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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. Twilight had fallen by the time Miria made her way towards where the Red Trench was to be held. She had no idea what to expect, but the other foxes who walked with her were filling her in. It sounded like a fun evening, though Miria doubted she would go so far as to spar herself - there were so many more skilled fighters in the band than she, and the idea of having her butt kicked wasn't too pleasant.


    Torches blazed against the impending darkness, and the ale had already begun to flow. There was an atmosphere of excitement and revelry about the pit, and Miria couldn't help but look forward to the evening's events. Her eyes scanned the gatheeing crowd, a smile instantly appearing as she spotted Kedyn. It was remarkeable, just seeing him at a distance like this was enough to make her heart skip a beat. Something told her it would always be that way too.


    A drink was handed to Miria and she took a sip, grimacing at the strong taste of the alcohol. The woman that had given it to her laughed, and Miria smiled somewhat sheepishly. Given her small stature, it didn't take much for drink to go to her head, so she tried to steer clear of it. That, and it would be terribly hypocritical of her to drink, after telling Kedyn off for doing the same. Sadly though it had become a bit of a joke among the other scouts, many of them taking what opportunity they could to give her a strong brew without her realising. Shaking her head at the teasing with a good natured smile, Miria threaded her way through the growing crowd towards where she had spotted Kedyn.



  2. Miria smiled and stretched lazily, her arms sliding around Kedyn's neck as she returned his kiss, If there was a better way to greet the day, Miria didn't know what it was, though she doubted anything could even begin to compare with the thrill of being in Kedyn's arms.


    "Morning love."Reluctantly Miria opened her eyes, blinking at the morning sunlight and stretching again. "Morning..." she mumbled in response, losing herself in another heart-melting kiss. She noted with some disappopintment that Kedyn was fully dressed, unlike herself, who was still naked beneath the bedsheet.


    Idly Miria tried to guess at the state of her clothing, not having the luxury of fresh ones, given this wasn't her room. She would retrieve some clothes from her own room later, fresh clothes was a small sacrifice compared with the joy of sleeping in Kedyn's bed. In fact she rarely slept in her own bed at all anymore, far preferring Kedyn's arms to her cold, lonely bed. Unless of course he was there with her...she grinned wickedly, this man had certainly corrupted her once innocent thoughts.


    Kissing Kedyn's tempting mouth once more, Miria stretched agagin and rolled onto her side, propping her chin on her hand and gazing into the attractive face of the man she loved. "Surely it's too early to be out of bed, the sun has barely risen..." Miria said with a cheeky smile, ignoring the brightness of the sunlight streaming through the window. Knowing Kedyn though, he'd probably been up for some time while she'd continued sleeping. "Unless you have better plans for my day?" She enquired, though she couldn't think of anything better than wasting a lazy day in bed with Kedyn.



  3. Jocelyn was right, her mood lifted instantly as Caelen greeted her, a smile lighting her face at the compliment as she took the apple. "You look a pretty thing today. Are you up to some mischief today, or just coming to humor an old man?"Jocelyn grinned cheekily and tried to put on an innocent expression. "I thought the two went hand in hand." She replied, taking a bite of the apple.


    "I was actually looking for a diversion, and you seemed like you would do the trick." She teased with a wink. Caelen was refreshingly light hearted, Jocelyn hadn't enjoyed banter like they shared in quite some time...well aside from Rion, but right now conversation wasn't light with Rion. She was still far too upset. And thinking about it now wouldn't help.


    Pushing aside her thoughts, she took another loud crunch of the apple. "So how is everything going here at the funny farm so far?" She asked.



  4. Adawyn laughed at Jocelyn. Laughed? Didn't the woman have any sense at all to see she was playing a dangerous game, with the wrong woman? Red hot fury clouded her vision, unable to focus on anything but the hand stroking Rion's chest. It would be so easy to pick up the staff and crack Adawyn and Rion both over the head, two simple moves...


    “Rion, don’t you just find it so amusing that some believe they own others? Honestly, we are all free! No one should ever have to follow commands.â€Jocelyn blinked at the words. She did not think of Rion as her slave, as a possession...yet he was hers. Well so she had thought. He had even told her so, told her his heart was hers. Had everything been a lie? No, she didn't believe that, but she thought their bond was stronger, had never thought Rion would be swayed by the next pretty face to cross her path. Burn them both!


