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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. Work was a bit overwhelming today and am now dealing with a sick kid.


    I've tried looking over the last few pages, and no one stands out to me other than SK. It could be SK unpredictable, drive-for-shock-conversation that makes me think more scum, rather than town.


    In order to get a vote in before deadline, I will vote now. If I see anything to convince me differently, I will change my vote.


    [vote] SK [/vote]


    Sorry that I was not able to get on more today. I will attempt to be on more this evening.

  2. BFG, thank you for biting my "rational response". I am trying to remove as much emotional response as possible as I think that us the goal of some of the posting. Let me say something to upset you, and see how upset you get.


    I am hoping I am evolving, at least some, as a player.


    It is still difficult for me to point a finger and make an accusation, especially when I do not see a lot of evidence to pull from. Yes, I am a reluctant poster. I do come in and attempt to interact, but there are times when I feel everyone could be speaking a foreign language and I would understand just as much.


    I am here. I am trying. Hopefully, I am learning.


    And I could say I am town, and true as it is, the nature of the game would have you doubting those words.

  3. I am not a fan of the first day as there is less to work from. I am afraid I will vote for town. I guess time builds confidence. Still a bit leary of being ignorant and looking foolish for making a poor choice.


    Right now I don't have much opinion on anyone really. The one person I do not understand right now is SK in voting for self and then asking for votes. I suppose it's a way to see how people will respond, but it doesn't make sense to me. Part of me wants to vote SK just because I was asked to.

  4. It is interesting to watch those of you who have played a lot, especially with each other. You have insight into usual behavior, be it for a typical approach to either town or scum. I look forward to when I am able to do just that.


    At the moment I am happy that I am at least more comfortable with the idea of looking for scum. I try to do decide who acts most like scum and who at least seems more like town. I know people lie. But at least I can work on improving with this.

  5. Hey, Nolder. Sorry I missed you.


    This is my third full game. Still trying to grasp the ideas and I think I get scum hunting and such, but each game has had its own "element" to it, so I suppose that part sort of confuses me a bit, such as the cop and framer roles, and the insane cop. I'm not sure I get how those actually work. Trying to watch and see, and learn.


    But for me, right now, trying to stick with scum hunting as that part makes the most sense to me.

  6. About the naming someone thing? Is everyone supposed to do that?


    General thought: game seems to be a bit more complex than usual for me, but this is my third full game, so I'm still pretty new to mafia I guess.


    Thoughts on other players? Don't really have much yet. Other than curious as to why SK would vote for self and want others to vote too. Still trying to get a feel for folks.

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