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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. In the D1 Vote, SK and Infiniti never voted and it was Rand's last minute move that caused Lessa to by lynched.


    Not sure if Rand's move at the end was to ensure a lynch. Was it done reluctantly, as he was going for a mafia member? Still not sure if there are one or two left, unless someone has figured that out for sure, and I just haven't picked up on it.


    Was SK and Infiniti not voting for legitimate RL reasons, or was it an attempt to be distanced from the vote as they did not want to join the train to take out Lessa?


    I am now overly suspicious.


    Trying to work this out in a logical fashion, but truth is, folks don't always act logically, and so there's always the possibility of a curve ball.

  2. So I am hoping that Infiniti has a replacement soon. As that may help make a decision there a bit clearer?


    I see points in going after SK and Rand, and I see both of your concerns in doing so.


    Nyn was town. I do not feel convinced, yet, that either LZM or Ben are Mafia, so that leaves Marsh. Not had a lot of interaction, with reason, but still am reluctant to go after simply for lack of presence.


    I definitely need to get better at making a stand, I know, but as I am trying to grasp the finer points in "reading players" and still feel rather lacking in that department, I'm more apt to listen to an argument, examine the evidence, and decide if I support that stance, rather than try to develop one on my own just yet.

  3. (Green Ajah Nature Week) Favorite Insects and Fun Facts


    For so many folks, insects are creepy. And some can sure seem that way initially. I have my own culprits in the insect world. However, nature would not be what it is if not for the kingdom of insects.


    There are so many different kinds. Some with wings. Some with multiple legs. Many serve a beneficial purpose. Others are simply fascinating to watch.


    “Insects have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body (head, thorax and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes and one pair of antennae. They are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, including more than a million described species and representing more than half of all known living organisms.[2][3] The number of extant species is estimated at between six and ten million,[2][4][5] and potentially represent over 90% of the differing animal life forms on Earth.[6] Insects may be found in nearly all environments, although only a small number of species reside in the oceans, a habitat dominated by another arthropod group, crustaceans.” –Wikipedia-


    One of my favorite insects is the firefly. For me, growing up, they were a sign of summer, and it has always been fun to watch them light up the night.




    Feel free to check out this article to learn more about these fascinating insects: FIREFLY ARTICLE


    So, what are your favorite insects? I am going to try to keep a running poll, and provide some fun facts about your favorites.

  4. Guys, sorry for the limited response today.


    (Was dealing with some things over in the White Tower, and real life had me occupied.)


    I am not happy about Nyn being gone. That doesn't help town, and I felt she provided excellent insight into game play.


    Now trying to see if any of my earlier suspicions continue. Still concerned with SK. Not really sure about Rand. Limited response from Infiniti, though with possible good reason. Limited interaction with Marsh, but another reason given. Not sure if initial claim by LZM was only for conversation purposes, but I know he has experience playing. Not really feeling suspicious of Ben, but maybe he's just pulling off good guy really well.


    So, still considering, and will see what happens overnight and re-read in the morning.

  5. I like this game format. It's a bit calmer than my first where I subbed in at the end. The HP game was fun, but confusing at times, and had the added stress of trying to figure out how to be mafia.


    This game is a bit more polite and civil. Thank you.


    Now, back to came mode.


    I'm glad our first lynch was mafia. I trust you a bit more, Nyn. Do we know how many mafia there are this game?

  6. Stepped away from my desk to post this real quick.


    Amen, Nyn. I really have no clue how to read tells, especially on day one. I'm hoping you are town, and trying to draw from your experience and knowledge. And hoping my vote counts for something.


    I am going with Lessa because as you had indicated, she initially voted SK, then switched to me, and then you pointed out how it was suicidal for SK to CC if he was maffia. So, hoping you are right. Lessa has not contributed a lot to conversation and then voted against me. My initial reluctance in voting Less a was for fear it would be viewed as retaliation for her vote on me. I am following your example, but folks will read what they will from the move.


    For those of you with experience, does it get any easier to read people? I am gathering that D1 is always a bit harder, but overall, does it get easy?

  7. Dang it. SK was one I had the most possible scum read on from earlier, but then scimmed more threads. You make a valid argument against Lessa and I'm willing to support. Hope it makes a difference.


    Hope I do this right. Stupid formatting and on phone at work.


    [unvote] [v]Lessa[/v]

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