    “Rion, darling, why don’t you show me around the yards? I would love to see what happens around here…†Suddenly Adawyn's hand was on Rion's back, and then...Jocelyn's eyes widened in shock. Had the woman no sense of decency? At least Jocelyn had sense enough to touch him out of the view of the entire farm. And squeezing his backside, of all things! Jocelyn loved his backside...how dare this floozy touch it? And still, Rion had not moved! Anger and hurt flooded and mingled inside Jocelyn so that she couldn't think straight, could hardly breathe. She could see nothing but Adawyn and her hands on Rion, on the man she loved so desperately.


    “Why don’t you do something with that if you love it so much?†Unthinking, Jocelyn caught the shirt as it was tossed to her, the words slowly sinking in. That was the last straw, Jocelyn had been patient long enough. Tossing the shirt aside, Jocelyn growled and threw herself at the smug Adawyn, her fist connecting with the woman's cheek before her hands found her throat, wrapping around the slender column and squeezing.


    Jocelyn yelped in pain as hands tugged hard at her hair, causing her to release her hold on Adawyn's neck. Blinded by rage, Jocelyn swung her fist again, to feel a resounding blow to her own cheek. Growling again she kicked and scratched at Adawyn, before she was bodily pulled away from the woman. Her chest heaved from the exhertion, her cheek throbbing in pain as she glared hate at Adawyn. Struggling against the hold on her, Jocelyn slowly realised she had just attacked another woman like a fishwife, in front of witnesses. She flushed, her hair wild and her dress torn. If only Adawyn had kept her hands to herself...or Rion had stopped her...burn them! If only Jocelyn hadn't been so foolish as to think to wait for marriage to teach Rion what he did not know. If only...



  5. Jocelyn woke early, before the sun began to penetrate the window of her small room. Slipping out of bed, she dressed quickly and quietly in the darkened room, not wanting to wake Rion in the room next door. She was still annoyed by the way he'd let Adawyn touch him the way she did - in public, no less! - without even a hint of protest. She loved him, more than anything, but that didn't mean she wasn't terribly hurt and angry with him. No, she didn't trust herself to be civil, so it was best if she went for a long walk before he woke, to try and calm herself.


    Tiptoeing past Rion's door, Jocelyn didn't let out her breath until she was down the stairs, slipping out the back door and into the slowly brightening day. The air was brisk and fresh, though it promised to warm as the sun continued it's ascent. All in all it looked to be a beautiful day. If only she was in the mood to appreciate it. Curse that hussy Adawyn. She had ruined everything.


    Jocelyn frowned darkly as she trudged along the road, not really knowing where she was going, but needing to blow off some steam. Light help Adawyn if she crossed her path just now, Jocelyn was in the mood to wring her neck. Grumbling softly under her breath, Jocelyn was surprised to find herself outside the inn. Likely it would be quiet at this time of day, so Jocelyn headed inside, thinking to get some breakfast, rather than cook her own for a change. Rion could just fend for himself.


    She was right, there were very few black coated men in the room, though one in particular made a small smile curve her lips. Changing direction, Jocelyn made her way over to where Caelen sat. He was such a strange man, but he didn't take himself as seriously as so many of the men here. He was like a breath of fresh air. "Mind if I join you?" Asked Jocelyn with a smile, not waiting for an answer before sliding into the seat opposite Caelen.



  6. Even those condemned to die were given a last meal it seemed, though it was anything but extravagant. Miria found she had no appetite anyway, her mind still churning, looking for a means of escape, a way to get back to Kedyn. Perhaps if the guards would stay away long enough, she could use her fork to pick the lock...but then what? If anything, it was probably safer in her cell than out there with the guard who spent an awful lot of time looking at her. She had some training, but there was no way she could take on two trained guards, unarmed and alone. Besides, the fork was soon taken away with her untouched plate. So much for that idea.


    A yell from the front room had the guards heading out, causing Miria to frantically look around for something, anything to pick the lock with, but it was hopeless. A muffled voice caught her attention and she stilled, heart pounding in her chest. That wasn't the prisoner...Kedyn? She breathed, barely daring to hope, praying her mind was not playing a cruel trick on her.


    Then suddenly she saw him, the most wonderful sight in the world. He motioned for her to stay silent and she obeyed, moving to the door as he worked the lock, relief, joy and love all warring within her. He had come. The door had barely opened before she flung herself into his arms, the embrace renewing her hope and strength. He had come, and all would be well. The world could have crashed around them and Miria couldn't have cared, so happy was she to be back in the arms of the man she loved.


    All too soon Kedyn moved back, motioning for Miria to stay. Light, but it was one of the hardest things she'd ever had to do, waiting, not knowing what was going on. She was so overwhelmed that tears threatened, but she refused to shed them. Now was a time to be strong, and she had shed enough that night. Besides, she would very soon be free.


