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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. Been slammed at work, so here's my run down for whatever it's worth.


    I do not really understand the roles, the same/insane, or peeks, but hoping I can trust you guys.


    BFG: limited interaction, but feels more town

    Marsh:limited interaction, but feels more town

    LZM: very voicefull, and I know has experience. Was part of the earlier "heated discussion", so not sure if scum working to bring agitation into play or dedicated town trying to get a point across and making things happen for the right reasons. Wanting to be town, but concerned about being scum.

    Niniel: dealing with RL issues, limited interaction, but leaning town

    Ley: trying to catch up, limited interaction, leaning town

    Clov: mediated a bit during "heated discussion" so want to lean town, but could have been scum acting the roles of good town

    SK: not much interaction since initial situation on D1. Still don't have good vibes, and am a bit concerned because of the more limited interactions since the beginning. So could be scum, but I thought that last game, and was wrong

    Sooh: limited recent interaction. I know she also has some experience. Want to believe she's town, but she could be scum because she could know the sly approach

    dice: concerned with reaction to the building train. Not sure if just frustration, or more than that, like scum defending self.

    Cory: experienced player. Part of the heated discussion, though made initial argument before it got heated. Could be dedicated town trying to move the game forward in a strategic manner. Could be scum trying to muddy the waters and cause "trouble".


    I know my reads probably suck, and being on phone is not helping. Will try to get back on in a few.


    Trying to decide if I should follow Cory's request in pursuing dice. I suppose that would answer some questions, but someone will probably have to explain them to me, if/when they are revealed.

  2. I am here. Been dealing with sick son and helping with homework.


    And honestly, when I did pop in earlier it was a bit...heated...in here, and wanted to give things time to calm down. Which it seems to have, so happy about that. Got enough real life drama, so sure don't need more.


    But in any case, I am trying to look over the many posts that I've missed.


    Does anyone know when deadline is, by chance? Thanks.

  3. My wolf game was the White Tower Harry Potter game.


    Not sure if that helps or not.


    My town game was the WoT Kids game.


    If you see any differences in my playing, I am curious to hear it. To be honest, I think wolf is easier because at least you know who is on your side. As town you are suspicious of everyone.


    While I prefer the idea of town, there is a draw to being scum in that you can develop a game plan. Though with some of the mechanics of the current game, I'm not sure if that all works as cleanly?


    By the way, if Ben was Mafia traitor, does that mean he was actually to help town? Just a bit confused over the roles.

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