see Mari for she would only deny him a drink and today was a day that Kedyn truly needed one. The gaping hole in his chest had begun to take in everything and the wieghts of responsibility and grief had become to much. He needed something to escape, to shore up the walls he had made inside and close off the hole in his middle. To soften his pain through drink. It helped to forget the pain, but only for so long and to the pit of doom to what others thought of him.


    What the mess hall served was a weaker brand and a rather atrocious thing but it had the same desired effect. He pushed open the door and walked into the soft din of the mess hall. It wasn't as crowded as he would have thought it would be but then again there was still many people training and going about there duties. Kedyn's reports had been filed and the rest of his work pushed to Malastair so he could come here.


    He walked up to the counter and asked for what he wanted and the cook handed it over without pause. Having almost six thousand men in the Band did jave some benefits, making it so he could not know everyone. Taking a seat in a corner, away from everyone else he surveryed the room. Laughter came from most of the tables and the others the groups were huddled in low conversation, only Kedyn sat alone this night. That was fine. Alone to his grief, self pity and his memories. Jenna, Lavena, the faces of the Scouts who had died under his command. He tilted his mug back and took a long swig of ale.




    Miria stepped lightly on the way to the mess hall, glad to not have any pain in her ankle. She was starving, and in particularly good spirits. And why not? The day was turning into a beautiful twilight, her ankle was healed, and she had practiced with her bow earlier, discovering that her skills hadn't abated much at all, in the time since she last trained.


    The sound hit her before she even opened the doors, bringing a smile to her lips. She sometimes missed the bustle of the city, and the din from the mess hall almost reminded her of the common room of the inn back home. She smiled and waved at the new friends she had made as she made her way to the counter. Her grin broadened when she spotted Kedyn. He was sitting by himself, admittedly, but at least he was out, instead of hiding in the barracks being miserable.


    Try as she might, Miria had still not been able to crack Kedyn's aura of gloom, despite her best efforts, and cheerful disposition. He was civil enough, but he still hid behind his armour, hiding from his real self. If anything, Miria was finding it very frustrating. She was at him constantly, trying to draw him out, yet nothing seemed to work. It was almost as if Kedyn was deliberately thwarting her. Surely not, but that's what it felt like. As if he refused to join the real world.


    Whatever his reasoning, Miria was glad to see him away from his room. Ordering a simple watered wine, Miria thanked the cook, holding her drink up as she threaded her way over to where Kedyn sat. If he was going to sit in the mess hall, he was going to have her company, she decided. She flashed him a grin as she neared, her dimple creasing her cheek as she sat opposite him. "Nice to see you here Kedyn." She grinned, though it faltered slightly when she took in the empty tankards littering the table. No doubt they were left from the last soldiers, she thought. "And what a lovely evening it is proving to be." She mused, raising her tankard in a half salute, before taking a sip.


    Miria eyed Kedyn closely. Something wasn't right with this picture. His eyes were slightly glazed, normally they were bright and clear, sparkling with intelligence. Now they just seemed...dark. Kedyn seemed dark, even for himself. "Is everything alright, Kedyn?" Surely he hadn't drunk all of that ale. Her eyes narrowed. All the effort she had spent on him, if he was running away and losing himself in drink...well lets just say he had better not be doing what she thought he was.





    Kedyn watched warily as Miria walked into the mess hall and headed towards him. Of the people he would have wanted to see him like this she was perhaps the last on that particular list. He had been drinking straight for a while and he had drowned quite a few, he could alreadly feel the effects starting to both dull the pain and to dull his wits as well. He was glad he was alone as well.


    She smiled, still intent on being as cheerful as possible. "Nice to see you here Kedyn. And what a lovely evening it is proving to be." It was unnerving how cheery she could be. Lovely, sure, there were so many different ways to see the night and say that it was possible to believe it lovely. He smile faltered as she saw the tankards and Kedyn prepared himself for the dissaporving words that always came when someone caught him like this.


    "Is everything alright, Kedyn?" Kedyn snorted and pushed his newest empty tankard away from him. Ther didn't seem anything right in the world, even the world itself was wrong. The Light had abandoned this world long ago, Lavena was dead and he was still living. Nothing was right.


    Kedyn pushed himself back from the chair and rose slowly. He staggered as he stepped away from the table. At the moment he was in no mood, nor the position, to face Miria and her cheerfullness and insistence to bring him out of his shell. "I have...I have things to do." Only spoiled slightly by a small stagger Kedyn made his way out of the mess hall away from everyone. His pain was dulled enough to live and Miria only seemed to bring about painfull memories.






    Miria watched Kedyn with a frown as he pushed himself from the table. He was quite unsteady on his feet. Miria jumped to the obvious conclusion. He was drunk. She sighed. Why he thought he could hide from his pain was beyond her, but getting drunk did nothing but give him a sore head the next morning. Which he would rightfully deserve.


