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Posts posted by Jocelyn

  1. Jocelyn gave Covai a steely glare as he deliberately misunderstood her meaning. Bloody men! Why did they have to be so difficult? Crossing her arms, she tapped her foot, an impatient sigh escaping between her clenched teeth. "Helpful as always, I see." She muttered dryly at Covai. Why he enjoyed torturing her she would never know, burn him. "But you know full well that is not what I meant." Light but he made her look like a fool, and how she hated to look a fool! Especially when she had been in such good spirits, after meeting Caelen. It would be good to have someone pleasant around the tower, as opposed to the rest of the morbid bunch.


    "Caelen is a new recruit, and since last time I check I am not doomed to go mad like yourself, I thought you would be the one to help him settle in." Jocelyn couldn't help the bite in her voice, but burn him, Covai brought it out in her. "Now if you'll excuse me..." Shooting one more glare at Covai, she turned to Caelen, a smile once more brightening her features as she nodded at him.


    "It has been a pleasure meeting you, no doubt we will encounter one another again soon." She said in a far more friendly voice than the one she used on Covai. "After all, I do believe you owe me a dance." Unable to resist, Jocelyn winked at Caelen before swaying her way out of the inn, her spirits once more rising as she temporarily forgot about the trouble with Rion and Adawyn.



  2. Jocelyn was mentally preparing for their journey when Rion stumbled, very nearly dragging them both to the ground. It seemed she was not the only one with her mind on other things at present, though Rion seemed to often have his mind in the clouds. She smiled at him as he righted them both and they continued down the road towards what would soon no longer be their home. How exciting that would be, the day they moved into their new home, just the two of them. She continued to smile to herself as she pictures that day, not too far away.


    "So what do you think? Do you want me to help you at Dashiva's house with what you want to do or should I go and start getting everything else we will need in order?" Jocelyn turned her face towards Rion and smiled at the excitement she saw on his face. As much as she loved spending time with him, they could get away much sooner if he went and saw to other things. "Much as I prefer to have you with me as much as possible, the sooner we are organised, the sooner we can go away. You take care of what you need to my love, I will see to packing." She smiled again and patted his arm affectionately as they reached the house and stopped outside.


    Releasing Rion's arm, Jocelyn turned to face him, a mischievious grin playing about her lips as she twined an arm about his neck and drew his face closer to hers. "This trip will be wonderful...but perhaps a little something to make sure you aren't gone too long?" With a grin she brought her lips to his, kissing him thoroughly, her love and unspoken passion clear in the embrace, before finally releasing him. "Off you go now, my sweet." She purred, shooing Rion gently with a smile, unable to resist the light swat to his backside as he turned to leave. Chuckling to herself at his reaction she turned and entered the house, her usual good mood doubled by the events of the day.


    Humming to herself, Jocelyn happily bustled about the house, gathering clothes that would be needed for the trip, before taking them downstairs to launder them. She knew it could be done quicker using the one power, but it gave her some satisfaction to do the chore herself, making her feel useful. Soon she was elbow deep in suds, scrubbing dresses and coats and pants, excited to have something to work towards. She was content with her day by day life at the farm, even though it wasn't thrilling, but having something to look forward to made a nice change. It would be wonderful getting out of the farm, just she and Rion, seeing the world, her family, his.


    A little shiver of both excitement and nervousness ran down her spine. What would it be like to see her parents again, knowing she would be leaving again? Had they even noticed she had gone? She frowned at the thought. Of course they would have missed her by now, she had never been gone this long before...for all she knew they had people actively looking for her. Somehow she doubted it, but seeing them would be grand indeed. What made her nervous was meeting Rion's parents. She had never been the kind of girl that boys were proud to take home to meet their mothers - so what would Rion's parents think of her? Would they approve? Light but she hoped so, she would hate to be the cause of any trouble between Rion and his family. Things between them were difficult enough, without her adding to it. Giving her head a slight shake she forced aside the depressing thoughts and focused on the positives as she continued her chore.



  3. "But if all my cooking lessons go as this one then.....I guess I could manage with food like this." Jocelyn chuckled throatily, firstly at the innuendo behind Rion's words, then more so as his cheeks flushed as he realised what he had said. It seemed her sweet innocent Rion was becoming more and more wordly, largely due to her influence, she knew. In fact, knowing it was she alone that had introduced him to such simple delights was extremely satisfying, it made her feel quite protective and possessive too. He was truly hers, and one day would be in every sense of the word. She didn't have to compete with any mystery woman from his past.


