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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. "Today we will be fixing a piece of garden to grow flowers in." Denae brightened as the task was laid before her. She did so love tending to the gardens that filled the yard behind her childhood home, wares for the family store. Fertilising was not so appealing, a wrinkling of her nose showing her displeasure of that task, but it would be worth it, to be working with nature once more.


    Denae eagerly set about the task, using the spade she was given to turn the soil, enjoying the pungent aroma of the earth beneath her fingertips. It wasn't exactly easy work, but she had already come to realise that nothing at the Tower was. Besides, it was nice to actually be creating with her hands again. The One Power was a heady intoxication, the thrill of simply holding saidar was greater than anything Denae had ever known. However she was an artist at heart, and nothing could replace the joy of creating with her hands, losing herself in her art, or as now, revelling in the simple task of tilling soil. It was the simplest tasks that meant the most to Denae.


    Nodding at the request, Denae brushed her hands on the sides of her breeches before slipping around the corner to fetch the manure. The smell was pungent and caused Denae to grimace as she hefted the bags in her hands. Perhaps pants weren't so bad after all she thought, appreciating the freedom of movement. Besides there would be less to wash, better than dirt all over her skirts. Not that she was comfortable in them though. But maybe there was a place for them after all. Denae was nothing if not reasonable.


    It was hot work, the sun beating down on her back, but not once did Denae complain as she turned the soil once more. It was not her nature to be vocal about her displeasure, but despite the heat and the smell of the fertiliser, Denae was enjoying the task. It was a welcome change to the seemingly endless pots in the kitchens, though a good deal dirtier. Streaks of dirt marred the front of her blouse and breeches, and even a smudge or two had made it onto her face as she had wiped her brow against the perspiration collecting there.


    "Of course Zeveria, I will see to watering the plot." Denae rose as the Accepted took her leave, smiling brightly at the older girl. "I've enjoyed the work tremendously." She waited until the other had left before leaving to fetch a pail from the shed, not wanting to be disrespectful. Indeed it was possibly the most she had spoken to anyone in the Tower since her arrival. Not that Denae was afraid to speak, but she never liked to prattle, and as yet did not feel close enough to anyone to feel comfortable enough to speak more freely. Not like with her sisters. Perhaps in time she could develop some friendships. It would help if she had a roommate, but as yet there had been no new initiates to share with. Time. Time would be her friend.


    It didn't take long to finish up with the new garden bed, Denae giving it the nod of approval before heading off to enjoy her free time, brief as it may be. Her mind was overflowing with images and her fingers were itching to paint.




  2. While Miria could find some small amount of satisfaction in Carnhain being made a fool of by the Commander, watching him turn wild like some animal was a completely different story. She knew the man her lover called brother was a fool, and trouble, but never before had he scared her as he did now. She had been right in warning him off Kedyn. The man she saw before them was a madman, one being shown a harsh lesson by a stronger opponent. And to think she had been growing soft on her conviction! The man clearly was not right in the head; he needed to be locked up.


    The warm arms tightening around her made Miria remember just why she had been close to forgiving Carnhain. Kedyn was friends with Carnhain, more than that, if it were possible. As much as she may dislike it, he had forgiven Carnhain easily and still held him dear. Seeing him this way must be awfully hard on him. She stroked his strong arms in a way she hoped was soothing, though she could feel the tension humming through his taut frame. Perhaps now he would see for himself why he was better off without Carnhain.


    Miria flinched as Carnhain was dealt a bone crunching blow to his nose, blood pouring down his normally handsome face. Would nothing slow him? It was supposed to be a friendly spar for heavens sake, not a duel to the death! Why would the blonde man not stop? Miria turned her head, sickened by the violence, to see Kedyn doing the same out of the corner of her eye. Pain was etched into his features, as he stared off into the distance. She did not know what he saw, but whatever it was haunting him was not pleasant. Had he seen Carnhain this way before? Was that it?


    She lifted her hand to tentatively touch Kedyn's clenched cheek, wanting to wipe away the troubled look, but not sure how. Seeing him this way reminded Miria of the cold man she had met on the road to the Citadel, the man who hid himself away in a world of pain. Gone was the ready smile and teasing glint in his eye. This was not the man she had coaxed out of his shell and fallen desperately in love with. He saw something, something deep within himself that troubled him. Was it Carnhain? Or something else? All Miria knew was that she wanted to help rid him of whatever it was.


    "Kedyn?" Miria stroked his jawline, urging Keydn to meet her gaze as she turned slightly in his embrace to face him. "What do you see?"



  3. Miria felt wicked, like a little girl who had stolen the freshly baked pie cooling on the window sill and was now sneaking away to enjoy her stolen treat. Truth be told, the pleasure she was hoping to indulge in was far sweeter, and a whole lot more wicked. She giggled at the image, her cheeks still somewhat heated as her and Kedyn stole away, unable to resist touching and teasing one another. The fingertips caressing the sensitive flesh at her side were far from innocent, drawing shivers of reaction from her as she leaned close to Kedyn's side, enjoying the warmth of his frame.


    "So what shall we do this time love?" Miria's mind boggled as she conjured up images of the possibilities, her blood heating at the very prospect. She had always considered herself somewhat worldly, her raising was far from sheltered, but Kedyn proved to her time and time again just how truly innocent she really was. She should be scandalised by what he taught her, instead of aroused! Perhaps she was turning into a hoyden after all, a wanton lightskirt. Well perhaps not a lightskirt, after all, she never ever looked at other men, let alone considered being intimate with them. Kedyn was the man that she had given herself to, body, heart and soul. Besides, his wicked ideas always proved to be terribly exciting.