    "I have...I have things to do." Miria gritted her teeth, seething with anger, her previous good mood long gone. He staggered slightly as he walked out, and Miria slammed down her mug and rose to follow him, ignoring her friends, intent on her goal. Kedyn. She'd tried so hard, but now she'd had enough. It was time he realised he was damaging everyone under his command, not just himself. Light, didn't he know how much she hated seeing him that way?


    She shoved aside the door and looked around for Kedyn, spying his silhouette as he staggered towards the barracks. So, he only came out to get drunk did he? Miria gritted her teeth and marched after him, catching him as he pushed the door open to his room. Shoving in behind him, she slammed the door and stood with her back to it, hands on her hips, glaring at him.


    "I don't know what the bloody hell you think you're doing, but it stops now." Her voice was slightly raised as she glared up at him. "I will not stand by and watch you do this to yourself. All the stories I hear tell me you are a good commanding officer...well when are you going to act it, you wool-headed idiot?" Miria very near yelled the last, her chest heaving with her rage. Light, she didn't think she'd ever been this angry with anyone before. She certainly hadn't with Kedyn. The bright cheery approach hadn't worked, and now, quite frankly, she'd had enough of him.


    Miria balled her hands into fists, all thoughts of sensistivity gone. "You are still alive Kedyn, so stop living as though you are dead!" Miria exhaled loudly, trying to calm herself down. Goodness, she was berating her commanding officer, who was greiving. And drunk. That steeled her resolve, as she boldly glared back at him.




    Kedyn staggered slightly trying to get his bearings. It wasn't to bad, the only thing that was truly different was his motions. He pushed open the front door to the barracks and stepped inside. Shaking his head he made his way to his room, wanted to sleep. He felt better even if the medium he used for that feeling didn't help in the long run.


    His wits impaired Kedyn wasn't aware that there was someone following him until the door didn't shut when he pushed it closed. He was turning slugishly when he saw Miria slamming the door behind her. Kedyn let out a long breath as it seemed what he had been running from had followed.


    "I don't know what the bloody hell you think you're doing, but it stops now." With her voice raised Miria made herself seem taller and more imposing than her small frame suggested. "I will not stand by and watch you do this to yourself. All the stories I hear tell me you are a good commanding officer...well when are you going to act it, you wool-headed idiot?" Of all things anger slowly began to rise to the surface.


    "You are still alive Kedyn, so stop living as though you are dead!" Kedyn's nostrils flared and he opened his mouth to speak up against Miria. The ale had taken its hold of his wits as much as his emotions and let his tounge run more freely. His hands slowly clenched into fists and Kedyn's voice was louder than Miria's had been.


    "If I am still alive why do I feel like I am dead. I should be dead! Lavena is gone and I am still here and if the Light had any force in this world I should have died with her!" Kedyn's breath came in ragged gasps and his chest was heaving. "And why should I bloody not drown myself in ale. It hurts to much not to! There is a hole in my chest where my heart used to be for it was ripped out the day Lavena died! I feel like I am dead, without Lavena what point is there in living!" Kedyn's voiced creschendoed near the end to the point until he wasn't sure that the walls were not shaking. The pain was beggining to return along with the memories, everything that accompanied talking about Lavena. Still seething Kedyn took a long breath trying to recover somewhat.






    "If I am still alive why do I feel like I am dead. I should be dead! Lavena is gone and I am still here and if the Light had any force in this world I should have died with her!" Miria fought the urge to take a step back when Kedyn began shouting back. What had she expected, for him to od calmly and tell her she was right? "And why should I bloody not drown myself in ale. It hurts to much not to! There is a hole in my chest where my heart used to be for it was ripped out the day Lavena died! I feel like I am dead, without Lavena what point is there in living!" Miria felt her insides boil with renewed fury. The idiot was drowning in self pity, thinking that would help anything!


    She growled softly and took a step forward, eyes blazing dangerously. "You idiot of a man! Do you honestly think drowning your wits in ale is going to change anything? Yes, Lavena died, and you did not. But no one said that life is fair! You cannot change the past by dwelling in it. You cannot remove your pain, by masking it." Miria stepped forward again, her voice was strong and hard as steel, her eyes boring into Kedyn's.


    Reaching out a hand in her frustration, Miria poked Kedyn hard in the middle of the chest. "I know it hurts, but being a miserable drunken fool will not help one whit!" Miria's hand shook, with the fierce emotions flooding through her, and she tried to gain some control, drawing in a ragged breath. "Moving on and enjoying your life will not be betraying Lavena. You mourn, you move on, and you forever hold her memory in your heart. You cannot change the past, so don't let it rule you!" She poked his chest once more for emphasis, her anger building once again.


