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Posts posted by Darthe

  1. 20 minutes ago, whiskey delta said:

    @Clovdyx do me a favor and reread the sequence you pulled that combo from and think how your and Darthe’s mutual reads/telegraphing could come off there. It was a passing thought but real nonetheless.

    It made me happy, but then I know my thoughts are genuine so seeing them echoed is really good with that context.

  2. 18 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    This is like my 5th? Mafia game in my nearly ~20 years here on DM. 


    Whatever you all think is the status quo of tactics, mean nothing to me.


    I'll wait until day 2 to explain further about my Verbal Hunch. 

    Blegh I’m too out of practice for this.  Newness has an oily quality to it which is coloring these early reads, and idk how to separate that out from real wolfiness.  Hally unvoting makes me want to follow suite but I’ve got nowhere better to go.  Maybe that’s a sign of better wolves, or maybe the game really is straight forward.

  3. 42 minutes ago, VooDooNut said:

    Sure, I wanted to include this other quote because I agree with it as well.

    Darthe got high on my list for gunning for me so hard with little evidence and then abruptly being satisfied with the newbie excuse.

    Hallia comes off as being so sweet they just might eat you. LeeLou I don't have a good vibe for yet, but I'm following SD's lead. Same for Verbal.



    39 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Bad wagon. Y'all were wrong about me on game 1, and you'll be wrong on this one to.


    Imo, you jumping on a wagon after I said you sound like Vader reads as town.


    Hallia however, whom I said gives me murder duo vibes, then goes on to vote for me for thinking verbal is a doc, reads as wolf. 


    these posts are reinforcing for me.  Voodoo looks genuinely lost, which is prob townie. And sinister looks like he knows what’s up and needs to push things away from the direction their heading, which is a game state read and slightly favors him being a wolf.

  4. 38 minutes ago, Cory Caboose said:

    Going a bit more in-depth on @Hallia and maybe more specifically how I feel about how others are reading her so far


    My thoughts on Hallia


    First off, just so this post doesn't give the immediate wrong impression: I am not making this post because I think Hallia is a wolf or because I'm encouraging anyone to vote her. I have her null but she's been present in the game and when we are v/v we can typically get on the same page and there is plenty of time for that.


    I am making this post because she has been trending onto a more [consensus] light-green list as we move closer to EOD1 and it kind of freaks me out. I'll go through each player's progression on her to illustrate and comment on the read itself, might be useful now or later, idk.


    On why it's probably freaking me out - I feel like I'm a pretty good Hally reader and while I'm not concerned about her posting so far there's also nothing that makes me feel like she's more likely than rand to be a villager. She's got the "good vibes" going on but I feel that's just an indicator she's happy to be playing the game which may or may not have anything to do with her alignment. A


    Most of her content this game has been social or only tangentially game-related (again, not a concern on day 1, but if the winning mixture for Hallia is good vibes + inner thought process we're lacking the latter itt) with her most direct game-focused post being some mild pushback to Tripped asking Leelou to explain a read on her.


    Other people's reads on Hallia


    Leelou - earlygame posting was 'decent' (p6) --> 'early still but she seems chill' (p7) in response to Tripped - mild town read


    Zander - "villagery thus far" + "gets easier to read as we progress some" (p8)


    (Both of these seemed fine to me as an early game 'vibe check' based on Hallia's disposition)


    AJ - "Hally has natural flow" + "no bad vibes there" (p13)


    (Honestly am stuck a bit on this one. I feel like AJ would be a bit more cautious with Hallia than most of this roster considering he's seen firsthand some of Hallia's stronger wolf games. I could see this being w/v *because hallia is unlikely to be a mislynch target if she's getting townread by a lot of the game* or w/w treatment *because AJ is a true team player as a wolf and will extend himself to protect teammates and help reinforce their standing*)


    @whiskey delta do you think i'm being fair/unfair on thinking its weird? is there something itt from hallia that you think is really only likely to come from her as a villager?


    Tripped - "mostly okay with leelou, hallia, mostly darthe"


    (No issue with this read, seems mostly based on the meta-conversation around hallia and some light experience with her)


    Darthe - "has Hally high" but doesn't want to explain

    (Fine, would be more concerned if he gave some nebulous reasoning for the read tbh)


    @Hallia have any of the mild townreads thrown your way seem off or lazy fypov?

    This is unique, I don’t think I’ve seen a post where someone was concerned about a consensus read development and looked at the reads of the player group.  It’s bound to be majority town given how mafia works, so what are you looking for?    

    fwiw I disagree about AJ, This game state hasn’t given anyone a reason to be cautious so I can see some looser reads coming out, especially since he isn’t an especially cautious player.  

    also, no one asked me about my hally  read.  I can explain.  She had a hard time starting as a wolf in the past, and here she has had an easy start.  Also, loved her posts last night, that was reinforcing for me.

  5. Oh good Cory’s here.  That post you made about tripped is valid, but if tripped isn’t underperforming for how present they are then I don’t have a read.  Really don’t wanna lynch a verbal or similar shot in the dark today. 

    and clov, I don’t have a question here but I wanna see you pursue that thought line more re: the whiskey delta post about alignment combos

  6. So did voodoo, but that's cause the vote's what engaged them.  SD I just don't know at all.  We'll see, but it takes time.  Honestly there's enough good stuff sitting in thread rn for people to start making some substantive thoughts tomorrow. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Darthe said:

    G2H so far, let me toss out something I hesitate to even call a reads list.  Let's say an impressions list.


    Feelin familiar/comfortable

    Whiskey Delta





    familiar but unsure





    really no impressions/wary







    Hey Z I also have Hally high, I'm more interested in what others say

  8. 1 minute ago, Zander? said:


    I know WHY you'd suss him regardless of yoir alignment it's just not for rigjt reasons atp if that makes any sense?

    Yeah I figured that out, just took me too long.  History really does make Mafia games easier.

  9. 1 minute ago, VooDooNut said:

    I don't know why that makes me less wolfie, but I'll take the unvote and


    in kind.

    Jurassic Park Wow GIF by Spotify

    no no, votes are trackable data. Plz, plz plz.  Just be consistent. Think of this like driving.  I don't need a nice person on the road, I need a consistent person.  I'm not concerned with whether or not they're friendly, I care whether or not they're gonna suddenly slam their brakes and run into my lane.  One of them I can get a good read on and the other ???, which is bad when I win by making good reads and lose on making bad reads.  Right?

  10. 1 minute ago, Zander? said:


    Sorry I'm nodding off but Voodoo read for me me in our 1 game was literally he was like thr most TWTBAW ever and I stuck with that tho I tinfoiled lole every 10 seconds on it lol

    Yeah I got that lol.  This feels like I lost two hours of life.  Could still be wolfin tbh, but newness just muddles the whole thing.

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