    Light it was hard to think with Kedyn's fingers caressing her flesh like that, heat running through her body from the touch. She was surprised she wasn't consumed by flames, though it always felt like she was when she was in the circle of Kedyn's arms. Who would have thought love could prove so exciting? "You seem to spend so much time in my room you might as well move into it." Move into his room? Miria shivered and snuggled closer to Kedyn's side, staring off into the distance as she imagined what living in his room would be like. Well she did practically live there, as he had pointed out. But how wonderful would it be, waking up next to his warm body every morning, his smiling face the last thing she saw every night...it truly did sound wonderful. But was he only joking?


    Grinning cheekily, Miria looked about to make sure no one was within ear shot before tugging Kedyn down so she could whisper in his ear. "You spend enough time with your hands beneath my clothes, you might as well just wear them." She teased, following his logic in a deliberately distorted way. "Though I think you'd look better without them..." Miria giggled and winked at Kedyn, picking up her pace as she tormented herself with the images her mind was conjuring. It was like she had spent years in a deep slumber, not truly knowing what life was until Kedyn woke her and taught her about pleasure. And oh, what pleasure he brought. Not only to her body, but to her heart, her mind. No one had ever touched her the way he did, no one loved her so truly, held her heart so securely. She truly would be lost without him.


    Miria barely resisted the urge to run as the barracks came in sight. There was no greater joy than being in Kedyn's arms, and since she was too shy to do so in public, she was eager for the privacy of Kedyn's room. She couldn't help but chuckle, it seemed the more she knew and loved him the more often they found time to sneak off alone through the day. He was like a potent drug, and she was helpless to resist, her addiction growing stronger and stronger, demanding she take in more and more of the drug. Making hasty greetings to the few scouts they passed, Miria blushed at the chuckles and raucous comments that followed them, though they didn't prevent her from throwing herself into Kedyn's arms the second they passed into the room, her lips already finding his as Kedyn shut the door behind them.


    Lifting her head to catch her breath, Miria nibbled on Kedyn's ear as nimble fingers attacked the buttons on his shirt. "So tell me more about what I could expect if I moved into your room." She purred into his ear, grinning wickedly as her palms found the warm skin of his bare back. "I need to know if it would be worth my while." She joked between nibbles, her breathy voice tickling his ear as she used jokes to cover her question, trying to find out if he had been serious with his comment earlier, and not wanting to look the fool if he hadn't been.



  4. Jocelyn wanted to say something to comfort Rion, to reassure him that he was capable, but didn't know that he was. How was she tell if it was a matter of confidence in himself, or simply that he did not possess the skill required? Instead she nodded with a small smile, saying nothing. She didn't know what to say anyway, as her thoughts turned to wondering what the reunion with her parents would be like. Would they be angry that she had been gone so long? Had they even noticed? And what would they say when she told them she was merely visiting, that her home was now with Rion? How would they react to Rion?


    No, she wouldn't worry, all would be well. Her parents would love Rion, just as she did. Besides, Rion was prone to nervousness as it was, and Jocelyn did not want to escalate the worry. Instead she began thinking on what belongings she would fetch from her home. It would be nice to have more than a few now old and worn dresses, not to mention the luxury of more slippers and her jewellery. The finery was hardly needed around the Black Tower, but it would be nice, nonetheless. Especially if she ever worked out how to broach the subject of marriage. She wanted to be able to adorn herself for Rion.


    "Here we go." Jocelyn smiled at Rion and squeezed his hand as he guided the horses through the gateway, unable to resist ducking her head slightly as they passed through. There was plenty of space above her, but it was best to be safe, all the same. The hole closed behind them, and Jocelyn suddenly realised just how isolated they were, just she and her love, with miles of wilderness and no interruptions. Light, these thoughts were not going to help her maintain a ladylike distance, not when all she wanted was to be as close to Rion as it was possible to be.


    The air was cooler in Arad Doman, though not as cold as it would be in a short month or so as winter took hold on the northern nation. Jocelyn had a cloak packed in a saddle bag where she could easily access it, but instead snuggled closer to Rion's side, purely for warmth, she told herself, tucking her arm under his and pressing against him from hip to knee. Only for warmth. Of course it was just convenient that she loved it so, her heart leaping with excitement as it always did whenever she was near him, as it always would.


    A short ride through the trees brought the pair to a road, where they paused, Jocelyn gaining her bearings. "The city is that way." She pointed with her free arm. "Though I doubt we are close enough to make it to my parent's manor by nightfall, they own some land on the other side of the city. We should make it to the city before dark though, there will be plenty of places for us to lodge for the night." Snuggling back against his side once more, Jocelyn laid her head on Rion's shoulder. "At least that way we can greet my parents fresh-faced after a good night's sleep." She tilted her head so she could smile up at him. "Do not worry so my heart, they will love you just as I do." She patted his arm reassuringly, sensing more than knowing he worried. "All will be well." Light she hoped so, turning her gaze to the well trod road ahead of them, each step of the horses' hooves drawing them closer to her childhood home.



  5. Denae blushed deeply as she made her way quickly to the Accepted's gardens. She was in breeches, breeches of all things! She'd never worn a pair in her life, not that she was afraid of hard work, but her mother had always considered them unbecoming on a young lady, and Denae had secretly agreed. Yet when the accepted Zeveria had knocked on her door yesterday, Denae had been unable to refuse the request. She had no idea just what the woman had in store for her, but had a terrible feeling about it. All the novices knew that Accepted liked to torment and torture them. Though Zeveria had been friendly enough. One could never tell, and it was safer to simply obey.


