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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. I am here.


    Most of my "building" has involved material and designs, but to actually use hammer, nails, screws and such, I've helped build furniture with instructions from boxes. My last was a bookcase. Before that there was a tv stand and a desk. It's sadly all in storage at the moment. Looking forward to when it will be used again.

  2. I'm here. My son has his costume: Halo's Master Chief. Was going to make something different, but money, supplies, and time, were getting in the way, and being on sale and having an actual helmet, couldn't pass it up. Besides, Halo has been a main game with us. I played the original Halo when I was pregnant with him and he's played some variation of Halo since he could hold a controller.


    Otherwise, no big plans. Hoping to make it to the Renaissance Festival this month. That would be awesome. We shall see.

  3. Welcome to DM. There's always something going on here. So feel free to explore. And if you have questions, feel free to ask, as folks are friendly here. Hope you enjoy yourself here.


    I'm relatively new to the site myself, but have found it a wonderful community.

  4. Well somebody framed me apparently.


    Still confused by all the framing and insanity and such.


    Cause if you got I'm innocent but because your insane that's flipped to guilty, then the innitial result was tampered with, since I really am innocent.


    Interesting aspect to the game, but still trying to understand it all.


    Sorry to see Cory gone. But hopefully the plan he put in motion will pay off.

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