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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. Guess you are right about one mafia left.


    Not sure how I feel about surviving this long. Guess I'm not seen as too big of a threat?


    Ben I hope you are town. Even with your initial vote for me D1, I hope you are town.


    LZM. Wanting you to be town too. Just not sure.


    You wanted to "start conversation" with that first claim and you were successful. So much of the voting has stemmed from reactions to that claim. Are you wolf in setting in motion the consequential town eliminations, or was it honest conversation that went wrong for town?

  2. The department change keeps me employed, so that's good. I'll learn more on Tuesday.


    So we are needing to find the mafia. I know I'm town, but I guess everyone would say that, including mafia.


    I really don't want to have to reread everything, but I guess I'll have to.

  3. Are you serious? Well, crap.


    Sorry SK. I just wish you had felt more town to me.


    I know what you mean, Ben. Will have to reexamine everything. But not at this moment as I've been slammed at work and told I'll be in a different department on Tuesday. Just happy to still have a job.

  4. Good luck with the roof, LZM.


    I think the more I play, the more experience I'll gain and I will see patterns in behavior.


    Right now, all I can go off of is trying to interpret the actions of individuals as they play in the current game. Someday I hope to have the insight of you mafia experts.


    I will stay on SK for now. If anyone can convince me otherwise, I will consider moving my vote. But SK has been less cooperative and more antagonistic and absent, which makes it hard for me to see as town. However, it is possible real life is interfering, but when SK does post, I just don't get a "town" vibe. But obviously new to all of this and could very easily be wrong.

  5. That Orchid Mantis is beautiful.


    (Shudders at the thought of bed bugs.) Please don't mentioned those. If you have never had to endure the plague they are, you are blessed.


    Though the one tidbit I will give is this. Have you ever heard the phrase: "Sleep Tight. Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite." Well, there is the mention of those vile creatures. But they rest of it is in reference to old style beds in which the mattress used to be stuffed with straw, and other materials if you were lucky enough, which would often have to be beaten to "re-fluff" them, and to beat out the bugs dwelling in them, and the "sleep tight" was in reference to the ropes that would be used to support the mattress and every so often the ropes would have to be tightened to remove sagging and make the support more taut.

  6. I've been hit at work with massive assignment, and not sure if I'll be able to get back on before deadline.


    With that said, I made a promise to not miss another vote.


    [v] SK [/v]


    I have been suspicious of SK from the start. No final vote on any day thus far. Mostly accussing others when does post, but there has been limited interaction. Would have hoped for more cooperation from town, but perhaps I expect the wrong things as I am newer to the game. Still, hope that us sufficient.


    I'll try to stop back in, but have got to get back to work.

  7. Poor Perrin.


    Very early start and I'm already tired. Will do my best to contribute.


    Right now, my suspicion lays on SK. May have voted to get "conversation", but has never voted come end of day; going off what Marsh showed of votes


    Getting a lot of finger pointing but not a lot in way of conversation and contribution to the overall game. But I suppose that is my opinion.


    I'll try to post more after while.

  8. I am not happy About Sooh being gone. I know Sooh was standing in for Infiniti, and they as they same person were town. Did we find out which character, or did I miss it? Still, I was looking forward to getting to watch Sooh in action.


    I am going to think over what has occurred, and what insight has been provided, and attempt to offer some of my own thoughts in the morning. It's an early start tomorrow with school starting, and I am hoping that work calms down a bit so that I can take a "break" to offer comment. I will vote tomorrow. Not about to make that mistake again.

  9. WildTaltos, it would seem you would be the expert in this category, so feel free to share any interesting tidbits you know about the insects being discussed.


    I have grown to appreciate bees. I was afraid of them when I was little, and have been stung by them before, which was not a pleasant experience, but I have come to understand their importance to agriculture as a pollinator. Many plants owe their ability to thrive to the efforts of bees. And honey bees do make, well, honey. Yum.

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