    Zeveria was not yet present when Denae arrived, so she gingerly sat on the edge of the fountain, longing for skirts to cover her legs. These pants were indecent! They hardly left anything to the imagination, though they did allow freedom of movement. But still, they were far too scandalous for her taste.


    Sitting somewhat awkwardly, Denae trailed her fingers through the cool water merrily spilling from the ogier-sculpted fountain. The gardens of the White Tower were truly remarkeable, blooms in vivid colour year round flourishing in their beds, lush grasses and large, sprawling trees. It was an area Denae loved to sit and paint, the images so beautiful she wanted to capture them as best she could.


    It was while she was lost in thought, committing an image to memory to sketch later, that Zeveria arrived, bringing Denae abruptly back to the present. Hastily she stood, dropping a terribly sloppy curtsey, hampered by the fact that she had no skirts to spread, making the move terribly awkward and bringing another blush to her cheeks.


    "I'm here as you asked, Zeveria." Said Denae quietly, lowering her gaze after shyly meeting Zeveria's eyes. She had no idea whether this Accepted was one that liked to torment or not, and she had no desire to get on the wrong side of her by seeming disrespectful. Zeveria may not be an Aes Sedai yet, but Denae had learnt quickly that most girls of that rank assumed they were.


    Denae Aethen

  6. Denae was looking about fascinatedly as Carise led the way to the store she sought, being careful to stay close lest she be left behind in the throng. It seemed that the atmosphere of Tar Valon was not much different to Cairhein, though it looked vastly different. The streets were cleaner, and lined with beautifully sculpted buildings and fountains, the work of Ogier Stone Masons. Denae tried hard to not gawk until suddenly Carise showed her the greatest site in all Tar Valon.


    A treasure trove of objects adorned every spare space, curious artifacts and statuettes, musical instruments, charms, all sorts of rare and unusual trinkets. Denae could have easily spent hours poking through them, her mind already drifting away on a whimsical fantasy filled with finding mysterious treasure and reliving legend, until the sound of her name brought her abruptly back to the present.


    Embarassed at losing herself in her imaginings Denae hastily set about the task, a smile of delight playing about her lips as she looked more closely at the objects, lifting some and touching them reverently in her search. She herself would be well pleased with anything from this curious shop, but not all girls were like Denae. A small marble figurine caught her eye and she picked it up, fingers smoothing over the cool, rounded surface. Someone had cleverly shaped it so at first it looked nothing more than a round piece of rock, but as you turned it you saw that intricate petals had been carved into the surface, turning it into the plump bloom of a rose. Surely any girl would enjoy such a pretty artifact?


    Holding it in her palm, Denae joined Carise by a stand of books that very nearly had Denae dancing in her desire to explore through them. The best thing about the White Tower was its wonderful library, though Denae rarely had time to indulge herself and peruse it. Owning a book store would have been a dream come true for Denae. “How did you find yourself here?”


    Denae wondered how to answer the question without seeming bitter. She had accepted her fate now, even if she still wasn't thrilled with leaving her home and family. "An Aes Sedai visited our store a short time ago." She said as she lifted a book from the shelf, smoothing loving fingers over the leather binding before replacing it. "My sisters and I were tested, though only I was found to have the ability to channel. It was only a few days after that I was brought her by the sister to become an initiate, Aes Sedai." That was the thruth, without embelleshing on how she had not wanted to leave, had no desire to channel or seek adventure. But it had found her.


    "I believe this could make a fine gift for a girl of my years, Aes Sedai." Denae passed the carving to Carise, watching as she turned it over in her hands, hoping she had chosen well. She herself would be thrilled to receive any gift, but not all girls were so easy to please as she.



    Denae Aethen

  7. It was typical, the one time Miria showed any boldness in public, she was caught in the act, embarassing her to the core. Thankfully Kedyn didn't add to the feeling, stepping back slightly and moving his hands to less distracting places. Though as thankful as she was, she missed the intimacy instantly. Perhaps there were more benefits in hiding in their (well technically his) room than she thought.


    Miria couldn't help the small smile of triumph, even with her blushing, as Kedyn labelled her a tease. She hadn't intended to be quite so literally a tease, but she had bested him, at least momentarily. Any time she managed that was a time to be proud.


    “But you certainly make it hard to stop. I might need to find my shirt now, it would embarrassing for me to walk around like this now.” Miria gave Kedyn a quizzical look, until his meaning suddenly struck her, and amazingly her already bright red cheeks flushed further. It was hard to keep her gaze on his face, and a thrill raced down her spine, from the knowledge of just how much she was able to affect him. Still, it wouldn't do for him to make a spectacle of himself, especially not when she would rightly receive the blame. It was times like these she was thankful she was not a man, that blushing was all she had to worry about!


    Grinning impishly, Miria moved to fetch Kedyn's shirt for him, the shy glance she cast downwards as she handed it to him doing nothing to ease her blush. "Something tells me we best continue the lesson indoors." Miria said softly to Kedyn as he donned his shirt and regained his composure. "It might be best to keep your secret weapon secret." Miria chuckled and gathered her bow and arrows, doing her best to avoid eye contact with any of their onlookers. As much as she loved Kedyn and wanted everyone to know it, she didn't relish an audience for the more intimate moments. Those she held special, between her and her lover.


    Trotting down to fetch the loosed arrows. Miria couldn't help the building anticipation of what her continued lesson would entail. As much as Kedyn might try to corrupt her, she was an innocent at heart, and Kedyn was always surprising her with new, exciting, and sometimes, downright unimaginable things. Never in her wildest dreams would she have ever thought to do them, but it seemed Kedyn had quite the imagination, and he clearly enjoyed broadening her horizons.