    "I don't know that we would eat so well, but I know I would be satisfied." Purred Jocelyn wickedly, winking suggestively at Rion as she sampled some of the meal herself. She had to admit to herself that it wasn't the greatest meal she had created, but so far it was the most fun she'd had in cooking, though admittedly the best part had been when she actually wasn't focusing on the meal. "Actually, I think we both would be satisfied." The smile on her face broadened into a grin as Rion's blush deepened, making her wonder just how much of what she was saying he truly understood. She had no doubt he could guess at least.


    Grinning to herself, Jocelyn continued her meal in a contented silence, the beauty of their location and the quiet making them seem all the more isolated, as though only the two of them existed, there was no outside world to shatter the intimacy of the situation. Setting aside her empty bowl, Jocelyn collected her goblet and shifted to sit closer by Rion's side, resting her head against his shoulder as she gazed up at the sky, made brilliant with the myriad of stars shining down on them. She sighed contentedly, thinking how perfect the evening was, after such a wonderful day. It was still hard to believe that just the day before, everything had been so uncertain. She didn't have Rion's forgiveness, nor did she know if she had his love. Today had to be the most amazing day of her life, as though everything had finally steered itself in the right direction, working towards her happiness for a change. Not that she deserved it, but she was not letting Rion go for anything. He was her world, without him she was incomplete, an empty shell.


    "I hope this day has been at least slightly as wonderful for you as it has for me." Jocelyn said with a smile, idly fingering the glass in her hand as she rested against Rion, enjoying the warmth his frame gave. "Thankyou, for everything...for forgiving me when I didn't deserve it...I don't know what I'd do without you." She confessed softly, gratitude once more filling her heart as she thought of just how empty the past months had been.



  4. Jocelyn chewed her lip in silence as she absorbed the last piece of information, turning it over in her head, trying to make some sense from it. No wonder Rion was so worried, he must feel as though he is going mad, knowing he is replying to voices that exist only in his mind. "There is always hope." Jocelyn said softly, though even she didn't know how much of that she believed. But one could never give up hope, or all was surely lost before it had begun.


    "I wish I could understand better what you're going through." Jocelyn sighed softly, stroking a hand over Rion's hair soothingly. "I can only begin to imagine what it must be like, and it still scares me. So I can only hint at knowing how you're feeling." She dropped a soft kiss on Rion's furrowed brow, wishing there was more she could do or say, to take away his worry and pain. It made her feel terribly helpless, knowing that she could do little more than stand by and watch, and that was disconcerting. Jocelyn had always taken her life into her own hands, had always been in control. Now she felt so adrift.


    "But I do know that no matter what happens, you are still the same wonderful man I fell in love with, and you always will be. Whatever these...voices are, they are not you, and they never will be. Somehow, someway, we will get rid of them. We just have to be positive." Jocelyn tried a smile, hoping it appeared stronger than it felt. How on earth were they supposed to get rid of something they not only couldn't see, but only Rion could hear? Were these real voices, or Rion's imagination? So many questions, so many unknowns, and Jocelyn doubted they would ever have the answers. It was like a dark cloud had descended on her bright future, making it somewhat undescernable, uncertain. No! She would not let this change anything. She loved Rion, and for better or worse, she was going to share his life, have the future she had dreamed of.


    "The important thing is that I love you, with all of my heart, and always will. No matter what happens." Jocelyn tilted Rion's face up with a finger under his chin, so she could look into his eyes, let him see just how strongly she meant the words, the love she had for him shining in her gaze. Softly she pressed her lips to his, as though sealing her words, making them a promise she would always keep. "There is always hope." She repeated her earlier words, softly stroking the cheek of the man she loved so well.



  5. Jocelyn couldn't help but admire Caelen's outlook on his life. She liked his attitude, knowing that fighting the inevitable was pointless and frustrating, so he may as well accept what the wheel had spun for him. Still, it was a hard pill to swallow, the knowledge that your gift would eventually drive you mad. Even Jocelyn couldn't help but curse the creator at times, for what she knew was in store for Rion, for what was already revealing itself in the form of voices. It just didn't seem fair. But if you could face it with a smile, why not?