    Miria was startled when she saw Kedyn return with an unconscious guard, but made no comment, so relieved was she to leave the dank cell behind her. Kiarma was in a dress? Miria would have laughed of not for the thunderous expression on the woman's face. Kedyn slipped outside and Kiarma quickly filled Miria in on what had happened. Ahe was stunned and amazed that they had all come to her aid - even Carnhain. It was most humbling.


    It seemed an age before Kedyn returned with the others, though in reality it had been only a few moments. Any more time than necessary away from Kedyn was agony, especially after thinking she would never see his wonderful smile again. He outlined his plan, a very good plan...except that she would not be able to stay with him. Immediately a protest came to her lips as she looked to Kedyn, a pained expression on her face. Was he deep down so disappointed with her that he didn't want to stay with her?


    The protest died unspoken as Miria gazed into his eyes, seeing a mirror of her own angst at the prospect. He liked it no more than she, but at least she would be safe. Slowly she nodded, stepping closer to Kedyn's side and reaching for his hand, her fingers lacing intimately with his. "If that's what must be done." Said Miria softly. She lowered her gaze, ashamed at what she'd put the others through, at the risks they had and would be taking for her. She didn't deserve it. Quietly, and to no one in particular, she spoke, her head lowered. "I...thankyou for doing this...and I'm so sorry I landed you in my mess..."



  7. "Jocelyn, my Jocelyn." She smiled, liking the sound of that. She truly was Rion's, heart, body and soul. Now if only she could work out how to broach the subject of marriage, she could show him just what he owned, and no doubt it would be a pleasant discovery for both of them. Rion's cheeks were tinged with a slight blush, and Jocelyn wondered for a moment if he had read where her thoughts had headed, but quickly dismissed the idea, he was quite the innocent, after all. Well for now he was, anyway...


    "Though I'm not sure how much I can show it in this state."Jocelyn chuckled softly and caressed Rion's cheek, before kissing it softly. "You show me in everything you do and say, Rion." Jocelyn replied fondly. "And I will never get tired of it." She rubbed her nose against his affectionately, before fishing in her neckline and withdrawing a handkerchief. The blush on Rion's cheeks was unmistakeable this time, but Jocelyn simply smiled to herself as she offered it to him to wipe his face.


    Marry me and I'll teach you all you want to know...thought Jocelyn as she admired the blush that had stained Rion's cheeks and neck, idly wondering if the rest of his skin turned that delightful shade. She shook her head slightly to try and rid herself of the image of Rion's sculpted form. It was hard enough refraining from giving him a lesson or two without thoughts like that.


    "You always look perfect to me." Jocelyn continued with a smile, unable to resist some teasing. "Especially from behind, you have one delectable backside...I could happily watch it all day." Her eyes glinted emerald mischief at Rion's flush, and she bent her head to nibble on his ear, unable to help herself. "Perhaps you need another training session...with the quaterstaff..." Jocelyn broke off into a husky laugh, her breath tickling Rion's ear as she contemplated all the lessons she could teach him.



  8. Jocelyn smiled faintly, perfectly content in Rion's arms. It was gratifying to hear him say it was reasonable for her to want to go home, though she no longer wanted to go anywhere that took her away from Rion. "I love you."Her smile broadened, the three simple words bringing such elation to her heart. Who would have thought she could be happy with such a simple life, with such a sweet, uncomplicated man? Well besides the channelling, that was. She hardly believed it herself, but it was true. No one had ever made her feel the way Rion did, and she had never loved someone so deeply as she loved him.


    "I love you too." She replied softly, a small smile on her face. "But it's me who came to my senses - I came to realise that home is here, with you."

    Jocelyn lifted a hand to softly caress Rion's cheek. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she thought back to when she first came to the tower, how often those cheeks were bright red and blushing. Largely her own fault of course, she had teased him so terribly. Indeed she still enjoyed that, though at least he was better at telling when she teased him now.


    It was strange, right from the beginning she felt comfortable with Rion, even knowing what he was - a channeller. Yet he had not daunted her like the others, in fact he had been the only one who showed her any kindness. The first man to treat her like a person, not an object. It was no wonder she loved him so...he made her feel like the most precious person in the world. He was sweet and kind and thoughtful, and his innocence and bumbling shyness only made him all the more endearing in her eyes. And he was hers, she was the only girl he had ever kissed, she was the one he had given his heart too. The feeling was indescribeable, knowing she was the only woman he had ever wanted. And truth be told, Rion was the only man who made her heart sing, that made her pulse race just with his blush.