    "You are in a position of authority - your men look up to you. What kind of a leader are you being for them, for me? Will you happily condemn them to death while you drink away your life, unstead of being there for them?" Miria's eyes widened at the wild look in Kedyn's eye. Maybe she had gone too far, said too much. But she could not take it back now, so she glared back at him, jaw clenched, her chest heaving as she tried to hold onto the thin thread of her self-control.




    But no one said that life is fair! You cannot change the past by dwelling in it. You cannot remove your pain, by masking it." Her words were like a hammer, each putting a nail to crack open his shield of ice doing there best to expose him fully and truly. He knew the words, knew deep inside that they were true. Coming from Miria was no different than from anyone else, but it still felt different, perhaps because she was the first Scout to be this blunt.


    Kedyn grunted and took a small step back as Miria poked him, it would be hard to believe that Kedyn had to look down at her, that she came up to barely his shoulders. "I know it hurts, but being a miserable drunken fool will not help one whit! Moving on and enjoying your life will not be betraying Lavena. You mourn, you move on, and you forever hold her memory in your heart. You cannot change the past, so don't let it rule you!"


    And here Miria hit the heart of Kedyn's problem. She was slowly lining up every problem he had and shooting as many holes in them she can. Kedyn wouldn't, couldn't admit, that the past was over, that moving on was not a betrayel to Lavena's memory. The boyish, foolish, mule headed, fantasy that some how there was some way to change the past. Why should he enjoy his life while Lavena no longer had a life of his own.


    "You are in a position of authority - your men look up to you. What kind of a leader are you being for them, for me? Will you happily condemn them to death while you drink away your life, unstead of being there for them?"


    In all Kedyn's reaction to Miria's onslaught was anger, pure and simple. There was nothing else. But as he steemed he began to think about Miria's words. And slowly his anger began to fade. The nails in his armor had shattered the ice to almost nothing. Slowly the feeling of nothingness in his chest. The cut at his ability to lead his men had been the final nail, the single stone that had caused an avalanche.


    Kedyn turned and took a small step. He put his hand out and grasped ahold of his bed post before slowly sitting down. He ran a hand through his hair and then buried his face in his hands. He scrubbed his face for a moment and then slowly sat back up. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment to marshal his thoughts. Any anger that had been around previously had faded.


    Tilting his head back Kedyn opened his mouth. His voice was shaky as he continued. "I don't know what to do. I can't let go, I tried and it was too hard. I can't let go I don't know if I am strong enough to lose someone else, I don't know if I can take losing Lavena if my memory fades."


    Kedyn took a few unsteady breaths. "I did not intend for those I command to be affected, I was selfish thinking that if I pushed them away it would be easier to command people to their deaths."


    "I know what you say is true Miria, I know that not letting Lavena go will only make me worse. But I don't know how to fill this hole in my chest. I fear to much that if I lose Lavena's memory that I am not strong enough to stop it from consuming me." Kedyn let his hang fall and gave out a long shuddering breath.




    Miria blinked. She had seen the pure fury in Kedyn's gaze, but it slowly ebbed away, much to her amazement. She watched silently, dazedly, as Kedyn turned and sat, his face in his hands. Unclenching her fists, Miria felt her own anger fade, as Kedyn looked so forlorn. Did she actually get through to him?


    Kedyn gazed up at the roof and spoke, his voice shaky. "I don't know what to do. I can't let go, I tried and it was too hard. I can't let go I don't know if I am strong enough to lose someone else, I don't know if I can take losing Lavena if my memory fades." Miria was unable to move, stunned by his words, by the openness. Something told her he didn't open up like this usually.


    "I did not intend for those I command to be affected, I was selfish thinking that if I pushed them away it would be easier to command people to their deaths. I know what you say is true Miria, I know that not letting Lavena go will only make me worse. But I don't know how to fill this hole in my chest. I fear to much that if I lose Lavena's memory that I am not strong enough to stop it from consuming me." Miria bit her lip, looking at the sad picture Kedyn made. She forced her legs to move, going to sit next to him.


    Miria hesitated only a moment, before wrapping her arms about Kedyn, laying her head on his shoulder. She spoke softly, soothingly, the fire that was in her voice just previously, dissipated. "I know you feel lost Kedyn. But that is when you turn to your friends. I know they want to help you. I want to help you. You are not expected to do this on your own." She hoped her words were sinking in. She knew he hurt, and her earlier harsh words probably hadn't made him feel any better.


