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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. Thank you for the advice. Definitely need to work on confidence. I guess that comes with time and experience.


    One of my biggest faults is being afraid to be wrong and to fail. Hoping to work on that, both in mafia, and in real life. I am a generally cautious individual, and try to think out as much as possible before acting. Sometimes I need to simply act with quick and best thought intentions, and move on.


    Look forward to playing with you again.

  2. I am not scum.


    I'm beginning to think my personality may not be suited for mafia. I do not have a mafia versus town game personality, or maybe I have not developed one yet. I play as myself. I play in an effort to help my team. When you are scum, you at least know who your friends are and who to try to protect. As town, you are on your own and yet trying to protect other town.


    I wish I knew which of you was town and I was to help protect. I would do it. I feel bad about SK, because I was suspicious all game. Never had a feeling of town.


    You are definitely more experienced than me. I would hope to follow what you know. But sadly, in this case, you are wrong. I am town. If I am lynched, then town will loose.

  3. You want to have a conversation? Anything I can answer for you to convince you otherwise?


    If I understand how this works if the next person who goes is town, then mafia wins.


    If you want mafia to win, then you are voting wisely, and congrats. But if you are town, you do not want to vote for me. Is there anything I can do or explain from something earlier than would convince you?

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