    The image of her first day at the tower came to her mind and she chuckled again, recalling the way Rion had reacted when she first kissed him, his cheeks flushed crimson...the way he had eagerly taken part in her quarterstaff lesson in the hopes of earning himself a kiss - so much so he reduced himself to cheating! And his nervous excitement when she taught him about kissing...it still made her knees weak, remembering that night, the sweet wonder as she introduced Rion to a whole new world. My, how far he had come since then, and how much more she yet had to teach him, what she promised she would but hadn't yet, and wouldn't until she could call him husband. Whenever that would be.


    Moving so she could see his face, Jocelyn smiled up at Rion. "Do you remember your first lesson on kissing?" She asked with a grin, picturing his sweet blush again, recalling how it spread over his chest. She rubbed her nose against his softly. "You did prove to be such a fast learner." She murmured, planting soft kisses over his face. "But then again, you've had quite the practice by now..." Jocelyn trailed off as she brought her lips to Rion's, hoping the moment would never end.



  9. Jocelyn felt a small surge of relief as she watched Rion regain control over his shattered emotions, saw him find some calm. Light, she would give anything, her very life if need be, if she could take this burden from him. "I don't care what happens, just as long as I have you everything will be alright." Jocelyn allowed a small smile and rested her forehead against Rion's, her fingers softly caressing his hair. "Exactly, and you will always have my love, no matter what happens." She replied softly.


    Pressing her lips to his brow softly, Jocelyn wrapped her arms around Rion and again rested her head against his. Closing her eyes, she simply enjoyed the embrace, trying to push all the unpleasant thoughts from her mind and just focus on the positives. Once again her future brightened in her mind, a long and happy life spent with the man she loved. Marriage, children...she would not let anything take those away from her, especially not something she could not see nor comprehend. Love could and would conquer all. She didn't need anything else but Rion for her life to be complete. And she refused to lose him to anything, not after fighting so hard to earn his trust, gain his love.


    "I think I could get used to this." She mumbled with a smile, snuggling a little closer on Rion's lap and tightening her arms about him. Sitting like this, she could easily forget they had any worries at all, indeed she could forget there was an outside world at all. Everything that mattered was here in her arms, and she was not going to let it go. "I love you Rion. Always and forever." Her voice was soft, but the words were heartfelt as she forgot about everything and simply felt, her heart full to overflowing with the love she had for this man.



  10. Miria sat straight-backed in her saddle, atop her 'borrowed' mount. She still felt a tinge of guilt, knowing the horse she called her own was stolen. Light, she hadn't even been able to bring herself to name it! By rights she should try to return it, but something told her that would only make things worse, and she had no desire for another stint in a dank jail cell. Just the thought was enough to make her shudder, though strangely it was easier to think about than where they were going today.


    Nervous was a good way to describe the feeling in Miria's gut, as she cast her eyes over the ranks of soldiers waiting for the 'gateways' - whatever exactly they were. All Miria knew was that they were made using the one power, the tainted male half of the power at that. Were they mad? Deliberately choosing to walk into a place filled with male channellers? Having some such men around the citadel had been one thing, but going into the enemy's territory, as it were, was a very daunting prospect.


    Miria's gaze rested for a moment on the handsome profile of Kedyn and she relaxed somewhat. It was because of their relationship that she was often included on these missions she knew, considering she herself was only a private, and not a very experienced one at that. Still, she was not about to complain, she had no desire to let him out of her site, just having him near made her feel safer, not to mention the other effects he had over her. It was crazy, she was supposed to be a soldier, a brave warrior, yet the thought of losing Kedyn made her feel weak as a kitten. It was amazing what love could do.


    Dashiva made some signal to the other black-coated men, and Miria adjusted her hold on the reigns, eyes wide as she watched as a...a...hole appeared out of nowhere in the air. Her mouth fell open in wonder, the reality of what she was seeing far more amazing than she had imagined. They were going through these holes? Swallowing, Miria brushed her blonde tresses out of her eyes and heeled her mare to follow the other scouts, unable to help ducking as she rode through the gateway, even though it was plenty tall enough for her to ride through. Instinct and curiosity had her eyeing their surroundings closely, astounded at the change of countryside. Had they really just travelled as far as they had? It was all a little much to take in, but she would be lying if she didn't admit it was exciting too. Allowing a tiny smile to touch her lips, Miria led her mare to Kedyn's side and followed the others towards what was called the Black Tower.



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