    It was these wayward thoughts that meant rather than looking composed after the quick jog to gather the arrows, Miria was just as hot and flushed as before. Curse Kedyn and his incredible appeal! Miria was almost skipping as she joined Kedyn's side, in her haste to escape the situation. She heard several titters from the archers who moved in to practise, almost certain they were aimed at her. "I guess that serves me right for stooping to your level." Miria murmured cheekily, shooting Kedyn a grin as they walked away from the laughter.



  8. Jocelyn was still smiling to herself after Rion's obvious ogling as his features took that far off look that told her he was channelling. She waited patiently for what she imagined was going to be that silvery slash in the sky that turned into a gateway, but none came. The look faded, and Jocelyn wondered if maybe that wasn't what he was doing, after all she couldn't see the weaves, not the way Rion had described them to her.


    "We just uh...have to go to the traveling grounds to find someone who can make a gateway for us." Rion's sigh sounded forlorn, causing Jocelyn to study his features. "Is everything alright, Rion?" She asked, resting her hand on his forearm as he guided the horses drawing the wagon towards the travelling grounds. "Why can't you make a gateway for us?" There was so much about the one power that she didn't understand, but Jocelyn never imagined there would be things that Rion could not do but others could.


    Still, it was clearly something complicated, after all it allowed you to jump hundreds of leagues in one step! Perhaps it was a confidence thing, and Rion was just worried about not being able to complete it. He did seem to doubt himself often, when he had no need to. Fortunately there was someone at the grounds who could make the gateway, someone not familiar to Jocelyn though. "So where are we going first my sweet? Andor?" She waited for Rion's responce, excited to be leaving, regardless of where they went or how. The only niggling question was how they were going to return if Rion couldn't make the gateway. But of course he knew what he was doing, he'd have a solution, no doubt.



  9. You did the right thing! But our dear DL has been a little absent over the Christmas/New Years break. If you want to be certain someone gets it, try also PMing him (Handle Dalinar) or email it to our ADL, Covai - shinji_misato@hotmail.com


    If you've still heard nothing, you come tell me and I'll go kick some butt for you :wink:



    The Voice of the BT Civilians :D

  10. Miria continued on beside Shaylor, giving her a brief run down on the commander and some others as they saw them and Shay asked. Of course Miria didn't go into any depth, this woman was a stranger, and she respected people's privacy. She stopped mid-sentence as she spotted Kedyn, a pleased grin crossing her face as raced over, surprising her by sweeping her up into his arms and kissing her deeply.


    Miria was blushing furiously as the kiss ended, partially embarassed by the public display, and partially from the desire Kedyn's kiss had stirred within her. Light but he always managed to leave her weak-kneed and flushed. Still, embarassed she may be, but she still grinned like a fool. She loved this man, like no other, and loved the effect his kisses had on her.


    "You have good taste." Miria blushed and laughed, agreeing wholeheartedly. Of all the men to fall in love with, she had found the most incredible. Shaylor introduced herself to Kedyn, her last comment causing the blush on Miria's cheeks to deepen. The hidden meaning wasn't lost on her, not any more. Besides, her suspicions were confirmed with Kedyn's reply. Drag her away indeed. She would be most willing. Eager, in fact. Argh, she should stop that trail of thought or she'd never stop blushing.


    Shaylor turned and hid her face. She was laughing at Miria? Miria frowned slightly. She was used to Kedyn's teasing, but she didn't know if she appreciated a complete stranger having fun at her expense. She watched as Shaylor doubled over with laughter at her comment in some confusion before she understood the meaning, her cheeks once again flaming crimson. If it weren't for Kedyn and his...teachings...she would have been oblivious. Perhaps Shaylor simply enjoyed the double entendres, though that had always been a game between Miria and Kedyn. Was it jealousy she felt? No, silly girl. Though she was glad for the arm around her waist.


    Miria was about to continue on with her explanation when another voice interrupted. “Kedyn!”It was that bloody baffoon Carnhain. Miria gritted her teeth and tried not to show her distaste as the blonde man blatantly ignored her presence. She had tried to remain civil in his presence, but blood and ashes he made it difficult! He was Kedyn's dearest friend, and for that she was prepared to make an effort, much as she hated it, but burn her if she could repair bridges while Carnhain was so darned rude. Well, two could play that game.


    Miria stiffened her spine and returned the favour, ignoring Carnhain as she addressed Shaylor. "Let's keep going Shay, we'll explain more on the way about joining the ranks." She urged, refusing to acknowledge that Carnhain was even present, let alone that he had spoken.




    OOC:Pleasure as always, Carnhain :wink:

  11. OOC: Ooh I could kiss you for saving! :D Sorry the reply has taken so long.




    "My name is Denae Aethen, Aes Sedai." Responded Denae politely, including a quick curtsey. It never hurt to go over the top when it came to respecting an Aes Sedai. Not that Denae would dream of doing anything less. She knew her place, and willingly bent her neck without comment, be it Aes Sedai or servant. She was no greater, so why act as though she was?


    Denae followed the silent gesture, somewhat pleased to hear they would be leaving the tower. Much as she wanted to return to the quiet and her book, an outing would be a pleasant respite from her day to day routine. Somewhat cheerier, Denae made certain to keep pace with Carise Sedai, not wanting to displease her by lagging and breaking her one rule. Besides, she had no desire to get lost, either. Not that it would be difficult to find her way back to the tower, there was no way anyone could miss the monstrosity towering above all other buildings.