    A mysterious smile crossed Jocelyn's lips at the mention of a smile. It suddenly occurred to her that Caelen was flirting with her, something she had encountered many a time, even in her few years. Normally it was something she relished, her natural Domani heritage taking over as she flirted back, the thrill of wondering where it could lead was always a heady drug. Yet things had changed. She loved Rion, and was faithful to him. It was why only the most foolish of men at the farm were the only ones to attempt to proposition her - the rest knew she was well and truly a taken woman. Yet the past few days, after this Adawyn wench had taken up residence, had shaken Jocelyn's cosy world. Rion's feelings didn't seem to be enough to bring him to stop Adawyn and her attentions.


    Smiling brightly, she returned Caelen's wink. "Dancing is something that I have yet to see around this place, though I do believe it is severely lacking. Next time there is dancing, I will be sure to save one for you." She promised with a smile, knowing that she shouldn't flirt back with this man she did not know, but finding it difficult to resist. She loved Rion, with all her heart, but he didn't seem to think twice about her feelings lately. Why should she care what he thought? A voice of reason in the back of Jocelyn's mind screamed at her that she was playing with fire, that she would only make things worse, though she paid it little heed. She wouldn't do anything foolish, she was just enjoying the refreshing company of a new, handsome face.


    It didn't take long before they reached the inn, Jocelyn leading the way through the door into the dim interior, casting her eyes about for one of the superior Ashaman. Her eyes narrowed as she spied Covai. She couldn't say she was fond of the man, not after the way he had treated Rion, despite his logical reasoning for why he had done what he did. Add to the fact that she blamed him directly for Adawyn's presence, and he was not one of her favourite people. Yet sadly no one else of sufficient rank was present in the inn at that time, so with a barely suppressed sigh, Jocelyn approached the table where Covai lounged with a tankard.


    "Ahem." Stopping in front of the table, Jocelyn fixed a stony glare to her face as she sought Covai's attention. Curse the man, but she was almost certain he deliberately ignored her! "Covai, a moment." She uttered through gritted teeth, irritation building as he looked up. "Caelen here was brought to the farm and abandoned, I was hoping you could point him in the right direction." Light but it was hard to stay civil, when all Jocleyn wanted to do was leap over the table and shake Covai until he promised to take his whore of a cousin back to the dung heap where he had found her. "Caelen, this is Covai." A lofty gesture introduced the two men as Jocelyn tried to hide her ire.



  6. "Even if I said no I don't think I'd get my way anyways would I?" Jocelyn tried to look innocent, but she didn't know how well she pulled it off, grinning as Rion chuckled. She wasn't that demanding, though she could be stubborn if she chose, not that Rion had seen much of that side of her. "It is set. Shopping for our house, then to see your parents and end with visiting my family. It sounds like it will be a perfect little vacation. And I will worry about nothing because I have you and that is all that matters."


    Jocelyn grinned as her heart soared, filled to the brim with happiness and love for the most wonderful man in the world. She couldn't help but feel excited about their trip, especially knowing it wouldn't be a mere day trip like last time. Being out of the grounds, in the city, the sights and sounds, would be wonderful, and best of all she would have Rion to herself. Not to mention the thrill of heading home to see her family, and of meeting Rion's parents, gathering a glimpse of what his life must have been like before discovering his gift.


    "Of course, nothing else matters!" She agreed wholeheartedly, awarding Rion with another thrilled kiss. "If I had nothing else but your love, I would still be the happiest girl in the world." She gushed, her smile enigmatic as she gazed up into the face of the man she loved so deeply. "Now, if we are to leave at the end of the week, there is much to be done." She announced, stepping back from Rion and heading through the house and outside once more. "I need to make sure we have clothes cleaned and packed, a list of supplies we need to purchase..." She checked off on her fingers as she spoke. "You need to arrange a cart of some sort, not to mention permission to leave." She continued as she walked, addressing the last to Rion as she threaded her arm through his and led him back towards Dashiva's house. Not their house for much longer. Things were looking brighter and brighter.



