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Posts posted by Harldin

  1. No EOTW, then why do they go to Fal Dara? Reports of huge numbers of Trollocs at Tarwins Gap, Morraine and Lan may go with the Armies to fight them but she is not going to take 3 untrained young men and 2 Girls on there way to become Novices in the White Tower into that fight.

    The EOTW is central to everything that happens in Fal Dara, FD is the stepping off point for the group on there way to the EOTW, its where they return to afterwards, its where the Horn is stolen from after being found at the Eye, the victory at Tarwins Gap happens because Rand uses the untainted Saidin found at the EOTW. 

  2. 3 hours ago, flinn said:

     In the books, I always found it very interesting to see Rand through other's eyes. When you are reading the Rand chapters through his POV it is easy to forget just how scary he is to everyone else. That is one of the reasons I like that Morainne is going to be a main character. One, it makes "who is the dragon" more of a question and possibly a bigger reveal than the books, but also I want to see Rand transform through different eyes. If you saw the close up of Logain's face when he is channeling, crisscrossed with tendrils, or however to describe it, it looks pretty menacing. Book 2, when Rand is on his own, channeling, killing farm dogs and slicing the heads off women, that can be pretty damned epic in a tv show.

    Rand on his own killing Farm Dogs and slicing Heads of Women in Book 2? got no idea of what you are talking about there.

  3. I think Rand and Mat running down the street is 4 Kings straight after Rand used the power to bust them out. If it is, it will be interesting to see how they do that, will they show Rand Channelling or just a shot of the wall exploding out all over the Darkfriends leaving the viewers wondering and confused about what just happened. I could see them have a shot of Rand and Mat looking frightened as the Darkfriends are banging on the Door then cut to a shot of the Darkfriends, then suddenly the wall exploding out and then the shot of the Boys running down the street. 


    Also did everyone catch the glimpse of Loail?

  4. Why does everyone think Lan should be built like the Rock? Elite Soldiers being great big muscle bound Hulks is pure Hollywood fallacy, the vast majority in history aren’t. Someone built like Johnson, Stallone or Schwarzegger wouldn’t last a day in Special Forces trg, carrying that much muscle around they would not have the endurance required. Personally I pictured Lan as being a bit taller but i think Henney’s build is spot on.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Wolfbrother31 said:

    Ok. It's finally here.

    After we see it. 

    Let me know what you think!

    Oh I’m sure you are going to get all the opinions you would ever want. Incl



    All we hoped for






    cautiously optimistic 



    the greatest Trailer ever

    a travesty

    Robert Jordan would love it

    an insult to the memory of Robert Jordan

    has got me more excited then ever

    won’t ever watch the show because i hated the Trailer.

    Have fun.



  6. 2 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    I always imagined the land as completely flat, and much more extensively farmed. but the erinin rolling through low hills actually makes a lot of sense for how the siege of tar valon plays.

    we see very little of tar valon itself; from the perspective here, it looks like it's a bit smaller than we're used to, but I'll wait until we get a better view to form any sort of judgment

    So did I but I'm wondering if this is a real place in the Czech Republic, either a river or lake with buildings digitally added for effect. 

  7. Rand not wanting to kill women is a product of his upbringing in the 2 Rivers, where men are raised to stand between women and danger. It is also fairly common in most societies in our world, at least up to the last 30 years or so. Men would go to off to fight while Women stayed at home to look after the Kids, certainly the way I was raised, including the practice of always walking to the side nearest the road when walking with a Women.

  8. 36 minutes ago, pratyaksh said:

    Which letter did rand receive when he visited the white tower?

    The only time Rand visits the WT is shortly after his trip to the Summit of Dragonmount, to talk to Egwene, I don't remember him being given a Letter at that time, so can't help you there.

  9. The act of stilling changes how a woman looks, Siuan and Leane Sharif the former Keeper (not Elayne) look much younger then before they were stilled but its the older woman made younger not how they look when they were younger. Bryne only ever met Siuan once, some years before so not really that surprising he did not recognise her. 