    A small smile played about Denae's lips as she looked about, the bustle of the city reminding her somewhat of home, briefly giving her a pang of homesickness. She should be at home, in the family store. Little she could do about it now, the Wheel seemed to have a sense of humour, and she was a victim. She was intelligent enough to know she would not be leaving the clutches of the White Tower for some time yet. Might as well do her best to enjoy the adventure she had always dreamed about, wanted or not.


    “It’s busy today, isn’t it? Did you come from a city Denae?” More conversation? Not that Denae objected, she was always interested in a good exchange, but she was so terrified of saying the wrong thing. She had learnt quickly that many Aes Sedai were very impatient and intolerant of novices. But since the sister had asked, the only polite thing to do was to answer. "Indeed it is busy, Aes Sedai, though I am no stranger to the bustle. I was born and raised in Cairhien. My family own a small store specialising in flowers and herbs." Denae was forced to speak a little louder than she deemed appropriate to be heard over the bustle, and sincerely hoped that Carise Sedai did not think she was being disrespectful in doing so. Question answered, Denae once more fell silent, waiting to see what the sister would have her do.


    Denae Aethen, Novice

    Shy and polite to a fault :wink:

  12. Miria eyed Kedyn with a mix of wariness and excitement as he slowly closed the distance between them, her stomach flipping as she tried her hardest to keep her eyes on his face and not on the sun-kissed expanse of chest on display. He must go without a shirt outside often, to keep that tan, she mused distractedly. She was always fascinated in their differences, him tanned and hard, her skin far paler and softer…light these thoughts were not helping her racing pulse. She quickly lifted her eyes to Kedyn’s face once more, only to lose herself in his incredible smile as he took her hand.


    Warm, hard flesh greeted her fingertips, and Miria inhaled sharply. She should know by now the cost of losing herself in her imaginings when Kedyn was teasing her – she was always the one to be caught out. Not that she objected to touching Kedyn, or the way his hands were lovingly resting on her own frame, but they were standing out in the open, anyone could come across them. Despite her reservations, Miria couldn’t help the thrill of arousal that raced through her body at being so near to Kedyn, the love of her life and her greatest weakness. All she wanted was to indulge herself, sink into that welcome embrace and learn all that he could teach…


    Miria swallowed convulsively as Kedyn’s lips brushed her ear, the words that rumbled with that deep, intoxicating voice setting the butterflies in her stomach to dancing. They may be innocent suggestions in themselves, but Miria was no longer fooled. She knew exactly what he meant, the lust evident in his voice even if she had not understood. She had been quite the innocent when she arrived at the Citadel, though thanks to Kedyn, she was most pleasurably corrupted. Not that she minded at all, though Kedyn still loved to tease whatever innocence was left in her.


    The squeeze of Kedyn’s hand and the touch of his tongue made Miria jump and shiver in awareness. He always had this effect on her, his touch, his voice, his very presence all serving to arouse and ignite her senses, to heighten the love she held in her heart. She still wondered how she had come to be so lucky, to not only find Kedyn and fall in love with him, but to have him return her feelings. She never would have imagined, on meeting him, that they would end up where they are now. He was the first man she had ever kissed, and she knew he would also be the last, and the only. Despite all that though, he was a dreadful tease, and she could not let him go unpunished!


    A blush heated Miria’s cheeks, but she fought it valiantly, knowing he was deliberately provoking her. If only he didn’t hold such power over her. “Kedyn!” She exclaimed, voice half strangled with outrage and most of all, amusement. “Anyone could see!” She looked around to make sure no one was watching, while Kedyn merely grinned in that infuriatingly attractive way of his. Miria shook her head with a smile. How could she resist? Perhaps sometimes it was more favourable to lose…besides, no doubt it would surprise Kedyn if she just gave in, and likely he would be looking for her payback. Watching him squirm could prove most entertaining.


    Smiling to herself, Miria let her fingertips trail over the hard contours of Kedyn’s bare stomach, teasing them both with the soft caress. “You have certainly piqued my interest in this training of yours my love.” She said with a chuckle, stepping closer slightly and sliding an arm around Kedyn’s waist, praying no one came along as she nuzzled into Kedyn’s neck. “But something tells me it is not taught here on the archery field…” Deliberately she pressed against him, her blood boiling at the contact with his warmth, even as her cheeks flamed at her unusual boldness. “I would hate to only be half trained.” She purred softly, nipping Kedyn’s shoulder softly. Her eyes flicked over his shoulder and focused on the small group standing a little ways off, bows in hand. Miria’s eyes widened in horror and her blush deepened. “Blood and bloody ashes!” She cursed half under her breath. She should have known better than to play with fire.



  13. Jocelyn’s blush matched Rion’s for once when she heard Caelen call out. Not that she was afraid to show her affection for Rion in public, but she was rather embarrassed to have him hear about how foolish they had both been. Jealousy truly was a curse, and Jocelyn was three times a fool to ever doubt Rion in the slightest. As much a fool as he had been to doubt her faithfulness. She had not so much as glanced at another man since she met him, a true testament to just how deeply he had entwined himself in her heart.


    ”I was about to” Jocelyn’s smile was radiant as she tilted her chin to meet Rion’s kiss, the caress speaking volumes about their love. She sighed softly against his lips, relief flooding her as she twined her arms about his neck and held him tight. All the worry, anger and hurt from the past few days were washed away under the torrent of emotion flowing from Rion. Being in his arms again was like coming home after a long journey. This was where she belonged, where she wanted to stay.