  7. Miria smiled to herself as she neared the head of the line, the promise of a meal now not far away. It had taken many a smile and a lot of sweet talking to jump so far ahead of the queue, and she couldn't help but be proud that some of her old skills were still holding up. Until someone decided to pull rank and push in front of her, that was. Had it been anyone else, she would likely have given them some good natured cheek, but it was the Commander, after all. Some sense of respect had to be maintained. Besides, she hadn't had much to do with him, and didn't know how he would react to her good natured teasing.


    It took her a moment to realise the young girl in front of her was also with Mehrin, causing a whole host of unanswered questions. Who was she? And why was she at the citadel at all, let alone shadowing the commander? Curiosity got the better of her, so grabbing her own meal after the pair, she followed them, sitting herself at their table and offering Mehrin a bright smile, before turning to the girl.


    "Looks like a scout in the making to me." Said Miria brightly, before offering the girl her hand to shake. "My name is Miria, and I'm a scout. I haven't seen you around here before, what's your name?" She asked kindly, shooting Mehrin another curious glance before looking back to the girl at her side and tucking into her own meal.



  8. Jocelyn tried to put herself in Rion's place, tried to imagine what it would be like with another voice in her head, no, with two. It was almost impossible to comprehend, yet her beloved found himself stuck in that situation, something that surely made him feel as though he were slowly going mad, that his curse was catching up with him. Pain gnawed at her as she watched a tear trickle down his cheek, evidence of just how deeply terrified he was. How she longed to comfort him, to take away his fears...but she didn't know how, and that made her feel so helpless.


    "The other scares me more than the fact that he is there. He's....He would be what I like if I ever lost complete control. They both come and go but at least once a day." Clearly the other was not a friendly voice, if any voice intruding in someone's mind could be called such. A shudder passed through her as her imagination ran wild, picturing Rion losing control. It was not a pleasant image, and she hastily pushed it aside. Wondering would help nothing. She would focus on the here and now, on the man she loved.


    Jocelyn's arms tightened about Rion, as though the simple contact could remove the pain, and she lowered her head, resting it against his as she closed her eyes against the pain that arose from seeing him so. "I'm so sorry." She whispered, wishing again there was something more she could do. "I want you to know, that no matter what, my love for you will never change. Whatever this...voice tells you, it is not you. You are a wonderful man, you are caring and kind, and I will not let anything take you from me. I love you Rion." Lifting her head once more, Jocelyn sought Rion's gaze, making him meet her eyes and see just how serious she was. "Nothing will take you from me." She repeated firmly, waiting until Rion slowly nodded, whether he was convinced or not.


    Kissing him softly on the brow, she wiped his cheek softly with her thumb, tracing the path his tear had taken. "Do you..." She hesitated, swallowing, suddenly unsure of the question, but wanting to know the answer. She wanted him to be open with her, the least she could do was voice her own concerns for his benefit. "Do you answer the voices?" She asked softly. She didn't know what she would think of his response, however he answered, but she wanted to know, was trying to understand, however difficult it was. If only this was happening to someone else! Why Rion, the most undeserving man she knew? Light, but the pattern was not fair.



  9. Jocelyn smiled brightly at the flowery bow, noting how long it had been since she had seen such manners in a man, besides Rion at least. The rest of the men here seemed to forget that she was a woman, and that underneath their black uniforms they were still just men. It was a nice change, a friendly face and an amusing sense of humour. Already Jocelyn found herself warming to Caelen.


    "May I ask what brings you here? I hardly doubt you're going to be an Asha'man, unless you're better looking in drag than I am, and with this face, I am hard to beat." Jocelyn's eyes twinkled with amusement and she laughed freely. "If I was indeed a man, I would feel terribly threatened by that stunning profile, to be sure." She chuckled again and fell into step beside him, setting a casual pace as she spoke.


    "Well initially I was not here by choice." She began wryly. That was an understatement. "I happened to ride too close to the farm, and was spotted...and well, not wanting to risk me telling anyone their location, I was not allowed to leave. Not that I didn't try." She smiled and gave Caelen a wink. "But things change, the unexpected happens, and I find myself quite content here now. Largely because I fell in love with the man who found me." She admitted, clasping her hands behind her back as she walked, her thoughts returning to Rion. She had no desire to leave him, now or ever, though Adawyn certainly wasn't making her life any better. Wretched hussy, Jocelyn was determined to be rid of her yet. Hopefully when she was out of his sight their life could go back to normal...well as normal as life was around here anyway.


