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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. Most stress is real life related.


    Right now my game stressed is Ben. Why do you think I'm wolf?


    Seriously though, I think I'm going to have to just keep things as simple as possible. As you said it's early in the game, and with little to go on, folks will use the smallest thing to influence their opinion of a player in the game.


    Just wanted to apologize for the initial morning post. And thank you for the conversation. My head still hurts, but trying to be a bit more focused and aware of how things can be interpreted.

  2. Complete honesty can be twisted in this game.


    Still beginning of this game, and I will shake my head with the awe of how much can be read into a single post.


    (Offers a mischievous grin.) And I'm sure everyone will read something into that as well.


    As I said, I could say I am not a wolf, but it seems early in the game to lay claim, and you will obviously read something into it.


    Perhaps mafia is not the best game for someone you prefer to say what they mean mean what they say, and keep things sweet and simple.


    Mafia is like an onion with so many layers. And like the onion, there are times I want to cry.

  3. As I said, this game promotes suspicion and analysis, be it for good or bad. Going to try to have fun with it.


    I'm more curious in the general sense if certain actions, words, phrases, tetc are viewed as town versus mafia. Is a particular word choice more likely to scream mafia, intended or not.


    I could say that I'm town, and it could be the truth, but with the nature of the game, it could be a lie, and even making the statement can be viewed a certain way. I am not making any claim of anything at the moment, just giving an example, so please don't read anything into it one way or the other. And by saying that, it can be viewed a certain way. See what I mean?


    I'm just curious if there are certain indicators you have learned during your game experience. A d obviously if you cannot discuss here and now, perhaps you would consider a conversation after the game, with whatever results come.

  4. I was voted and accused of being mafia in my last game. Never really got an explanation as to why I was voted except that I voted later and joined in on a bandwagon.


    Just trying to find out if action, wording, phrasing had given clues or something.


    Playing mafia is certainly a bit stressful as you are suspicious of others and anxious about how you yourself are perceived, or at least that's my thought. It can be fun too, but just constantly feeling like I have to be wary of what I do or say, or how I say it. Current conversation a good example. What I said had implications I hadn't considered or intended.


    Maybe I'm just over analyzing everything.

  5. Didn't mean to come across as salty, just still trying to figure out how everyone comes to their conclusions.


    This is only my second solo game, so still trying to learn how things function. As your vote on me was random, then guess I won't learn any insight. Have the feeling you have played mafia a ot, and was hoping you could tell me what actions/words had given that vibe.


    Oh well. Sorry. And didn't mean any attitude. Legitimately have a headache, came in and saw you vote and was just well, curious.

  6. A vote for me already? Really?


    So what did I do this time? Willing to critique me and point out my wolfish behaviour, or do I not exhibit any, and this is an attempt to eliminate a possible town because you are mafia?


    I already have a headache this morning and thinking about mafia does not help. But hey, it's fun.

  7. Yup, still at temp job.


    I helped another team since my boss is out of town. Spent about 2 hours this morning working on stuff, then end of day, was informed that none of it was moving forward today, so had to cancel everything I had done. Just a bit frustrating.


    But I have things for my own team for tomorrow, so hopefully that will keep me pleasantly occupied.

  8. So waiting on Rand, then. Alright. (Sits trying to appear patient.)


    Sometimes it just helps to have someone else to help get us in gear; I can relate to that at times.


    Glad you've had a decent day at least. Sure do hope my work day is better tomorrow because today was a bit frustrating.

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