    It seemed an eternity before the kiss ended, though Jocelyn didn’t care about time, or even Caelen looking on anymore. She was back to rights with the man she loved, and that was all that mattered. Nothing had changed, except to strengthen the bond between them. They would still travel to Arad Doman and Andor, she would still live together with him in the house he was building. And she would marry him. Whether Rion knew it or not. She would not rest until he was truly hers, until she wore his ring on her finger.


    Jocelyn did not step back from Rion, she was enjoying the renewed closeness far too much. Instead she hugged him close, pressing a kiss against his ear before whispering to him. “I love you Rion, and I always will. Nothing will ever be able to change that.” And she meant every softly spoken word. No loose woman would come between them, no jealousy, no wrongful conclusions. Theirs was a love that would last the test of time.



  14. Jocelyn hummed to herself as she placed the last few necessary items into a trunk, in preparation for her trip with Rion. It was strange, in all her travels she only ever took what she could fit in her saddlebags, as journeying alone did not give enough reason for a wagon. In fact, when she thought about it, packing anything at all was strange. With this whole travelling business, well in reality they could simply step home each time they needed something. Well she thought it was that simple, she still didn’t know a great deal about channelling. But she supposed appearances needed to be kept, and two travellers in a strange town without any sort of luggage would look awfully strange.


    Finished with the trunk, Jocelyn sat on the edge of her bed, lost in thought. It had been close to a year since she he had been home. True, she was more often on the road than home, but she had never stayed away for so long before. How much had changed? Were her parents worried? What would they think about Rion? And what would they say when she told them she was not staying with them, not now or ever, that she loved Rion, and was going to be with him? So many unanswered questions, she couldn’t help but be a little nervous. Surely they would love Rion, as much as she. Wouldn’t they? Yes, of course. Her happiness was most important. Well that, and marrying into a fortune. Jocelyn didn’t know the extent of Rion’s family’s lands or fortune; it meant nothing to her. It was Rion she loved, for who he was, not what title he held.


    Jocelyn knew her parents had always wanted her to marry into money, they certainly had never tried to hide that motive. After all, it was what her mother before her had done, entering a loveless marriage for the sake of coin and land. What would they say when she told them she wished to marry for love? Light, she could almost hear her mother’s incredulous laughter now. Well it mattered nought. While she had hoped to gain their approval of Rion, Jocelyn would marry him despite their objections. Assuming there were any, though the more she thought on it, the more likely it appeared.


    And what of Rion’s family? How would they react, upon seeing their long lost son return, with a Domani, no less? Jocelyn was far from the reckless, flirty man-eater she had been when she was found by Rion, but they weren’t to know that. Jocelyn held no illusions as to the reputation that went with being a native of Arad Doman, indeed her entire life she had lived up to that image. But she would be a good wife to Rion. She loved him enough for any 20 men. Would his parents reject him, knowing what he was? Jocelyn refused to believe it. Anyone who had raised such a wonderful, sweet, thoughtful man could hardly be so prejudiced themselves. Light let it be so, anyway.


    A knock at her door interrupted her thoughts and she stood, smoothing her clinging emerald skirts over hips. Well some things hadn’t changed, at least. Her dress sense was as alluring as ever, though she told herself it was only because she had nothing else to wear, not because she liked the way Rion looked at her. Opening the door, her face lit up in a pleased grin to see Rion standing there. Impulsively she stepped on her toes to greet him with a kiss. It mattered not what either of their families thought, they were in love, and that was enough.


    Stepping back somewhat reluctantly, Jocelyn waved to the closed trunk. “I have finished packing, you have the wagon?” Rion nodded in the affirmative and Jocelyn clapped her hands in glee. It felt so good, knowing they would be out of this prison, if only for a short while. “Wonderful! If you are ready then, shall we go? I can’t deny how eager I am to leave here and have you to myself.” Jocelyn winked seductively, though she was only teasing. She would leave him as pure as…well not as she met him, but as he was now, until they day they were married. It just sweemed right, and Rion deserved nothing but the best.


    Jocelyn walked out of the room first, leaving Rion to follow with the trunk as she made her way down the stairs, hips sashaying unconsciously. Opening the front door, she held it open for Rion, before flouncing out after him, waiting eagerly as he loaded the trunk before giving her a hand onto the wagon.



  15. "Perfect, just like you Angel."Miria smiled broadly, both in pride in her shot and pleasure at the compliment, savouring the brief kiss Kedyn dropped on her lips. If you wanted to talk perfection...her eyes roamed over the perfectly scuplted muscles of Kedyn's chest as though of their own volition, before she hastily drew them back to his face. Light but he made an amazing sight.


    "So you think you might need anymore of my teaching method now?"Once again Miria's eyes wandered away from Kedyn's face, distracted by the way his skin stretched taut over his muscles as he rolled his shoulders, her fingers itching to touch once more...light! How was it he easily had this power over her? She had seen plenty of handsome men in her time. True, she'd never seen any without their shirts on, not to mention anything else before Kedyn, but she knew no one else could affect her in this way if they tried. Why? Because no one else held her heart in their hand.


    "So long as you wander around naked in a battle situation I'll be fine." Miria joked wryly, forcing her eyes back to his face as she brushed a stray lock of blonde hair away from her face. "Is there anything else I need to learn?" She asked, silently cursing herself as his grin broadened wickedly. "On the archery field that is." She added, sticking her tongue out at Kedyn. She blushed again. He deliberately misunderstood her words, she was sure. "I meant with archery...you wicked man!" Chuckling, Miria gave Kedyn a playful punch to the arm. "Do you make it a habit to corrupt the innocence of every girl you meet?" She joked in a mock sulky voice.



