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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. Infiniti, be careful not to get yourself into trouble.


    As to the game right now, since there wasn't much activity over night, I will consider what information there is currently and attempt to determine who I am most suspicious of as being scum.


    Work us being a pain today, so I'll be posting as I can, though much in-depth conversation my have to wait until this evening.

  2. Ben, that is a good question. But I've learned that some things people intend their actions to mean are not always how they are perceived. I'm not sure I understand the initial reveal other than to promote conversation, but then was the CC just to cause additional confusion?


    I will try to contemplate this further. I may decide that it is not worthy of any further thought, especially if someone else comes in and says or does something that makes me see scum in a blaring way.


    But I have got to get ready for bed. I'll check back in the morning, and see if anything has changed.

  3. Hope you enjoyed scimming the hp game. It was interesting, to say the least.


    I am trying to pick up in activity and attempt to make more sense of everyone's position, though I guess day one is a bit harder as there isn'tas much interaction to draw on.


    I do try to hold off voting until I feel a bit more confident, but not feeling any alarm bells regarding anyone seeming outright scum. Sorry if I've given that read. Beginning to wonder if maybe that's just my personality or posting style. A little unsettling if I come across as mafia and I'm just being me, and I'm not mafia.


    But in any case, this is a game and I intend to have fun.


    Hope everyone is having a good day. I know I'm glad to not be at work right now.

  4. Welcome to DM. I'm currently on Book Four. Plans are to read it straight through.


    Feel free to look around. There's certainly a lot to do and get involved with, if you choose. Folks are pretty friendly, so don't be afraid to ask questions. And be sure to check out the various social groups. There's always something happening someplace on here.


    Glad you decided to join us.

  5. Why is voting on LZM listed twice above, instead of as (2)?


    And why does Lessa think I'm "scummy"? Because of yesterday morning's conversation?


    Oh well. Think I'm scummy all you want, but I promise you that I am very clean and am town. But the thing about this game is every statement can be scrutinized and dissected.


    If I vote Lessa, it would be viewed, likely as retaliation, and honestly, I don't have a good feel on her.


    Not sure about Nyn, but I get that she is experienced and talented at the game.


    I believe that LZM did do a reveal for the sake of conversation, so trying to determine how I want to take that.


    Random talking football could be conversation, or an attempt to distract, but haven't decided how I feel about it yet.


    Infiniti is new and trying to get started. Good luck by the way.


    Ben. Feeling more town than mafia to me, but could be that he conversed with me.


    Ironeyes. Brief time. Not much opinion.


    Shitsure. Thinking there. Thinking they made same claim as LZM? Will have to look back for that. If so why? Could be truth. But way lie about being the same character this early? Unless to cause concussion? (Scratches head in confusion.) Good job. But I need to double check that, and see who I'm missing.

  6. Good morning.


    I have been looking over posts and getting a few ideas brewing.


    When I am ready to vote, how do I do coding for it to be red? And bold? Sorry for my lack of coding skills, especially since I'm on my phone.


    Got to head back to work, so hoping to post something more substantial ahortly. So, have all the players posted now? I sure hope so.

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