  10. 3 hours ago, jaimecito said:

    For what will probably be Season 1, I think they really have to do (as others said) Winternight. Another scene super early (probably episode 1) that will reveal a lot is the ferry/healing, in other words, what the one power looks like on screen. I get that isn’t a pivotal scene, but it is imperative for how the power works for the rest of the show. Outside of that, for season 1, I think Rand meeting the Trakands & Elaida will be important to see on screen. Too many pivotal people and important relationships. They aren’t necessarily the big events, but if done poorly, the whole show could fail.


    if you do not want hear a major "probable" Spoiler for S1, then do not read any further.








    All evidence points towards no Caemlyn and no Trakands in S1. The problem with Caemlyn and the Trakands is they are only cameos and you would have to build a major city set and hire 6 actors for no more then 10 mins and everything that happens in Caemlyn could be done elsewhere.

  11. We know we are getting a minimum of 2 seasons, so right now the scenes they need to get right are the ones we are going to see in those 2 Seasons, my 3 at this stage are.


    Shadar Logoth


    We need to get to season 3-4-5 first before worrying to much about DW, Rhuidean and Choden Kal. 
    They can only film one season at a time, nail each season and hopefully you draw in the viewership to keep the show going.

  12. 2 hours ago, Darth Tron said:

    They're really leaning into the whole Samurai thing for Lan, aren't they?  In general, these pics keep my expectations where they were at:  low.


    Beautiful sets, probably reasonably written pared down script, nonsense casting, and cheap looking costumes.

    Part of the problem that I don't know if I'll be able to get around is how descriptive RJ was.  Like, he described every last aspect of his world with great specificity.  Great for reading, where you can really picture it, but not great for trying to adapt onscreen for a budget.

    Lans costume is based on the Korean Hanbok so no not Samurai at all. 

  13. Tarwins Gap from EOTW, pointless.

    The whole Barelain v Faile rivalry or have Fail end up killing Barelain 

    Either kill off Gawyn at DW or give him a better storyline. 

    I actually like the Bowl of the Winds storyline and removing it will dramatically change to much of what happens afterwards.

    Lets not forget who goes to Ebu Dar from Salidar






    And of course several semi important Off siders of Mats and Elaynes, incl Birgitte, Talmanes and Olver.

    Thats just to many major characters you have to re-write Storylines for and then we end up to far from the Books. Do you want Nynaeve joining Rand that early? And of course she breaks her block in ED. What do you do with Elayne? especially if you are going to cut out the War of Succession as well. Mat has to go of course. 
    Ebu Dar is far to important to cut and why come up with another reason when you already have a perfectly good storyline now. 

  14. A version of the Cadinsor i reckon could be a good seller for Cosplay and Hallo’wean. Maps of the Westlands, AS Rings would definitely sell well, Trolloc Masks, Shawls and or Caps of the 7 different Colours(maybe black as well), Dragon Tattoos(the stick on ones), Mugs, Playing Cards, Dice. Ogier Ears. 
    how could i forget, definitely a Braided Wig.

  15. On 7/21/2021 at 10:47 PM, thoughtless said:

    Here's a hot take: Robert Jordan's decision to hand over the series to Brandon Sanderson is the definitive one in terms of what constitutes canon, rather than some random fan on the internet. Honestly it's pretty weird and disrespectful to look to disregard what amounted to a dying wish. You're allowed not like the Sanderson books, but you really don't get a say in whether they count as authentic.

    Robert Jordan didn’t hand the series over to Brandon Sanderson Harriet McDougall did. 

  16. 2 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    to be noted that when they scripted season 1 they had no guarantee there would be a season 2, so making an unnecessary caemlyn set that could be easily cut out in season 1 because it would be relevant in season 2 may not have been their priority.

    now that they have been confirmed for more, it's fairly sure they will have permanent sets for most main cities

    Not sure we will see Caemlyn in S2 either, its only appearance in books 2 and 3 are when Mat drops off Elayne’s letter to Morgase and with Tar Valon a certainty, Falme a probable, Carhien a fair chance and Tear a possibility, they are are not short for Cities.

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