  16. Mehrin was the man of the hour? That was news to Miria. "Mehrin hash nothing on Carnhain! Have you sheen hish rump?" Miria slurred drunkenly, taking another long pull from her tankard. Hang on, did she say Carnhain? "Yep, Kedyn ish the one for me!" She blinked as the woman who's lap she had landed in stormed out and slammed the door. Well that was rude. She hadn't even apologised for pulling Miria into her lap!


    "Wellll if you like Mehrin better, thatsh your problem!" She called after her with a giggle. Why were her words sounding funny? It was like her tongue was very heavy and extraordinarily lazy. Must be because she was tired, she thought as she finished the drink in her hand, already looking for another.


    "It do seem you have an extra seat. Would you be minding if I joined you?"Miria greeted the newcomer with a warm if somewhat lopsided grin. That accent..."Are from Inilen...I mean Illa...I mean...you're not from round here are you?" She asked with a puzzled frown. Her words seemed broken. Maybe another drink would help, it was certainly making her feel good, if a little wobbly. Or maybe the room was just moving around. Hard to tell which.


    "I'm Miria." She introduced herself, leaning over the table to tap her mug against the other's, slopping a good amount over her wrist and the table in the process. "Oops!" She giggled with a shrug, finishing what was left of her drink in a few gulps before wiping her hands on her shirt. Oh well Kedyn would only take it off anyway...Miria chuckled at her thought and even blushed slightly through her drunken haze. Wait what was she supposed to remember? Her cheeks flushed hotly. Well not that specifically, but Kedyn. She was supposed to meet him...or was that another day? Thinking was getting too hard, so she gave up and took the drink Drea pushed across to her with a grin.



  17. Denae followed the silent order to sit down, perching somewhat awkwardly on the edge of the hard wooden chair, clasping her hands neatly in her lap. Why was Faerzyne Sedai just staring at her? Denae shifted a little uncomfortably and demurely lowered her gaze. What would happen now?


    “Let’s see about making your stay here a bit more permanent then, shall we?†Wait wait...permanent? She was going to live here forever? No! Surely they would be done with her in a few months at the most, she could head home to her family and her simple, pleasurable existance, and leave this channelling business far behind her. Permanent? Certainly not.


    Denae struggled to find her voive, her heart pounding thunderously at the word permanent. She didn't want the advnture, really! Oh, better answer before the sister becomes angry and thinks you are a rude chit. "My name is Denae Aethen, Aes Sedai." Replied Denae in a timid voice, watching anxiously as the woman wrote. "I was born and raised in Cairhien." Where my life is! Where I want to be! The life I was meant to live, not some whimsical adventure meant for a story. "I have celebrated sixteen name-days, Aes Sedai." Denae was the picture of politeness, though she was starting to feel ill, watching her information be printed into the giant ledger. This was something monumental, she was sure.


    “Welcome to the White Tower.†Welcome? It was not as though she was invited, there had been no choice in her coming here. "Thankyou." She murmured softly, ever respectful, her gaze focused on the hands nervously clenched in her lap.



  18. Miria grinned as Kedyn led her through the rapidly growing crowd, pleased to have avoided doing any work. There was excitement and revelry in the air, and she could not help but get swept up in it, so many people in one place looking to have a good time.


    Kedyn found some space by the edge to watch the fighting, and Miria happily rested her head against Kedyn's shoulder, her hands resting on the arms encircling her waist. She didn't really care what was going on in front of her, so long as she was in Kedyn's arms.


    "We could try dancing after Mehrin kicks Carnhian around a bit, I would like to see that fight at least."Miria cast her gaze over to where Carnhain and Mehrin faced one another. Indeed, she would like to see this one too, a severe beating was what Carnhain needed. Maybe that would knock some sense into him, since her punch all that time ago seemed to have done little. To think, he disliked her! She wasn't the one who had tried to kill Kedyn. And she certainly wasn't the one who was being so terribly rude, walking away when she approached. She at least was willing to be civil for Kedyn's sake. Some friend indeed.


    "You think you can still keep up with me old man?" Miria teased, a grin forming as Carnhain landed in the sand on his rump. This fight was looking to be most entertaining, but probably not for the same reason Kedyn was watching. "Let's watch the fight first then, and if you think you have the stamina I'll show you a thing or two....on the dance floor." Miria blushed slightly and giggled as she realised just how her words could have been taken, knowing Kedyn wouldn't have missed them.



  19. Miria should have known better than to goad Kedyn, knowing full well he would match and exceed her mild teasing, yet she could never help herself. Besides, no matter how much he made her blush, she loved every second of it, though she wouldn't dare tell him that, no doubt he would think that gave him free license to tease her abhorrently in public.


    So it was with wary eyes that Miria watched the disarming grin play across Kedyn's mouth, her eyes widening slightly as he pulled his shirt over his head. Closing her gaping mouth with an audible click, Miria tried her best to ignore the broad expanse of chest and the rippling muscles beneath the scar-laced skin. Goodness, he was attractive enough fully dressed, but like this he was...breathtaking. Miria's heart was pounding and her fingers twitched, longing to reach out and softly trace the contours of the body she had come to know so well.


    "So you go and practice, I'll just sit here and be distracting..."Well he was certainly doing that, Miria thought as she deliberately turned her gaze from him, focusing instead on the target as she nocked the arrow, only to be interrupted by his chuckle. Curious, she looked at him to see what he found so amusing.