    "Enough about me...you must be the calmest new recruit I have ever encountered in my time here. Most are either cursing their fate or preening themselves and puffing their chests about as though they were suddenly the creator incarnate. Where do you fit in? Having passed this testing, you clearly know you are one of those men who has the ability to channel." She shot him a cheeky sideways glance, smiling so he knew she jested with him. "Unless you are quite mad already and have no idea what is going on?" She raised a brow in question, enjoying thoroughly the company of the newcomer.



  10. Pssst....remember last time...a nice polite PM will go down a lot better than a random post demanding a Commander. Show a little consideration and save yourself some time, send a nice PM requesting help, not demanding it, and I can almost guarantee you will find it :)

  11. Rion was not very good at hiding his emotions, though he tried valiantly. Jocelyn watched concerned as the emotions played over his face, clearly something bothered him about seeing his parents, though just what she didn't know. "I'm nervous ato see my family again. I mean I'm...well..rather different than I was when I left. And I ran away, I had never done that before. I'm nervous that my new gifts won't be so wholely accepted by them as they are by you."No wonder he looked so troubled. "Oh Rion..." She breathed softly, her heart going out to him as she ensconced him in a tight hug. While she couldn't understand exactly what he went through, she could sympathize. It would be hard, facing them as the man he now was, so very different to who he had been.


    "They are your parents, and regardless of your gifts, I just know that they would still love you just the same, be proud of the man you have become." She leaned back a little to look up into his eyes, willing him to believe her. How could they not be proud? He was a caring and intelligent man, with a strong sense of honour and duty. What parent wouldn't be proud? In her mind, it made little difference that he could channel, he was still wonderful. Even if there were some unwelcome guests taking up residence in his mind, he was perfect to her.


    "I can understand your nerves, but I'm sure they would be too overjoyed to see you to worry about anything else." She smiled and stroked Rion's cheek softly with a finger, before standing to press her lips softly to his. "Besides, I will be with you...I would love to see what wonderful people could raise such an incredible man as yourself." She gave him an affectionate squeeze, hoping in some way to give him some confidence, hoping beyond hope that his parents were reasonable people, she would hate for them to turn him away, knew what it would do to him if they did. Surely that wouldn't happen though, surely...


    It led her to thinking though, what would her parents think if they learnt about Rion and his abilities? She didn't particularly care about their approval, she loved him regardless, and would marry him with or without their permission, but it would be nice to have them like him. Assuming she could convince him to marry her, that was. It was a vicious cycle, she knew she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with him, as his wife, yet she couldn't just ask him herself, it was not the way it was done.


    She almost sighed, wishing was getting her nowhere. Perhaps she needed to drop some hints, when they were away from everyone else. Light knew it was going to be harder than ever to keep her hands off Rion, when she had him alone, to herself, without the fear of anyone interrupting them. Even now, with her arms about his waist, his toned muscle beneath her fingertips, it would be so easy to give in, to indulge them both in all the delights Rion had yet to learn...yet she needed to resist. Rion deserved more than a quick tumble in the hay, their love was higher than that. She would express her love for him physically when they were married, make him her husband in every sense. It would be worth the wait.


    "So shall we schedule a trip to visit your parents as well?" She asked gently, trying to ignore Rion's toned chest as she leaned against him, raising a brow in question, a small smile playing about her lips.



  12. OOC: Ooh I just can't resist...he looks like too much fun :D



    Jocelyn breathed deeply of the fresh air as she strolled through the farm, the place she now called home. She'd intended to escape her thoughts with a refreshing walk, hoping the relative serenity would distract her, but it seemed to merely make things worse, the quiet enhancing her thoughts, and ruining what little remained of her civil mood. Curse that wench and her wandering hands. Rion was hers! Why did Covai have to bring her here, of all places? Everything had been so perfect, she was supposed to be travelling with Rion at the end of the week, preparing their new home together, yet everytime she turned around Adawyn had her filthy claws on Rion. And he let her! She didn't know who to be more mad at.


    So lost in her own thoughts, Jocelyn didn't even realise she was back among the buildings, let alone that the smiling man she had not seen before was addressing her. What on earth was this man prattling on about? A pretty blue dress to bring out the colour in his eyes? Clearly he was here to join the other channellers, and Jocelyn couldn't help but think perhaps the madness had already taken this one, though there was something in his gaze. Innocence? Feigned innocence, more like. He may be crazy as a loon, but a sense of humour was something lacking around here. Jocelyn found herself smiling at him, despite herself, despite her earlier gloomy thoughts.