    Squeezing his shoulder slightly, Miria continued. "I know you loved Lavena deeply Kedyn. And it's that love that will keep her memory alive. You will never forget her." She stroked his hair absently with one hand. "You are strong Kedyn, and I know you won't be consumed by your grief. I'm sure Lavena would not have wanted you to live as though you were already gone. Keep her in your heart, and smile for the love you shared." Miria kept her voice soft, continuing to hold him, wanting to help him however she could. She was still bewildered at the change, not sure what she had said, but glad something had gotten through to him at last.




    Kedyn shifted his gaze to Miria as she walked over and slowly sat next to him. She wrapped her arms around him and layed her head on his shoulder. Her words were soothing and he knew she was trying to be comforting but he could not help the memories that came with this contact. "I know you feel lost Kedyn. But that is when you turn to your friends. I know they want to help you. I want to help you. You are not expected to do this on your own."


    His friends, if he had any left by now. He had been so determined to push them away that he had forgotten what it was like to be close to people, and was afraid that others had forgotten him as fully. And it was strange to believe that he was not expected to do it on his own, he could be helped yes but in the end it was himself that had to come to terms with his grief.


    "I know you loved Lavena deeply Kedyn. And it's that love that will keep her memory alive. You will never forget her. You are strong Kedyn, and I know you won't be consumed by your grief. I'm sure Lavena would not have wanted you to live as though you were already gone. Keep her in your heart, and smile for the love you shared."


    It was strange to feel Miria stroking her hair with one hand, such intimate contact comign from someone he had know for such a short time. It was comfoting and her words rang true to him, the small voice that had been smothered for so long slowly rising to the surface. Smile for the love he had shared.


    Slolwy and unbiddenly the meroies began to return, mostly from the situation. It was swtiched in his memory, Kedyn had his arms around Lavena and his head on her shoulder, she was the one bearing her soul. Kedyn grimaced slightly, those had been better times.


    Kedyn looped an arm around Miria and gave her a tight squeeze in something of a hug. He felt better somewhat, though drained. "I.....I have to give you my thanks Miria. I don't know why I thought that hiding would help anything or by keeping people away that it would help me in some way. I want to change, I do. I feel almost as if I have been under a fog for the last few weeks. It will be strange reverting to my normal self, but I will try."


    Kedyn chuckled lightly perhaps saying what he did from the memory that had come to him. He had not pushed it away, instead reveled in it and used it to imprint Lavena forever into his memory. "It is strange. The reason Lavena came to the Band was becuase she wanted to harden herself to the world. She believed as I that by hiding she would be better off. Ironic that I called her foolish for that thought and that she to discarded the idea as well." Kedyn sniffed in a half laugh and smiled genuinely.




    Miria smiled slowly as she felt Kedyn's arm loop around her waist, giving her a squeeze in a semblance of a hug. It felt good, the awkward embrace. As though all her hard work had paid off. She returned his squeeze, still somewhat dazed that she had gotten through to him, past the wall of ice he had built around himself. Maybe it was harsh, having someone who was a virtual stranger point out all your faults. She grimaced. That was basically what she had done. This could have backfired terribly. Thank the light it hadn't.


    "I.....I have to give you my thanks Miria. I don't know why I thought that hiding would help anything or by keeping people away that it would help me in some way. I want to change, I do. I feel almost as if I have been under a fog for the last few weeks. It will be strange reverting to my normal self, but I will try." Miria couldn't hide her proud grin. She really had gotten through to him. He was going to try to snap out of it.


    Kedyn chuckled to himself, the sound vibrating through his frame and touching Miria where she held him still. "It is strange. The reason Lavena came to the Band was becuase she wanted to harden herself to the world. She believed as I that by hiding she would be better off. Ironic that I called her foolish for that thought and that she to discarded the idea as well." Miria blinked. Kedyn was smiling. A real, genuine smile, that seemed to brighten up his entire face. Miria swallowed. He seemed so...handsome when he smiled. Carefree.


    "You should smile like that more often." She said softly. "It makes you look far more attractive." She smirked, hoping he was picking up on her teasing tone, but light, it was true. "I think I would have liked Lavena." She said, half to herself. "Either way, it seems she set a tough act to follow." She blushed as realised how her words could be taken. Light, he was greiving over his lost love, and she was making comments like that? "I mean as a scout." She added hurriedly. Kedyn was distracting enough, especially this close, but when he smiled like that...well she seemed to lose her wits.


    "I know you said I deserve your thanks, but I'm sorry if I said anything out of line before...I was so very angry," She gave him an almost apologetic smile. "Angrier than I've ever been." Miria shrugged. "I'm not even entirely sure why...but I'm glad now that I was." She nodded firmly, fixing Kedyn with a winning smile, her cheek dimpling. Miria looked at his chest, where she had poked him. She had poked her commanding officer! "Oh, and sorry about the poking." Miria mumbled, cheeks flushing a dull red. Light, why couldn't she think straight?



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