    "I was just thinking since it seems being distracted seems to help when praticing...does that mean you'll take your shirt off for me when I practice."Heat suffused Miria's cheeks and she blushed furiously at the suggestion, thoroughly scandalised. He was determined for her to not retain a shred of innocence, she was almost certain. Kedyn laughed at her reaction and she stuck her tongue out at him, hurriedly trying to regain some composure. How did he always manage to best her so easily?


    She would get her own back, if only to shock him a little, thought Miria, a mischeivious grin of her own curving her lips. "Well if you think it will help..." Deliberately, Miria set down her bow and took hold of the bottom of her shirt, slowly lifting it an inch at a time, Kedyn's eyes growing wider and wider. "But then again you're not practicing, I am." With a self-satisfied smirk Miria lowered the blouse and took her bow back up, turning to loose the arrow at the target, amazed when it struck only slightly off centre. It seemed being distracted by Kedyn helped after all.



  20. Jocelyn chewed on her lip as Rion spoke, the words he didn't speak reaching her just as loudly. The voices. She hadn't even considered 'them', but it did explain Rion's actions a little more, obviously they had not helped the situation, the conclusions he had obviously been jumping to. Light, she couldn't even begin to imagine what it must be like for him.


    Lifting the hand that Rion wasn't holding, Jocelyn lifted his chin slightly so she could up look into his face, her love shining in her eyes as she met his gaze. "Of course I forgive you Rion! These past few days have been miserable, I couldn't survive without you." She smiled and squeezed his hand affectionately. Her whole life had felt like the clouds had settled in, darkening what was once so bright. Existance seemed pointless without him.


    "In fact, the whole reason I was with Caelen today was because I needed a distraction from how unhappy I was, to be at odds with you." She stepped closer so she could whisper conspiratorily in Rion's ear. "The truth is, I prefer your company by far...kissing men twice my age isn't my idea of entertainment." Not anymore, she thought to herself. Not since Rion. She hadn't even looked twice at another man since she had met him, testament to just how much he had affected her.


    How could he think she would ever leave him? "I love you, I am going to live with you." I am going to marry you. "No matter how you look at it, you're stuck with me." For better or for worse. Nothing would stand in the way of her happiness, not even some lightskirted wench who had a penchant for putting her hands where they didn't belong. Jocelyn would see to that.



  21. Miria's breath caught in her throat as Kedyn stepped behind her, at once anticipating and dreading what he would do. Her skin leapt as she felt Kedyn press against her back, powerless to resist as he took her hands in his, even if she had wanted to. Her senses were attuned to him, highlighting his nearness, his scent teasing her, her skin tingling from her scalp to her toes. How was she supposed to concentrate now? She swallowed.


    "Tilt the bow sideways a small bit, it helps the arrow fly straight. Loosen your grip until it doesn't seem like you are really holding it..kind of like when you are holding a...sword." Holding a sword? But Miria never trained with a...oh. Miria blushed crimson as Kedyn's breath tickled her ear, his chuckle revealing the wickedness of his thoughts.


    Focus on the shot!Miria ordered herself, though light new it was hard enough, having Kedyn so near. The last thing she wanted to do was think about archery, her mind was wanting to drift to far more pleasureable pursuits. At this rate she would never hit the target, so she forcefully pushed aside her wayward imaginings and instead focused on Kedyn's words. His voice was a delicious rumble in her ear, but she did as he said, breathing out softly as she released the bow string.


    Amazing. The way her heart was pounding, Miria had fully expected the arrow to miss the target, so she was pleasantly surprised when it hit centre. She grinned broadly, both from the shot and the soft kiss on her nape that sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine. Even the slightest touch from Kedyn could draw such a response from her. He didn't even have to touch her to reach her heart, that pounded with love for him and him only.


    "Well look at that." She said softly with a smile. "I sure hope you don't teach all your students with this method." Miria teased lightly, turning her head slightly to place a kiss on Kedyn's cheek. "Though I see my problem now, I was focusing too much on the task at hand and not on you before." Her grin was impish as she stepped from the warm circle of Kedyn's arms to collect another arrow, before turning back to him. "Shall I let you distract me again to make sure it wasn't just luck?" Ahh she enjoyed the teasing banter they shared, the familiar glint in his eye promising her a similar response.



  22. Reaching for the door handle, Denae blinked in shock as the door swung open, her hand still extended as she stared in wonderment. A trick of the One Power no doubt, yet it was still remarkeable. Belatedly realising she was standing in the doorway like a mute lump, Denae stepped inside, eyes wide as she took in the woman behind the desk.


    “My name is Faerzyne Grigory, and I am the Mistress of Novices here at the Tower. How can I help you?â€Denae's mouth worked silently for a moment, before she quickly gathered her wits and dropped into a curtsey. "I was brought here by an Aes Sedai, she...she says I have the ability to channel." Eyes still wide, Denae smoothed her simple grey skirts over her hips. Something about this woman made her feel terribly untidy. Her thick brown hair was still caught back in a simple white ribbon, but she hoped it looked neat and not as unruly as she felt it must be.


    Abruptly she stopped. Denae did not want Faerzyne Sedai to think she was nothing but a thoughtless, vain child, especially when she was the opposite. The Aes Sedai had told her she would have her belongings sent to her new quarters, but Denae couldn't help but worry that her precious books and paints weren't being cared for the way she hoped.


    The Mistress of Novices was still looking at Denae, and she wondered if she was supposed to say something else. She had remembered to curtsey, hadn't she? Denae was not an outspoken person at the best of times, but in her current situation she was quite terrified. She dropped into another curtsey. Better to be safe than sorry. "I believe she wishes me to train with the One Power, Aes Sedai." Said Denae softly, hoping she didn't look like an uneducated fool as she longed to escape with her books.



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