    "Good heavens, but crinkly eyes does sound like quite the calamity, perhaps I should rush out and find a bonnet myself." Jocelyn absently flipped her long dark tresses over her shoulder as she smiled at him, her emerald eyes glinting with some returned good humour of her own. "It would seem that you are having an identity crisis though sir, though it may be hard to believe, given your spectacular surroundings, but this is not the White Tower, and I don't believe your legs are quite shapely enough for skirts." The grin that returned at Jocelyn's observation lightened her mood greatly. Light, she must be as mad as the rest of them, exchanging madness with someone who was likely insane.


    "Now I wouldn't want you to be late for your appointment sir, so I shall help you find someone of some authority. Not the Amyrlin Seat I'm afraid, but likely someone as crazy as yourself." Jocelyn couldn't help the impish remark, though her good natured smile took any sting from her words. "I am Jocelyn, and you are?" She enquired curiously as she led the newcomer towards the inn, thinking there she would either find one of the head honchos, or at least be able to determine where they were.



  13. "I love you too."Jocelyn smiled up at Rion, her entire face lighting up with the joy that those three simple words brought. They really were simple in essence, yet they meant so much, carried so much weight, filled her with such unequaled joy. Who would have thought something so simple would make her feel this way? Cooking a simple meal and being held in the arms of the man she loved. It didn't get much more simple, nor more perfect.


    "Though I think I am far from being a cook. But I don't think spending time with you to learn would be too bad."Smiling against his lips, Jocelyn lost herself in the sweetness of the embrace, the bliss of Rion's kiss. Twining her arms about his neck, Jocelyn forgot about where she was, everything focused instead on the moment and the man in her arms. Surely this was what life was all about. Love filled Jocelyn, and she passed it to Rion in her kiss, letting the heated action convey what was in her heart. Time slowed, or maybe it sped, she did not know, nor did she care. Nothing else mattered, she had Rion's forgiveness, his love.


    It seemed a long time later that she finally lifted her head for air, her face flushed and her knees weak, and her blood singing through her veins. Light but he learned fast just how to push her buttons. Belatedly she remembered what they had been doing, her eyes straying to the pot bubbling on the fire, on the verge of bubbling over. Disentangling herself, she dashed to the pot, grabbing several cloths to shield her hands as she removed it from the heat and set it on the bench. "Something tells me we would ruin a lot of meals if I tried to teach you to cook too often." She murmured over her shoulder good naturedly, stirring the concoction with a woopden spoon, hoping it could still be salvaged. Thankfully it wasn't too bad, though it was far from her usual prowess, it had been quite some time now since she had ruined a meal like she used to.


    "Luckily it can be saved." She said with a grin, dishing up the meal into two bowls, licking a spot off her finger. Thankfully it tasted passable, if not fabulous. "I'm blaming you for being too distracting if it's not very tasty." She joked, handing the two bowls to Rion with a grin. Turning, she picked up two goblets and a bottle of mulled wine, before leading the way out of the kitchen, after first pausing for one last sweet kiss. "Come, let us feast under the stars." Smiling over her shoulder, Jocelyn waited until Rion was level with her before leading the way towards the woods, to a clearing not far from the main buildings, one she had frequented often on her own, when she had not wanted to venture far from the farm.


    Sitting on the lush grass, she set down the bottle and cups and motioned for Rion to join her, looking up at the bright night sky with a smile. The air was crisp, but the sky was clear, giving a spectacular view of the stars. Pouring them each a portion of wine, Jocelyn handed Rion a goblet and touched hers to it. "Happy naming day." She said softly with a smile, before taking a sip.



  14. "I'm scared Jocelyn. I'm scared that all will not be as well as I wish."Jocelyn held Rion in silence, partly because she was not sure what to say, and partly because she wanted to see if he would continue, hard as it may be. It broke her heart anew, hearing the fear in his voice, knowing that whatever it was doing this to him was out of her control. Instinctively she tightened her arms about him as he continued.


    "I cannot keep out the voices shouting at me in my head. I can't hide it from you anymore, I didn't want you to worry or lose you. I can't hide that I fear I am going mad and thought...know you need to know that."Jocelyn closed her eyes against the tears that again threatened. How could this be? So many thoughts and questions tumbled about in her mind, but the most predominant thought wondered why the most undeserving man could be lumped with such a terrible burden. He was such a sweet, caring, intelligent man, he did not deserve this anguish, did not deserve the fear or the worry.


    Lifting his head, Jocelyn kissed Rion softly on the brow, her finger softly stroking his cheek. She could see the pain in his eyes, much as he tried to hide it, the fear and anguish. Why did this have to happen to him? "You will never lose me, my love." She said softly yet firmly. No matter what, she knew she would never leave him, never stop loving him. Valiantly she tried to order her thoughts so she could voice some of her questions, pushing aside her own fear over what may be. Now was not the time to be selfish. "Wha...what do the voices say? And how often?" She asked gently, not knowing what she could do, but hoping some understanding of what he was going through would help.


    "I don't want you to hide anything from me, whatever happens, we face it together." She bent her head and kissed his furrowed brow softly, her fingertips framing his face, her eyes conveying her unwavering love for him. Light, but she was terrified too, she didn't even want to think of the possibilities this revelation revealed. All that mattered was that she loved him, and would never ever leave him, whatever happened. For better or for worse she was his, whether she had made a formal vow or not.



  15. "My name is Adawyn Seriba, and Covai is my cousin. I am busy at the moment, but we can talk when I am done, thank you." Jocelyn's jaw dropped before she could stop it, her eyes wide and incredulous. Who the hell did this woman think she was? Rion's shirt fluttered to the ground once more as this...hussy again laid her hands on him. Rion looked at her, almost helplessly, and Jocelyn almost screamed at him in her hurt and anger. Why didn't he step back? He did not have to let this woman touch him, in a way that only she had before. Why didn't he move?


    "Is there something that you need?"Jocelyn almost choked on her fury, her hands clenching tighter in her skirts so that her knuckles were white. What she wouldn't give to wrap them around that slender throat and squeeze the life out of her. How dare she touch Rion like that, speak to her like she was a speck of dirt. Adawyn was the new comer here, and she was trampling all over Jocelyn's territory, almost deliberately, it would seem. And all the while Rion did nothing, the thing that probably affected her the most. Was that what he wanted? Some lightskirt to entertain him, while claiming to love Jocelyn? Didn't she affect him the way she used to, anymore? Light, all the times she had longed to teach him what he had yet to learn, make him truly hers and had stopped herself, not wanting to cheapen their relationship. It should hardly be a surprise that he sought fulfillment elsewhere, but she had just not imagined he would, had thought she was doing him a favour. What a bloody fool she was.


    Taking a deep breath, Jocelyn tried to reign in her temper, to little avail. It would be easy to pick up the quarterstaff and teach the wench a lesson or two. Instead, Jocelyn bent deliberately and picked up Rion's shirt once more, shaking it some to remove the dirt. Wordlessly she again thrust it at Rion, though her eyes remained on Adawyn, flashing a challenge. There was no way she was going to stand idly by and let her steal Rion from beneath her nose, even if that was what Rion wanted. She would deal with him later. Right now, she needed to put Adawyn in her place.


    "I need you to take your whoring hands off what is not yours." Jocelyn said icily, her voice cutting as her eyes pointedly stared at where Adawyn's hand still rested on Rion's stomach. Why had he still not moved? "Put it on." She snapped softly at Rion, her eyes blazing dangerously, her anger the only thing hiding the deep betrayal she was feeling in the pit of her stomach. Why had he not stopped Adawyn? Was it so difficult to step back, out of her reach? To politely brush aside her flirting, instead of basking in it, visibly shivering from her touch? Light, it cut her to the core, in a way she never imagined possible. Her life and her heart were tied up with this sweet, shy man, yet right now she wondered if indeed he was the same person she knew and loved.


    "Then you can continue on your way, and if you have any sense at all you will stay away from Rion." Jocelyn's voice was dripping with poison, her whole stance rigid as she wavered on the edge of control, the situation she found herself in now having made her angrier than anything had in a long time. What she wouldn't give to slap some sense into the woman, who in one fell swoop threatened her very happiness and future.



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